First Battle!



Mira and Onew walked to the Pokecenter where they handed their Pokeballs and sat down to wait. Mira sighs as he leans back sighing softly "It's not going to be a super peaceful journey is it? It's going to be filled with drama right?" making Onew nod "At least it won't get boring" he said helpfully. Mira nods as she leans back closing her eyes as they waited in silence. Soon after fifteen minutes Nurse Joy came over and gave them their Pokemons. They thanked her as they left "Should we get lunch?" Onew asked "We haven't eaten at all with all the action and drama" he said as Mira thought and nodded as they headed to a chicken restaurant where they sat down for fried chicken. While they ate Mira couldn't help but ask "How can you eat all those chicken?" she asked debating if she should be impressed or grossed out from what she saw how Onew seemed to eat them with ease but messily as well. Onew smiled apologetically, "sorry, they are kind of a guilty pleasure." Mira chuckled, "so it seems." Onew looked at Mira who hadn't touched her plate of food, "you alright?" He asked. Mira nodded, "yeah, I'm just nervous for the gym battle and about Taemin and MinJin. Their team work is still..." "don't worry about them." Onew said wiping his mouth with a napkin. "They'll get it together, a badge is on the line." Mira nodded, "Yeah, I guess you're right." 

After Mira and Onew had their lunch, they began to make their way to the gym. "are you sure its ok to get a head start?" Mira wondered. "Sure, I'm sure, by the time those guys figure out their differences we will have our first badge." Mira chuckled. "Hey guys wait up!" Sunny spoke running up to them, "I'll go and cheer you on, ne?" They nodded and continued to walk to the gym. Soon a man that was guarding the entrance stopped them "First who's battling?" he asked and saw it was Mira and Onew as Sunny said "I'm watching" making him nod "Ok this is made like a water park so you'll have to change into swimsuits so you won't get wet and you both choose a slide and you'll face who ever is at the other end and you go on until you go face to face with the gym leader. There's a station but it's hidden where you can heal your Pokemon. So good luck" he said nodding at them as Mira and Onew nod slowly  as Sunny smiles at them and did a fighting pose "Fighting!" as the man led them to a changing room "the swimsuits are all there and they're all new so you can keep them afterwards as well" he said "oh here" he said giving them water bottles "for you guys" as he nods slightly and returned to his position. Mira and Onew looked at each other before shrugging looking at the swimsuits.

Mira came out first changed into her swimsuit a blue one piece, 'this is supposed to be a tag team battle, so why do we need to go separately?' "Ready to go?" Onew asked. Mira nodded until she noticed that Onew was wearing a white t-shirt and his swim trunks. Mira blushed, "great, I feel over exposed here." Onew chuckled, "its ok, you look cute." Mira blushed even more. Onew got up next to her and said, "well, ready for our tag team battle?" Mira nodded and the two went down the slides until they landed at a battle field. It was a pool with some floating platforms. "Good luck you two!" Sunny exclaimed from the benches with her Pokemon happily watching. Then the referee came out and from the other slide on the other side of the filed came out the leaders of the gym, "welcome, the names are YoungMin and KwangMin we are the leaders of the tag team water type gym." The said in unison. Mira gulped and so did Onew. The referee began to speak, "this is a tag team battle between challengers Onew and Mira and gym leaders YoungMin and Kwangmin for their first gym badge. All trainers must use only four Pokemon, in addition only the challengers may replace or substitute Pokemon, when you're ready begin!" Youngmin smirked, "why don't we reveal our pokemon first, dongseng?" Kwangmin nodded, "sounds good to me." Youngmin tossed his dive ball into the water and out bursted a blue, scary looking dragon. Mira took out her pokedex, "Gyarados the water and flying Pokemon, it is said that Gyarados razed a village when violence flared." Kwangmin then tossed his dive ball into the water and revealed his pokemon that shocked Mira, "Floatzel the water type Pokemon and the evolve form of Buizel. Floatzel uses its flotation sac to float on the water. It also assists in rescuing people who are drowning." Onew tossed his pokeball, "come on out Turtwig!" The happy little turtle pokemon appeared on the platform twig! Mira held her pokeball close to her, "Buizel you're up!" The Pokemon dived into the water and came up to see Floatzel, its evolved form. It looked at Mira who looked confident and that looked pumped up the water Pokemon. The referee lifted his arms, "begin!" 

One the other side was MinJin who was sitting on a rock near a river where she let her Pokemons out to relaxed and play. She fumed silently watching her Pokemon play and have fun. "Why can't I be relaxed like you guys?" she mumbled and leaned back sighing as looked up at the sky that was clear and peaceful. She heard a yelp and looked over only to see her Feebas was swimming in the river when Evee fell in and got out startled and drenched making her giggle as she walked over to it kneeling down as she picked it up. "you ok?" she asked Eve...Evee! the indigent Pokemon looked upset that it was were making her laugh as she put it on the rock to dry off as she sat on the grass her back against the rock as she watched Cyndaquil and Shinx wrestle, Feebas swimming in the rive while her Evee napped. Her head snapped up and tensed when she heard some rustling only to see Taemin. "Oh it's you" she said before sighing as she leans back intent on ignoring him. Taemin arched a brow and said, "I'm looking for Sunny and the others, can't find them anywhere." MinJin rolled her eyes, "since when do you care so much about them?" she wondered. Taemin sighed and rubbed his temple, "its obvious that you don't want to help, they might be at the gym already. I'll go and take a look." He turned and left, leaving MinJin with her Pokemon. Shinx and Cyndaquill watched everything and went up to MinJin and nudged her to follow him. "Now way," Shinx got frustrated and used spark to get MinJin to her feet, "y-yah! What are you-" Shinx...the Pokemon looked at her a little upset. MinJin sighed, "alright alright, lets go." She gathered her Pokemon and ran after Taemin.


