Take Me Home




Kyungsoo yelled at me today. He never yells. He told me to get out of the house and do something, meet someone. Actually try this time. Easy for him to say. He has Jongin.

I see the way they look at eachother sometimes. That sparkle in their eyes when they know that the other completes them. The way they smile at eachother, knowing nothing could seperate them. I wish I still had that in my life. I wish things had gone differently back then. 

So, I did what Kyungsoo forced said to do. I grabbed my coat and walked out of the apartment. Once I was outside, I paused. Where should I go? The bar? Too loud. The mall? No interest anymore.

Ah. The park. Perfect. I could just take a quick stroll until it was okay to go back home. I was tired anyway. I couldn't handle more than a short walk. Thinking so, I went to the park. It was empty, due to the fact that the sky looked like it was going to rain. After walking around a bit and getting bored, I sat down on the park bench. It started to rain. 

I closed my eyes. Jongdae used to love the rain. I remember. 



"Baekhyun, come on!" he yelled excitedly. 

"Coming, coming!" I grinned and followed him into the rain, not even bothering to wear a jacket over my thin T-shirt. Neither did he. 

"Not fast enough, slowpoke." Jongdae gave me a big smile and grabbed my hand, yanking me towards him. 

My heart fluttered. My arm tingled where he touched me. 

He pulled me to the big field behind the house. Just a few seconds outside, and we were already wet. Jongdae flung his arms out and faced his head towards the sky. I did the same. 

I felt so...pure. So happy with Jongdae. I grinned wide and let out a yell into the air.

Just then, I felt his arms around my waist. I twisted around in his tight embrace so that I faced him, held his face in my hands, and kissed him full on the lips. I knew we could both feel the intensity through the kiss. I felt his mouth smile gently against mine. Parting his mouth wider, I deepened it. We were soaked to the core, but I didn't care. I wanted him so bad, it hurt. 

That night we made love. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Jongdae was asleep. All night I could feel his heart beating against mine. All I wanted, all I would always want was right here in my arms. 




Park Chanyeol


So today I was out on my daily evening jog. (Gotta stay in shape for the boys, you know. This perfect body doesn't just appear overnight.) It was late, almost 9 PM.  It was raining pretty hard too, but I didn't mind. I like the rain. I love that feeling you get when that first drop of cold water splashes on your skin and when the drops roll off you. Refreshing.

I don't know why, but I didn't really feel like running today. I was already soaked through, so why not? I wanted to enjoy it. So I walked. I took my time to notice what I didn't notice before.  Like how the clouds looked like white smoke against the cloudy, dark blue sky. How the forget-me-nots growing in the black soil seemed to reflect the light of the stars. How there was a dead body slouched on the park bench.

I blinked. Nope, it was still there. 

I panicked. What do I do? Should I call Luhan? No, Luhan would be out with Sehun. I looked around to see if anyone else was here. Nope. Nobody would be at the park at night in the rain. Chanyeol, you stupid idiot. Get closer! I obviously had to deal with this situation myself. I couldn't just leave the body lying there could I? I slowly inched closer to the bench, dropping the wet bouquet of forget-me-nots I picked on the ground. Clutching my cellphone with Luhan on speed dial, I tiptoed around the the front of the bench so I could see the hooded figure a little easier.

Though he was completely covered, you could still tell he was a guy. He was pretty small too. (But then again, everyone is small compared to me.) His face was covered. His chest rose up and down in a steady rhythm. So he wasn't dead. He was just asleep. That's a relief. 

But what was he doing here, asleep in the rain at a park? It wasn't even that late. Frowning, I pulled back his hood.


My breath caught in my throat. 


He was beautiful. 


The dim light hit his pale face, making it seem to glow. His cheeks were flawless, no wrinkles or blemishes. His lips were a soft pink that brought color into the rest of his face. His eyes were closed, but I knew they hid a pair of chocolate brown irises. He was...perfect. 

But who was he? 

I didn't know him but I couldn't leave him here alone. Gently sliding my hands under his legs and back, I picked him up. He sighed in his sleep and wrapped his arms around my neck unconciously. Careful not to wake him up, I took him home. 






Updated! How was it? Sorry, this may have been a little unclear. All the large italicized portions of text are Baekhyun's flashbacks. Also, at the end when Chanyeol says 'I took him home' he means back to his own apartment, not Baek's house. 

Just wanted to clear that up. I know I say this every time, but I really look forward to recieving your feedback! PLEASE PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS!! (And subscribe and upvote too?)

Saranghaeyo I love you :)



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Chapter 3: Aw so cute i swear Baekkie why are u so cute! X) and ur welcome i like the story a lot since it has Kaisoo and BaekYeollie xD can't wait :3
OMG I'm so glad ur continuing this fic! Keep going author nim! ;)
good job chanyeol. -cries-
but, Baekhyun needs to let Jongdae gooooooooo omg. He's totally going to break Chanyeol's heart sooner or later when he finds out ):
Chapter 7: Oh no .....poor baek...thanks for updating
bdz357998 #5
Chapter 7: Omg poor baek why did they want baek and oh cgphannie so brave please update soon
Waaaah ~ the poster is so cute!! ^^
at first I was a little confused ,when did I subscribe to fic called cute? then I saw the chapters titles and I was like aren't they for other story then I read your note and I was like ohhhhh, hehe nice update!! fighting
Chapter 5: I heart this story.....you are a great writer ....I heart the plot too ,not cliche ....love ya :)