Chapter 3

Who Would've Thought


No one but Kyungsoo knows how much it angers Jongin to see how Luhan was treating Sehun. 

No one but Kyungsoo knows how much Jongin wants to save Sehun, but he, himself, has no confidence to do so.

But Kyungsoo thought, with the help of him and Suho, Jongin would be able to boost his confidence and save the youngest.

He was betting on this, and hopefully, it will end well for the both of them, and Luhan, obviously, was out of the picture.

Small raindrops met with still leaves as the rain ceased. The sun slowly shone behind the clouds, forming a long, yet subtle arch of colors which reflected on the pools of water formed from last night's heavy downpour. It was a good morning, but that doesn't determine someone's day.

A soft sigh escaped the man's lips as he fixed his hair while mumbling soft chants to calm himself down. He could hear his fast hearbeat echo in his ears as his lines slowly replayed on his mind. Words like 'sorry', 'coward', and other similar words escaped his lips from time to time, making sure that what he'll do would be perfect.

He gave himself a gentle slap on the cheeks, whispering a soft fighting! to himself.

Luhan got up earlier than the other EXO-M members. There was this nagging feeling on his chest, which he cannot decipher if it was excitement, or a bad premonition. He immediately fixed himself up, wondering why he needed to look his best when the result of his plan might come to a bad conclusion. He shook his head, throwing away the negative thoughts that soon started to cloud his mind. Glancing out the window, he noticed that the sun was already rising, and that a rainbow was present in the sky.

All negative thoughts vanished as he saw how the weather was that morning. Hopefully, the result of his apology would be as good as that morning.

He shook Minseok gently, letting the man slowly wake up from his slumber. The said man immediately shot up as he saw Luhan's get-up, knowing immediately what the man plans to do.

"Minnie, can you pack my luggage for me? I forgot to pack mine and I need to go see Sehun now." Luhan said, a matching smile graced his face as he placed his hand on Minseok's shoulder.

The older of the two shook his head, a smile was found on his lips as well. He nodded, quite knowing that this would happen after the the other fell asleep as soon as they finished bathing.

"Good luck," Minseok said as Luhan opened the door. "I hope you'll get Sehun back." A bitter smile formed on the older's face, feeling envious of how determined Luhan was to take Sehun back. He felt envious that Luhan was able to face his fears and move on; while he succumbed to his own fears, making a big change in his life that he never knew would haunt him with guilt and regret unto this day.

Luhan bid him goodbye, a soft thanks followed after. The man was too busy thinking of what he would say to the maknae, making the bitterness of Minseok's voice and smile oblivious to him. He closed the door softly and he swore he heard a soft sob from behind, but he brushed it off.

The man paced around the door of the building opposite of their dorm. He debated to himself on whether he should knock, or wait for someone to get out. He started to chose the latter, but changed his mind after looking like an idiot of ten minutes.

His knuckles met with the wooden door of EXO-K's dorm, creating a soft thud. After hearing no response from the other side, he knocked quite louder than his previous ones.

"Coming!" A voice, that immediately distinguished as Kyungsoo's, replied to him.

Luhan bit his lips as the door opened. He took a deep breath, curving his lips up into a smile. "Good morning, Kyungsoo."

The figure froze as he heard Luhan's voice. He knew that Luhan would come, but he didn't expect him to come that  early.

"L-Luhan-hyung. What brings you here? Don't you need to prepare for your flight?" Kyungsoo asked, purposely blocking out Luhan's path and not letting the older enter the dorm.

Luhan raised his eyebrows, finding the younger's actions to be suspicious. He peeked inside and noticed that no one was awake but Kyungsoo.

"Is Sehun still sleeping?"

The man by the door froze once more. "Y-Yeah." 

He mentally slapped himself for stuttering. He was nervous because anytime, Sehun might wake up and leave the room before Suho does.

"Is something wrong?" Luhan asked after wondering why the younger would stutter.

"Um," Kyungsoo started, glancing behind him. He was silently praying that any of the members, but Sehun, would wake up and help him stop Luhan from meeting with Sehun. "N-Nothing's wrong."