Back at the gym, Gyarados dragon tailed Buizel right into the water. Youngmin smirked, "hmm, maybe you should have practiced more." Buizel got up onto the floating platform, b-bui bui... Mira knew buizel was getting tired and fast while Turtwig was keeping Floatzel busyMira then remembered something that her mother told her Gliscor when it was still alive, she used to ask it 'who is the best?' this would get the Pokemon's self esteem up and they would be more confident. Mira sighed, "Buizel." The Pokemon looked at Mira, who smiled and said, "who is the best?" The Pokemon was confused until she asked again a little more sternly, "who is the best Buizel?" The Pokemon thought and thought until it smiled and confidently got into fighting position Bui Bui! Mira smiled, "alright, Buizel sonic boom on Gyarados max power." Buizel jumped up and whipped its tail as fast as it could attacking the Gyarados with non-stop slashes. Gyarados gave a pained roar as it fell back and fainted. The referee lifted his hand, "Gyarados is unable to battle." Mira released a sigh of relief. Buizel landed on the floating platform. Bui- Bui! Mira smiled, "good Job Buizel!" Youngmin blinked surprised before slowly smiling "Impressive what about this one?" he asked as he sent out Starmie with a small smile. Mira blinked slowly scanning it "Starmie's central core glows with the seven colors of the rainbow. Some people value the core as a gem. It's a water, psychic Pokemon" as Mira sighs "Harder huh?" she mumbled as she looked up then glanced over seeing Onew finish off the Floatzel with a leaf tornado as the referee said "Floatzel is unable to battle." as Kwangmin nods and tossed another pokeball revealing Slowking. Onew scanned it with his pokedex "Slowking a water psychic pokemon it has incredible intellect and intuition. Whatever the situation is, it remains calm and collected." as Onew blinked "Both are water psychic pokemons" as he glanced at Mira "Let's do this" she said determined as Taemin and MinJin joined Sunny at the bleachers. Sunny smiles at them "you're both here, they're doing well so far, you both may want ot watch it may help you" she said turning her attention to Mira and Onew's battle against the twins as Taemin and MinJin sat down to watch. Cyndaquil sat on MinJin's lap Cyndaquil! Cynda! Sounding like it was cheering for Mira and Onew making MinJin and Sunny giggle as Taemin rolled his eyes but neverless focused on the battle as well.


Mira looked at Onew and said, "Keep your Turtwig out." Onew nodded. "Buizel come on back take a break." Mira brought back her pokemon and took out another pokeball, "Jolteon come out." Jolteon appeared Jolt! Kwangmin quickly took action, "alright Slowking psyshock the Jolteon." Mira knew that one of them would attack the jolteon. "Jolteon dodge it." Jolt! Jolteon jumped from one platform to another dodging the attack. "Turtwig, giga drain the Starmie." Onew commanded. Turtwig nodded and prepared to attack. Kwangmin smirked, "Slowking get behind Starmie and protect." The opposing pokemon did just that, it got behind the other pokemon and protected making the attack not work. Onew blinked and groaned "that's something we'll have to keep an eye out for" he quietly said to Mira who nodded. Mira watched the gym leaders carefully as she looked at Jolteon "Dodge when you can ok? Use thunder bolt" she said as Jolteon obeyed her command as it braced itself when Starmie used psyshock and Jolteon barley dodged it but got it making it stagger a bit. Jolt...Jolteon.... as it stood still slightly battered as it summoned a thunder bolt aiming it Starmie. It hit Starmie before Kwangmin could order his pokemon to use protect. as Starmie got surrounded by a thunder bolt shocking it making it barely stand. "Alright! Good job Jolteon" Mira said cheering happily. Sunny smiles "they have good team work" she commented as Onew had his Turtwig use leaf tornado on Slowking as she leans back "the stronger your team is and with your battle partner the harder it is to defeat them and they're at the same level as the twins" making MinJin blink and nod slowly watching them. Youngmin saw how Starmie slowly staggered up as well as the Slowking. "Alright, we are not giving up yet, Starmie rapid spin." Kwangmin smirked, "Slowking psybeam the Starmie." The Slowking followed the instructions and the psybeaming, rapid spinning Starmie collided dead on with Turtwig, making it fall into the water. Turtwig! Mira turned to Buizel who was watching and said, "Buizel help turtwig." Bui! The pokemon dived into the water and retrieved the fainted pokemon from underwater. Youngmin crossed his arms and said, "never forget that many trainers play dirty and being gym trainers we try and catch you off guard, it seems that it worked." Onew bit his lip, now he was concerned, he didn't know if any of his other pokemon would be alright, but he took out his pokeball, "let's end this tag team, Mienfoo come out!" Mienfoo! Onew looked at Mienfoo "You got this right?" he asked as Mienfoo nodded proudly making Onew smile "good use high jump kick" he said as Meinfoo stepped back running before jumping up high aiming at Starmie as Mira smiles "Jolteon use volt switch" as Jolteon nodded charging up with a electrical field and took off charging towards Slowking. Almost at the same time they attacked their repective pokemon powerfully making them stagger back fainting. Mira and Onew smiled happy that they won as the twins looked faintly impressed. "Well that was good I'll have to say" Kwangmin said nodding as he pulled a pokeball sending out Dewgong while Youngmin nods sending out Barbaracle. "Ready to continue?" Youngmin asked slowly looking more excited since for them it was more of a interesting battle they had since in a long time. Onew nods "We are" with Mira agreeing as they braced themselves watching the gym leaders carefully. The twins looked at each other and seemed that they were communicating internally with each other before facing them.

