
A puzzle from the past
I stood straight up and watched the group of guys walk towards us. Donghyun had stopped the music, he stood by me. Lee kang came on the otherside and stood in front of Min na and Cho hee "What do you want Kwang-ho?"said Lee kang. Whos Kwang-ho?? A sort of muscular brown haired teen walked up, he had broad features and starred at me with deep blue eyes. His eyes traveled from me, to Donghyun, then to Lee kang. He pointed at Lee kang, and signaled him to come with him, Lee kang seemed scared. He looked at Donghyun, Donghyun only shook his head "You don't have to anymore. Its been a couple of months since that happened"said Donghyun. Now i was curious "What happened?"i said. I looked from Donghyun to Lee kang but no one answered my question. Lee kang shook his head to Donghyun "I can't Donghyun. I'll be back before you know it"said Lee kang. He gave a reassuring smile then walked towards that Kwang-ho character "Ya! Lee kang"i called to him. Lee kang stopped and smiled at me, he was actually making me think he was going to be okay. I walked towards him, his smile slowly disappearing "Why are you going with them? Come on lets get out of here"i said glancing at Kwang-ho. He smirked at me and spat at the ground. Lee kang looked at his sister and held his hand up to her. She seemed to relax a bit. Lee kang didn't answer me, he just walked to Kwang-ho and his group. I was about to drag Lee kang's sorry back to our group but Donghyun pulled me back "Ya! Whats wrong with you?!"i said "Leave him be. This has happened before"said Donghyun in a quiet tone. I watched as Lee kang walked away with Kwang-ho. Curiousity built up inside of me. We ended up waiting for him, lunch was almost over but we still waited for him to return. Min na asked me questions about Seoul and i told her mostly all i knew. She was amazed and told me she'd always wanted to go to Seoul. I promised her i'd take her one day. She only smiled and gave me a warming hug, "Not fair!"i heard Donghyun say. Suddenly i felt a pair of strong hands wrap around us both making the hug tighter. The bell rung. Lee kang didn't come back, Donghyun called his cell but there was no answer. Min na and Cho hee departed and went to their classes for the remaining 2 classes that were left. i walked with Donghyun to our class. He walked me to my seat and sat on my desk "So....You wanna know what happened to Lee kang?"said Donghyun. I nodded and starred at him with curious eyes. He was about to tell me what happened but the teacher walked in and stopped Donghyun from speaking. Donghyun smiled at me and sat down in his seat. The seat to the right of me was empty but to the left was that girl who i scared. I sat back and sighed. Suddenly i heard someone sit next to me in the empty chair. It was that same boy, "Um...?"i said. He looked at me, smiled, then looked back at the board. He set his backpack on the desk and sat back, "I don't mean to be rude pretty boy but...Leave"i said. He looked at me, his face serious "Why?"he said. I didn't answer, i just didn't want him sitting next to me. He starred at me, it was getting really annoying, "Ya! You have a problem"i whispered to him. He flinched a bit and shook his head. He started to scribble on a piece of paper then he passed it to me. I sighed and starred at it, he pushed it towards me again. I opened it and read it "I don't like you"it said. I laughed. The boy looked surprised. I kept laughing, the teacher told me to be quiet and i bit my lip. I put my head down and looked at him, "The feelings neutral"i whispered to him. He gave me a disgusted look and looked away. I felt like being a now. Since he didn't like me, i could get him back for caling me a rich girl and brownie. It was time for revenge.... --------------------------------------------------- thats that chapter! Hope ya liked it. Next update coming soon hopefully. I have to study my Korean. Since i'm learning and stuff. Anyways thanks for support! Bye bye for now ;)
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exoexoexo94 #1
Chapter 1: ohh nice introduction. but dont you think that it is too cramped? its very hard to read.