Everybody hates the second album

I think I'll need more earplugs

Not proof read, so there are a bunch of mistakes, but at least it's all fluffy and adorable.

Aaaaand again, this is a random part of their relationship, but a very important one! ;D


Sometimes, little decisions could effect your whole life. Sometimes though, little decisions were nothing but that – little, not really important questions waiting to be answered. Like right now, when Kyuhyun wondered if it was worth the money to buy some already cooked food he just had to reheat, or if he should just go for ramen again. He liked ramen, but he kind of craved some real food by now.

Behind him some women stood in front of a the few shelves with magazines and talked as loudly as if they were alone. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and was about to put his ear phones back in his ears to ignore the world as he was used to, but then he heard his boyfriends name.

His boyfriend. Lee Sungmin.

Kyuhyun still couldn’t believe it. He, a security guard who had never been in college, was allowed to call this amazing, talented man his own. As always when he thought about the older man he couldn’t help but smile, but there was also a sudden rush of distress running through him. It was difficult to meet with Sungmin, to spend some time together when the singer was constantly stalked by reporters and fangirls. They hadn’t made their relationship public yet, and so they had to either stay inside or go out incognito. It was tiring if Kyuhyun was honest, but Sungmin was worth it.

Behind him the women were still talking. Kyuhyun frowned as he was able to understand some parts of their conservation.

“… constantly on his phone or texting, he just has to be with someone.”

“I heard it’s one of his background dancers, the really tall girl.”

“Well, she definitely knows how to move her body.” the other woman laughed. Then she frowned. “But wait, I thought he is … you know… into men.” The last word was nothing more than a whisper and Kyuhyun almost missed it.

“Oh please, don’t you know that being … like that is some sort of a trend right now? In the end he will settle down with some pretty girl and have a few children, just like everyone else should do. You’ll see.”

Kyuhyun tried to swallow down every rude comment which he could have thrown into the women’s faces. They didn’t know it any better, they were just gossiping like everyone else did. Sungmin was on the peak of his career, so of course articles about him sold well. But the reporters had to write about something, and especially the female part of the singer’s fans liked to read about his possible love interests. And the woman was actually right, homouality was some sort of a new market. But for Sungmin it wasn’t just a phase, some sick way to raise his popularity. And they had talked about this – settling down, having a family, having kids. There had been no secrets from the very beginning on, and even now, four months after their first date, Kyuhyun believed that there were no secrets regarding their relationship between them.

Kyuhyun sighed as he threw some random products into his depressingly empty shopping cart and quickly walked towards the counter. Waiting in line he actually winced in surprise as his phone buzzed, signalizing an incoming call. Pulling it out he immediately felt a few stones being lifted from his heart and he smiled as he saw the name of the caller. So maybe “earplugs-guy” wasn’t the most romantic cover name ever, but it certainly had a special ring to it. Or maybe Kyuhyun was just being weird. That’s what Sungmin said anyways.

“I already worried you might actually survive without hearing my lovely voice today.” he said instead of a proper hello.

“And miss the chance to see those reporters trying to think of yet another actor or singer or gardener they can pair me up with? No way.” Sungmin’s muffled voice sounded amused, but there was a hint of annoyance hidden behind the small smile Kyuhyun could almost see in front of his eyes.  He suppressed a sigh. Hiding their relationship wasn’t easy for him, but it was even worse for Sungmin.

“Well, I’m afraid there’s not enough space inside the joke that I call my apartment for anyone but you and me this evening.” he said lightly, smiling as he heard the faint chuckle of the singer. “See you later?”

“Sure, but I’ll have to change at mine first, today’s recording clothes are uncomfortable as hell, and also I found this really good wine we definitely have to share while eating your overcooked ramen.”

Kyuhyun glanced down on his shopping cart, rolling his eyes at the mocking pack of ramen. “I don’t overcook it! You simply add too much water!” he protested weakly. He didn’t stand a chance anyways, because they both knew Kyuhyun couldn’t chop vegetables without setting the kitchen on fire.




