
I think I'll need more earplugs

Because we are badass and read Christmas stories in March.

Oh, and just as a reminder: the chapters aren't in chronological order. This is way after their first date. :)


“We could have rented a small, comfy cabbage, you know? Out in the woods. With wifi, obviously, but without a telephone. Away from… all of this.”

Kyuhyun sounded deeply hurt.

Sungmin sighed, although he couldn’t suppress a little giggle. “All of this, Kyuhyun, is a Christmas party with our friends. You like them.”

“Well, yeah, not on Christmas.” Kyuhyun grumbled, walking slowly out of their kitchen.

Sungmin glanced at the huge cookie in the younger’s hand and laughed. “Do you think they won’t come if you eat all the food beforehand? Because all that’s going to happen is you having a stomach ache and Hyukjae and Kangin laughing at you.”

The brunet let himself fall onto the big, comfy couch and ate half of the cookie in one bite. “They won’t be able to if I poison them with bad eggnog as soon as they step through the door.”

“That’s the spirit.” Sungmin said lightly, obviously not caring at all about the fact that his lover wanted to kill a few of their best friends. He sat down on the couch next to Kyuhyun and smiled at the younger. “Does that mean you’ll let them inside then?”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and murmured a half-hearted “whatever”. Then he glanced at Sungmin disapprovingly. “Why the hell are you sitting so far away?”

Sungmin grinned teasingly. “There are only a few centimeters between us.”

“Like I said, far, far away.” Kyuhyun said and wrapped his arm around Sungmin who let himself being dragged onto his lover’s lap.

Sungmin grinned, snuggling deeper into Kyuhyun’s embrace. “If your co-workers knew how much of a teddy bear you are, they wouldn’t call you evil maknae.” he purred contently.

Kyuhyun scoffed. “They know. Sadly, everyone in Asia knows. And you know why? Because my boyfriend doesn’t stop spreading details about our relationship in front of cameras!” He didn’t even try sounding fake angry, because there was no way he could pretend being anything but sappily happy with Sungmin on his lap, in his arms.

“It was at the beginning of our relationship, I wanted to share my happiness.” Sungmin argued.

“You wanted to discretely tell that female reporter to stop looking at me.”

“She wasn’t looking, she was staring at your ! And I just wanted to make clear, who your belongs to.”

Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin, his eyebrows raised. “Um, it belongs to me?”

Sungmin grinned, shaking his head. “No, it really doesn’t, but you just keep dreaming, Kyu.”

Kyuhyun sighed, tightening his arms around his boyfriend’s waist even more. “Right now, all I’m dreaming about is you and me, somewhere far, far away from everyone. Why do we never have time for us alone?”

“We have plenty of time all alone.” Sungmin argued, but his voice was soft as he started to slide his fingers through the younger’s messy hair.

“Well, tell me the last time we went out on a date without being interrupted by either fans, reporters or friends of ours. Or the last holiday we spent alone. And you work a lot Min, at the company and here as well.” Kyuhyun obviously tried not to sound hurt, but he failed somewhat miserably. “Don’t get me wrong, I want you to be a singer, I want you to be recognized on the streets, I like our friends and want to spent time with them. But it’s been way too long since we’ve simply spent some hours watching trashy movies and eat your awesome food.”

“You think my food is awesome?” Sungmin asked, the teasing tone not being able to cover the seriousness in his voice.

“Of course I do, it’s the only reason I keep you around.” Kyuhyun replied, laughing as his lover smacked him lightly on the back of his head. “Seriously though Min, we really need to get out of here.”

Sungmin’s answer was interrupted by the sound of the front door’s bell.

“We will.” he promised, pecking Kyuhyun’s lips quickly before jumping on his feet to invite their friends in.


It was nothing but chaos, but the good kind. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes but couldn’t stop grinning as Hyukjae and Donghae  - two of Sungmin’s background dancers and also really good friends of him – started arguing about having a Christmas tree being essential. Those two idiots were head over heels for each other, but preferred to pretend it was the exact opposite. Normally Kyuhyun loved to join their bickering, but right now he was too busy explaining to Zhoumi in broken Chinese why exactly he couldn’t tweet about all of them being assembled in his and Min’s apartment this evening. Although it was Christmas, Kyuhyun didn’t doubt that some of Sungmin’s fans would take the chance to stalk their idol. And he could really live without crazy fans tonight.

