Chapter 6;

Until You Take Me

C H A P T E R  6 ;



Baekhyun, the women and the child made their way around the house from the backyard. "Thank you so much for watching Seokjin over night. He just adores you, Baekhyun."


Baekhyun smiled, brushing bits of snow off of the boys hair, "You're welcome, Minha. I'm always happy to look after this bundle of joy."


Minha took the child into her arms and began to walk back home. "Goodbye."


"Goodbye." Baekhyun waved, closing the gate and waking back into the house. Once inside, he noticed everyone had gathered in the living room. Joonmyeon stood up as soon as he entered, his expression seemed as if he had bad news to share. The houses aura was…off. "Is something wrong, Joonmyeon?"


The older took hold of his shoulder, "Chanyeol came by not too long ago."


Baekhyun's mien faltered at the mention of that name, one he hadn’t heard in years but can never seem to get out of his mind. "Chanyeol…he was here?"


"He just left while you were outside with Minha." Jongdae spoke up.


Sehun leaned in his seat, "He went outside to see you but when he came back he seemed…"

"Hurt." Joonmyeon finished.


Baekhyun was silent for a while, his pounding heart ringing in his ears. "Why did he come here. You told me he wasn’t coming back. He said he wasn't coming back. Why did he do this?"


"We don't know. All he said was he was here to see you and then just left without another word." Joonmyeon studied the others expression, "Are you okay, Baekhyun?"

The boy shuffled out of Joonmyeon's hold and left to his room. Baekhyun closed and locked the door. His breaths hastened with his heart beat. He looked around his room, going through his dressers and drawers for something he hadn’t seen in years. In his bedside dresser, he found the letter Chanyeol had left for him the first day he arrived here.


Baekhyun sat on the floor, back against his bed as he held the piece of crinkled paper. The last time he read this letter was his first few months in the village. He found himself reading it at random times of the day. Whenever he finished reading, the thought of Chanyeol walking back into his life and taking him home always crossed his mind. As months passed and winter soon turned into spring and summer, Baekhyun had given up on the idea. He buried the letter along with his wishes of Chanyeol evercoming back. Chanyeol didn't want him as much as Baekhyun wanted Chanyeol. Chanyeol didn't love him, not nearly as much as Baekhyun loved Chanyeol.


When Baekhyun buried this letter, he thought he had also thrown away his feelings for the male. However, even after that moment, Baekhyun couldn't get him out of his head.


Tears had created streams down the boys cheeks. Baekhyun shook all over as he cried out everything he felt since the day he was dumped here. He read the letter once, crumpling it up and throwing it across the room in frustration.


Don't hate you for this? Well, I do. You did what you had to do? You're so selfish. You didn’t leave me here so I could start over, you definitely didn’t leave me here to keep me safe from myself. I learned my lesson the first night. So I could be away from you? You wanted to get away from me. Why are you so afraid to be around me? I prayed for you do come back and you never did. I wanted you to come and tell me you love me. Why did it take you three years…to come back…


Baekhyun stopped crying, a crease lining his eyebrows. He came back…and he left in distress…because he loves me… Baekhyun felt like his heart was going to fall out of his mouth. "Chanyeol loves me? He loves me." He shot up and rushed to the hallway closet.


In the living room, the three housemates went towards the ruckus being made in the hall.


"What are you doing?"


"Are you okay?"

"Have you finally lost your mind?"


Baekhyun pulled out the bag he came here with and another one to carry his things. He took the bags, went back to his room and started packing what he could.


"Baekhyun where are you going?" Joonmyeon asked as the other franticly threw things all around the room into his bags.


"I'm going back."

"You know we cannot let you do that."

"Chanyeol gave us strict orders-"

"I don't care what he ordered you to do." Baekhyun took his bags and pushed passed the group huddled at his doorway. He started to fill the smaller bag with food.


Jongdae took his hand, stopping him in his actions "You do realize that’s almost a weeks journey on foot, right?"


"I'll make stops."


"If other vampires see you out by yourself they'll kill you."


"I'll be careful." Baekhyun finished packing and made his way to the door. As soon as he reached the living room, Sehun and Jongdae were blocking the door and Joonmyeon was right behind him.


Baekhyun turned to look the elder in his cyan blue eyes, his mien stern and determined.


"Our orders were to keep you safe and that’s what we're gonna do." Joonmyeon walked passed the boy and grabbed his coat off of the rack. "Get your coats, you two." Sehun and Jongdae did as told.


"What are you doing?" Baekhyun asked.


"I'm sure Chanyeol would have our heads if we let your go out to your death. More so, it wouldn't be right to keep you two apart any longer."



Chanyeol had finally made it back home. Once he was inside, Kyungsoo, Luhan, and Kai's faces glowed with excitement, however, when they didn't see a smaller figure come into the house, their smiles faltered.


"Where's Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo asked.


Luhan shuffled towards Chanyeol, pulling him into his embrace. "I'm so sorry."


"I waited too long." Chanyeol kept his head down, not wanting to see the sorrow in his friends faces. I was too late.



Chanyeol was right back where he started. Lying in his bed drenched in depression and heartache. It's all my fault. I should have never let him go.


It was nearing midnight. After much pondering, Chanyeol decided to not let his feelings get the best of him this time around. He was going to suffer in silence. There was no point in drowning in melancholy when Baekhyun was perfectly happy with his life, even if he wasn't apart of it. That’s all I ever wanted for him.


Chanyeol was about to head downstairs to eat when he hole opened up next to his bed with Kyungsoo on the other side. "Chanyeol you need to get down here!" Kyungsoo's voice was so frantic he thought it was an emergency. Chanyeol rushed down two flights of stairs, he could here a loud commotion and screaming. Once he made it to the living room, he saw everyone along with Joonmyeon, Sehun and Jongdae crowded around a small figure.