"Oh. Okay," Luhan nodded, moving his head around after feeling the awkwardness rise between the two males. "Can I come in?"

"No!" Kyungsoo reacted immediately. "I-I mean-"

"What do you mean, no?" Luhan squinted his eyes, the heavy feeling on his chest began to take over him, feeling his hearbeat quicken. "Why can't I go inside?"

"Because we don't want you to see Sehun."

Two pairs of eyes looked behind at the figure not too far from Kyungsoo.

"S-Suho." Kyungsoo muttered as he felt his shoulders drop. Relief came over him as the man approached the two figures by the door.

"W-What?" Luhan asked, his confidence soon dropping. His mind suddenly went blank and his heart won't calm down.

"I said, we don't want you to see Sehun." Suho said, his face expressionless, as he placed his hand over Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"Why can't I?" Anger soon started to take over Luhan. He was too shocked to get mad at the male yesterday, but not letting him see Sehun got into his nerves. "I came here to apologize!" The older man shouted, not even considering that there are still members that are sleeping.

"Apologize? When you're leaving?" Suho spat out, anger started to coat his words. "You'll leave him again here. Alone. You're leaving for China in a few hours, Luhan-hyung. You're leaving him again. So what if he accepts your apologies. Will you stay? Of course not! You'll leave the child hoping that you'll come back and love him like before because I'm pretty sure you'll promise that you will."

"But I will! I will love him like before and this time, I won't let him go! I was a coward and it took me time to realize how much I was hurting Sehun. I was hurting too!" Luhan began to shout, tears started to well up in his eyes as mixed emotions soon built up inside of him.

Suho bit his lower lips, preventing himself from saying hurtful words to the older man. "Luhan-hyung," he starte softly. He could hear a barely audible sob coming from the older man. "Before you left for China a year ago, didn't you promise that to Sehun too?"

Luhan froze; his tears immediately stopped flowing as he felt a shiver run down his spine after hearing the coldness in Suho's voice.

"You promised him that you'll come back and love him more." Suho began to glare at the older man. "You promised to love him more! But what did you do? You returned getting all close to Minseok-hyung and you started to ignore Sehun! Did you know how he waited for you to come back? Did you know how many times he said that he wanted you guys to return so he could enjoy his time with you?" Suho looked away, feeling his anger build up as he looked at Luhan.

"When you stopped sending him messages, did you know how he would brush it off and smile, thinking that you were just busy? Did you know how excited he was, how his face glowed when he recieved the news that you were returning? Did you know how his attitude changed after you returned? Did you know how many times he collapsed after practicing so many times just to get his mind off of you? You don't! How can I expect that you'll keep your promise if you already broke it once!?" The leader paused, taking deep breaths as he realized that he shouted too loud that Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Kai were out of their rooms, wondering what was happening.

Sehun groaned as he awoke from his peaceful slumber after hearing muffled voices from outside his room. He propped himself up with his elbow, rubbing his eyes gently after enjoying the first peaceful sleep he had in months.

He pulled off the blanket and slowly sat up, placing both of his feet on the floor. Rolling his neck, he yawned at the stuffy feeling on his shoulder; probably because he slept and woke up in the same position. He stood up and walked to the door. Before he reached out for the doorknob, it turned and the door was pushed back, revealing a very disheveled looking Kyungsoo.

"Kyungsoo-hyung?" Sehun asked, raising his eyebrows in confusion. "What's wrong?"

Kyungsoo didn't reply as he immediately closed the door behind him, locking it. "Don't go outside." 

"Why not?" Sehun asked, trying to move Kyungsoo from the door, which he successfully did after a few pushes. He wondered why he could hear shouting from outside as he opened the door.

"What if I was afraid to fall in love with him?!"

Sehun froze as he heard that oh so familiar voice.

"There was a point in our tour that I fell in love with Minseok, but it never--"


All eyes fell on the maknae as he walked out of the room with Kyungsoo holding his arm as the older tried to pull Sehun back to his room. Everyone froze as they saw tha tears flowing from Sehun's eyes.