He turned around and smiled as he saw Sungmin talking animatedly with Jungsoo. The older man was leaning back comfortably against Kangin’s strong chest. It took those two long enough to get together, and now they were behaving like an old married couple whenever they could.

“Kyuhyun! Your hair looks awful, that sweatshirt is a bad joke and I’ll just pretend I’ve never seen these… jeans.

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow and smirked as he turned around. “Heechul hyung. Your kindness leaves me speechless every time.”

Heechul waved his hand graciously. “It’s understandable for you to be speechless in front of such a great man as I am. I forgive you, don’t worry.”

“I’m honored.” Kyuhyun answered amused.

They had met Heechul on a short trip to China, and because fate thought it was funny, Heechul had liked both of them immediately. There had been no other choice for Kyuhyun and Sungmin but to spend the rest of their trip with Heechul and his lover Hangeng, a Chinese who was the complete opposite of the extraordinary man. Heechul obviously thought he was the one and only mastermind which had ever walked on this planet, and although he could be tiring, Kyuhyun enjoyed talking to him. Heechul had a quick mind and a sharp tongue, and the younger liked the challenge of a conversation with him.

Heechul looked at him for a few seconds but seemingly decided he was worth to continue talking to.

“So tell me, why are you upset with the current arrangement? Are you displeased by the presence of any of your friends? Obviously it isn’t my presence which bothers you, so we won’t waste our time on thinking about something as absurd as that.”

“You should stop watching historic European dramas. It doesn’t have a good influence on your capability of basic communication, your highness.” Kyuhyun chuckled, the irony only half-heartedly hidden. “But I can assure you that I don’t mind any of our friend’s presence. It’s just… it seems like Min and I never have any time together anymore. We’ve been together for almost three years now, there was a lot of bull–“ “Kyuhyun, dear friend, watch your language!” “I’m sorry, there was a lot of along the way, but also great things. And now I fear that we’ve just… fallen into some kind of everyday-rhythm. Like an old couple. I’m afraid he’ll grow tired of me.”

Heechul suddenly seemed to loose the always present amused spark in the corner of his eyes. “Kyuhyun, listen to me. This man loves you, and don’t you dare to question it. If you feel like you two don’t have enough time together, then do something about it! Tell him and go on a vacation! Visit your parents again, or your sister in Vienna! Sungmin would love Vienna, I’m sure about that. But he wants to be together with you, just as much as I know you want to spent your life with him!”

Kyuhyun bit on his lower lip worriedly as he stared at Sungmin’s back, who was by now talking to Zhoumi’s new girlfriend Fei. As if his lover could feel the brown eyes burning into him, the singer turned around and their eyes met. Sungmin smiled, and Kyuhyun couldn’t help but return the smile.

Heechul sighed and shook his head, already back in his role of a dignified English earl. Or a duke, probably a duke. “Oh young love… it’s disgustingly sweet and somehow it still succeeds to warm my poor heart.  This needs to be celebrated my dear, let’s take a look into the marvelous wine collection you and your enchanting boyfriend have doubtlessly hidden somewhere in this apartment.”

“You know, sometimes you’re really hate-worthy.”

“Your eloquence is blinding me, Kyuhyun. Now, I had the impression we were going to look for your wine?”

It was never thought of as a question, and Kyuhyun was intelligent enough (thank you very much!) to not even think about trying to protest. Instead he lead Heechul willingly to the desired place, not without placing a firm kiss on the lips of his surprised but delighted lover.


It was well past midnight when all of their friends were finally gone. Kyuhyun was watching some crappy Christmas movie on TV while eating the rest of the chocolate mousse directly from the bowl, using a cookie his spoon. His stomach would probably throw a fight tomorrow… or today… whatever, but right now it seemed like a perfect and delicious idea.

Sungmin was busy cleaning the kitchen and Kyuhyun sometimes looked over the couch towards him, feeling a little bit guilty. But he had helped cleaning the rest of their apartment, and Sungmin didn’t let Kyuhyun touch anything more than necessary in the kitchen. Not after The Great Pizza Incident.

They weren’t talking about The Great Pizza Incident, by the way. There would never be any talking about that event.


Kyuhyun closed his eyes contently as a second body fell onto the couch next to him. Instantly he reached out to hug Sungmin closer, nuzzling his nose into the older’s neck and enjoying the comfortable warmth of the other’s body. He could feel the low chuckle vibrate through Sungmin’s whole body as the latter leaned into the embrace.

