Un(Willingly) Arranged Marriage 4

(Un)Willingly Arranged Marriage

Xiumin and his mother finished shopping for the tomorrow dinner and made their way home, with his mom gossiping with Luhan's mom.Xiumin lightly tugged his mother's sleeve till he look at him.


"Yes Xiumin baby?"


Xiumin pointed to the shore of the beach and gave her his best puppy/baozi eyes.


"Awww my son is so cute! Of course you can go to the beach! But back before dinner honey.Have fun! Oh! I'm sorry Mrs.Lu, I was talking to my cute, adorable, handsome, lovely son! Please continue. "


Already given permission, Xiumin made his way to the beach, being already happy he started skipping (mature huh?)  gaining attention because of his little act.




"Sehunnie~did you miss me?"


"Awww yed Luhannie~where were you?"


"I was freaking shopping for the dinner tomorrow! But don't worry Sehunnie~I will always love you!"


"...R-right me too!"


"Good night Sehunnie~"


"Good night Luhannie~...shhh be quite! "


"Sehun? What was that?"


"Huh? Oh that? That...was my mom..I mean dog barking outside.."


"Oh~well whatever..good night Sehunnie~"


And good bye whatever fiancee~

















(A/N: Guys I like somehow can't write long chapters! ^^ My words are like about 200w ...sorry...I promised! That they will meet the next chapter! Maybe I'll update later! ^^ Still thank you subscribjng, up voting, and leaving comments!  ^^

Sorry for the mistakes!^^ )



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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 22: Hmm the ending disappointed me....I was hoping for a sweet and stable ending. It's not finished for me
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 15: I like Xiumin's sassiness hihi
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
Chapter 12: Really funny, cute and sweet
xiuhan89 #4
Chapter 15: Hahahaha mrs. Kim fangirling /thumbs up/ from me...
xiuhan89 #5
Chapter 12: The fathers hahahaha!!
xiuhan89 #6
Chapter 9: Hahahahaha!! I love the moms they are like in the place of xiuhan shippers LOL!!
xiuhan89 #7
Chapter 1: Pleasure to meet you both hahhahahaha!! Xiuhan<3
Chapter 22: Oh my. This story is so cute. <3
Aha ^^ sure go ahead, and I'm glad you liked it :)