"Alright, Barbarcle, stone edge the Jolteon!" Youngmin began. Kwangmin continued, "Dewgong dive into the water and give Mienfoo the aqua ring." The pokemon were on the move. The stone edge collided with Jolteon making it faint while Mienfoo dodged the aqua ring. Mira called back Jolteon, now she looked a little pale and now she had to choose her next pokemon, between Gible and Gliscor, both have a ice or water weakness and Buizel already took damage so she didn't want to risk it. "Go for it Mira." Onew said encouraging her. Mira grabbed her pokeball and said, "I've been having a little bit of a rough start with this one, but it has good potential, Gliscor come out!" Gliscor! The pokemon floated in the air. Onew nodded, "good choice, Mienfoo get on Gliscor." Mira looked at Onew who smirked. Mira then got an idea, "Gliscor, use steel wing on Dewgong." Onew nodded, "alright, Mienfoo once you get the chance use mach punch on barbarcle." Gli! Mienfoo!  They watched as Gliscor carried Mienfoo aiming at Dewgong before Mienfoo jumped off it's back aiming a punch towards it while Gliscor's wings turned white aiming towards Dewgong as well both hitting it critically. It made Dewgong faint as Kwangmin blinked and returned is pokemon. "That was good" he admitted as Mira and Onew smiled praising their pokemons. Kwangmin sighs as he pulled another pokeball looking down at it "this is my last one" as he tossed it sending out his pokemon a Walrein. Mira blinked slowly at the large Walurus pokemon as she looked over at Onew worried. Onew only smiled back "We can do it" he said as he looked back at his partner, "We just have to improvise" making Mira slowly smile and nod as she looked at the gym leaders more confident.

Kwangmin quickly called out his command, "Walrein Ice beam Giscor!" The walurus pokemon shot its ice move. Mira smirked, "Gliscor protect!" Gli! Kwangmin was taken back. Mira smirked, "you two aren't the only ones that can use protect." Youngmin smiled, "good move." Onew then spoke up, "Mienfoo! high jump kick the Walrein!" The fighting pokemon jumped up and kicked the pokemon out to the corner, making it faint. The referee lifted his arm, "Kwangmin has no more pokemon to battle with." Mira looked at Gliscor, "Gliscor x-scissor hurry!" Gli! as Kwangmin stood back "It's all yours Youngmin" he smiles as he settled to watch his twin brother handle it on his own. Youngmin nods as he widened his eyes when his pokemon got hit critically. The move made Barbaracle stagger looking defensless as Onew smiles "Mienfoo use quick attack as Mira smiles "Gliscor use night slash" as Mienfoo quickly moved disappearing and reappearing before Barbaracle hitting it and jumped back as Gliscor took over and did it's night slash making it faint. Youngmin nodded slowly as he returned his pokemon and got his last one "This is my last one let's make this fun" sending out Sharpedo a shark pokemon. "Sharpedo let's do this" he said as he looks at his competitors. "Use surf now" as he said that large waves of water started rising and raised like a huge wave and washed over Gliscor and Mienfoo wiping them out with a double K.O. making the referee lift his arms "Both Onew and Mira's pokemons are unable to battle" Mira saddened as she returned Gliscor to her pokeball, "you were great, rest up now." She said. 'Onew only has Eevee and Happiny left and I have Gible and Buizel.' Mira thought. Onew called out his Eevee who stood happily on the platform. Mira looked at Buizel, "can you finish up here with Eevee?" She asked. Bui-Bui! The pokemon replied as it dived into the water and stayed near Eevee. Youngmin smirked, "Sharpedo bite eevee." Mira watched the shark leap out of the water, "Buizel quick aqua jet!" Bui! Buizel quickly shot its self into the Sharpedo and forced it back into the water and Buizel got scratched by Sharpedo's rough skin. Youngmin smirked, "Nice defense." Onew smiled at Mira, "thanks, alright Eevee time to end this, attract!" Eevee! The small pokemon winked at the Sharpedo and the shark's eyes dialated and he fell in love with Eevee. "your turn." Onew said. Youngmin tried to get his Sharpedo to listen to him, but nothing worked. "Buizel aqua jet again, max power!" Bui! as Buizel shot out and hit him making him stagger but hasn't yet snapped out of it's attraction to Eevee as Onew said "Eevee use Swift now!" as Eevee stepped back E-Eve...Eevee! as it summoned star shapes that moved aiming at Sharpedo hitting it making it faint. The refree lifted his hand "Sharpedo is unable to battle, Mira and Onew win this battle." making Mira and Onew blink stunned as they looked at their pokemon before cheering until Onew who jumped excited and made him fall into the pool making Mira laugh having her Buizel help Onew back to the podium. Youngmin and Kwangmin watched amused as Kwangmin walked  over to the edge of their podium "Good job guys, meet us upstairs after you dried off and healed your pokemon ok?" as Mira nods happily as the twin gym leaders chuckled and left soon Onew and Mira returned their pokemon. They headed back to the dressing room where Mira was tackled into a hug by Sunny and MinJin who talked to her excitedly as Mira laughed talking back as Taemin walked over to Onew "you did great" making Onew smile "thanks" as they watched the girls talk.