“One second is enough for you to turn into a hug-addicted teddy bear.” Sungmin said affectionately.

Kyuhyun scoffed, but didn’t change their position. “Half a second is enough for me to be a sarcastic , so I think your argument doesn’t count that much.”

Sungmin slapped his head lazily. “You are not an , Cho Kyuhyun. Please note that you just questioned my taste in man! And besides, you’re not that bad. A lot of people think you’re funny.”

“That’s just because they don’t understand that I actually mean the …  not so nice things I say about them. Which I’m telling them right in their face. And they just don’t realize it.”

“Well, that’s their own problem, isn’t it?”

 Kyuhyun sighed. “You’re way too good for me, Min. I feel like corrupting an angel when I’m with you.”

Sungmin shook his head. “That’s nonsense. We already discussed this. Multiple times, and it’s still nonsense. Now shut up and listen to me, I’ve got something importa–“

The bell of their front door interrupted them once more. Kyuhyun groaned and refused to let go of his boyfriend’s waist. “Don’t tell me they came back. There is no food left, so there’s no reason for them to come back. Tell them to go away.”

Sungmin grinned. “I don’t think it’s them. But I definitely think you should be the one answering the bell.”

Kyuhyun lifted his head and threw a betrayed glance at the older. “Well, I believe neither of us should answer that. Let’s just – oh for God’s sake, why don’t they stop ringing?!”

“I think it’s our dear neighbor.” Sungmin still grinned.

Kyuhyun suddenly sat up straightly. “Oh, I’m definitely going to answer that. Stupid idiot, always showing up on our door, always so sorry to disturb us…“ – Kyuhyun walked towards the door while still mumbling lowly – “always wants to just talk with us, but he’s always so damn disappointed if…”

Kyuhyun opened the door forcefully, startling the short man on the other side. “… Sungmin isn’t home.”

The other man’s grin faded a little bit, but he nevertheless tried to hide his disappointment. “Oh good Lord no, I was just coming over to… you know, say ‘Merry Christmas‘ and… I wasn’t hoping to see Sungmin-ssi… I mean, of course I did want to talk to Sungmin-ssi, but…”

“Yeah, sure. Merry Christmas to you too. Stop leaving your wet umbrellas in the hallway, I almost tripped over one of them the day before yesterday.”

The face of their neighbor darkened. “I can leave my umbrellas wherever I want!”

“They bother Sungmin.”

“Well then… of course I don’t want to bother anyone… I’m just trying to be a good neighbor, really…”

“Yeah, right.” Kyuhyun scoffed. “Try harder.” With these last words he slammed the door shut.


Sungmin grinned widely as he watched Kyuhyun returning to the couch. “I love it when you’re all snarky and with zero social skills.”

Kyuhyun laughed and sat down beside him, playing with some longer strands of the singer’s hair. “Seems like you’re perfect for me then, right?”

Sungmin nodded before suddenly becoming serious once more. “Right. And now back to the important news I wanted to tell you just when our charming neighbor interrupted us.”

Kyuhyun looked at him expectantly, wondering about the nature of the news.

“I have another Christmas present for you.” Sungmin said, looking a little bit nervous.

“Another present?” Kyuhyun asked, slightly frowning. “I thought we agreed on ‘no presents at all’. And since we always ignore that rule, rule number two says ‘no more than one present’.”

Sungmin shrugged. “Yeah well, we always ignore rule number two as well. And don’t worry, it didn’t cost me anything at all.”

Kyuhyun visibly relaxed. “Oh, okay then. What is it?”

Sungmin smiled and reached for something behind him. The young brunet grinned as he impatiently tried to snatch away the plain white envelope from his lover’s hands.

For a few seconds only the sound of rustling paper could be heard. Then Kyuhyun stared at the two tickets, confusion written all over his face.

“Uhm, don’t get me wrong Min, I love your concerts… but you don’t need to get me tickets for them. Being your boyfriend actually comes with some advantages, you know?”

Sungmin’s smile didn’t falter at the sight of Kyuhyun’s lack of enthusiasm, it grew even wider. “Look at the location, idiot.”

“Smartass.” Kyuhyun murmured, but complied nevertheless. His eyes widened as he looked at the tickets more closely. “Vienna.”

“I thought after three years it’s about time you take your sister to one of my concerts.” Sungmin said.

