Introducing Luhan!

A XiuHan fan-fiction - Innocent Love


Hello there, I'm Luhan! Oh, we're talking about Xiu Min? Uhhm, well alright then. *blushes* Xiu Min has been my friend, my very cute, strong, amazing, funny... oh sorry, I got a bit carried away there. It's just hard to describe him in so little words, I think if I wrote them all out, it might fill a dictionary. Xiu Min is undeniably my Bao Zi, even though Sehun and I seemingly look like a cute couple, I don't love him like that, he's like my little brother I have to take care of. This special bond I have with Sehun, this path of friendship won't lead to love, at least for now. Because I love Xiu Min. We have been friends since we first met. There was something about Xiu Min that I was attracted to. I didn't exactly have this 'spark of love' when I first saw him, I don't really believe in love at first sight. I think it's usually the looks that gets you initially but for me, it was his personality that was more striking. Of course, the first thing you would see when you look at a person is their outer appearance. It's not like Xiu Min didn't have a really good outer appearance, he certainly did! I remember after talking to Kris the first time I arrived at Incheon Airport, I immediately took notice of Xiu Min and he was looking at me with these round, cute eyes. I thought he was at most 20 and he was probably the maknae of the group. As we started talking to each other, I realized that we had a lot of things in common and he was a cheery person that was neat and tidy, particular with the way things were placed and his expressions were so funny. His smile could light up a room.

When he smiles, sun shines. 

Even though Chanyeol is 'Mr Happy Virus', I think Xiu Min would do a better job in cheering me up than Chanyeol. I remember when we were filming for our music video debut, MAMA, I was feeling so stressed and I overworked myself. I soon got a high fever and I often got headaches and dizzy. Even though Kris was the leader, he had to manage many other things and he faced several problems. He was missing his family very much and he had a hard time trying to master the dance choreography for MAMA. Lay and I weren't very close either so he'd just help cook some porridge for me in the mornings and left it out on the table for me. Chen and Tao were also very stressed and they had to help themselves before they helped me, which is totally understandable. And so it was Xiu Min who took care of me, he bought me medicine, took me to the doctor and I remember when I had to take an injection. I absolutely hated and was terrified of the needle. Xiu Min told a few jokes to calm me down and even held my hand while shouting, "Come on, Lu-ge! You're a man, be manly!" He even fed me Lay's porridge when I didn't want to eat it. 

Xiu Min was caring towards me and I gradually fell for him. The way he looked at me when he was asking me how I was feeling, the way he talked and did I mention his angelic face when he falls asleep after tirelessly taking care of me... I often ask myself, "Why do I love Xiu Min so much?" I guess when you truly love someone, you can't find a reason. You just do. Although I never told anyone about these feelings for Xiu Min, I just kept them bottled up in my heart. 

After I recovered and finished shooting the MAMA music video and the promotions in China, there was a break for all of us. I was always thinking of Xiu Min and he didn't cross my mind, he lived in it. I knew I had to do something about these feelings. I decided to express my feelings for Xiu Min through a song. So, during the break, I was in the dorm writing a song dedicated to the one and only Xiu Min. I never told anyone, not even Xiu Min, that the song was about him. The song was originally called 'First Steps of Love' but SM didn't make it into a song until they dug it up in October 2013 and changed some of they lyrics and made it into 'Baby' which we sung for our first album. Xiu Min said that it was his favourite song from the album. You have no idea how much my heart melted when he said that. When we recorded the song, I was only thinking about Xiu Min and I couldn't help but stare at him and smile at him with a lovey-dovey expression. Even though I did have to sing the pre-chorus with Lay, my heart was with Xiu Min. He stared at me back while he was singing. I felt his heart opening up to me yet I couldn't reach it no matter how hard I tried. I tried to ignore him after the recording that night and I just needed space to rethink everything. I only re-confirmed my love for Xiu Min after my alone self-reflection in my room. I figured that I could just be the best friend I could be to Xiu Min and love will come naturally if fate allows it. In the meantime, I will wait very patiently and these feelings never changed. Maybe it's because I'm really loyal or I just really love Xiu Min.

Why do you make my eyes shine like this?

Why do you make my heart beat so crazily? 

We've been friends for 2 years and I'm still waiting. But I don't want to wait anymore. I want to take those first steps to find out whether Xiu Min loves me like how I love him and answer all the questions that have been left unanswered. I pray that he does share these same feelings. Sigh, wish me good luck as I go on a journey to find Xiu Min's love and unravel the truth. He's more than a friend, he's my black pearl. 



A.N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter 2! Did you like the picture of Luhan? He looks like he's ily biting his lips at you. Haha, yes, Luhan is my ultimate bias! =) And Xiu Min is my second bias. XiuHan was my first (and my OTP) ship that I shipped in EXO cos I always saw them so close to one another. I hope this chapter was good! Bye! 

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