After Mira changed she met up with Onew and the twins who stood smiling, "To reward you both for defeating the water type gym we present you both with the Aqua badge, congratulations." The twins handed Mira and Onew their badges. The two smiled and thanked the two. Mira looked at MinJin and Taemin who were not even looking at each other. "Um, Youngmin, Kwangmin." Mira began. The twins looked at her giving her their full attention. "Taemin and MinJin were also going to challenge you for a gym badge, but their teamwork is a little off, what can they do to improve?" MinJin's jaw dropped, "Mira why did you say that?" Youngmin smirked, "cause she wants to help? I would suggest to be with each other, that way you both can understand one another." Kwangmin nodded and added, "also be aware of your differences with each other and respect one another, it doesn't matter if you get along well but don't respect each other right?" making Mira nod slowly "hmm ok I'll do that, we will" she said glancing at MinJin nodding to herself "Thank you" she said as Youngmin and Kwangmin nodded "see you guys soon" as they left. Mira admired her new Aqua badge as they headed back to the hotel. She soon pushed MinJin and Taemin into a room locking it. Onew and Sunny looked at Mira stunned as they heard banging against the door as Mira said "I won't let you out until you guys work everything out" she said "don't worry we'll feed you guys and everything just get along it's important for your upcoming battle. "y-yah! Mira this is not funny!" MinJin yelled from the otherside of the door. Mira leaned back and said, "whose laughing? I'm serious if we are to travel together you two have to get a grip and learn to get along." MinJin kicked the door frustrated and sat down on the floor. Taemin just stood by the window and sighed. Mira, Onew, and Sunny sat down on the floor, Sunny then spoke up, "Mira you never had a chance to explain why you want to be a trainer." MinJin heard that and pressed her ear to the door. Mira sighed and said, "well, I really want to run a Pokespa, or Pokemon spa. I want it to be like a day care and pokemon center combined. In a lot of cases, when pokemon get injured they might be in an area where there are no pokemon centers. Also, when pokemon are discharged from the pokemon center they might still not be at their full potential. That's where I come in, trainers are able to leave their pokemon at the pokespa where they can relax in a grassy plain or areas that suit their pokemon type and mingle with other pokemon. There would also be a garden filled with berrys and a ER, for emergencies. I also want to help treat injured wild pokemon as well, I want all pokemons to have the same opportunities as well. I've always wanted to be the first to open a pokespa." Sunny and Onew smiled, Mira's eyes practically shined as she spoke while on the otherside of the door, MinJin was a little confused she was about to ask Taemin something but then she heard Mira continue speaking. "However, its a hard job and I was hoping that MinJin would help me with it, but I know she wants to be in the elite and be the best. I support her of course, however, I won't be able to complete my dream and hers so I just told her that I want to be a good trainer and a good friend to my pokemon." Onew, Sunny, and MinJin saddened. Mira looked at Sunny and Onew, "why are you guys upset? It's is not like its your dream, right?" 

MinJin bit her lip listening as Sunny hesitatingly spoke "It may not be ours but.... It doesn't seem fair to give up your dream because it seems hard. Just try following your dreams and talk to MinJin, who knows? There may be a way for it to happen" as Mira sighed softly "Hm.... I'm not sure... I'll try when this battle is over. I don't want MinJin lose her focus because of this" she said as she looked up "can you guys keep this quiet until their battle is over?" she asked as Onew and Sunny hesitated but nodded. MinJin turned her back against the door pulling her legs up as  she looked down at her lap blankly and a bit stunned. She slowly got up looking down as she headed to the bed there getting in. She completely ignored Taemin as she put her headphones on turning the music on pulling the blankets over her heads. MinJin slowly teared up feeling hurt and upset that Mira never told her and supported her dreams but never told hers and angry at herself that she didnt' see all the signs. How Mira would hide magazines and books about spas, pokemon medicine, berry manual guide and more that were related to her dreams. She closed her eyes as she curled up sniffling softly as she wondered what she would do, give her dream up to help Mira's or.... what would be the best idea?


