Something Forgotten

The Past And The Future

A knock on Celaena's door awakes her from a nap. She gets up sleepily, opens the door a little bit, and says "hello" sleepily.                

"Hey sleepy head! It's Lila." She says while slowly smiling.

 "Hey , what are you doing here?" She asks sleepily.

"Why do you sound so sleepy? Why are you so surprised to see me?".                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

She pauses and thinks for a tiny bit. "Oh..where are my manners? Come on in." As she says this, she steps aside while opening the door to let Lila in.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

"So why were you sleeping? It's only 4pm and how did you get out of work so soon?" As she says this she looks questioningly at Celaena.

"Well, my boss let us go early. We met our deadline early, so to celebrate, everyone else left for a work dinner.But for some reason, I didn't and I can't remember." Her eyes tear up as she says this.  

 "Celaena, calm down. It's alright. You know once you have bad nightmares you start to forget things.But I am here, so anything you don't remember I can tell you--so just ask,alright?" Pulling her into a hug.

"Okay so please tell me, why did I came home instead of going with them? Did I have to go somewhere?"                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Lila gently her dark brown curly hair and whispers yes, "We were going to see a band,BigBang. It was planned out at your lunch break. So let's get you ready. You need to take a shower first, alright?" Lila pats her head and gently pushes her towards the bathroom.

Celaena emerges from the bathroom in a robe and looks at Lila smiles and says "Someone needs to help me with my wardrobe. I don't know what to wear. Plus, that's what big sisters are for right?" She says, grinning at Lila.

"Of course that's what we are for. Now come on, little sis. Let's find you a good dress--and you need to drive. I've had a little bit to drink.".

Soon the girls found a dress, a dress ruffly at the bottom starting with a blue going up to a white

"I love this dress, Celaena!The gradient of blue to white and it just looks so good with your hair!"

Celaena laughs and says "Yes it's quite nice, but I disagree I think your classic red dress, red lips, and blonde wavy hair is a much better combo than mine."

Lila smirks and says "Oh no, my dear sister , tis not true for milady is much more beautiful and bold than I."

Both the girls laugh and hug each other and head out of the door.

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