Waiting for Sungmin to come back to the old couch they both adored, Kyuhyun sent a quick message at his boss, agreeing to take double shifts for the next two weeks. It would be hell because there were four concerts of some American band who played hard rock and whose fans were mostly male, mostly drunk and definitely loud, but he needed the money.

He sighed in annoyance as Sungmin’s cellphone started ringing. He looked over his shoulder, but Sungmin was still in the bathroom, so he took the phone and looked at the name of the caller.

“Min, there’s a monkey calling you. Should I ask, or do I don’t want to know?”

He could hear the singer laughing. “It’s one of my background dancers, Hyukjae. And most of the time he’s one hundred percent human, don’t worry. Pick up.”

“I can’t answer your cellphone!” Kyuhyun protested. “He’ll tell someone and five seconds later you have your scandal.”

“Don’t worry, Hyukjae is trustworthy. And just say you’re my friend.”

Kyuhyun didn’t like the idea to introduce himself as just a friend to one of Sungmin’s friends, but at this point there was no other choice.

“Hello?” he said, answering the call.

“Who’s there?” a cautious voice answered. “I’m sorry, I think I called the wrong–“

“No, wait.” Kyuhyun said quickly. “Are you Hyukjae? The background dancer?”

“Ehm… maybe? That depends on who you are. And why you have this cellphone.”

This guy was obviously careful to not give away any information, just in case someone stole Sungmin’s phone. Kyuhyun liked that.

“I’m a friend of Min. My name is Kyuhyun, maybe he mentioned me?”

“Oh, the security guy!” Hyukjae’s voice immediately sounded more relaxed and he kind of laughed… Kyuhyun at least believed it was a laugh, although it kind of sounded like hyena being strangled to death. “Yes, he told me about you.”

Kyuhyun felt panic washing over him like a bucket of cold water. What exactly did Hyukjae mean with that? Did Sungmin tell him everything, or…?

“He said you were pretty funny. Just know that if you only pretend to be his friend because you want a piece of his fame blah blah bull, there will be a lot of people trying to hurt you. In very creative ways. In the end we’re still artists, you know?”

The young brunet chuckled. He already liked this guy, and he was actually relieved that he thought of Kyuhyun as nothing but a friend of Sungmin. “That’s not going to be necessary, but I’ll keep it in mind.” he promised and Hyukjae hummed satisfied. “Was there a special reason why you called Sungmin? He can’t answer the phone at the moment – obviously – so if I can deliver your message…?”

“Oh right! I almost forgot that.” Hyukjae suddenly didn’t sound that content anymore. “Just… just tell him that the manager wanted to talk with him. About… publicity and stuff. Say it’s about his second album, and he’ll know.”

Kyuhyun frowned. He thought Sungmin just published his fourth album. What was suddenly so important about his second one? “Uh… okay.”

“And Kyuhyun?” Hyukjae added after a short break. “He’ll probably be upset.”

Now the brunet was really worried. Behind him he could hear the door of the bathroom open, but Hyukjae had already hung up. He could feel himself relax though, as suddenly two strong arms slipped around his waist from behind, pulling him against Sungmin’s warm chest. This was one of his favorite parts of their relationship – those small, intimate touches which belonged completely to them. They were enough to make him forget that their relationship was more a c-class Hollywood script than anything close to reality.


“What did Hyuk want?” Sungmin murmured lazily.

Kyuhyun closed his eyes as he enjoyed their proximity. “I didn’t really understand what he said – apart from when he threatened me in case I just wanted your fame.” He could feel Sungmin’s low chuckle and yes, this was something his body was definitely approving.

“And then there was something about your manager… He wants to talk to you. Hyukjae didn’t want to say anything more specific, but he said something about your second album and that you’d understand.”

He could feel Sungmin’s body tensing and almost pouted as the older pulled away. Only almost though, because he was still trying to save at least a tiny bit of his reputation.

“I need to call my manager.” Sungmin said, his voice sounding strangely tight. As if he was holding back.

“Is everything alright?” Kyuhyun asked, worried about the other.