The next morning, Mira brought up a tray of food and went to unlock the door. She walked in and saw Taemin getting dressed and MinJin brushing her hair. "Morning you two, I brought breakfast." MinJin rolled her eyes, "good I'm glad you said that I thought I was going to have to guess." Mira was taken back, "what's up with you?" Taemin sighed, "She heard you last night." Mira's eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me?" MinJin asked. "You were excited about joining your brother so why should I stop you?" "why? Why!? Because we're friends you dumb idiot!" That's when MinJin paused, she didn't mean to insult Mira who looked hurt, "w-wait, I-I didn't-" "eat your food and be prepared to battle the twins today, whether you two get along or not. If I were you, instead of easedropping on my conversation, you should've been talking with your battle partner. You may think that you're the only with a back bone here, but I have some news for you. Get your act together!" Mira her heel and left the room. She left the hotel and took out her pokeball, "Gliscor come out!" Gliscor! She sighed and said, "I need a breather can you take me to a near by pond." The pokemon nodded Scor. Mira got onto Gliscor's back and the pokemon took off. It landed in front of a large pond where Mira got off. She smiled and tossed her pokeballs up, "come on out guys!" Her pokemon came out excited and happy. "you all were amazing at the gym battle, its time for some relaxation." Jolteon went under a tree to relax under the shade. Gliscor was hanging upside down from the same tree. Gible dug itself a hole near the pond and was taking a nap. Buizel was swimming in the pond, and ChimChar was sitting on Miras lap eating some berries. Mira took a deep breath and released a stressful sigh. Char char? The little monkey pokemon spoke. Mira looked at its curious expression and pet it, "i'm alright, just stressed no worries." She handed her pokemon some more berries and watched it much on it cutely. Then the bushes from the otherside of the pond rustled. Mira and her pokemon looked to the other side and out limped a large green colored pokemon, it looked like it had a large tree for a tail. Mira took out her pokedex, "Sceptile the grass type pokemon and the evolve form of Grovyle. The leaves that grow on Sceptiles arms are sharp enough to cut down thick trees, it also uses them to attack its prey." Mira blinked as the large pokemon leaned down to drink some water from the pond. Mira noticed how hurt the pokemon looked. She looked at her pokemon, "hey Buizel, go and ask if its alright."  Bui! The pokemon swam to the other side and came up to the large pokemon. After a little bit, Buizel came back and explained to Mira that his home was attacked by some weird pokemon trainers. Mira looked at sceptile that made contact with her. She smiled and the Sceptile nodded back at her. Then the pokemon looked back to where it came from on high alert, someone was coming and out came the same guys from the day-care. "Buizel, Gliscor, Jolteon , Gible, Chimchar go help Sceptile!" The Pokemon rushed to help the injured sceptile. The group quickly made the grunts retreat. Mira smiled and watched them comeback to her, "great job you guys." Mira looked at Sceptile and watched it run off into the forest, "well at least we helped it right?" Mira checked her X-transceiver and saw that Minjin's and Taemin's battle was starting soon. She called back her pokemon and got on Gliscor's back and it took her to the gym. Once there, she saw Sunny waving at her, Mira waved back and returned her pokemon, "thanks Gliscor." "Hey Mira, they are just about to start, come on lets go get a seat." Mira nodded.

Taemin saw MinJin as they were heading to the dressing rooms to change. He stopped her "MinJin, I'm sorry for taking it out on you. Let's work together" as MinJin looked at him "ok, but we do have to talk after this so let's do well" she said nodding as she went into her dressing room to change. Taemin came out wearing a black Swim trunks and a black tank top, while he waited for MinJin and looked up as he heard the curtains rustle only to widen his eyes stunned at what he saw. MinJin came out wearing a hot pink swimsuit that was strapless and did show off her curves with a black scarf tied around her waist. MinJin looked confused at Taemin's reaction and looked down at her swimsuit and blushed "W-what? I-I didn't choose it, Cyndaquil did" she said as Cyndaquil moved next to her looking proud of it's self. Once the two made it down to the battle field they were face to face with the twins who were smiling, "welcome back, are you two ready?" MinJin and Taemin nodded. The referee came out and said, "the battle between Minjin and Taemin and the gym leaders Youngmin and Kwangmin is a tag team battle only four pokemon maybe used per trainer, in addition only the challengers are allowed to switch or substitute pokemon, when you are ready begin!" Taemin took out his pokeball, "alright piplup come on out!" Piplup! Minin took out her pokeball, "Shinx your up!" Shinx. Kwangmin took out his pokeball, "Go Palpitoad!" Mira, who was in the bleachers watching, took out her pokedex, "Palpitoad the water and ground type pokemon and the evolve form of Tympole this pokemon uses its long tounge to immobilize prey." Mira smirked, "well her shinx wont be able to do much and neither will piplup, what a pickle they've gotten themselves in already." Youngmin took out his pokeball, "ok politoed you're first." Mira took out her pokedex and scanned the next pokemon, "Politoed the water type pokemon, when three or more of these pokemon gather they make a sound together that sounds like bellowing" 

Youngmin began quickly, "Alright, Politoed lets get some rain!" Poli! The pokemon summond up its hidden ability which is drizzle. Taemin cursed under his breath as he watched the rain fall onto the battle field, "MinJin, watch it, these pokemon have swift swim, that means their faster now that the rain is up." MinJin smirked, "well lets just get rid of it, Shinx spark on the Politoed." Kwangmin smirked and said, "not so fast, "Palpitoad get in front of Politoed, protect it." Toed! The pokemon quickly moved infront of the other pokemon and took the on comming electric attack and it stood proudly unscaved. "What?!" Minjin was shocked. Kwangmin chuckled, "looks like you need to do your homework, palpitoad is a water and ground type pokemon which means its immune to electric type attacks." Minjin bit her lip, now it was the twins turn. "Ok Politoed toxic the Shinx." Poli! The pokemon released a poisonous gas that badly poisoned the electric pokemon. "Ok then Palpitoad, mud shot the shinx!" The water pokemon began to attack as the small Shinx staggered from side to side trying to regain its positioning but the toxic was too much for it. "Call it back, MinJin." Taemin said. Minjin completely froze, 'so this is the strength of a gym leader? if this is just them then my brothers must be even tougher.' she thought. Her Shinx was hit with the mud shot and was shoved under water. "Tsk, Piplup help Shinx." Taemin commanded. The penguin dived under water to get the faintedSshinx from under water. The referee lifted his hand, "Shinx is unable to continue."  MinJin snapped out of it as she got her Shinx returning it "Sorry Shinx rest well" as she closed her eyes composing her self and looks over at Taemin "Sorry for troubling you I'll be ok now" as she sent out Eevee "Eevee use attract on both now!" as Eevee jump forward Eve..Eevee~  as it made itself fluffier and cuter making Palpitoad and Politoed become attracted to Eevee making her smile. Taemin nods as he looked at Piplup "Use drill peck on Politoed now" as Piplup nodded wadding and shot forward spinnig it's beak getting longer and sharper as it drilled into Politoed hitting Palpitoad somewhat as well. Pi..Piplup! It chirruped proud as Politoed staggered back dazed still in love with Eevee as Palpitoad flinched but didn't snap out of it's attraction to Eevee even as the twin gym leaders tried to make them to snap out of it. MinJin smiles "Eevee use Shadow ball on Politoed" Eve..Eevee!  as it summoned a pale ghostly purple sphere aiming it at Politoed hitting it making it faint as the referee lifted his arm "Politoed is unable to battle." making Youngmin blink as he returned his pokemon and sent out Poliwrath. Taemin scanned Poliwrath "Poliwrath, its extremely tough muscles, it can keep swimming in the Pacific Ocean without resting." as Taemin slowly smiles "Piplup use drill peck on Poliwrath" as Piplup stepped back and jump spining it's beak making it longer and sharper as it hit Poliwrath powerfully. It made Poliwrath faint making Youngmin look stunned as Taemin smiles "what? it's a fighting type too and flying type move and wipe it out" as the same move hit Palpitoad that was still in a daze "Poliwrath is unable to battle" the referee said lifting his arm making Youngmin nods as he returned it and sent out Lumineon a blue fish type pokemon. 

