Chapter 3

Hush~~~Dont tell....

"Won’t you look at the time? It’s over..." Key pouted. " is. By the way, will I be skipping school? Or will I have to reschedule?" I asked. “It was just for today that you skipped school. Tomorrow, you’ll start class after school.” Onew answered. “Ok, well see ya tomorrow!” I waved. I called Kimya and said that I will meet at the nearby bubble tea shop called ‘Gong Cha’. After 15 minutes, Kimya walked into the store. “Ok, spill. What happened?” She asked. “Chill…I just danced and got introduced to EXO and SHINee. That’s all.” I said nonchalantly. “How can I chill? You got into SM and you met my favourite idols. How can I NOT chill?” She asked. “By the way, what should I do about my hair?” I asked twirling a strand of my hazel brown hair. My hair is weird; it’s hazel brown naturally instead of dark brown or close to black. “Well, if we cut it. People will wonder why, you look nice with long hair. So how about we get a wig or something?” Kimya asked. “Where a wig and dancing? No way, it’s too heavy!” I complained. “Well, I know this shop for wigs…They make really good ones, it’s super light too!” Kimya exclaimed. “Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try.” I mumbled. “Great! Let’s go!” She said pulling me along. “And then you can tell me about what you did today!” She added.

We arrived at the wig shop and I gotta say…Wow. I’ve never seen so many wigs in one place in my life! “Ah, Kimya! This your friend?” An employee asked. “Yes, this is Dae Minna. Minna, this is Eunha. By the way, my mom owns the place that’s why she knows me.” Kimya smiled. “Oh, ok. Dae Minna, nice to meet you.” I smiled. “Ah, Kimya! She's just like you described her! Very pretty.” Eunha exclaimed examining my face. I blushed at the comment. “I’m not THAT pretty…” I muttered. “Yes, you are! Now how may I help you?” Eunha asked. “I need a boy wig. Closest to my hair colour if possible and make it light.” I answered. “Why would you need a boy wig?” Eunha asked. “Ask Kimya.” I replied. “Kimya? Care to explain?” Eunha asked raising an eyebrow. “Uh…Well… I sorta signed her up to audition for SM…as a guy…” She mumbled averting her eyes. “You did what?” Eunha asked. “You heard her; she signed me up to audition as a guy.” I replied for her. “Now will you make me a wig, please?” I added. “Of course! It would be a shame to cut your beautiful long hair!” Eunha exclaimed walking to the counter. “Would you rather have this colour or this colour?” She asked showing me two batches of hair (literally) of nearly identical colours. “They look the same, you can choose.” I replied. “This will take a while… Feel free to look around.” Eunha suggested. “Eunha is really good at making wigs; she can take under two hours.” Kimya said. I nodded and walked through the aisles of wigs of all sorts of colours. “Ah, Kimya! Is this your friend that you’ve talked to me about? The really good dancer and singer who’s pretty?” A new voice asked. “Mom!” Kimya exclaimed. “Why do you sound so surprise for? I do own the shop, you know. It’s only natural to see me around.” Her mom tsked. “Oh…Sorry, well you're right. This is Minna… She came here for a wig.” Kimya said. “Why would she need a wig? Her hair is beautiful!” Her mom exclaimed. “Well, my hair is not the case.” I said. “Then what is the case?” She asked. “Well~ You're daughter made me audition as a boy at SM and I actually got in so, I need to dress up as a boy. And I prefer not cutting my hair.” I answered. “Kimya! You did that?! I thought I taught you better!” She exclaimed. “Like I said, she has talent! It’s a waste to hide it!” Kimya cried in defense. “And, I wanted a bit of a twist.” She added quietly. “Ok, ok. What’s done is done.” I chuckled. “So is Eunha working on the wig?” Her mom asked. “Yep, she started 15 minutes ago.” Kimya replied. “While we wait, do you want coffee?” Her mom asked. “Sure.” We replied.

We sat on the couch as Kimya’s mom brought us coffee. “So? What happened?” Kimya and her mom asked. Like mother like daughter…I guess. “Like I said, I did nothing much. Did a dance and dance battle, that’s all.” I shrugged. “A dance battle? With who?” Kimya asked. “With the dance machines… Kai, Taemin and Lay…” I answered quietly. “Really?! Who won?” Kimya asked. “I did…” I answered. “Wow! You did? Oh my gosh! I need to tell everyone at school!” She squealed taking out her phone. “Don’t.” I warned. “I don’t want anymore people out to get my head.” I added. “Oh…Ok.” She pouted. “Ok! Minna! I’m done your wig!” Eunha called. Wow, time flies. “Ok! Thank you for listening to our/my story.” I thanked Kimya’s mom. “No problem, dear. Come back any time! I would love to listen to what happened while you’re with them.” Kimya’s mom smiled. Picking up the freshly made wig, I made my way home.

Unlocking the front door, I walked into the usual empty spacious house of mine. People would often ask if I was rich but, that’s not the case. We…I mean…I used to have a big family living here but, they died in a horrible accident and I was the only survivor. My rent is being paid by Kimya’s parents (I was lucky, Kimya’s parents were my parents’ friend. So I guess out of pity, they helped me out. If they didn’t, I don’t know where I’ll be right now.) I threw my stuff onto the couch and headed to my room. My phone vibrated in my pocket, I checked it. It was a text from Kimya.

From: Nosy Kimya

To: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl (I regret giving my phone to Kimya.)

So, are you going to be missing school?


To: Nosy Kimya

From: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl

No, unfortunately… -A-|||

Today was a special occasion; I will still be going to school.


From: Nosy Kimya

To: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl

Btw, did you see Kungwoo? He wasn’t here either.


To: Nosy Kimya

From: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl

*cough* He’satraineeatSMtoo *cough* What, Kungwoo? I don’t know


From: Nosy Kimya

To: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl

Legit?! Did you see him?


To: Nosy Kimya

From: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl

No~ I didn’t see him, that’s why I know he’s a trainee. *sarcasm*


From: Nosy Kimya

To: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl

Who’s his mentor?


To: Nosy Kimya

From: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl

EXO, they visited while I was showing SHINee what I can do.


From: Nosy Kimya

To: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl

What? Lucky!!!! >A<;;;


To: Nosy Kimya

From: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl

Lol Kimya. Well, I need to do something now. Bye


From: Nosy Kimya

To: Miss I-hate-attention popular girl

Ok, bye Minhyuk (≧▽≦)/~┴┴


Putting my phone down, it was almost dinner time. I got up and went to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I took out the ingredients I need to make dinner. After making dinner, I sat down and ate quietly while reading a book. I finished dinner and headed upstairs to take a shower. Putting on sweatpants and a tank-top. I jumped onto my bed and thought of what happened today before falling asleep.

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 6: Ahhhh this story is so good ;-; Please revive it! I love the concept of the fanfic!
Please continue the story author-nim!!!~ This story is really interesting!!~