The Unforgettable Birthday

A XiuHan fan-fiction - Innocent Love


The days were flying by and Luhan had to balance his work and his special suprise for Xiu Min. There wasn't a lot of time but Luhan put his heart, soul and time at night to prepare this present. Xiu Min and Luhan became closer after that day they made up. They both went back to being best friends like always and they didn't really feel much friendzoning during these few days because they learnt to appreciate their time together. Their feelings towards each other got stronger but Luhan held back all temptations to confess his love to Xiu Min. Whereas Xiu Min just felt happy being next to him and holding hands, etc. He was too excited about the future comeback for EXO and his upcoming birthday. He had understood throughout the past few months that there may not even be a future together as a couple. EXO were taking a short break and the day before Xiu Min's birthday, the EXO members were dragging Xiu Min to Myeongdong street to go shopping with them as they had no idea what to get their hyung. However, Luhan stayed at home to make some finishing touches on his present.

//Xiu Min's POV// I wonder why Luhan refused to go out with us today? Has he already gotten me a present? Still, he should have come with us and spend some quality time with us before we have to work again. He can't leave me with these my dongsaengs!! It's my birthday soon, so the EXO members are dragging me from store to store in Myeongdong street. They keep asking me, "Xiu Min hyung, do you like this? Ohh, how about this?"

Seriously, I don't mind what they get me, it's the thought that counts. I'm the kind of person that doesn't really know what to recieve, I love to give more than to receive. However, if someone could somehow get me a one-way ticket to Luhan's heart, I would like that very much. The clothes are alright, the hats are cool, the shoes are fine, just get me something decent. Not newspapers or something like that, maybe a watch? I don't know... whatever the members get me, I'll love it anyways! Although I'd also like a painting from Kris, I think I'm the only besides Kris who thinks he's a true artist. I think he draws very nicely, better than me anyways. Abstract art is his style, I suppose.

I told Kris, "Kris, how about you give me a painting for my birthday, might be better than spending money on other things." Kris's face brightened up immediately and he smiled while saying, "I'll prepare a masterpiece done by the one and only Kriscasso for your birthday present! And I promise it'll be great!" I laughed and said, "I can't wait for it Kris, surprise me! And I'll even hang it up on my wall." He eagerly nodded and went into an art shop to purchase some art materials. I chuckled and thought: Yeah, I'll put the painting on my wall... right next to the photo of me and Luhan. Sigh, I miss that deer!

//D.O's POV// I decided to stay at the dorm to accompany Luhan while the other members went out last-minute shopping for Xiu Min's present. I stayed at home to tidy up my room. Sehun was rooming with me since I had my stupid fight with Kai. That stupid f**king fight. Kai can be so stubborn sometimes! Anyways, since I'm not very good at picking clothes for other members and I really couldn't think of anything else, I got him a handmade card with a customized phone case. I noticed that his phone case was cracked last week so I'm sure he'll use it. I just hope that no one else got him that. 

I walked over to the living room to sit down after cleaning up my room and saw Luhan wrapping his present in wrapping paper. I asked him, "Luhan hyung, what did you get Xiu Min hyung? It looks pretty." Luhan turned around and replied, "Oh, hi Kyungsoo. I can't tell you that, wait till tomorrow night. Have we got anything planned for his birthday?"

"I think Suho and Kris are planning that together. They'll tell us either by tonight or tomorrow what the plan is, I wonder what we'll be doing? I'm quite excited, Suho always has the best plans!" I said while Luhan nods as he finishes tying the ribbon neatly. I looked at the present once more before Luhan took it to hs room. Luhan is so close with Xiu Min, I'm so sure Luhan will confess tomorrow, Chanyeol and Baekhyun will lose this bet.


Chanyeol approached me during our trip to Seoul Grand Park when we were having our lunch. He said, "Baekhyun and I have a bet that Luhan hyung actually loves Xiu Min hyung but we both think that he wouldn't confess by Xiu Min's birthday, he has the title of 'Chicken' after all. Care to bet against that, Kyungsoo? Loser has to do a punishment, any punishment that the winner wants." I thought about it for a while and thought that Luhan would confess, why should he not confess? Chanyeol and Baekhyun are clearly wrong! Hence, I agreed to the bet and bet that Luhan will confess to Xiu Min hyung by his birthday. 

