The first date

I think I'll need more earplugs



Between cursing over a way too tight jeans, a painful meeting between hairspray and his left eye and random moments of just utter panic, Kyuhyun actually found time to think about what could go wrong today.

The answer was easy: everything.

He still couldn’t believe that Sungmin had agreed to go on a date with him. Lee Sungmin. The singer, song-writer, dancer, actor and whatever else you can be perfect in. And this man wanted to go on a date. With him. Kyuhyun, far too snarky and nerdy for his own good. Maybe this was just some really, really extensive case of hidden camera. Maybe the world laughed it’s off right now, because of his patheticness.

Was patheticness even a word? Kyuhyun stopped midway as he tried to style his hair into something else than a brownish mob, trying to remember if anyone else than his friend Zhoumi had ever used that word – because Zhoumi didn’t count, his Korean was even worse than Kyuhyun’s and the fact that the ridiculous tall man was Chinese did so not excuse that.

A quick look on his watch let the panic rise inside Kyuhyun again, because there was still one more hour left until he would be picked up by Sungmin and he couldn’t do anything else (except maybe destroying all the effort of actually getting dressed properly for a date with an A-class celebrity).

Kyuhyun moaned, letting himself fall on the floor. What the hell was he doing here? There was no way Sungmin could be serious about this, even though the singer was one of the few public known persons who were openly gay. Kyuhyun just couldn’t even dream of dating a guy like Sungmin, someone so cute and talented and just perfect. He just wanted to continue his life ing about crazy, loud fangirls, waiting for a new version of Starcraft and to Sungmin’s voice. And he wasn’t even ashamed of the last point, because seriously, that voice was y as hell.

On the other hand Kyuhyun really wanted this to be real and not some bad joke. He liked Sungmin, and he had enjoyed talking to him in that waiting room more than with his last girl- or boyfriends. Despite his success the singer was down to earth, laughing about Kyuhyun’s silly jokes and making even sillier ones himself. They had discussed everything, from Starcraft to music to politics. And never once did Sungmin make him feel like he was less important. On the contrary, Sungmin had seemed to be really curious about Kyuhyun’s life and his work.

If Sungmin was just another guy Kyuhyun would have asked him out immediately. Maybe not with too many people around him that knew him only from work, because there he was only known for his  “evil side” as his friends called it. Little did his co-workers knew, that Kyuhyun actually turned into an embarrassed mess when he really liked someone, and when he fell he fell hard. But Sungmin wasn’t just an ordinary man, and if – strictly hypothetically – they really started dating, there would be tons of articles, hate letters from fangirls with broken hearts, ridiculous rumors and a lot of people who thought Kyuhyun + Sungmin was a lot more worth to befriend than simply Kyuhyun.


Looking at his watch again, Kyuhyun’s eyes widened in horror as he realized that there were only ten minutes left. Sungmin had explained very detailed why exactly it would be a really bad idea that Kyuhyun picked him up, so for the first time in his life, Kyuhyun was the one waiting nervously. 

Biting his lower lip, the brunet tried one last time to actually decided whether this was the best thing that had ever happened to him, or the worst mistake. And because his brain didn’t work like it should normally do, he quickly grabbed his phone and called a random number he had tipped in without looking. He waited anxiously, pacing back and forth while hoping the stranger he called didn’t life somewhere near to him.

“Hello?” a curious, female voice answered the call.

“Hi.” Kyuhyun breathed in relief. “Sorry to disturb you, just one single question: Would you go on a date with a celebrity even though it could cause a whole bunch of problems and you would basically mess up your entire personal life?”

There was a short pause.

“Um… do I know you?”

Rolling his eyes, Kyuhyun almost yelled in panic as his doorbell rang.

“Just answer the question, please.”

“I-I don’t know… it depends on whether this celebrity is a… you know, nice person. Someone you would date even if she wasn’t famous.”

Cursing silently as he tried to tie his shoes with just one hand, Kyuhyun said slowly: “So… you think I should go for it? Because… I would definitely date hi- her, if she wasn’t a celebrity.”

