Chapter 4

Who Would've Thought


"I'll save him and protect him from you. I'll fix him." There was determination in Jongin's eyes that made Luhan suddenly feel weak. The look on Jongin's eyes made him suddenly feel inferior.

Luhan doesn't want to give Sehun up. He shook his head, words that he needed to say refused to leave his mouth. He needed to declare that Sehun was his, and his alone.

"When you come back, I'll show you a new Sehun. A Sehun that doesn't follow you. A Sehun that isn't hurting because of you. A Sehun that's in love with me, and not you."

The younger's declaration of war echoed in his mind as he stared at the clouds moving beneath them. Luhan was pissed; one reason was Jongin's statement, and the other was not being able to fix his mess with Sehun.

He could feel that his chance to fix everything was wasted, and that he would never have another chance.

A small teardrop slid through his cheeks which were left unnoticed. The pain he was feeling was too much--too much that it already made him numb.

Is this how Sehun felt all along?

He gritted his teeth, failing to hear the soft call of his seatmate.

"Luhannie," Minseok's gentle voice finally reached Luhan's ears as the older wiped away the single tear that dropped from his eye.

"Minnie..." Suddenly, all emotions that Luhan felt manifested on the tears that rolled from his eyes down to his cheeks. He couldn't stop the tears even if he wanted to. It was as if all emotions that he hid concerning Sehun suddenly are released, from love to guilt to anger.

The love he felt for Sehun suddenly overflowed, how much he missed the times when he was giving happiness to the younger, and when the younger was returning the favor. He missed the times when they would lay in bed whispering sweet nothings to each other. He missed the younger's voice whenever he calls the older man. He missed everything about Sehun.

The guilt and anger were directed to himself. After reminiscing his memories with Sehun, he felt guilty of what he did because of his own selfishness. He was angry at himself for hurting Sehun. He was angry at himself for even thinking that it would be scary to fall in love with Sehun.

It was already too late when he realized that he already has fallen, and due to his selfishness, what he feared has happened to him.

Minseok didn't say a word and just allowed Luhan to cry in his arms. It would be better if the younger released his emotions rather than keeping it all in.

The older of the two glanced at the figure on the other side of the plane as he soothed the younger's back. His closed his eyes and bit his lips softly, before looking back at the figure in his arms who eventually fell asleep after crying too much.

"Why is love so complicated?" Minseok murmmured, his thoughts going back to the figure who was sitted on the other side of the plane beside Lay.


Sehun stared at his phone, particularly at the message his former lover sent him before the older man boarded the plane.

He bit his lips, letting the tears that welled up in his eyes fall slowly, feeling mixed emotions as he re-read the message.


I know you're mad at me. It's okay because I'm also mad at myself.

I was a fool thinking that what I did would be the best for us,

but I was completely wrong and it took me a while to realize that I made a mistake.

I wanted to apologize earlier, but Suho wouldn't let me.

I understand why.

I hurt you and I don't deserve your love.

I wanted to take you back, but I failed.

What you heard earlier, it's true that I fell in love with Minseok for a while...

Sehun closed his eyes in attempt to cease the salty tears that already messed up his face, the pain on his chest was too much as his eyes landed on that line.

He took a deep breath and continued reading.

I probably still feel the same way about him, but then I realized that I love you more than him.

I know it's too late and I probably would be rejected anyway.

But can you please wait for me?

If you still love me when I return, I promise, I'll love you more.

I'll make it up to you.

I won't let you go.

Please, Sehun. Give me a chance.

I love you.

The younger threw his phone on the ground immediately after reading the last line.

"Why say those words now?" He shouted, not minding if the others hear it outside. "Why now when you're not here to tell them to my face? Why not now so I can hug you and never let you go?"

The last few lines were said in a whisper as he rested his head on his hands that were propped on his knees. Tears immediately welled up in his eyes as the line repeated in his mind.

You're so terrible, Luhan. You already left yet you managed to bring my heart with you.

Sehun heard the door open, but he didn't raise his head. He didn't want to entertain the person who just entered the room, not when he looked like a total wreck.


The younger felt his wrist being laced with the other man's fingers. He yelped after feeling his arm being yanked as he was pulled into a tight embrace. He immediately wrapped his arms over the other man's shoulder in response as he started to cry once more. 

"Shh." The man said, gently the younger's hair. "I'm here for you, Sehun-ah."

"J-Jongin..." Sehun muttered as he rested his head on the crook of the man's neck.

Jongin didn't utter a single word as he guided Sehun back to the bed, letting the younger sit on his lap.

The younger felt his cheeks flush, immediately stopping his tears after he realized their position. He hasn't sat and felt that way since Luhan distanced himself from the younger.

The older of the two continued to the younger's hair. "Sehun, forget Luhan-hyung."

Jongin felt Sehun freeze. He closed his eyes, ready to hear the younger's rejection to his proposal.

"I-" Sehun whispered as he raised his head from the older's shoulder, gazing into his eyes.

"I don't know, Jongin," Sehun looked at the floor, his eyes landing on his phone that sat on the other end of the room. "H-He told me to wait for him."