~Flashback end~

//Narrator// It was late at night and Suho and Kris had gathered all the EXO members, excluding Xiu Min, to the living room to reveal their plan for Xiu Min's birthday tomorrow. Suho said, "Alright, Kris and I have been thinking about it and we've came up with a plan. Now, don't interrupt us at any point and questions later, understood?"

The sleepy members nodded and Suho continued, "Tomorrow morning, the chefs of EXO, meaning Chanyeol, D.O and Lay, will have to head to the market to buy some food for a dinner feast. You guys will have to think of some of Xiu Min's favourite foods to cook and buy the ingredients to cook for tomorrow night's dinner. Kris and I will go out after lunch to buy steamed buns for Xiu Min while Kai, Tao and Baekhyun will decorate the dorm with the decorations in the store room. Chen will bake a cake for Xiu Min and --

"WHAT? I don't wanna bake for him, can't I just buy one for him, hyung?" Chen interrupted.

Suho calmly said, "No you can't, Chen. Your baking skills are superb, I'm sure Xiu Min will appreciate the effort. You can go out of the dorm to bake the cake if you want but you'll have to bring the cake over by 6pm to put it in the fridge." Chen mumbled, "Fine..."

Suho continued, "Luhan, you can be the supervisor at home and make sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing. You can help the others with their errands too if you want. And Sehunnie, our maknae."

Suho puts his hand on Sehun's shoulder and said, "You are the key to this plan, the key to making sure that our plan succeeds. You, have to distract Xiu Min. Get him out of the house after lunch. Go for a movie, get bubble tea, do whatever it takes to distract him and don't you dare come back before 6pm. Oh Sehun, our maknae, I am counting on you!" He pats Sehun on his shoulder and Sehun replied, "Hyung, stop being so dramatic about it. I'll do my best to distract him, I'll take him to watch a movie, play some video games and basketball, maybe go to the park and get bubble tea and take the long route back to the dorm. It should give you hyungs more than enough time. I'll call Luhan when we're about to arrive at the dorm. Alright?"

Kris and Suho nodded and Kris said, "Well, I guess that settles the plan. Everyone has got gifts for Xiu Min, I assume? Remember to wrap the presents, hide it from him in the morning and take it out when Sehun and Xiu Min goes out." Lay asks, "Should we still say 'happy birthday' to Xiu Min hyung tomorrow morning?" Suho hits Lay on the head lightly and says, "Pabo! Of course we still have to, it'll be rude not to. As long as he doesn't know about the surprise tomorrow night. If he asks how we are going to celebrate, just say we are going to sing happy birthday to him and give him presents. Or just say, you don't know. Big mouths and forgetful members, you know who you are, please do not reveal anything to Xiu Min and try and act normal and natural around him. We don't want him to feel burdened."  The members nodded and went back to sleep. 

The next morning, the chefs of EXO woke up earlier, had a quick breakfast and rushed off to buy some ingredients for the dinner feast. Luhan was sleeping on the bed next to Xiu Min and Luhan woke up right after Xiu Min. Luhan smiled towards Xiu Min and said, "Happy birthday, Xiu Min!" He stood up to hug Xiu Min and Xiu Min replied, "Thanks, Luhan. Let's go for breakfast, together." Luhan agreed and said, "We should go out to eat today, something special for my Bao Zi." Xiu Min nodded and suggested a place nearby to eat at.

Luhan texted Suho: I'm taking Xiu Min out to eat, you guys plan your own breakfast cos' the chefs aren't around. Good luck trying not to burn down the ktichen, we still need it later. Haha. :D 

Suho and the other EXO members woke up by 8:00 am and decided to order out since the chefs weren't around. They discussed what they were going to do after breakfast for Xiu Min's birthday and they decided to just sing some karaoke and dance randomly, to make it subtle for the evening. Once Xiu Min and Luhan came back from breakfast, all the EXO members greeted Xiu Min a happy birthday which ensued a sea of hugs after that. After a delicious chicken lunch, it was 1:00pm. 

//Sehun's POV// It was time to distract Xiu Min and get him out of the dorm. I said, "Xiu Min hyung, can we go out together now? Just the two of us." Xiu Min replied, "Oh, just the two of us?" "Yeah, we never get to spend time together, just the two of us. I thought it was a bit boring staying in the dorm, especially on hyung's birthday. Let's go!" Xiu Min said, "Alright, alright. Lead the way, Sehun." "Yehet!" I smiled and grabbed his hand to drag him out of the dorm. We both got into the car and drove off to a further movie cinema. We talked a lot in the car since we never actually get to talk much, I enjoyed it very much. I just hope the hyungs back at the dorm were using their time well.