“Well, I think that answers the question, doesn’t it?” the voice sounded as if it’s owner smiled. “But wait! Did I just ensured that a celebrity dates you? Do I know her? And what’s your name?”

Kyuhyun stood up, trying to end the call without being impolite. “Yeah, well, actually you did. And I can’t tell you who it is, obviously. But thank you a lot, I would probably freak out right now, if it wasn’t for you.”

He closed the door of his tiny apartment behind him, laughing as he could hear a faint “I want to be invited to the wedding!” before he hung up.

Taking one last deep breath Kyuhyun quickly raced down the steps.


Entering the ordinary, dirty white car, Kyuhyun smiled as he saw Sungmin sitting on the other side of the backseat. He closed the door and tried to do exactly what he had planned: ignore the fact that everyone in Asia knew this guy.

“What, no mysterious black van?” he grinned as he fastened his seatbelt.

Sungmin laughed. “Hello to you too. And no, despite everything you learn in dramas, those vans catch attention, you know?”

Kyuhyun smiled, leaning back in the comfortable seat and forcing his hands to remain still. He was still nervous, but he could already feel how he relaxed in Sungmin’s presence. The latter didn’t seem nervous at all, but he smiled at Kyuhyun as if he really wanted this date to go great.

Well, that was two of them then.

“So… Kyuhyun tried to avoid looking at Sungmin too much, because the light blue color of the older’s jacket looked really good on him, “where are we going?”

Sungmin smiled. “I know a small restaurant, it’s more like a bar with a few more tables really. The owner is an old friend of mine, and we’ll be safe from any paparazzi there.”

Kyuhyun nodded, thankful that he wouldn’t be at the covers of every magazine tomorrow, looking awfully out of place in some fancy high class restaurant.

Sungmin seemed to be worried by his silence and quickly added: “Unless you don’t like pizza though. Of course we can go somewhere else if you want to…”

Kyuhyun smiled as he realized that judging by the slight panic in the singer’s voice, he wasn’t the only one who was nervous. “No, don’t worry, pizza is perfect. And I’m glad for every bit of privacy we can get.” He furrowed his brows. “You don’t mind me eating the pizza with my hands though?”

By now Sungmin was grinning widely. “There’s another way to eat pizza?”

Kyuhyun grinned back, not avoiding eye contact anymore. “That was the right answer.”


Once again Kyuhyun was surprised just how easy talking with Sungmin was. After sitting down on the plain but nice table, it was as if the word ‘awkwardness’ had never existed at all, and a few minutes later they were laughing loudly about some top secret backstage stories both of them could tell. Sungmin didn’t stop mocking him the whole time about ordering Hawaiian pizza although he didn’t like pineapples. Kyuhyun couldn’t stop laughing about the fact that Sungmin had been forced by some show host to dress up as a woman and scare poor, confused high school to death. He definitely had to search for that clip on you tube.

After agreeing that beer was overestimated and wine was still a must for eating any Italian food, they started talking about more serious things.

“So, how did you end up as a security guy?” Sungmin asked casually, but the glint in his eyes showed Kyuhyun that he was truly interested.

“Well… as surprising as it sounds, I never really wanted to work as a security man. I mean, I know my overflowing love for hysteric women sometimes tricks you–“

Sungmin snorted at that, making Kyuhyun smile brightly. “but yeah, I actually wanted to – and don’t laugh at me – help developing computer games. I’m good at technical stuff, and kind of an expert in the field of any kind of games, so… it was really my dream job.”

Sungmin nodded, and there was no sign of the normally occurring, pitying you-just-never-grew-up, did-you?-look. 

“I could totally imagine that.” he said, and it didn’t sound sarcastic but simply honest. “Why didn’t you go for it, then?”

Kyuhyun sighed, staring at his once filled wine glass. “My sister, Ahra, she became ill… it– it didn’t look good, and my parents couldn’t effort all the costs for her treatment by themselves. I just graduated from high school when it happened, and was ready to start college. But we needed money, so I took the first job I could get. After that I never really had the opportunity to focus on my own career, and – anyway, I knew Jungsoo from high school, and he gave me this job. It’s enough to pay the rent and for some food, and sometimes I can even help my parents a little bit out.”