“Honestly? I’m afraid it’s not. But maybe I’m just panicking and it’s okay.” Sungmin tried to smile, and seeing him failing was even worse than seeing how tensed he suddenly was.

Kyuhyun frowned, but didn’t try to push any further. “I’m in the kitchen if you need me.” he said slowly. Sungmin nodded, shooting him a thankful look before turning around, his fist clutching tightly around his cellphone.

Trying not to disturb the obviously troubled singer, Kyuhyun grabbed an apple, not bothering with sliding it into pieces. That would demand actually handling knives from him… and an apple wasn’t really worth the risk of him trying to do anything right in the kitchen. His look fell on the microwave and he felt goose bumps running down his spine. Pizza. A lot… and everywhere and… no.

There was really no need to think about that. 

He sighed and absently bit into the apple. He was really worried about Sungmin. Normally, his manager and all the higher people in charge, whose names Kyuhyun never remembered, let Sungmin make most decisions by himself. For his company it had been a high risk to allow him to be open about his ual preferences – especially since he had been one of the first Asian artists to do so. And although admitting to be gay and actually openly being in a relationship with another man were two different things, Kyuhyun was quite sure that the singer’s company would allow them to make their relationship public. But he didn’t trust himself to be ready for that yet.

So there wasn’t really something Sungmin could be worried about… and yet it seemed as if he was.


Kyuhyun’s eyes followed the singer as he returned without his cellphone, groaning as he let himself fall on one of the small chairs in the kitchen. Not sure what he should say, Kyuhyun simply sat down on the other chair, continuing to watch his boyfriend. Like that they sat a few minutes in silence.    

“Do you remember the title track of my second album?” Sungmin suddenly asked.

Kyuhyun frowned. “I… erm… ‘Stay’? No wait, that was your first single… I think. Or maybe… no, that’s not even one of your songs…”
Sungmin chuckled, although he still seemed to be tired. “I really don’t know if I should be glad or hurt that you aren’t interested in my music at all.”

“I’m not not interested.” Kyuhyun protested indignantly. “I just don’t know the lyrics and release dates of all your songs like a few of your stalker fans.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re not one of my ‘stalker fans’.” Sungmin smiled. “For your information, the song is called ‘Thinking no, saying yes’. It wasn’t that popular and personally I didn’t like it that much either. Back then, after the surprising success of my first album, I wasn’t allowed to make my own decisions regarding my music.”

Kyuhyun nodded. “I think remember that one. I quite like the lyrics, but the song was way to quick for the serious meaning behind it. Something about faking a relationship to avoid hurting others, wasn’t it?”

Sungmin hummed in agreement. “Exactly. And you know… afterwards it became kind of a code between me and my manager. Do you remember reading something about my relationship with Sunny?”

Kyuhyun’s eyes darkened, but only because he didn’t really like thinking about Sungmin being with someone else. “Er… no? And can you please explain me why anyone would think ‘Sunny’ is a good stage name? It’s as cliché as a high school movie.”

Sungmin shrugged. “Sometimes clichés are good. Look at us, we’re quite the cliché as well. Anyways, my relationship with Sunny was a second album. It was faked, only for the public and the cameras. I didn’t like it and neither did Sunny – she’s a great girl by the way. Was never interested in me, but we had some funny fake-dates together.”

Kyuhyun nodded, trying to fight the jealousy inside him. It was stupid, there had never been any feelings between Sunny and Sungmin – but still, it was difficult not to be jealous of someone who had been able to go on dates with Sungmin, be together with him… and all in public.

Kyuhyun’s breath stopped for a second, surprised about his own thoughts. Did this mean he wanted the same? Going on dates with Sungmin, showing the whole world that Sungmin was his? Of course Kyuhyun had always though about that, but he never really believed he would be able to survive the pressure of officially being together with a celebrity. He was insecure enough, he didn’t need to be judged by about… everyone.

“So… you tell me all this, because?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Ah yes…” Sungmin hesitated before sighing. “Well, it seems as if they think it’s time for a second album again.”

