My morning

A puzzle from the past
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~2 years ago~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The beaming light of the morning sun crept in my room through my window. I opened my eyes slowly as the sun's beam shined on my face signaling me that it was time to get up. I rubbed my eyes and sat up from my bed. My eyeslashes fluttered as i looked around my room and saw a blur until i blinked at least twice and my vision was fixed. With a long yawn, i stretched my arms straight up and smacked my lips together to get a taste of the morning breath that i hated so much. I kicked the covers off and twisted my body to where my feet dangled off the bed then touched the wooden floor beneath me. My first day of my Junior year, i was a newbie to the Busan city. I came from Seoul in the Gangnam district, they used to call me "Tuff Mae" because of the fights i would get into. I wasn't someone to mess with, especially if you make fun of my friends. I lifted myself off my bed and walked towards my bedroom door. I slowly opened it just enough so i could see the hallway. The lights were on. My older brother had left for work already. I opened the door wider and stepped into the white hallway. Pictures hung on the wall, pictures of my family. My dad, mom, older brother and I. When i walked into the bathroom, i looked in the mirror and chuckled at the sight of my hair. My bangs were out of control and my brown silky hair was to the side. My small, soft, pink lips parted as i sighed quietly. Picking up the black brush, i brushed my hair down. After i brushed my hair i washed my hands with hot water, it made my hands red. I started to think about my first day in the Busan high school as i brushed my teeth. Why my older brother and I moved to Busan, i'll never know but he did it for a reason. I quickly put my school clothes on and grabbed my backpack. I made my way down the stairs to my kitchen and made myself some nokcha(green tea). I added two cubes of sugar to the tea and stirred. The clock read 7:25am, i was in no rush to get to school. I took my time drinking my nokcha and playing with my necklace my grandma had given me before she died. It was a simple necklace with a ruby dangling from the gold chain. That was my birthstone. A ruby. The necklace made me smile and i finished the last of my nokcha. I put my cup in the sink and walked out of the kitchen towards the front door. I reached in my pocket and grabbed my house key. I stepped out of the house, turned around, locked the door, then stuffed the key back in my pocket. I turned around only to see a group of older kids walk by my house and snicker at me. I sighed and walked down my walkway to the sidewalk. My neighborhood was quiet, calm, peaceful. The only horrible thing about it was the fact that i lived in back of a busy street. The walk to the high school took me 15 minutes, since i walked fast, and i saw the large building of the high school. The groups of teenagers hanging out in front of the gates. I took a deep breath and walked towards the gates of the school. -------------------------------------------------- Okay, so this chapter is about Mae Young. Since shes the MC of the story i figured you should get to know her a bit more. ^^ Don't worry, Choi Minki will come in soon. ;) I'll update soon ;) i hope you lovely readers will support me! PEACE OUT! ^O^
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exoexoexo94 #1
Chapter 1: ohh nice introduction. but dont you think that it is too cramped? its very hard to read.