Kyuhyun stopped himself as he realized that he had talked too long and that Sungmin was staring at him, the latter’s wine glass long forgotten next to his empty plate.

“Oh god I’m sorry, this must be really pathetic and boring to you, right?” Kyuhyun sighed, biting his lower lip. “I mean you are known everywhere and you use your money to support help organizations and … and you change the life of many people just by signing a song, and you worked your off – sorry, I mean you worked really hard, studying music, composing, learning all those instruments, acting… and here I am, I’ve never gone to college and you’re probably really disappointed right now and I should definitely stop talking.”

By then Kyuhyun was as red as Jungsoo when the older had discovered that the main security guard Kangin had also a crush on him. He didn’t dare to look up and meet Sungmin’s gaze, expecting the other to stand up and walk away because seriously, no one like Sungmin should date someone like Kyuhyun.


But instead of walking away, Sungmin filled his wine glass once again, and said with a darker voice than before: “You, Kyuhyun, are probably the most endearing and impressive man I’ve ever met. And I’ll definitely not risk walking away because that could mean you could end up with someone else than me.”

Kyuhyun blushed even harder, looking up just enough to see Sungmin’s warm smile. “Originally I had planned to watch a movie with you after this dinner, because you know, first dates can be quite awkward and a movie always saves you from being forced to make a half decent conversation…” the singer continued. “But I think I’d rather stay here with you and talk more. Is that alright with you? Because I really want to know more about you, in a hopefully not creepy, stalker-ish way.”

Kyuhyun finally looked up completely, finding nothing but warmth in Sungmin’s eyes and decided, that no matter what the man in front of him did for his living, the warm feeling in his stomach felt too good to let it vanish.

“I think I’d like that.” he smiles.

“Even though you’d have to take earplugs with you every time you visit me at work?” Sungmin asked teasingly, though his bright smile told the younger that he was relieved by Kyuhyun’s answer.

“Well, I’ll just have to buy more earplugs then, right?”


Yeah, I know it's short. Let's just ignore that, alright? ;)

Sooooooo, even if I'm back from my hiatus, I won't be able to update immediately again, because I've got to do like ten thousands of things for my volunteer year which starts in August, so yeah. Stress. Lot's of it.

Anyways, I just had the feeling you guys liked this verse, so I decided to write some more about it. I hope you like it, and feel free to comment and subscribe and love. Especially love. I can feel your love through my laptop, I'm not kidding you! (Could be the laptop getting warm because I'm spending too much time on it, but that first thought just sounds way better.)

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I'm so sorry guys, somehow life happened and I didn't get a chance to write at all. But I'm almost done with the 4. chap, so you don't have to wait much longer


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subtitler #1
Chapter 1: This is good reading...
nyuhyun #2
Chapter 5: Thanks for this great story. I love it seriously :))) i hope i can find oth story as dork but sweetly dork as yours. I really love both characters here. It makes me awww awwwww very much for the sweetness overload. :D
PeekyDoll #3
Take all the time you need, we'll be waiting~ ^^
venzsuju #4
Chapter 5: Thats okay hohoho ^^ take ur time~
Chapter 5: It's ok authornim~
kyuwannadance #6
Chapter 4: I was just happy as hell when kyu declared that they're together because really, saying those in the midst of fan meeting, isn't it the sweetest :3 but then that mentally sick fan boy showed up and screwed everything buhzhzzzzz and using baseball bat, come on...
Gyaaaa #7
Chapter 5: It's okay to take a rest..

And if you think you really in the mood of angst right now, maybe you should just follow what you feel and write an angst oneshot or something... Because i think you write becauae you love to write, and that way, you still writing and give us something to read while waiting for your mood to continue this story comeback.. Just my opinion tho..
auwchris2775 #8
Chapter 5: Fully understood author nim ^^ no worries. We'll be waiting
marilynminghyuk #9
Chapter 5: no problemo, author-nim! everybody needs some time to loosen up. :)