Chapter 25

When you love someone..

2 weeks later


An alarm clock can be heard in Yul’s room. He slowly opened his eyes and stopped the alarm and put one of the pillows on his face and sighed heavily. ‘It’s again MONDAY! , I hate MONDAYS!’ he thought. Suddenly someone rushed in the room and jumped on the bed.

“What are you doing, you stupid?” Yul yelled and pushed his brother.

“Morning Yul. I can see someone’s not in good mood.” Taeng said.

“It’s not that I’m not in good mood but I just want to sleep more and now I have to go to work in the company.” Yul pouted.

“Have a shower and get downstairs. I made a breakfast for us.” Taeng replied and went out of the room.

“I guess I should face again with you Monday…” Yul said to himself and walked in the bathroom. 

20 minutes later in the kitchen.

Yul walked over the room and sat on the chair. He poured some orange juice and started eating the breakfast.

“Hey it’s good brother. When did you learn to cook?” Yul asked and continued eating.

“Well mom thought me about some of the meals but basically the maids.” Taeng replied while chewing.

“I’m really impressed. You should cook something for Fany. She’ll like it, I’m sure.” Yul responded.

“Yeah, I can try.” Taeng said and stood from the table to put the dishes in the sink.

“I’ll go get my wallet and my phone and we can go to the company together, okay?” Yul said and Taeng nodded.

In several minutes they were already in the car.

“Brother, I was thinking about proposing Jessica. What do you think, huh?” Yul asked.

“Really? I’m happy for both of you and your happiness and I think it’s already the time for you to make the next step.” Taeng replied and patted his brother’s shoulder.

“Yeah, but I don’t know how to make it. I mean I want it to be something special because Jessica deserves the best. But I don’t have any ideas.” Yul said focusing on the road.

“Well, why don’t you make it with fireworks. It’ll be really original and for sure Jessica will feel special. And maybe you can sing a song for her. You’ve never performed in front of her and she’ll love your voice. What do you think?” Taeng asked.

“You know Taeng, I think that’s perfect. You’re jjang, brother.” Yul started hugging his brother.

“Yul focus on the road if you don’t  want us to die. Please I’m still young and handsome and I want to have with Tiffany.” Taeng yelled.

“Eishh you byuntae. Don’t worry I don’t want to die either.” Yul replied a bit raising his voice and parked the car since they were already in front of the building.

The whole day was chaotic and busy like every single one. Yul and Taeng were in their offices signing some papers when Tiffany walked in Taeng’s office.

“Hey baby.” Tiffany said and walked towards her boyfriend.

“Hey beautiful.” Taeng pulled her down so she can sit in his lap and he kissed her passionately.

“I thought you were coming with Jessica cuz when I called you she said she was coming with you. What happened, why she’s not here?” Taeng asked. 

“When you hung up, she got a phone call and she said she’s having a photoshoot and she rushed out of the house even without saying ‘bye’ because she was going to be late.” Tiffany answered and pecked his lips.

“You know I missed you so much…” Taeng said seductively.

“Baby, I also missed you, but someone might see us here…” Tiffany said but was cut off by Taeng when he kissed her.

“I don’t care.” He whispered in her ears and she chuckled.

She started to his shirt and he put her to sit on his desk. He was between her legs and she was kissing him passionately when someone knocked on the door but they were so into their own world that they didn’t hear anything. And then the door opened and Yul saw both of them ‘eating’ each other.

“Eheem.” Yul made a fake cough and chuckled when he saw Tiffany and Taeng’s faces.

Tiffany quickly got down from the desk and started fixing herself while Taeng was buttoning his shirt. They were both blushing really hard but Yul just smiled at them.

“Uhm…Yul..I’m…I’m sorry…I…” Taeng was stuttering because he was really embarrassed.

“It’s okay Taeng, just don’t do it in the office anymore because for me it’s not a problem but someone else might see you and then you’ll be really embarrassed.” Yul said and winked.