//Luhan's POV// The chefs are now in the kitchen cooking, Suho and Kris just went out to get the steamed buns, Chen is also out to bake his cake. Kai, Tao and Baekhyun got the decorations from the store room, I should probably help them get the ladder. Everything seems to be going well, we work well as a team! Of course, EXO is one. I feel like I'm not doing much, so I guess I could try and help the chefs out. And remember Luhan, keep your phone in your pocket and maximum volume on the ringtone, Sehun or any EXO members might call me, I can't afford to miss the call! Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Lay were in the kitchen, Kyungsoo gave the ingredients to Lay to cut or whatever they were doing and Chanyeol was busy preparing another dish.They were cooking a total of 5 dishes and the chefs were doing their best and the fastest they could. Chen told me he was baking a chocolate cake with vanilla icing on top, sounds sweet and something Xiu Min might like. Fans were also sending their presents and it was absolutely insane how much they loved Xiu Min, I was very touched and I'm sure he would be too. We decided to place the presents from the fans separate from our presents since we all know that Xiu Min likes to be neat and tidy. According to our manager, those presents were only a fraction of it and there were many more. I was so surprised! 

//Sehun's POV// We picked a comedy movie to watch and I offered to buy the popcorn and drinks, since it was his birthday. This movie was also surprisingly long, 2 and a half hours. I never knew a comedy movie could run for this long! But it was good that it was long, even if the beginning was a bit over-done and too long, it gave the hyungs more time and less things to think of to do with Xiu Min. I only had to think of things to do within the next 2 and a half hours. After the movie, I decided we should walk around the building since we rarely ever came here. This movie cinema was a few streets further down than the normal movie cinema the EXO members go to. We took some photos at the photobooth, played some arcade games and that already took up 1 hour. I decided to call up by backup and I called Amber sunbae-nim from f(x) to hang out with us for half an hour to 45 minutes. Amber gave Xiu Min a present and he thanked Amber for it.

Talking and talking, conversation after conversation, it was 5:45 pm. It was time to get bubble tea and go back to the dorm. By then, everything should have been done. Hopefully. Luhan hasn't texted about any sudden emergencies or updated me at all, I guess they were all really busy. Amber said goodbye to Xiu Min as we left the cafe and headed for bubble tea. We actually didn't have much at the cafe, only water so we had enough room for bubble tea in our stomachs. I was talking to Xiu Min a lot more and usually we don't talk a lot because Luhan hyung is always around us and either of us are talking to him. I got to know a lot more about Xiu Min hyung and I'm glad Suho hyung had asked me to go out with Xiu Min.  

//Luhan's POV// Chen just came back and placed the cake in the fridge, but the chefs were still cooking. Suho and Kris had came back with the steamed buns that they had spent so long lining up for but since it was Xiu Min's birthday, they made the special exception. Kai, Tao and Baekhyun are placing the presents in the living room. I should be receiving a text or a call from Sehun in a while, I better go and check out our chefs.

"Kyungsoo ah, how are we doing? How many dishes are prepared already? Do you need any help?"

Kyungsoo shouted, "We're finished with the 2 dishes and the other 2 are almost done, Chanyeol is putting them on the plates and Lay is cooking the last one. Could you help us set the table, Luhan hyung?"

I immediately went to get the table mats, utensils and plates. In 3 minutes, I was done with my task. Suho helped to bring the dishes out and placed them on the table. Kris and Tao helped the deco team to place the 'happy birthday' banner. Everything was going smoothly. My phone beeped and it was a message from Sehun! 

Luhan hyung, we are almost at the dorm, 5 to 10 mins. - Sehun 

I screamed at the top of my lungs, "EXO! 5 minutes!! Sehun and Xiu Min are almost back, hurry!!"

I heard Chanyeol say, "Hurry up and get the kimchi spaghetti to the table, Kyungsoo!" The deco team was done with the decorations and the dorm looked great. Baekhyun got the confetti to throw at Xiu Min when we walks through the door and everyone crowded around the door, eagerly waiting for the arrival of the birthday hyung. The door clicked. Sehun flung the door open and we all shouted, "SURPRISE! Happy birthday, Xiu Min hyung!" 

