
A puzzle from the past
Walking into a new school was like being late to a class. You walk in and everyone stares at you. Everyone was starring at me. Was it my choice of style? I reached in my backpack and took out my gloves that obviously stood out as i slipped them on. They were black with spikes on the knuckles. I loved punk clothes. I wasn't a punk but i just liked the style. I wandered around the school, i found the library, cafeteria, principal's office, classrooms, and bathrooms. I heard chatter coming from behind me. I turned my head slightly and saw a group of teenagers following me. Whispering to themselves. One thing about me...I can be a sometimes. Its just how i am. I turned around, a tall teen with inky black hair and light brown eyes (whom i assumed was the 'leader' of the group) scanned me and crossed his arms "Whats your name?"he said keeping his gaze on me. My first instinct was to walk away but i saw a girl behind her that looked friendlier then he did. She had short black hair and wore at least 5 bracelets on her right wrist and a necklace that had a white pearl dangling from a silver chain. She had rosy cheeks and plump red lips. I smiled at her, "The names Mae young. Who are you?"i said looking at the tall teen who was now tapping his foot. He smiled at me and held out his hand, i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Did he wanna be my friend? I reached for his hand and shook it, "Lee Kang, call me Kang."said Lee Kang still holding his smile. I straightened up and pulled my hand away slowly "Who are the others?"i asked. I looked back, there were 3 others. Am i going have to remember all these damn names?! "This is Min Na, my younger sister"said Lee Kang pointing to the girl with the pearl necklace. I bowed to her, trying to look as polite as possible. She bowed back and smiled. Lee Kang continued, "This is Donghyun"Donghyun was another tall teen with blonde short hair that was spiked in the front. He smiled at me and winked....Ew. The last and final person was a shy looking girl who wore black eyeliner and had some colorful hair, her name was Cho hee. After everyone was introduced, the bell rung for class to start. They asked me who i had, i shrugged "Beats me. I haven't even met this teacher yet"i said. I stuffed my hands in my pocket, Donghyun had the same class as me and walked with me to the classroom. I memorized the way to the class and made him stop so i could look around "Hurry up!"he would say whenever i would stop, "Leave without me then"i would say. He only sighed and leaned against the wall and wait until i finished. When we went inside, class had already started. Again with the eyes starring at us as we walked in, Donghyun bowed to the teacher, a male, he was short and had short black hair with a gray suit on. "Mianhe. I had to show the new student the way to this class"said Donghyun. I bowed to the teacher, he put down the ruler he was holding and faced us "Donghyun please take a seat. Miss, will you please introduce yourself"said the teacher. I looked on the chalkboard, i saw his name written in small letters, Mr. Park. I looked around at the class, my eyes stopped on a teen that looked like a girl but i knew he was a guy. He had brown hair that looked smooth. He had white milky skin and brown eyes that starred at me as i stood there. I blinked and looked away, "My name is Mae young. I'm from Seoul"i said. Questions flew at me, i heard questions like 'what district?' or 'Why did i move here?' and i also heard some smart comments. I smirked and crossed my arms "I'm from the Gangnam district. I moved here because my older brother made me. Believe me if it were my choice i wouldn't have come. And i'm not a rich girl. Sorry to burst your bubble."and with that i sat down at an empty seat. It was quiet and i couldn't help but grin. Donghyun was in front of me. He slipped his hand behind him and held his hand out to me. I knew he wanted a high five. I gave him a high five and he chuckled. Mr. Park was quiet, he grabbed his ruler and continued with his lesson. I kept looking over at the boy. Whenever i did, he would be doing something like texting, fixing his hair, writing, or talking. I stopped looking at him and sighed. I tried to focus on the lesson. The lesson was boring as hell. So i put my head down. After 10 minutes of keeping my head down i felt someone poke me. I lifted my head. Someone was poking me with their pencil, "Do you like your pencil?"i said. They nodded "Then i suggest you stop that before i break it"i said in a don't--with-me-or-i'll-kill-you tone. It was a girl, she flinched and handed me a piece of paper. She faced the board. I opened the paper and read it to myself "Hey rich girl. So your from Seoul? You don't look like the type to be from Seoul. Are you from America? Write me back brownie, p.s stop starring at me. If you wanna talk then just talk to me after school and i like your gloves."it said. Brownie?! What kind of a stupid nickname was that?! I looked at the boy again. This time he was starring at me, he smiled and waved. I picked up my pencil and wrote back to him "Whats up pretty boy. What do you want?"i wrote. I passed it to the girl next to me, who passed it to some guy, who passed it to that boy. I saw his reaction when he read it. He tilted his head, as if he was confused. He scribbled something on the paper and passed it back. As soon as i got it back i opened it and read it to myself, "Thats not very nice. I'm not a pretty boy, brownie. And i don't want anything from YOU, i just want you to stop starring at me. Its creeping me out. Brownie."he wrote. Wow. He had some balls to talk to me that way. I smirked and looked up at him. He was starring at me, a blank expression on his face. I crumpled the paper and stood up to throw it in the trash. Everyone looked at me as soon as i stood up. I ignored them and threw the paper in the trash then i sat down. This was going to be a long day. --------------------------------------------------- Just so you know. This is before Nu'est okay? I don't want any confusion. ^////^ So...thats chapter 2. Again, mostly about Mae young. I actually had something similar to this happen to me, it was funny. Anyways, chapter 3 coming your way ;) please support my story. Kamsahamnida! ^~^
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exoexoexo94 #1
Chapter 1: ohh nice introduction. but dont you think that it is too cramped? its very hard to read.