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I raked my fingers through my hair and inhaled a deep breathe. It had been nearly a week since that incident and I still had no idea what did that stare mean. My lessons for the day had finish while Bom was still in her last one. I buried my face in the pillow and groaned out loud frustratedly.


I see him often around in school, but it was mostly due to having to sat on the same table in the caferia. My initial plan was to sit alone and not bother with anyone but somehow, Bom joined me soon after and she invitied Taeyang over as well. Taeyang will then be the source of a place to sit for his buddies and I would end up sitting with a whole group of people - including Jiyong of course. 


I hadn't spoke to him since that day and he ignored me as if I wasn't there. Geez, am I that unoticeable? I took quick glances at him from time to time and he would have that smug look on his face while conversing with his mate. 


I closed my eyes and exhaled the breathe I was holding unconsciously. The intensity of his gaze, the way his eyes literally look like he is stripping me with it replayed in my mind over and over again.


In disgruntment, I grabbed the pillow that was under my head and flunged it forcefully against the wall. "Stupid stupid stupid!!" I wailed in auguish.


The next day came in a brisk as I paced around the room. "Bom, wake up already! We are going to be late for the first lesson!" I indicated to Bom which was still in her bed which responed with a long moan. I slipped on my pair of sneakers before grabbing my bag.


"I'm leaving first," I notified her and shut the door. Taking note of the time, I hurried to the corner of the building to take the short cut, afraid I would be late. I walked hastily, even half running when I felt a hand circled my wrist and yanked me vigorous

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ieqa3101 #1
Chapter 3: Update soon Authornim
mayflower262 #2
Chapter 3: Please update aouthornim! This fanfic os really really good... got me intrigued
LoverDreams #3
Chapter 3: I'm going to subscribe after writing this comment! Have this feeling that after you completed this story, this will go to my list of favourite fanfics! I read the previous comments below, and I totally agree! Since Dara here is portrayed naive and dense, I say that Jiyong falling in love with Dara first is a good idea, then he would make those sweet cute aegyo expressions or something to make Dara fall for him back.
Even though it's just a short 3 chapters, I'm totally loving this. Update soon yeah? <33
wenkie0414 #4
Chapter 3: update please! yeah i agree with the other comment let him fall for her first and have dara being dense and non committal about it hehe
tokki9 #5
Chapter 3: let jiyong fall first for dara I don't like a pathetic dara again.
haruhi19 #6
Chapter 3: new subscriber here! yay! i like the theme of this story and the flw hoping for the update soon! hehe
Chapter 3: Yehey update.. shukran
Chapter 2: New subscriber hereee~~ update soon okaaay. I know it'll be a great story. Duhh i already attached to it even its just 2 chapters
Rie10278 #9
Chapter 2: Oh I love this!!! I really love the plot. It reminds me of this book I've read recently out of curiosity, but the plot is entirely different. Like that book it has the bad boy good girl relationship thing going on (well sort of since the main girl character in the story has a dark secret despite being a goodie). It's called Beautiful Disaster, forgot the author. But still your story is vey unique! I love it. I will be anticipating every chapter. Great job! ;)
bumweh #10
Chapter 2: Authornim i love it..i'm asking for more..update juesyo~

He has a pet name for her already kyaaaaaaa