Kwangmin looked at Palpitoad and said, "are you alright can you go on?" The pokemon nodded and was ready to battle. "Alright Palpitoad take a dive." The pokemon dived underwater while Youngmin called out his next move, "Lumineon, show off your fins" the pokemon jumped out of the water and its fins began to glow making eevee and piplup space eyed and loose concentration, "alright Lumineon hyper beam theppiplup quick" Min! The pokemon quickly attacked hitting piplup making it faint easily before diving back into the water. "Palpitoad rock smash!" Taemin stiffEned, "MinJin call back your Eevee!" MinJin took out her pokeball but it was too late, Eevee was thrown back into Minjin's arms a one hit k.o. Youngmin smirked, "I do have to admit one thing to the both of you, you are very strong willed and powerful however, I can tell that you two still can't work together, which is why you two can't turn this situation around. As I said before, you need to understand one another so you can work together. Taemin you ordering MinJin to return her pokemos won't make you two stronger as a team, she has t o make that decision for her self." Kwangmin nodded and added, "Also, MinJin, you had lots of energy when Mira and Onew were battling us and hyung talked about how great you were in battle against some pokemon rangers, where is all of that battling spirit you had before?" 

MinJin listened and closed her eyes "You're right" she agreed as she turned to Taemin walking over to him "Taemin can we work together like before? We can do it it's just you have to be less controlling and I have to be less stubborn, if we can do this then we can do it and our pokemon will listen to us better too" she said as she looked at Taemin waiting for his answer. Taemin looked at MinJin and nodded, "alright." MinJin returned her Eevee and sent out her Feebas that swam under the water slowly. Taemin brought out his Sneasel that stood in front of him. MinJin knelt down talking to Feebas so quietly that everyone had a hard time understanding them as MinJin smiles faintly standing up as her pokemon swam under water and seem to dissappear. MinJin stood still as she watched the twin gym leaders silently as Youngmin narrowed his eyes "Lumineon go find Feebas when you do use psybeam arrasso?" as Lumieon went to find it as Taemin looked at Sneasel, "Sneasel use icicle crash on Palpitoad" as Sneasel nodded it's claws turning pale blue along with it's eyes. Snea....Sneasel! as it summoned large icicles that shot down from the sky crashing into Palpitoad making it fly and hit against the wall past Kwangmin making it faint. Kwangmin blinked as he returned it and sent out Bibarel a beaver pokemon. when suddenly Lumineon was shot out of the water in a bright purple beam landing next to Youngmin struggling making Kwangmin look surprised as he helped it back into the water. MinJin smiles faintly "Good job Feebas" she said while smiling mysteriously "use the next one I told you that we worked together on" as she watched waiting as Taemin looked over at MinJin curiously before looking at Sneasel "Use brick break now on Bibarel" as Sneasel shot out curling up a fist as it hit Bibarel powerfully making stagger back as Sneasel moved in front of Taemin again, Snea... looking proud of itself. Taemin looked at Sneasel and smiles "you did great" making it puff it's chest  as MinJin simply said "Now" suddenly the whole room became cold and snow started falling and it was the move Blizzard that hit Lumineon and Bibarel but didn't harm Sneasel since it was an Ice type pokemon, it made Lumineon faint since it was weak from it's previous attack making Youngmin return it.