“Wait ­– hold on.” Kyuhyun sat straight up, staring at the other with his mouth wide open. “Does that mean you’re going to run around with some chick… or some guy, holding hands, pretending I don’t exist?”

Sungmin looked slightly panicked. “Well, that’s what they want, but–“

“But you don’t need to do that, do you? You are successful, there’s no need to pull a PR gag like this.” Kyuhyun seriously couldn’t think straight at the moment.

“I don’t like it either! But in two weeks I’ll have to attend the Music Awards, with a date on my side. And that’s why I wanted to talk to you, because–“

“What? Because you wanted to warn me? This is so wrong Min, I just can’t–“

“You could shut up for a second.” Sungmin snapped, looking annoyed all of sudden. “I wanted to ask you, if… if you would want to be that date. I mean… if you’re ready to… you know… make it official.”

Kyuhyun took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. “You… want to make it official?” he asked quietly.

Sungmin nodded, looking nervous. “If it’s okay with you. It would make this whole situation a lot easier. It seems as if the public would like it if I’d date someone, and of course the company took that hint… I refused to be paired up with some random artist because I really want you to be the one I’m going to be seen with.”

Kyuhyun felt his hands getting sweaty. This was real. Sungmin – Lee Sungmin – wanted to make their relationship official.

“I… I don’t know… it’s just…”

“If you’re uncomfortable with it, we won’t do it.” Sungmin quickly assured him, but Kyuhyun could see the disappointment hiding behind the small smile. “I understand that it would be hard for you… the society is still not exactly fond of our kind of relationship and–“

“Bull.” Kyuhyun interrupted his boyfriend (and was it just him or did they do this quite often?).  “I’m not in the closet Sungmin, and I really don’t give a about what the society thinks about me.

“I’m worried about you. You’re successful, really successful, and it’s important who your friends are, and even more important, with whom you’re in a relationship. I’m literally nobody Sungmin, and I’m not saying this because I have low self-esteem. I have no problem with myself, but I’m afraid the public and other artists will not accept me as a suitable partner for you. And then you’ll have to deal with the consequences as well.”

Sungmin stood up, walking around the small table and kneeling down beside Kyuhyun’s chair. Taking the brunet’s hands into his owns, the singer said with a quiet but insistent voice: “Kyuhyun, I would be proud to call you my boyfriend, my lover in public. In front of cameras for the whole world to hear it. I don’t care what others think about you, because I know that you’re amazing. What you did to help your sister and your parents, neglecting your own dreams like this – I ask myself every day if I even deserve you. And then I decide that I don’t care, because I’m selfish and I want to keep you by my side.”

Kyuhyun laughed a little bit breathless, trying to understand the words Sungmin told him. This was so surreal, so perfect, and he didn’t dare to just jump into this.

“It’s going to be difficult.” he muttered slowly, sinking down on the kitchen floor as well. It was cold and uncomfortable, but he didn’t care. Sungmin was there, holding him.

“Yes, ing difficult.” Sungmin agreed. “There will be a lot of bad press. Racist articles because humans are cruel. There will be a whole bunch of new ‘friends’, giving you advices and trying to blackmail you. You’ll have to warn your parents and your sister, as well as your friends. They will come for them as well, asking questions to find a story about you to sell. You’ll get letters – and don’t even ask how they’ll be able to find out your address – hate letters and warnings, presents and really weird . And you’ll have to wear suits if we attend one of these stupid events.”

Kyuhyun groaned. “I don’t have any suits. And I look stupid wearing them.”

Sungmin laughed. “Lies. I bet you look smoking hot in tux.”

Kyuhyun grinned, but turned serious again. “I’m afraid I’ll freak out. I’ll say something stupid, embarrassing myself and you, probably destroying your career and…”

“I won’t tell you what to do.” Sungmin said softly. “I’d be really happy to introduce you as my boyfriend, but not before you’re ready. I’ve seen a lot of these relationships failing because the pressure was to much. No matter what you’ll decide to do, it’s okay. I don’t care if we have to eat in the private area of restaurants until we’re fifty, as long as you’re happy.”