Kyuhyun laughed. “That’s amazing Min, thank you so much. And I can’t wait to see Ahra again.” His smile fell. “But you don’t have to pay for my flight. It’s okay, I–“

“Kyu, stop worrying.” Sungmin interrupted him, sighing deeply. “The company is paying, I talked with my manager about this.”

Kyuhyun nodded and looked back at the tickets, grinning widely again. Sungmin couldn’t help but hug the younger man closer, happy to be the reason for the other’s joy.

“Did you tell Heechul about this?” Kyuhyun asked suddenly.

Sungmin raised his eye brows, surprised by the question. “I did, actually. How did you know?”

Kyuhyun shook his head. “Sly bastard.” He chuckled. “He just told me earlier that you would like to visit Vienna. I thought it was strange for him to suddenly mention my sister, but know it makes sense.”

Sungmin laughed as well and shifted a little bit on the couch so he was practically sitting on Kyuhyun’s lap, facing the younger. Kyuhyun raised his eye brows, smirking. “Now that’s a sight I really like.”

Sungmin rolled with his eyes. “Don’t be so cocky, Cho.” Then he leaned forward, crossing his arms behind Kyuhyun’s neck. “You want to know something else?”

“There’s more to know?” the brunet mumbled, obviously distracted.

“Well, yes.” Sungmin chuckled. “Vienna isn’t the only concert. I’ll go on a tour in spring, and there are quite a few stops in Europe. Aaand, because I’m an awesome boyfriend, I convinced my manager that I’d be too heartbroken to sing if you don’t come with me, they pay for your flight and everything else too.”   

Kyuhyun grinned. This was exactly what he had hoped for – more time to spend with Sungmin. And he’d get to see Europe as a bonus. Sungmin was always granted some days off for sightseeing during his tours, so Kyuhyun hoped they could once in a while pretend that they were actually on vacation. Of course there would be some fans, but he doubted it would be as bad as here in Korea.

“That’s amazing Min.” he said softly, caressing the singer’s back.

“I know.” Sungmin grinned. “But do you know what I want you to do backstage during the break of my concert in London?”

Kyuhyun’s hands tightened around the other’s waist. “Well, I could imagine a few things, actually. Why don’t I show you some of them and we decide afterwards?”

“Sounds perfect.” Sungmin chuckled and stood up, hips swaying more than usually as he walked towards their bedroom.

Kyuhyun jumped on his feet, smiling as he followed his lover. Maybe Heechul was right and he worried too much. Sungmin wasn’t perfect, but he was perfect for him. And it seemed, although Kyuhyun couldn’t understand why, as if Sungmin thought the same about him.

“Kyuhyun, get your on the bed and get ing !”

Okay, so Sungmin was perfect and bossy. But Kyuhyun could work with that.



It's a little bit longer. And don't blame me for Heechul, I really have no idea why his character turned out this way.

I'm afraid the next update will take a bit longer because I won't have much time during the weekend, but I'll see what I can do^^

Thank you so much for all the comments and the upvots and omg this only had one chapter and there are already over 50 subscribers. o.O

Have a nice weekend guys! <3

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I'm so sorry guys, somehow life happened and I didn't get a chance to write at all. But I'm almost done with the 4. chap, so you don't have to wait much longer


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subtitler #1
Chapter 1: This is good reading...
nyuhyun #2
Chapter 5: Thanks for this great story. I love it seriously :))) i hope i can find oth story as dork but sweetly dork as yours. I really love both characters here. It makes me awww awwwww very much for the sweetness overload. :D
PeekyDoll #3
Take all the time you need, we'll be waiting~ ^^
venzsuju #4
Chapter 5: Thats okay hohoho ^^ take ur time~
Chapter 5: It's ok authornim~
kyuwannadance #6
Chapter 4: I was just happy as hell when kyu declared that they're together because really, saying those in the midst of fan meeting, isn't it the sweetest :3 but then that mentally sick fan boy showed up and screwed everything buhzhzzzzz and using baseball bat, come on...
Gyaaaa #7
Chapter 5: It's okay to take a rest..

And if you think you really in the mood of angst right now, maybe you should just follow what you feel and write an angst oneshot or something... Because i think you write becauae you love to write, and that way, you still writing and give us something to read while waiting for your mood to continue this story comeback.. Just my opinion tho..
auwchris2775 #8
Chapter 5: Fully understood author nim ^^ no worries. We'll be waiting
marilynminghyuk #9
Chapter 5: no problemo, author-nim! everybody needs some time to loosen up. :)