His face bacame pale and he could feel his head getting lighter, as if he was about to faint. His hands started shaking as the pain in his chest intensified after hearing Luhan's words.

He lifted his gaze to the oldest person in his view, seeing the man flinch and froze after their eyes met.

Luhan couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Sehun's eyes were empty; the glow in the younger's eyes were no longer there. It was void of emotion, or it was full of mixed feelings that they couldn't descern what the younger was really feeling. One thing was for sure, though, that the youngest was broken. It was evident on his face. Tears that streamed from his eyes made the sight more painful to see.

Luhan felt his chest tighten as he saw what his selfishness did to the younger.

He could finally see how much he broke Sehun.

"I-I..." Luhan stuttered, his mind going blank, his body froze. He could feel his lips quiver as he tried to extend his hand, reaching out to the younger. But it was futile since the younger was too far from his reach.

He wished to close the distance between them. He took a step, only to feel his hear shatter as the younger took a step back, turning to run into his room.

"Sehun! Let me explain!" The words he had been wanting to say finally left his lips as the door closed. He tried to walk to the boy's room, but was blocked by Suho.

"This is why I didn't want you to see him!" Suho shouted, startling everyone in the room. "Leave."

"But-" Luhan protested. He wouldn't want to leave Sehun like this. He needed to fix things.

"I said leave!" Suho glared at the man.

Luhan, for once, acted stubborn. He refused to leave his spot until he felt someone grab his arm, pulling him out of the dorm.

"What the-" He glanced at the person who was pulling him away from Sehun. "Let me go, Jongin!" Luhan shouted as he tried to pull his arm out of the younger's grip.

Jongin remained silent as he closed the door behind him, pushing Luhan from him.

"Hyung. Stop hurting him!" Jongin couldn't contain his feelings anymore. After witnessing the scene, he couldn't just stand there and watch. 

Luhan looked at the younger. "It's not like I--"

"Like you what? You should've known that it might turn out like this!"

The older bit his lips, guilt soon rose in his chest once more.

"Just give him to me, hyung."

"Eh?" Luhan stared at the younger as he froze, wondering if he heard right.

"I'll save him and protect him from you. I'll fix him." There was determination in Jongin's eyes that made Luhan suddenly feel weak. The look on Jongin's eyes made him suddenly feel inferior.

Luhan doesn't want to give Sehun up. He shook his head, words that he needed to say refused to leave his mouth. He needed to declare that Sehun was his, and his alone.

"When you come back, I'll show you a new Sehun. A Sehun that doesn't follow you. A Sehun that isn't hurting because of you. A Sehun that's in love with me, and not you."


A/N: This was a very emotional chapter for me to write. I just wrote what I could think of and idk I kinda saw myself as Suho though this event has never happened to me wwwww

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[WWHT] Fifth chapter* Sorry. Hopefully I'll be done soon but school's keeping me busy too. I'll try to put it up this week. I'm sorry!


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Chapter 5: no rebound please ToT
barawa #2
Chapter 5: update more author nim..pleaseee
Chapter 5: opppp courssseeee, jongin is the right choice, sehunna!
But then again, this is angst, omg hope it would be sekai in the end tho
littlemiss-sunshine #4
Sekai makes me happy! Please let Sehun be happy with Jongin. <3
howlette94 #5
Chapter 5: I'm sure Sehun made the right decision this time =) Love SeKai!!!
Chapter 5: Im happy for sekai <3 but im scare what is waiting them in future
Chapter 5: really want to know what jongin or sehun would do in the future till they lose one of them ;a;
barawa #8
Chapter 5: Yayay..sekai time...i hope the end will be sekai..yehet...update soooooooon and more author nim..pleaseeeeee
Chapter 4: Update soon ; ; This is sooooo daebak♥
lovelexx3 #10
Chapter 4: Suho should let Luhan explain everything to Sehun so that they will end up togeter and not hurt each other any more. The pain that they experience could kill themselves esp since Luhan will miss Sehun more and more but Sehun will stop loving Luhan.