Sunny watches surprised "They're surviving they turned it to their game and not theirs" she said observing Taemin and MinJin "and MinJin is getting kinda scary right now, I can't imagine how strong she'll get when we go further in our journey.." she murmured before shivering lightly at the coldness of the snow from the blizzard. Mira smirked, "you'll want to start walking 4 miles behind her." The comment made Sunny chuckle. Kwangmin and Youngmin knew they were operating at a disadvantage he quickly commanded, "Bibarel, get rid of the hail use sunny day." The pokemon nodded and gave out an energetic call before concentrating and used its power to get rid of the hail and bring out the bright sun, making the Sneasel flinch a little and cover its eyes from the sun. Kwangmin saw its chance, "Bibarel quick attack!" The pokemon tacked the Sneasel into Taemins arms and out of the battle field, not making it faint, but weakening it. Youngmin tossed his next pokeball and out came a Walrein. Taemin picked up his staggering Sneasel and asked, "are you ok?" The pokemon nodded and went back onto the platform. Taemin recognized Walrien from Onew's and Mira's battle as he looked at Sneasel "use brick break now!" As it shot forward curling it's fist hitting Walrien powerfully making it stagger back startled by the fighting move. Bibarel cried out when Dragon pulse shot out of the water hitting it making it faint forcing Kwangmin to return it. "Bibarel is unable to battle."


Kwangmin released a sigh before taking out his last pokemon, he knew that his brother's Wailren wouldn't last long so he needed something fast and defensive and he knew exactly which one. "Minjin, you trained your Feebas well and your Sneasel is quick and powerful as well Taemin, however, lets end this shall we?" Youngmin looked at his brother, "um, you sure you want to use it?" The younger nodded, "yep." He tossed his final pokeball into the water and out came a large Blastoise. "uh-oh." Mira muttered, "what uh-oh?' Sunny wondered. "If he's bringing out his Blastoise, then that means its a mega." Mira said. Kwangmin lifted his hand and spoke up, "mega evolution go!" Blastoise was quickly wrapped around a large sphere before quickly changing into its mega form. "They've gained a large amount of defense Minjin, stay focused." Taemin said. Minjin nodded, "ok, Feebas jump out and use water gun!" Kwangmin smirked, "got ya, Blastoise dark pulse." Suddenly MinJin smiles "you think you got Feebas?" she asked tilting her head innocently as Kwangmin blinked confused and slowly widened his eyes when Blastoise's dark pulse seem to it a mirage as MinJin smiles "you didn't see the mist did you?" she asked as Kwangmin and Youngmin searched and widened their eyes seeing a very faint mist covering the gym as MinJin hums "Now do it" she said making Kwangmin watch the water start bubbling seeing a faint color of magenta emerging from the water making Taemin widen his eyes "Sneasel hide now!" as  making Sneasel hide as a shock of magenta wave come out of the water and towards Blastoise and Wailren hitting them both powerfully making Wailren faint and Blastoise weak making it stagger. Youngmin blinked surprised returning Wailren and looked at Kwangmin "you're on your own dongseng" he said as the referee said "Wailren is unable to battle, Youngmin cannot battle anymore." as MinJin smiles content. "Good job Feebas" as she looked over at Taemin "is Sneasel ok?" as Taemin nods 'yeah" as he said that Sneasel came up from the hole it buried itself in to hide from the attack. Snea...Sneasel as Taemin knelt down "you did great" making Sneasel look happy "ready?" as Sneasel nodded making him grin "use low sweep now" as Sneasel ran forward aiming at the legs of the Blastoise making it fall with a loud crash hurting itself in the progress as it struggled but fainted. "Blastoise is unable to battle" the referee said lifting his arm as Kwangmin blinked surprised. "well... since there's two of you guys with two pokemon and there's only one of me I'll send them both at the same time" he said getting two pokeballs and sent out Ludicolo and Slowbro" as Taemin scanned Ludicolo "Ludicolo if it hears festive music, all its muscles fill with energy. It can't help breaking out into a dance." making Taemin blink "that's helpful and it's a water, grass type" as MinJin scanned Slowbro "Slowbro has an attached Shellder won't let go because of the tasty flavor that oozes out of its tail." as MinJin blinked "oh it's psychic water" she said looking over at Taemin "ready?" as Taemin nods "Sneasel use shadow claw now!" Kwangmin smiled, "Ludicolo leafstorm, Slowbro protect." The pokemon did as they were told and the leaf storm broke through Sneasel's shadow claw and pushed it back onto them making Sneasel and Feebas stagger. Taemin frowns "another one that does protect" he said quietly said to MinJin who nodded silently watching. She looks at Feebas then at Ludicolo "Confuse ray now" she calmly said as Feebas swam, Fee...Feebas.. jumping out of the water sending out purple ghostly orbs towards Ludicolo making it confused as Feebas went back into the water as MinJin looks over at Taemin "do it now" as Taemin nods looking at Sneasel "do shadow claw again" as Sneasel nods sending out large purple claw like flames towards Slowbro and Ludicolo hitting them hard as Slowbro staggered as Ludicolo didn't seem to snap out of his confusion so when Kwangmin told Ludicolo to use energy ball on Feebas only to hit Slowbro making it faint leaving Ludicolo the only pokemon on Kwangmin's team standing as the referee said "Slowbro is unable to battle." lifting his arm towards Kwangmin. Kwangmin called out to his pokemon who still seemed confused, "Ludicolo get your act together, come on!" Youngmin was watching from the side and noticed that Kwangmin was close to forfeiting the match, but he didn't. "Ludicolo energy ball hurry!" The Ludicolo seemed to get it together, but it surprised everyone when it turned around and faced Kwangmin to attack, "y-yah, not me." Youngmin ran down to the benches, "call your pokemon back Kwangmin!" Kwangmin backed away a little and his Ludicolo attacked sending him back into the wall. Youngmin jumped out from the bleachers and returned Kwangmin's pokemon back. Taemin and MinJin were shocked that a pokemon attacked its trainer like that. Youngmin helped his brother up, he turned to the referee, "we forfeit the match, Taemin and MinJin are the winners, please go and change while I get my brother some help." Mira, Onew, and Sunny came down from the bleachers, "can we help?" Sunny asked. Youngmin shook his head, "its alright, I can take care of it." he replied. MinJin walked over to Youngmin as he carried Kwangmin to the bench "I'm sorry I didn't know Feebas move would do that" she said looking guilty and worried as Youngmin looks up "it's ok you didn't know and Kwangmin hasn't really worked long enough with Ludicolo as well so it's ok" he nods as he called someone to call someone to check on Kwangmin. MinJin watched silently before getting her bag rummaging through it before walking back "May I?" she asked holding a first aid kit as Youngmin blinked but nodded watching how MinJin tended to him with ease as if she's done it before making Youngmin ask "how are you good at this?" as MinJin smiles faintly "hmm as a kid I was a nurse for my big brothers when they would train and battle against our appa, they would come back injured or bruised so I was the one tending to them." she said putting some cream to the bruises "I miss looking after my brothers but they can take care of themselves now" she said nodding as she looked up at Youngmin "Just have him on bed rest for a few days, he sprained his back from the hit and bruising so take this cream, and the medicine. Apply the cream every 6 hours and the medicines are a pill that is a pain killer every 4 hours or if he's in a lot of pain" she said getting up giving him a small pink pouch. She smiles "Let me know how he's doing and thanking for giving us a chance for a battle" she said bowing as she left returning her Feebas, Cyndaquil following her as the others watched surprised and Sunny said "hmm that's what you get for having brothers that are higher up" she mumbled making Mira look at Sunny "wait what?" as Sunny blinked "MinJin didn't tell you? Ask her" she said as she looked over at Youngmin. Youngmin looks back "I'll give you guys your badges after Kwangmin recovers it's part of the rules so in three days so you can train and such." he nods as he left supporing Kwangmin with another perosn that helped him as they others left. As they entered the dressing room they saw MinJin walking out already changed and pulling her hair into a pony tail.

