P.O.V — Point Of View

MANGLISH。ㅡ a malaysian fangirl's writing guide for malaysians, ha.

P.O.V — Point of View

Hai! Malam semalam sebenarnya nak update pasal ni tapi sebab malam semalam kat luar, melepak, so tak dapat update. Baru petang ni dapat updatenya. Huhu. Apa tajuk hari ini? P.O.V! And korang, if korang tak faham apa yang Nana cuba terangkan, bagitahu tau? Takut korg confuse or terima ajaran sesat pulak nanti. Hahah!


Point of View

Pernah dengar istilah P.O.V? Tak pernah? Tahu tak apa P.O.V? P.O.V adalah point of view. Point of view ni menatang apa sebenarnya?

Point of view is the angle of considering things which shows us the opinion or feelings of the individuals involved in a situation. In literature, point of view is the mode of narration that an author employs to let the readers “hear” and “see” what takes place in a story, poem, essay etc.

Point of view is a reflection of the opinion an individual from real life or fiction can have. Broadly speaking, there are three major kinds of points of view:

1. First person point of view involves the use of either of the two pronouns “I” and “we”.

“I felt like I was getting drowned with shame and disgrace.”

2. Second person point of view employs the pronoun “you”.

“Sometimes you cannot clearly discern between anger and frustration.”

3. Third person point of view uses pronouns like “he”, “she”, “it”, “they” or a name.

“Mr. Stewart is a principled man. He acts by the book and never lets you deceive him easily.”

Faham? Tak? Confuse? Ya? Okay. Biar Nana ubah semua tu dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Point of view bermaksud pandangan. Mengikut istilah yang Nana copy+paste ini, point of view adalah sudut yang menunjukkan suatu pandangan mahupun perasaan seseorang individu yang terlibat dalam suatu situasi. Dalam penulisan, point of view adalah kaedah penyampaian cerita seorang penulis yang membenarkan para pembacanya "mendengar" dan "melihat" apa yang berlaku dalam cerita, puisi, karangan dsb.

Point of view mencerminkan pandangan seseorang individu. Ada tiga jenis point of view yang harus diketahui:

1. Sudut pandangan orang pertama, diceritakan melalui pengarang sendiri. Menggunakan "aku"/"I" sebagai kata ganti nama diri.

Contoh: "Aku terasa diri aku ini diselubungi dengan perasaan malu dan keaiban."

— “I felt like I was getting drowned with shame and disgrace.”

2. Sudut pandangan orang kedua, diceritakan melalui pembaca. Menggunakan "kau"/"you" sebagai kata ganti nama diri.

Contoh: "Kadang-kadang kau tak boleh nak bezakan kemarahan dan kekecewaan."

– “Sometimes you cannot clearly discern between anger and frustration.”

3. Sudut pandangan orang ketiga, diceritakan melalu dia ataupun nama. Menggunakan "dia"/"he", "she" ataupun Jongin sebagai kata ganti nama diri.

Contoh: "Encik Stewart merupakan lelaki yang berprinsip. Dia mengikut peraturan dan takkan biarkan kau menganiayanya dengan mudah."

– “Mr. Stewart is a principled man. He acts by the book and never lets you deceive him easily.”

Boleh faham penggunaan p.o.v? Pada kebiasaannya, sudut pandangan orang pertama jarang-jarang diguna sebab dekat AFF ni, komuniti dia lebih suka sudut pandangan orang kedua, buat "you" fics. Sudut pandangan orang pertama ini lebih banyak digunakan dalam novel. Novel Melayu Nana tak berapa sure, tapi setahu Nana novel Melayu kebanyakkannya guna sudut pandangan orang ketiga. Novel Inggeris yang banyak guna sudut pandangan orang pertama.

Penggunaan P.O.V korang pun kena konsisten. Jangan asyik ubah-ubah P.O.V, nanti readers confuse.

Kalau biasa guna second person's p.o.v, stick to second person. Don't change it.

Kalau biasa guna third person's p.o.v, stick to third person. Don't change it.

Biar Nana bagi contoh setiap p.o.v dalam bentuk perenggan supaya korang tak confuse.

First Person's P.O.V

Present Tense: I wake up from my deep slumber and walk to the bathroom. I take a shower and dry myself as I prep up for school. The wind blows, a sign that autumn is visiting again. I am never a fan of the cold nor am I a fan of the warm. I never like either of them. I am not so sure why, I never learn why I hate seasons. Maybe it is because as seasons change, people change too and he changes while I am still me.

