Broken Hearted

To Love An Idiot Like Him

Jaejin POV

It's Monday today and I'm walking to homeroom ALONE. I saw Dongho ahead of me talking to our school principle but I couldn't hear anything. I was watching when the principle left and Dongho ran to our homeroom period in a hurry. Wierd. 


Ughh....the bell rang. I was making my way to my seat when a pretty girl sat down there and immediately chatted with Dongho. A pang of jealousy hit me right on my heart and I started clutching my chest unknowingly. I looked around for a place to sit but the only seat available was next to the class bully TOP. I nervously walked there and took a seat.

"What is YOUR doing there?" TOP asked

"I'm sitting. What does it look like I'm doing?" I replied annoyed

"GET OUT !!!!"

His voice made me jump and I just sat on the floor in the farthest corner of the classroom. Mr. Lee came in and he spotted me sitting next to the brooms and shelves.

"Ms.Kim Jaejin....may I ask what you are doing there?" he asked irritated

Everybody stared at me while Dongho continued chatting with mystery girl.

"Ummmmm........ There is no chairs left because she got my chair." I pointed to mystery girl

Mr.Lee glanced over to mystery girl and his face brightened up immediately. He walked over to her and started asking her questions. I sighed then looked back at them. Dongho was staring back at me with a sparkle in his eyes.

"I bet he forgotten me already. Probably gonna hook up with new girl over there." I said to myself

The lesson went on forever and my was numb from the sitting on the hard floor.


Finally, lunch time!!! I waited for Dongho to come out but he was too busy with this new girl. I went out to find Yuna in the other classroom. 

"Is Yuna there?" I asked

The people nodded and pointed to her

"Oh Jaejin!!! I can't go with you for lunch. I got a meeting for the club. Sorry" Yuna replied

"Alright then....Bye"

I walked dejectedly to the cafeteria when I heard a sound coming from a classroom. I thought somebody was hurt so I quickly ran to the classroom. I peeked inside and what I saw made me tear up ALOT. Dongho was kissing new girl and they looked happy. I walked away quietly but my eyes were b with tears so I just sat down on the benches in the rooftop. My heart felt like it was being torn from my heart and the tears just went on and on. While I was crying, a light hand tapped me from behind. I turned around and saw Yuna holding a hankerchief in front of me.

"What happened Jaejin?" she asked concerned

"Dongho was kissing another girl......."

"What the......that jerk cheating on you and you didn't do anything to stop it?!"

"He's just my fake boyfriend anyways and I don't think he feels the same way about me"

"Jaejin you can do better. Why don't you tell him that you like him"

"I'm scared of getting hurt and they were happy"

"Wait....who is this girl your talking about?"

"It's our new student"

"OMG! You mean Krystal!"


"What does she look like?"

"Pretty with a nice complexion and long black hair....Why?"

"She is Dongho's childhood crush. She moved to China but transerred back to Korea."

I fell silent. I feel like nothing when compared to Krystal. 


The bell had rung and Yuna walked me to class. I sat down in my usual spot when Dongho and Krystal walked in the room. They were holding hands! I stopped the tears from falling before I humiliate myself. Everybody's eyes turned to me then at them.

"Did they break up already?" one asked

"Poor Jaejin.....good thing she's nice and understanding" another one said

"Woah....Dongho cheated on her and they just started dating" a guy said

My tears were already falling and everybody turned to me with sad and compssionate faces. I ran to the door and pushed past the two love birds. I kept on running until.....


Poor Jaejin......Dongho kissed Krystal.....Keep on reading

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Chapter 11: I know this won't be updated anymore since the last one was 2011 but this is so good >.< I wish there were more
syirahkissme1339 #2
please update this fan fic....i getting in love with this fanfic...please O.O
loving-k-pop-j-pop #3
Krystal im killing u!!! ㅎㅉㅎ
U-kiss_kissme18 #4
awww.. please update..! please!!
U-kiss_kissme18 #5
OuCH <br />
U-kiss_kissme18 #6
HI!!<br />
I am a new reader and I totally ♥ your fic very much!! please update soon!! :))
Oh finally after a very long wait.. I thought this fanfic would be on hiatus forever.. Thanks alot!!! I really like your update~ ♥♥♥
i couldn't fix the computer and it was hard updating in a comp shop
Aww you're back! :D You left such a big cliffhanger so i'm glad you're back~
Just glad you haven't forgotten about it ^^~