“If I were you I’ll also wanted to have this for myself even in the office, but I already have Jessica and she’s awesome when it comes to this part.” Yul said and let out a small laugh.

“And see who says I’m byuntae…” Taeng replied while Tiffany just chuckled.

“It’s already 6:30 p.m. so let’s just go to the restaurant and have a dinner. I’m really hungry. Where’s Jessica btw? I called her couple of times but she didn’t pick up.” Yul asked.

“She received a call and she tolled me that she was having a photoshoot and she rushed out of the house.” Tiffany said.

“Okay, then let’s go.” Yul answered and they went out o Taeng’s office.

They headed to their favorite restaurant near the company. After ordering the food Yul said.

“Fany, in the morning I told Taeng that I want to propose to Jessica and he gave me some ideas.”

“Really, that’s awesome. You’re so good together and yeah it’s the time for you to propose to her. Aww, I’m so happy for both of you and I envy Jessica.” Tiffany replied and eye smiled.

“But I wanted to ask you for something, will you help me with the organization, I mean because like Taeng said, I should sing a song and then the fireworks in the air will form a text so I can ask her. I’m just not really good at organizing this kind of stuff so I hoped if you guys can help me.” Yul responded and looked at both of them.

“Of course we’ll help you. If it’s for my awesome stupid brother and my sister-in-law, I’ll do anything for you.”Taeng answered and laughed out loud.

“Yul, don’t listen to this stupid here. You can count on me for anything.” Tiffany said and pinched Yul’s cheek.

“Thanks Fany…and Taeng.” Yul replied and smiled.

The waiter already put the food on the table and they started eating. An hour later they were heading back to the house. After parking the car Taeng and Tiffany went to Taeng’s room while Yul stayed a bit in the garden and phoned Jessica.

“Hey baby.” Yul said.

“Baby. I miss you.” Jessica replied.

“Are you still working? It’s already pass 9:00 p.m.” Yul asked worriedly.

“I just finished and I was going to call you when my phone rang. Are you at home?” Jessica responded while entering her car.

“Yeah, we had dinner in the restaurant and I’m home right now. Do you want me to pick you up?” Yul answered.

“No, I’m already in the car and I’ll come in 10 minutes.”Jessica said.

“Okay, love ya. Bye.” Yul replied and hung up.

10 minutes later

A car parked in front of the house and Jessica went to Yul. She hugged him tightly and kissed him passionately.

“I love you babe. And I missed your perfume.” Jessica pecked his neck and put her head on his chest.

“I love you more.” Yul said.

“No, I love you more.” Jessica replied.

“No, no way, I love you more.” Yul whined.

“I love you more and that’s it.” Jessica responded and put her forefinger on his lips to stop him say something else and then kiss him so passionately that he was about to fall down when she pulled away.

“Okay, but I still love you to death.” Yul said and pulled her one more time in his embrace. She smiled and they stayed like that for a couple of minutes until they decided to go to Yul’s room.




Hey guys! I know I haven't updated again for a week and I'm sorry but here's the new update. It's boring, I know but I hope you can wait for Yul's propose and yeah. Thanks once again for your patience and please comment because I can see that most of you are just silent readers... haha.

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update soon pls~ :)
CutesyCakes #2
OMG this fic is so cute :3 Please update soon author-nim >.<! Fighting~ YULSIC FOREVER
Chapter 30: mood swing lady pregnoo hohohoho
Chapter 29: hahah chukkae fanyy,,,
hohoho i cant wait for the honeymoon hihihi
DarkestAngel #5
Chapter 28: fany pregnant?
munyil_cutez #6
Chapter 28: yes, i think like that! fany is prenggo & taeng have to take responsobility!
i hope jessy too! he he
update soon
Chapter 28: i think fany is pregno hihihi
so how about you sica??? when you pregno?? hahahah
munyil_cutez #8
Chapter 27: ha ha
munyil_cutez #9
Chapter 27: ha ha
Chapter 27: sweetoo seobang hahah