Past Tense: I got up from my deep slumber and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and dried myself as I prepped up for school. The wind blew, a sign that autumn was visiting again. I was never a fan of the cold nor was I a fan of the warm. I never liked either of them. I wasn't so sure why, I never really learned why I hated seasons. Maybe it was because as seasons changed, people change too and he changed while I was still me.

Second Person's P.O.V

Present Tense: You wake up from your deep slumber and walk to the bathroom. You take a shower and dry yourself as you prep up for school. The wind blows, a sign that autumn is visiting again. You are never a fan of the cold nor are you a fan of the warm. You never like either of them. You are not so sure why, you never learn why you hate seasons. Maybe it is because as seasons change, people change too and he changes while you are still you.

Past Tense: You woke up from your deep slumber and walked to the bathroom. You took a shower and dried yourself as you prepped up for school. The wind blew, a sign that autumn was visiting again. You were never a fan of the cold nor were you a fan of the warm. You never liked either of them. You weren't so sure why, you never really learned why you hated seasons. Maybe it was because as seasons changed, people change too and he changed while you were still you.

Third Person's P.O.V

Present Tense: She wakes up from her deep slumber and walks to the bathroom. She takes a shower and dries herself as she preps up for school. The wind blows, a sign that autumn is visiting again. She is never a fan of the cold nor is she a fan of the warm. She never likes either of them. She is not so sure why, she never learns why she hates seasons. Maybe it is because as seasons change, people change too and he changes while she is still her.

Past Tense: She woke up from her deep slumber and walked to the bathroom. She took a shower and dried herself as she prepped up for school. The wind blew, a sign that autumn was visiting again. She was never a fan of the cold nor was she a fan of the warm. She never liked either of them. She wasn't so sure why, she never really learned why she hated seasons. Maybe it was because as seasons changed, people change too and he changed while she was still her.

Haaa, agak-agak faham tak apa p.o.v ini? Boleh bezakan sekarang? Sebagai reviewer, Nana nasihatkan supaya korang stick to one point of view ONLY. Jangan ubah p.o.v macam tukar seluar dalam. Jangan ubah p.o.v macam tukar bias. JANGAN. Nanti reviewer confuse, pastu markah dekat flow akan kurang and dia akan komen:

"I couldn't tell who was who. You kept changing the point of views and I lost track. I had to reread again to make sure who was who."

Kalau biasa dengan first person's p.o.v, stick to it.

Kalau biasa dengan second person's p.o.v, stick to it.

Kalau biasa dengan third person's p.o.v, stick to it.


Haha, nampak tak ketekanan dia dekat situ? Nana tak suka baca cerita yang suka tukar-tukar p.o.v. Nana memang ada baca cerita yang tukar-tukar p.o.v, tapi untuk cerita yang ubah-ubah p.o.v ni, korang kena mahir and arif pasal p.o.v dulu baru cerita tu tak tunggang-langgang macam letak otak kat lutut, mata kat hidung, telinga kat mulut.


ha, tu je kot yang nana nak bincangkan on topik p.o.v.

terima kasih dekat website ini untuk maksud p.o.v serta contoh. till then, Assalamualaikum.

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ohneomo #1
Chapter 7: Hola kakak! Call me kimchi^^
Actually, kimchi ni english author tapi tersesat kat sini. (Do check out my fics >.^ warning: n M but not too details)
Boleh akak terangkan tentang double negatives? Kimchi selalu confuse pasal tu.
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tyra99 #4
Chapter 5: Benda ni sejak darjah 2 kita dah belajar.
entahlah, sesetengah penulis aff ni hiraukan..
AhSongyi #5
Chapter 5: Oh..dah lebih tahu sekarang.
Saya dapat 80 waktu exam tahun 6 bulan Januari.Bulan Mac..alhamdulillah dapat 90 markah.Semalam cikgu bagi kertas Pemahaman.Pemahaman je la.
clminzydarabomlover #6
Chapter 4: Hey buddi....
Tinggal di kl ya?
Juga orang msia tapi orang seremban help saya dlm think idea untuk tulis chapter fic
Writer's block....
No your Malay is better than mine
Of course lah saya orang cina mah
AhSongyi #7
Chapter 4: Ohhh..baru faham maksudnya.
Chapter 3: eUe kadang2 bila dtang idea utk buat FF bru,FF yg lma2 tu tergantung berbulan2,sampailh grup yg terlibat dlam FF tu wt comeback bru smbung :B
AhSongyi #9
Chapter 3: tak pernah dapat pun writer's block. .-.