Kyuhyun actually blushed, because obviously Sungmin planned to stick with his lazy gamer until they were old, but the singer was probably the most loving and perfect boyfriend one could ask for.

Kyuhyun jumped on his feet, startling Sungmin. “Come on, we need to get this conversation to the bedroom, or else I’ll start crying and Cho Kyuhyun doesn’t cry.”

Sungmin immediately stood up, laughing as Kyuhyun pushed him backwards towards his bedroom. The brunet kissed him almost aggressively while muttering “I ing love you” over and over again.




Kyuhyun shifted from one leg to the other, not able to hold still for even a second. He was nervous, probably the most nervous he had ever been. But this was real, and he wanted this so much, Sungmin wanted this so much. There talk from one week ago was still crystal clear in his head, and it made his decision a little bit easier.

His sister had laughed at him for ten minutes straight as he had called her last night, teasing him because Sungmin had turned him in such as ‘softie’.

Someone in the line behind him pushed him and he turned around to glare at whoever it was. But then he remembered that all these people were Sungmin’s fans, and maybe glaring and insulting them wasn’t the best way to be accepted by them. He sighed. Being constantly friendly to people would be one of the most difficult challenges for him after today.

Finally the large doors opened, and around him little girls started to scream hysterically. Kyuhyun sighed before putting some earplugs in his ears. Sungmin owed him a mind-blowing for this.

It turned out that fan meetings were pretty much just about waiting. He had waited outside for two hours, and now he sat in one of the last rows, looking forwards to another hour of waiting. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at the girls in front of him, one about his age and the other two really young. Probably middle school students. And yet they all talked about the best questions to get Sungmin to date them. Kyuhyun shook his head disbelievingly. Didn’t they know that Sungmin would actually be send to prison if he started something with them?

Suddenly everyone around him stood up, cheering loudly. Confused Kyuhyun stood up as well, just to be greeted by his boyfriend laughing and waving at the crowd of fans. He felt a rush of affection, but was also concerned as he saw the small line between Sungmin’s eyes. The singer had complained about a headache this morning, and although he was all smiles and sunshine now, Kyuhyun knew that he was tired. Nevertheless, he had planned this for almost a week, ever since their talk. Sungmin had given him all the time he needed to think about this, think about them and if he felt ready to be known everywhere as ‘Lee Sungmin’s boyfriend’. But the whole time they both knew that Sungmin himself was ready, that he wanted their relationship being official. And after a long talk with his parents and an embarrassing talk via Skype with his sister, Kyuhyun was now sure.

He wanted this. too He wanted to stand by Sungmin’s side when the singer gave interviews, he wanted to go on dates with him and be embarrassed by the ugly photos in some magazines the day after.

No more second albums, because seriously, it was stupid. Sungmin hated it, Kyuhyun loathed the mere idea – basically everyone hates the second album.

Kyuhyun spends the next two hours listening to Sungmin’s voice, rolling his eyes at especially dumb questions and trying not to freak out. Then the man next to Sungmin looked at his watch and leaned forward to announce, that there would be only answered one last question. Kyuhyun took a deep breath before standing up, ignoring the protesting mutters around him. He raised his hand, looking directly at Sungmin, who, after a few seconds, turned into his direction as well.

On the large screen behind the singer, Kyuhyun could see how Sungmin’s eyes widened as he recognized him. Sungmin turned to the man beside him, whispering something, and a few seconds later someone gave Kyuhyun a microphone. The brunet could almost feel how a few of the cameras were suddenly aimed at him, but it didn’t felt weird. In contrary, it felt right. This was Sungmin’s world, and he was now finally doing the last step to be completely part of this world.

“Hi.” Sungmin greeted him, not giving away that he knew Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun grinned, letting out a deep breath. Relief washed over him when his voice wasn’t shaky. “Hi. Do I need to introduce myself first? Oh well, my name is Cho Kyuhyun.”

“Nice to meet you. What’s your question?” Sungmin asked, amusement swinging in his voice.