//Xiu Min's POV// I was indeed very surprised, I didn't think that they'd throw a huge party for me. I gave them all hugs and thanked them. The dorm was decorated prettily and there were so many presents, definitely more than 11, that's for sure. It must've been the fans! We started with dinner at around 6:15pm and there was an aromatic smell that almost caused me to drool. I could smell steamed buns!! Kyungsoo uncovered the 6 dishes on the table and I was amazed. Kimchi spaghetti, miso soup, Korean beef, soft tofu stew, stir-fried squid and steamed buns. Wahh, what a spread! The chefs in EXO are truly amazing, it smells really good and it will definitely taste delicious.

We started eating quickly and finished our food by 7:00pm, so it was time to open presents! They told me to start from the maknae, so Sehun gave me his present and I opened it up. It was clothes that we picked out together the other day we went shopping. I thanked him and moved on. Kai got me a nice Casio watch, Tao got me cologne, D.O got me a phone case and a card, that was nice of him.

Kai, who was next to me, mummered, "I was gonna get you a phone case but I changed to a watch last minute cos I remember you said you didn't need a new one, even though it was cracked."

Wow, Kai and D.O thought of the same thing, how cute!

Chanyeol got me a hat, Chen got me nice shoes to wear to a formal event and Baekhyun got me various sports equipment that included soccer shoes, a soccer ball and a sports band. Lay got me a cool-looking lava lamp, Suho got me a few books that were quite interesting, I'd definitely spend time reading these books. Kris told me that he'd reveal his present the last so Luhan gave me his present. I was anticipating his present the most, I didn't know what he could have gotten me. I opened it up quickly and it was a charm bracelet!

"With a heart right in the middle with our initials 'XL', do you like it?" Luhan asked.

"Of course I love it Luhan. Thank you!" I smiled brightly at me and wore it immediately on my right arm as Kai's watch is on my left arm. It was beautiful and the initials weirdly reminded me of the extra large size that you would sometimes find in shops. I guess our love is 'extra large' too!

Finally, it was Kris's present. I wondered what he had painted for me. He gave it to me and it was too funny! The 'EXO' sign was written above and there was a heart painted in red below a stick figure (which is probably me) and a weird looking shape with yellow (which I later found out it was a cake). 11 stick figures were drawn on the right of the canvas with the words 'happy birthday' written in Korean below them. There were more random drawings around the canvas which Kris later explained to me. I then ran to my room and hung it. After about an hour of just talking and having fun, we ended the night and went to sleep. I laid on my bed and Luhan came in with a flower in his hand. Ohh, an extra present from my best friend? How interesting! He gave me the flower and put his phone down and guitar music started playing. Luhan also started singing.

Through the hardships we faced, we overcame. All the good and bad, we shared together. I'd protect you and hug you no matter the weather. (oh woah oh) You'll be the one for me and I'll be yours to hug and love, to hold and cry. I'll stay by you forever till forever ends. You're the key to the lock in my heart, baby. Just please accept my love and make it a happy ending. You're the key to unlocking my heart and opening the gates to the heaven of love. I love you so much and I need you, because you're the key to the lock in my heart. 

"I love you, Xiu Min." 


Luhan just confessed, he just confessed. He loves me too! Omo, the song was amazing too! I replied, "I love you too, Luhan."

Then, our lips met and melted with one another. We were kissing, this was happening. Our lips moved in sync and it was passionate and filled with love. We broke away after an eternity and we hugged each other as we went to sleep... 


//D.O's POV// I closed the door gently to leave the two love birds alone and Chanyeol and Baekhyun were behind me, with a sullen look. They had lost the bet. They didn't say anything to me until we went to their bedroom. Baekhyun said, "I can't believe you won Kyungsoo."

"Ha! I told you so, they love each ither so I didn't see why one of them shouldn't have confessed. I told you so." I said.

Chanyeol whispered loudly, "Yahh! Just give us the punishment already so we can sleep in peace!" I smirked and said, "I'm not letting you off that easy, I'll only tell you your punishment tomorrow. Chanyeol ah, Baekhyun ah. you're not going to forget this day and I think you'll regret your decision. You should've shipped XiuHan with me." 



A.N: This was a not romantic ending at all but I wanted it to be slightly different. If you want me to do an alt ending, feel free to drop me a message or comment. I might do a one-shot for Sehun and a Tao fan-fic so feel free to subscribe, kamsahamnida! ^^ =)

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