2014 Fanfiction Awards

Good Review Shop | BUSY



Yes, you could be what we are looking for!

World of Literature will be spearheading this year's 2014 Fanfiction Awards.

Subscribe to the thread so that you will receive updates every now and then.


Since I was asked to be a member of the panel of judges, my updates will be slow.

And that, there will be some limitations on the acceptance of review requests.

For example:

If you decided to join the fanfiction awards and your story has psychological thriller, I'm sorry to say that I will not accept your review request, in case you wanted to have your story reviewed here. The reason is that I will be judging on the psychological thriller category. There maybe some changes in the future, but for now this is my rule.

But if your entry to the fanfiction awards has no psychological thriller and that you asked for a review here, I may accept it. I emphasized may because like what I've mentioned, there maybe some changes.

To join the event, click here.

Thanks for reading and good luck to our writers!





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Chapter 20: Hey~ Do you remember me? I'm the write who wrote 'Am I Hurting?', the story you review in Batch 3. I just want some help. A small one. In the review, you said my characterization for Hyukjae was unrealistic. I've edited the chapter for that scene (Chapter 2) and I want to know is it better than before. Is it enough hesitations from his character or do you think it is still unrealistic. I know this is out of the blue, but I don't know who better than you to assess me. If you are not to busy, of course. If you have lots to do, than it is really fine :)
allmylove #2
Hi. mj_DTD starting a shops list and he want to add your shop :
Can you pls complete this form and put it in the comments box for this link?

Author's name:
Author's link:
Banner's link:
Shop's Title:
Shop's link:
Shop genre:
Author's Note:
Info you want to add:
Services/Packs/posters/trailers exp:

pandoralacey #3
Chapter 1: Author : pandoralacey

Profile Link/s: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/748637

Story Title: Trapped

Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/780858/trapped-eunjung-friendship-horror-hyuna-mystery-supernatural-kai

Poster Link (if any): http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd205/teenace07/er.png

Type (One shot or Chaptered): One shot

Status (Complete or Ongoing): Complete

Characters: Hyuna, Eunjung, EXO

Genre: Friendship, Horror, Mystery, Romance

Rated (if yes, please specify e.g. character death, self-harm, ual content): Rated M for alleged

Summary: Only that day (2013, September) did I learnt the pungent smell blood, varieties of human flesh, and the morbid of death; it was the turning point in my life, also the beginning of everything – when the bus we rode skidded into a ravine. When I was on the verge of surrendering to the tragic fate, she reached for my hand and told me, "We'll survive this together."

Forty-four people were killed in the country's deadliest road accident; There were only six survivors and I was one of them.

Short synopsis: A heart-whole friendship developed between two strangers (Song Hyuna, Cha Eunjung) that met and survive in a tragic accident. In no time at all, they were inseparable, but when Song Hyuna found herself enamoured with Eunjung's former boyfriend (Kai), her best friend went missing and it got to the point where she dread going to bed.

Message to readers: Greetings earthlings, first and foremost thank you for reading this. If you're interested with my story, please kindly check it out and leave some comments while you're at it. I'll be anticipating you.

Anything else?

Package: Special Packages # 3
Chapter 2: username: cherrybloss21

position (graphic designer/beta reader): graphic designer

portfolio (graphic designer only): http://inspirit201.imgur.com/all/
hi, would you like to be affiliates? ♡
pinkad #6
Mind to be affies? \^o^/

Mystical Light advertisement shop

I want to apply ^^

username: northmelon

position (graphic designer/beta reader): graphic designer

portfolio (graphic designer only): http://imgur.com/a/5kNmV

story links (beta reader only): N/A
Chapter 21: Well- the problem is my english isn't really good, and I don't know how to tell what's on my mind. It always be short..