Everyone turned their heads towards Chanyeol and slowly opened up their circle, revealing Baekhyun dressed in his black cloak. Chanyeol felt his frozen heart drop from his chest. He was really looking at him, he was actually here. "Baekhyun…"


Baekhyun took off his cloak, laying on the couch as he made his way over to the taller. Chanyeol was about to reach out and embrace the male but was met with a punch to the face instead.


"You son of a !" Baekhyun cried as he held his throbbing hand in his other. Though Chanyeol wasn't physically fazed by the sudden action, he held his abused cheek in his hand as Baekhyun shouted curses and pushed at him. "Three years, Chanyeol! You left me there for three years! You pretended not to give a about me until this morning!? Why!? Why did it take you three years to come back!? Why did it take you three years to finally love me!?" Baekhyun broke down and cried on Chanyeol's chest, the other not moving at all.


"I was so heart broken." He whispered, "Day after day for months I prayed that you would come back for me. That you actually felt the same way I did and just wanted me to get over the whole death thing, but you never came back."


Chanyeol wrapped his arms around the boys waist, burying his face in his hair, "I was miserable everyday I was without you. I acted on impulse and because I didn’t want to admit what I did was wrong…I wanted to come back just as much as you wished. I'm so sorry."


Baekhyun lifted his head, eyes already puffy and cheeks wet, "Tell me why you came to the village this morning. Was it because all you wanted was to see my face and leave? To make sure I wasn't dead yet?"


Chanyeol shook his head, "I came to take you home but when I saw you with that women and child…I thought you were better off without me. I thought you moved on."

Baekhyun chuckled, "That women was our neighbor and I was watching her child for the night." A wave a relief washed over Chanyeol's face. He cupped the taller's face with his hands, skin as soft and cold as fresh snow.


"I love you, Baekhyun." Chanyeol held him closer.


"I know."


Chanyeol leaned down, feeling Baekhyun's soft lips on his own. He could taste the salty tears that fell from the boys eyes, the pulse of his heart beat, the warmth in his blood, all at once. Though Chanyeol's body was eternally icy, Baekhyun felt engulfed in the heat of the male. Maybe the way Chanyeol glided his tongue through his mouth and the gentle hold on his waist made his body flustered and heated enough to distract Baekhyun completely from the others wintry flesh.


I can feel your love



"Can I tell you a story?" Chanyeol asked. The two were cuddled on the small balcony at the top of the steps in the garden, watching the snow meet the earth through the window.


Baekhyun hummed in response, snuggling closer to the male and pulling their shared blanket up to his chin.


Long ago, there was a boy that lived in a very small village. What the people of that village didn’t know was that he, along with his family, was a vampire. That village in particular lived in utter fear of the monsters that lurked outside.


One day, the boy met a girl. He fell in love with that girl, and she loved him. They wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. The only problem was that the boy would live forever and the girl would soon die, leaving him alone.


The boy thought of a solution. His mother was a vampire and his father was a mortal when they met, and his mother turned his father so that they could be together forever. He thought he could have the same happy ending.


In the dead of night, the boy and girl met in a secure place. There, the boy told the girl that he was a vampire but that he loved her and he wanted them to stay together. To do that he would have to turn her into a vampire like himself.


However, the girl was terrified of him after the fact. She told him she couldn’t love a monster as dangerous as him and that she had no intention of becoming like him.


The girl ran away from the heartbroken boy to tell the village that vampires were among them. The boy panicked. Vampires lived in every village in their area. If she told the village, the rest of the vampires would be found out. He couldn't let that happen.


The boy was forced to kill the girl he loved, but it was too late. Her screams had been heard by the entire village and soon, they all knew what kind of monsters he and his family were.


Before he could make it back home to warn his parents, some villagers had burned his home with his parents still in it. In a fit of rage, the boy murdered the entire village and set fires to bury the secret.


After that day, the boy became cold and heartless. He refused to live in another village. Their leader decided to take him in his care. In this state, the leader trained the boy to eventually take his place.


Decades later, that boy became the ruthless and powerful leader of the vampires.


"I don’t think the boy is all that ruthless and heartless, he's still cold though." Baekhyun chuckled as Chanyeol scolded at him. "But I do like that idea."


"What idea?"

"The idea of a vampire turning his mortal love in order to be together forever."

"That's not what you were supposed to take from the story, Baekhyun."

"Will you do that? Will you make me like you so we can always be together?"




"You don't have to right away. I just want you to think about it." He kissed Chanyeol's cheek, "Just know that this is what I want. I want to be with you forever. Don't try to talk me out of it because no matter what you say or what you do this is what I want for us. Until you decide to do so, I'll always be here; I'll never leave you."


…I love you too…





I hope you enjoyed the final chapter. Sorry I took so long. Would you be upset to know that even though it took me a year to update it only took me 3 hours to write all of this? Thank you for reading~

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turtleo3o #1
Chapter 6: Im confused where or when they fell in love i thought chanyeol fell in love with Baeks mom >.> but then like that’s impossible <.< but now im like... but then >.> i am confusion
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 6: This was so low key angsty and Chanyeol making himself weak really got me!!!!!!! This was great to read and you did an awesome job portraying all the emotions.
Chapter 6: Beautiful! Freaking amazing!!
Chapter 6: Epilogue~~~ please~~~ loved it!!!
wordless-expressions #5
I know it's the end but I'd be nice if we get an epilogue or something. UGGHH I'm not forcing you to do anything it's just my feels talking because I'm so curious. Does he turn baek? Is it painful? Does he adapt well to being a vamp if he does turn?
ranita95 #6
Chapter 6: Ughh the feelsss! Finally ur update this
56shas #7
Chapter 5: Be back soon authornim :)
56shas #8