Jongin's eyes widened, anger soon started to fill him but he doesn't want to lose his cool in front of Sehun.

"He what?" The older tried to hide his emotions, but he was clearly failing. "After all that he did to you, you're still going to wait for him?!"

Sehun flinched at Jongin's tone, but he expected it anyway. "I know he hurt me greatly, but Jongin, he told me that he loves me!"

The older gritted his teeth, feeling his frustration grow. He threw Sehun on the bed, earning a yelp from the younger. He hovered over him, grabbing the younger's wrists before yanking them on each side of Sehun's head.

"But he hurt you, Sehun!" Jongin shouted as he stared into Sehun's eyes. "He said the same thing a year ago. How can you still believe him? What will you do if he returns and treat you like he did for the past months? Are you going to wollow in self-pity?" Tears were soon appearing in the corners of Jongin's eyes.

"Stop hurting yourself, Sehun..." The older man pleaded. "It hurts me too. It hurts everyone to see you like this."

It was as if a rock had hit Sehun in the head as he heard Jongin's words. He knew that he was hurting, but it never came to mind that the others were hurting too. He felt a few drops of water on his cheeks, taking a few seconds before realizing that they were the older's tears.

"I- I'm sorry." Sehun mumbled, almost inaudible, but Jongin heard it as he responded by snaking his arms under the younger's back as he pulled him into a tight embrace once more.

"I'll help you." Jongin whispered softly. He pulled the younger closer to prevent himself from seeing Sehun's reaction.

Awkward silence filled the room. Jongin started to regret his actions because clearly, the maknae wasn't ready yet.

"How?" Sehun managed to squeak out.

Jongin was taken aback by the sudden reply of the younger, pushing him off of him as he gazed into Sehun's eyes.


Sehun rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I asked you how you're going to help me?" They younger said, his face almost expressionless, but Jongin swore the younger's cheeks here starting to show a reddish color.

The older couldn't help but smirk, he suddenly placed his lips on the younger's. Clearly regretting it after he felt the soft lips against his as he immediately pulled back and looked away.

He said it himself that Sehun wasn't ready yet, and there goes his stupidity.

He gulped quite audibly before turning to Sehun, praying that he would see a favorable response from the younger.

But his prayers were unanswered.

It was obvious in Sehun's eyes that the boy was shocked and confused. His arm was placed above his lips, as if trying to block his lips from Jongin.

"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking when I did that. I know you're not yet ready and you're still into Luhan-hyung, but Sehun," Jongin looked into Sehun's eyes, cupping the younger's cheeks. He felt pain flash through his chest as he saw Sehun visibly flinch, but he let the older's hand rest on his cheek. 

"I love you. Give me a chance. I'll save you from this misery you're in. I'll make you forget about Luhan."

Then Jongin immediately stood up and walked to the door. "I'll wait for your answer, even if it takes forever. I don't care if you use me as a rebound or something, but I want to help you. I want to see your smile again. I want you to forget the pain, forget the feeling of loving Luhan-hyung and turn to me. I'll give you everything that Luhan-hyung wasn't able to give." With that, Jongin left the room, leaving a confused Sehun.

The younger flopped on the bed, his eyes drifting to his phone on the floor. He was so confused. Luhan told him to wait, but can he believe it? Luhan was far from him at the moment, and Jongin was near him. He also doubted Jongin too. Can he really give everything that Luhan wasn't able to give him?

Sehun shook his head. All the events that happened today and thinking about them, it gave him a headache.

He decided to just sleep it off and think of them when he feels better.

IT'S MY BABY'S BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! <3 and the teaser will be released anytime soon yehet!

A/N: Not yet proofread. *prepares self for bashes* I'm so sorry for the late update! I wrote this like a week ago but my laptop wasn't cooperating. I am so sorry. Welp, here's the fourth chapter! I'll try to update faster unless my laptop acts shizzy again.

Thank you for reading this chapter.

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[WWHT] Fifth chapter* Sorry. Hopefully I'll be done soon but school's keeping me busy too. I'll try to put it up this week. I'm sorry!


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Chapter 5: no rebound please ToT
barawa #2
Chapter 5: update more author nim..pleaseee
Chapter 5: opppp courssseeee, jongin is the right choice, sehunna!
But then again, this is angst, omg hope it would be sekai in the end tho
littlemiss-sunshine #4
Sekai makes me happy! Please let Sehun be happy with Jongin. <3
howlette94 #5
Chapter 5: I'm sure Sehun made the right decision this time =) Love SeKai!!!
Chapter 5: Im happy for sekai <3 but im scare what is waiting them in future
Chapter 5: really want to know what jongin or sehun would do in the future till they lose one of them ;a;
barawa #8
Chapter 5: Yayay..sekai time...i hope the end will be sekai..yehet...update soooooooon and more author nim..pleaseeeeee
Chapter 4: Update soon ; ; This is sooooo daebak♥
lovelexx3 #10
Chapter 4: Suho should let Luhan explain everything to Sehun so that they will end up togeter and not hurt each other any more. The pain that they experience could kill themselves esp since Luhan will miss Sehun more and more but Sehun will stop loving Luhan.