
Blood is Thicker than Water

"That's great!" I forced a believable smile. Jinna nodded in agreement and handed me the bag of chips to me. I took a few out. Oh lord please. I would step aside for her to love him, for her to enjoy him as her own. 


"JINNA!" Mother ran/sprinted to Jinna. Yep, that's were our athleticness came from. 

"Our daughter is here!" My dad boomed, stepping into the room. I smiled, seeing my parent's really happy made me really happy. 

"Umma! You dyed your hair red! Appa! Whoa did you workout at the gym?" Jinah was taking in all the changes that were made. Since this was a new house (we bought it while she was studying abroad) Jinna didn't know where the utensils were, so I set the table. She was a wonderful cook and cooked usa lovely dinner. I made the dessert :)

"Look what Jinna cooked!"I proudly announced. Mom and dad simultaniously gasped and more hugs were exchanged. We sat at the dinner table, catching up. Tomorrow, Jinna would start at my school. That was the main topic. I was going to introduce her to all my friends and teammates and get her into the soccer team. She's gonna shine. An abrupt rap on the door yanked me back from dream land. Dreaming about the things we could do togther that is. 

"I got it." I went to open the door. It was Chanyeol and his best friends. All 12 of them. (Exo)

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" My eyeballs were popping out. Dinner here again? Sehun walked right past me, Kai following him.

"We here for dinner!" Sehun walked into the kitchen.

"I smell good food all the way from my house," Chanyeol explained. I rolled my eyes and let them in. There probably would be enough food to go around.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Song~" The chorused, like how we did as a class when we were kids. Mom and dad quickly pulled out more chairs. Like always, I was seated next to Chanyeol. My heart was going overdrive. He's now Jinna's, I told myself. JInna sat across from him, as radiant as the sun.

"Ahem, maybe you should introduce us to the pretty girl," Luhan had a dazed look in his eyes. Any fool could tell that it was love. Love for Jinna. Tao, fascinated with the food, nodded.

"You guys, this is my twin from the States, Jinna. Jinna, these are boys that go to my school and my friends. You guys introduce yourselves." I was lazy like that. I ate while the boys introduced themselves. Jinna nodded politely, but she only had eyes for Chanyeol. Luhan looked deflated. Oh god. Dad and Mom looked back and forth between us, truth dawning to them. 

Yep it was complicated.


Half past midnight. I scowled at the ceiling, unable to sleep. I could hear Jinna's soft snores from next door. I turned again. I needed sleep, I had a competition tomorrow.

Truth was, the fact that Jinna was so ga-ga about Chanyeol disturbed me. I really really liked him. It would be a devil if she just came and snatched him away from me. But she was my sister. I would do anything for her. Otteoke?

When I finally drifted off to sleep, horrible dreams haunted me. Everyone hated me, despised me, and loved Jinna. I was kicked from the team and replaced by Jinna. By the next morning, I felt like hell. Nothing was bad about Jinna at all. 

"Soobin-ah!! Ready to go?" Jinna called from outside. I groaned and got out of bed. It's too early. 10 minutes later, we both had a gonola bar in our hands and we left for school.

"You look tired. Did you get enough sleep?" Jinna observed. I shook my head. Rest was the last thing in mind. Now, all I wanted was to pass my math and language arts test and win the basketball game. 

"Today will be very eventful. We need to get there early, because there are much things for you to do." With that we raced to school. I won, ofcourse. Not to brag or anything, but I was wonderful at racing and sports.

"Soobin! Jinna!" Chanyeol called from the gates. My face nearly split apart due to my huge grin. Maybe I was overthinking it..but he said my name first!! Jinna greeted him and we walked through the gate. Exo crowded around us, talking noisily. Luhan had a cone of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Jinna saw it and gasped. She loved that flavor from what I gather.

"Luhan~ can I get some?" Jinna made a cute face. Luhan nodded and handed her the cone. They shared it. Kinda of like a couple. 

Tao was bragging about his new black belt to Kris, Suho and Baekhyun. Sehun was making plans to go the the bubble tea shop afterschool before coming to watch the game with Lay, Kai, Chen and D.O. Xiumin, being the eldest, overlooked the scene. Chanyeol and I glanced at each other at the same time. My face flamed as I darted my gaze away. Lord decided to keep me from the awkwardness because my 3 other all-time best friends ran in. Sulli, Aniya and Aeri. 

"Soobin! I can't wait for the game!" Aniya hugged me. We were all in the basketball team, cross country team and soccer. 

"Whoa who's this girl?" Aeri asked not so nicely. She didn't like strangers much. No more trouble on the paradise please.

"Jinna, my twin I was telling you about. Jinna, this is Aeri, my best best best best friend. That's Aniya and Sulli. They are best friends as well." I introduced. Jinna beamed at them and went to hug Aniya and Sulli. She distanced herself from Aeri though, because Aeri was scowling.

"Nice to meet you! OMG you're hair is so pretty!" Aniya exclaimed before taking out a bag of ruffles.

"Ohh~ Your eyelids are good. Wow." Sulli always noted about the eyelids. I smiled. so far so....okish.

"Soo-bin I need to talk to you," Aeri dragged me away from my group of friends.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't like Jinna." She stated simply.

"Why not?" Oh come on...

"Because, she's to bubbly and cheerful and cute for her own good. Plus, I have that gut feeling." Aeri rattled on. I sighed. I knew that it would be hard to get Jinna here, but this was to much. Couldn't we all just love one another? 

"Just bear with her please?" I begged. Aeri looked at my hopeful face and nodded. My best friend was back!

"I still hate her." 



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working on a double update soon!


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 40: This story js amazing <3 *cries
KrystalsarangEXO #2
Chapter 39: This story is amazing!! I love it so much !!!
mk8346 #3
Chapter 37: i totally agree if i was her i would punch jinna in face repeatly
PerfectlyImperfectxX #4

...I tried not to write all my anger in and keep the curse words down. Except one. ^^ heh... I hope Aeri will be alright! :( I wonder what Lay will do now..
DreamSparkStar #5
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *screams wordlessly in agony*
mk8346 #6
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOO.........>:(
Omg your poster is so kakfjfifiwitmvosj I LOVE IT
chocolate_icecream #8
Chapter 29: LOL Chen seriously? XDD
Nice update, author-nim :D
PerfectlyImperfectxX #9
Chapter 29: I seriously choked on air about Chen here. XD like, what the heck? thats so random. Chanyeol is being a cutie pie with Soobin >< omo omo omo omo
And hows Tao and Xiumin XD glitter fascination moment~
Lol. Ignore my weirdness ;-;
Thank you for the update, author-nim! :D
PerfectlyImperfectxX #10
Chapter 28: Oh, Lay :( I feel bad for both he and Aeri. And woahh Kai ;) will there be a new couple soon?

Those giggles are just plain out annoying.

Thank you for updating, Author-nim! :)