The group sat in the pokemon center completely silent, "can you believe that Ludicolo attacked Kwangmin like that." Sunny said. "It was confused, on top of that it was a newer pokemon." Onew said. MinJin stood up and said, "Mira can I talk to you privately, please." Mira stood up and left the center with MinJin. "Thanks for coming to my battle." MinJin began a little awkwardly. "its not a problem, you were there for my battle so I should be there for you right?" Mira replied looking up at the night sky. "Look about this morning, I didn't mean to insult you or anything, but you didn't have to keep me in the dark about your dream. I was thinking so much about this during the gym battle that it threw me off my game, but don't you think I deserve to know?" Mira looked at MinJin, "yeah, I know but you want to follow your brothers foot steps and I don't have much to go by, now that I know that your brothers are in the Elite it'll be that much easier for you to test your ability and follow them. I, however, don't have anything to go by, except magazines. Don't worry about this ok? Let's just travel together and whatever happens, happens." Mira smiled softly. MinJin sighed, "b-but what about what you said about me helping you with the spa and everything?" Mira chuckled, "if its not meant to be then, I'll find someone else. It's fine." MinJin smiled. "alright, if you insist, but I want to." leaving before Mira could say anything making her blink and started to laugh amused.


Back at the gym, Youngmin was helping Kwangmin sit up, "are you alright?" Kwangmin nodded, "yeah, I'm fine, who knew Ludicolo would attack me like that." as Youngmin sighs "I would like to know too but you scared me back there" he said looking at his twin brother silently. "Why did you send it out when you just caught it a few weeks ago and were still in training with it?" he asked finally leaning back "I thought you were going to use Cloyster" as Kwangmin sighs "I don't know why I just did unconciously and I'm not sure how" he finally said looking up at Youngmin. Youngmin stood up "I'll check and see what happened I think it's more than MinJin's confuse ray and I'll let you know. And she tended to you so you better thank her when you see her ok?" he said as he left. 


Mira watched everyone as they ate and talked relaxing and leaned back before blinking "Ah should we tell Professor Willow?" Mira asked everyone making them look over at Mira before at each other and nodded agreeing as Mira pulled out her X-transceiver as everyone surrounded her but Taemin who stayed in his seat. She called them as they waited impatiently and finally she answered them. Hello Mira what can I do for you? Professor Willow answered, "Hey we just finished battling the gym leaders." "Great! How did you guys do? I heard the twins were pretty tough." She replied. "We did well, but one of the gym leaders pokemon attacked him, it was confused but Pokemon usually snap out of confusion after a bit right?" MinJin said. "hmm, that sounds a little strange, that's true that the pokemon should snap out of confusion. Could you do me a favor and look into what's going on, this does not sound normal."  Sunny piped up "We will and let them know as well and see what we all can do to fix this" she said nodding happily. The group headed back to the gym but as they made their way to the gym, a pokemon leapt out right into Taemin knocking him over. "woah! What was that?" MinJin wondered. Mira watched the pokemon run off, "its headed for the town, Onew come help me." The two dashed off after the pokemon. "Gliscor come out!" Mira called out. Gliscor! Onew tossed his pokeball, "Mienfoo, you too!" Mienfoo~! Mienfoo got onto Gliscors back, "a pokemon is on a rampage can you guys calm it down?" Mira asked. The pokemon nodded and flew off to town while Mira and Onew ran after them. "What in the world is going on here?" Onew wondered. Mira fell silent before replying, "I have no idea."

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lemme love you to the moon and back for this ;;u;;