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I humed to the tune of Come Back Home as I walked into the gates of the campus. I heaved a sigh as I placed my luggage down on the ground to look around. Oh heck, this place was sure huge and I have no idea where to start to look for the office to get my dorm keys. I scanned my eyes through the environment and ponder over whether should I ask that emo looking guy over that or that group of blonde chicks giggling over something.



"DARAAAAAAAAAAA!" I heard someone shout my name as my lips curved into a smile after hearing that familiar voice. As I turned towards the direction of the voice, a tight hug engulfed me that send me staggering a few steps back before I could even speak. "Oh sure, I miss you too," I said before hugging her back, noticing how she lost a few pounds and taking in her sweet scent. Park Bom, my best friend which enrolled to attend the same college as me. I hadn't seen her for awhile now and eariler on, we've just decided to meet after settling in. 



I raised my brows when I looked over her shoulders to find a guy staring at us. He flashed me a grin as I observed him from head to toe before looking back into his eyes. Wearing a tight shirt, his chest and biceps muscles was emphasis, he had a dark mohawk hairstyle which he definitely spent much time in gelling it, he had small eyes which disappeared when he gave me that grin. 



Noticing the frown on my face, Bom turned around briefly then looked back at me, "He's Taeyang, a senior I met when I was in the bus just now! He helped me with my luggage," I rolled my eyes knowing that Bom is up to her old antics of using a guy unknowingly again. And every guy would complie with what she says because of her good looks and oh-so-slender body. I shifted my eyes to his hand and I don't even know why did I not realize that outstanding neon pink luggage eariler on. 



"Nice to meet you," he outstretched his hand and I took it firmly, "Sandara, you can call me Dara" I gave him a light smile when his over hand came over to take my luggage from me as well.



"Let me help both of you to settle comfortably," his voice was sincere and geniue - no trace of flirtiness nor does he seem like a bad guy. I glanced at Bom with a knowingly look and she gave me a mischievious smile while shrugging her shoulders.



Half an hour later, Bom were exchanging number with Taeyang while I enter into our dorm. It was really suprising how I got to be roommates with Bom - although I somehow key in a lengthy roommate attribute preference sheet while thinking all about Bom's personality. I claimed the bed nearest the window by throwing my luggage on it as I bounced on one feet trying to take off my converse. I heard the door slammed shut after I heard some mumbling outside not bothering what they were talking about even after exchanging numbers. Tch. I crossed my arms and fixated my eyes onto hers after I manage to take my shoes off.



"What?" she said with her hands up in an innocent gesture. "Oh please Bom, he was so into you!" I stated as a matter of fact, that Taeyang guy would not staring at her, he makes it seem so obvious. He would fidget and his face shown a clear emotion of shyness when Bom's hand brushed pass his to take her luggage from him. "He's a good guy, Bom." 



Pressing her lips together as she ped her bag, "I'm not up to no good Dara. He's the first guy that did not stare at my clevage or tried anything or even say anything the first time we meet," I sighed as I shot her a look of concern as I knew what she was thinking. Bom was like a real life doll, perfect in almost every aspect, most guys worship her because of her appearance - but no one really care about Bom for who she is. Girls would be around her as she attract guys attention and people merely treated her as if she was meant to be used. 



Changing the topic, she beamed at me all of a sudden throwing me her most pitiful yet undeniably cute expression. I know that expression all too well, she uses it every single time she wanted me to do something I wouldn't want to. "No." I said flatly dismissing off whatever she was going to ask before she even started. "What?! Why?!" she gave me a incredulous look and in the next second, she decided to employed her tugging-of-shirt-while-pleading method.



"Stop tugging my shirt Bom," I sighed, "What is it?" 



"There's a underground club near the campus! It is deemed as a social gathering by the teachers but they didn't know it was changed to a club for Freshman to socialize better!" She cheered as a wide smile appeared on her face. So that was what they are talking about.



I grimaced as I shook my head. "I'm the goody-two-shoes,"



Bom huffed as she stood up and gave me a dead glare before plopping down on her bed. "Don't you regret it when I get there," she said and I knew she was trying to play the guilt-trip method now. "Great! My best friend is not willing to go somewhere with me! She doesn't even care if I go there alone to a club with many drunks in there." 



I gritted my teeth when I heard what she say and I knew, we knew I was defeated. Balling my fist, I exhaled out slowly and close my eyes, "Fine Bom, fine." Her face brightened up immediately and in a flash, she tackled me down to my bed screaming, "You know I love you!"



Introducing Park Bom, my full time best friend-slash-roommate-slash-pain in a .



"YG Underground Club" the huge neon flickering colours caught my attention when we reached the quietest and isolated part of the campus tagging along Taeyang. "Why does a boy like you goes clubbing," I asked again for the nth time as Bom groaned in annoyance as if I was embarrasing her. He chuckled softly before answering, "I've a best friend that is the total opposite of me, thats why." I glanced back at me and Bom, seems like something we have in common, the thought popped in my mind as I grin to myself. 


"Stay close," Taeyang whispered to us and leaded us into the dark. Its not a wonder why the teachers have not found out of this club. Its like abandoned place instead of a club. Afraid of the dark and afraid of getting lost, I gripped Bom tightly following her from behind. Ironically, although because of the dark, I was thankful for it hid my scared expression. My heavy uneven breathing however did not help.



He leaded us down a flight of stairs and I started to feel faint noises. Following the source of the noise which began getting louder and louder, Taeyang yanked open a rusty old door and it was like an entire new world - just like narnia.



The strong and flashy lights bind my eyes as I tried adjusting from the darkness. The music was almost defeaning and I wondered how the rusty door was able to keep out all of the noise in here. The air was thick with a medley of sweat, acohol and smoke screaming how I don't belong here at all. I crinkled my nose as we stepped in. Beside me, I h

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ieqa3101 #1
Chapter 3: Update soon Authornim
mayflower262 #2
Chapter 3: Please update aouthornim! This fanfic os really really good... got me intrigued
LoverDreams #3
Chapter 3: I'm going to subscribe after writing this comment! Have this feeling that after you completed this story, this will go to my list of favourite fanfics! I read the previous comments below, and I totally agree! Since Dara here is portrayed naive and dense, I say that Jiyong falling in love with Dara first is a good idea, then he would make those sweet cute aegyo expressions or something to make Dara fall for him back.
Even though it's just a short 3 chapters, I'm totally loving this. Update soon yeah? <33
wenkie0414 #4
Chapter 3: update please! yeah i agree with the other comment let him fall for her first and have dara being dense and non committal about it hehe
tokki9 #5
Chapter 3: let jiyong fall first for dara I don't like a pathetic dara again.
haruhi19 #6
Chapter 3: new subscriber here! yay! i like the theme of this story and the flw hoping for the update soon! hehe
Chapter 3: Yehey update.. shukran
Chapter 2: New subscriber hereee~~ update soon okaaay. I know it'll be a great story. Duhh i already attached to it even its just 2 chapters
Rie10278 #9
Chapter 2: Oh I love this!!! I really love the plot. It reminds me of this book I've read recently out of curiosity, but the plot is entirely different. Like that book it has the bad boy good girl relationship thing going on (well sort of since the main girl character in the story has a dark secret despite being a goodie). It's called Beautiful Disaster, forgot the author. But still your story is vey unique! I love it. I will be anticipating every chapter. Great job! ;)
bumweh #10
Chapter 2: Authornim i love it..i'm asking for more..update juesyo~

He has a pet name for her already kyaaaaaaa