3 years without him

Red Rose


Its about 3 years since Minseok disappear from your life. His mom brought him away from Korea. And between the 3 years u’re missing him. U tried to run your life without him. Without seeing his smile, his laugh, his wink. U miss him so much.

“I thought I can handle the pain from being apart from him, but I cant…” You express your felling towards Haemin. Haemin tried to comfort u.

“I miss him. If it doesn’t too late for me to tell him how much I really love him.. Why ?? Why this happened to me ??” U cried loudly.

“U cant be like this. U must go on. I wanna see my old Jangmi. A cheerful Jangmi. Jangmi who is strong  facing challenges. I wanna see your smile again. Please, promise me. Start from today, u gonna start a new life, okay” request Haemin.

U nodded. “I’ll try”

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Chapter 3: Such a sad story T^T.....Update soon!