
A puzzle from the past
Again, mianhe for the cramped up text >.< I wanna throw my phone at the wall, burn it, and throw it in the trash! that would do it *-* but i can't ^-^ heres the next chapter :D --------------------------------- finally. The bell rung! I was through with that boring lesson! I stood up from my seat and gathered my stuff together. I heard a slam and looked up to see that boy standing in front of my desk, he slammed his hands on my desk to get my attention, he gave me a cold stare, "Can i talk to you?"he asked still holding his gaze at me. I smiled and zipped up my backpack, i put on my backpack and stood up straight, meeting his gaze. "No"i said. I turned around and walked out of the classroom. He followed me outside. What does he want?! I stopped and turned around quickly, he stopped and had such a serious face, "What do you want"i said. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and walked around me. He stopped behind me. Creep. "Whats wrong with you?"he said. I turned to him. What did he mean wrong with me? Hes the one whose being a creep "Whats wrong with YOU?!"i said. He smiled and his eyes went to my gloves, "Those are nice"he said. I put my hands behind my back, he frowned "Whats wrong?"he came closer to me. This is a good time to hit him in his family jewels. I could just call it 'self defense' i mean, he was walking towards me. Creep. I was getting ready to hit him where it hurts when i felt a hand on my shoulder, "Mae young. Lets go"came Donghyun's voice. I turned around and looked back at the boy. He was still starring at me, "Okay. I'm coming"i said without taking my eyes off of this strange boy who stood in front of me. Donghyun tugged on my jacket and i followed him. I didn't dare look back, that creeper might be starring at me....Again. When we turned the corner, Donghyun burst in laughter, i turned to him. Why was he laughing? "Whats so funny?"i said. He looked around, "That was funny as hell! What were you gonna do kick him in his balls?"said Donghyun. I figured out he was watching. I laughed with him, "Yeah. Donghyun. We need to talk because...You could be next on my list to get dropped"i said. He froze, "Yeah right! I could take you down easy! I'm a good fighter!"blabbered Donghyun. I nodded and went along with his claim. Apparently he doesn't know what i'm capable of. Its a good thing to. I'm starting fresh. I don't wanna be seen as someone who beats people up for a living. We walked to where the rest our group hung out, which was next to the gates. We talked about the school, what we hated, what we liked about the school. They all had different interests, Cho hee wanted to go in medical school and study to be a doctor. She would make a good doctor. Min ha wanted to own a library because she loved to read. Donghyun wanted to be a professional boxer. Lee kang wanted to be in the army. Donghyun made fun of him, he would say things like "your gonna die in the army" or"your hair's gonna be gone." I tried not to laugh. I didn't want to picture Lee kang with no hair, but i did. Cho hee would often glance at me, was i doing something wrong? "Cho hee...Are you okay?"i asked her. She nodded and looked away, Cho hee really was shy, thats not good. I decided to break that. I stood up and told her to stand up as well. She did. Poor soul, she had no idea what i was going to do next "Cho hee. Dance with me"i said. She froze and i had to laugh. She shook her head immediately then she sat down. Donghyun stood up and clapped his hands "Alright Mae young. Lets do this!"said Donghyun. He looked ready to dance. I tugged on Cho hee's sweater. She looked down and blushed "Come on! Please. No ones looking and if anyone makes fun of you, i'll beat them to a pulp"i said. She looked at me, "Your exaggerating"she said. Her voice was shakey, i smiled and placed my hands on my hips, "Try me"i said. She swallowed and stood up, Donghyun brought out his phone and played some music. He played "Shock"by B2ST. I smiled and got ready to dance. The music started. Me and Donghyun started to dance to the song. Like i cared what people thought of me when i danced. I had fun dancing with Donghyun. Eventually Min ha jumped in then, surprisingly, Lee kang. All that was left was Cho hee. She smiled as she saw me dance. I even rapped for her. She finally stood up and danced with us. Our laughter filled the air but the moment was short lived, i heard a clap. We stopped and looked around. Standing near the wall was a group of guys. One word popped up in my mind. Bullies. -------------------------------------------------- that makes this chapter. ^-^ hope ya like it. Me and my friends were actually dancing to "Shock"by B2ST so....Yeah i had to add that in. :) Anyways......Thanks for reading. Again sorry for the cramped up text. *throws phone at the wall*
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exoexoexo94 #1
Chapter 1: ohh nice introduction. but dont you think that it is too cramped? its very hard to read.