“Well, it’s not really a question, but rather a suggestion.” Kyuhyun said cheekily. This was fun, he enjoyed playing with the camera, with the people around him. Maybe he was more suitable for this than he had ever thought he was. He took another breath – his next words would let hell loose.

“You turned your phone off again, so I couldn’t reach you. I just wanted to suggest that we order take away this evening instead of going out, because I suddenly got the feeling it won’t be as easy to escape the paparazzi tonight as it is normally.”

The people around him stared at him with wide eyes, but his owns looked straight at Sungmin. He could hear hushed comments, could hear the clicking sound of hundreds of pictures being taken, but everything he saw was the relieved and happy smile on Sungmin’s face. Maybe they could have dealt with this in another way, letting the company make an official statement or something like that… but this was more like them. This was weird, crazy and probably irrational – and so it was exactly the thing they would both be proud of in ten years.

“Sure.” Sungmin’s voice was loud enough to be heard over the sudden chaos, and suddenly everyone was silent again. Kyuhyun suspected that the girls in front of him didn’t even dare to breath. “I just finished anyways. But we are not watching Transformers again, because even though you are my boyfriend–“ and now the real chaos began “three times in a row is enough!”

Kyuhyun grinned and gave Sungmin a thumps up before he was ushered towards the emergency exit by some security guards. Letting the noisy hall behind him, Kyuhyun waited in a small hallway. Then the door flew open again and Sungmin rushed in, heading towards Kyuhyun and kissing him heatedly, for everyone to see. Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around the shorter man, glad to finally be able to satisfy the  possessive part of his nature.

“You’re insane.” the singer smiled against his lips, laughing inaudibly.

“You’re worse.” Kyuhyun replied, grinning widely.

“Well, I don’t care.” Sungmin pecked his lips. “Because now the whole world knows that we’re ing perfect together!”


I'm so sorry for the delay, but I had some kind of mental breakdown after the final episode of Teen Wolf.... everyone who watches that show will understand me^^

No seriously, I just had a bunch of things to do, and wrote most of this today. x.x

Anyways, I hope you like it. Personally I really like this chapter, although it's mostly dialouge.

P.S. Did you notice my brilliant reference to "Swing"? Which I absolutely love btw *.*


140327 | Kyu accidentally hit sungmin in the face with his towel. Kyuhyun was like SO SORRY LOOKING! He kept looking at sungmin during his dance part to make sure that min was okay. As soon as they called “cut” kyu grabbed sungmin and was like “are u okay?!?!” Min was like yeah but kyu kept on checking


awwwwwwww *.*


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I'm so sorry guys, somehow life happened and I didn't get a chance to write at all. But I'm almost done with the 4. chap, so you don't have to wait much longer


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subtitler #1
Chapter 1: This is good reading...
nyuhyun #2
Chapter 5: Thanks for this great story. I love it seriously :))) i hope i can find oth story as dork but sweetly dork as yours. I really love both characters here. It makes me awww awwwww very much for the sweetness overload. :D
PeekyDoll #3
Take all the time you need, we'll be waiting~ ^^
venzsuju #4
Chapter 5: Thats okay hohoho ^^ take ur time~
Chapter 5: It's ok authornim~
kyuwannadance #6
Chapter 4: I was just happy as hell when kyu declared that they're together because really, saying those in the midst of fan meeting, isn't it the sweetest :3 but then that mentally sick fan boy showed up and screwed everything buhzhzzzzz and using baseball bat, come on...
Gyaaaa #7
Chapter 5: It's okay to take a rest..

And if you think you really in the mood of angst right now, maybe you should just follow what you feel and write an angst oneshot or something... Because i think you write becauae you love to write, and that way, you still writing and give us something to read while waiting for your mood to continue this story comeback.. Just my opinion tho..
auwchris2775 #8
Chapter 5: Fully understood author nim ^^ no worries. We'll be waiting
marilynminghyuk #9
Chapter 5: no problemo, author-nim! everybody needs some time to loosen up. :)