Proper Introductions

Pride and Prejudice



Lunch finally rolls around and you feel like you're about to die of boredom. Despite the fact that there are attractive boys in your house, you're defintely bored. You don't understand how your hyper babo of a big brother could possibly sit still at school throughout the day. Your class leaves the room in relief. Luhan offers for you (and Hyojin, of course) to come sit with him and his friends during lunch. Since you have no friends other than Hyojin, you accept. You walk together and people gawk at you. 


You're in the gem of a boy Luhan's group? Wow, that's impressive for your first day. News has spread around about you. Apparently a lot of people think you're really pretty and they all instantly respect you for being Chanyeol's sister since everybody likes Chanyeol. You hope the people in Luhan's friend circle will like you too. Usually you aren't desperate for people to like you, but even you, the dynamic girl with the musical talent, can't help but feel a little insecure at this new school.  






"Over here!" the boy you recognize as Chen waves at Luhan. You reach their group, and you instantly feel intimidated. Hyojin stares at Luhan. 

"Hey guys, you all know Hyojin and this is my new friend Mina." The boys bow in greeting and carry on with their seperate conversations. A tall, very handsome boy smiles at you.

"Hello Mina," his deep, rich voice reaches your ears. "My name is Kris." Kris is the guy that Sehun hates? You like him.

"Hi, nice to meet you," you beam at him, and he holds out his hand for you to shake. You notice how beautiful and large his hands are. He gives you a confident handshake and flashes another killer smile. 

"I hope you're liking this school so far," he says kindly. "It's a little hard to adjust to at first, but it looks like you're doing very well." 

"Already flirting with the new girl?" you hear Sehun's snobby voice. 

"Come on Sehun-ah, don't start," Suho chides him.

"I'm not the one who started it," he scoffs cooly, leaning against a wall looking poised, cool, and evil to you.

"You did this time," sighs Luhan. "Come on Sehun, please." Luhan whispers some things to Sehun and Sehun shuts up. 

"Sorry about that," Kris whispers to you. "Sehun doesn't really like me..." You feel bad for Kris. Being in the way of Sehun's wrath has got to be a huge pain. You wonder what he could have done? Maybe Sehun's just jealous that Kris is so good looking.


Every few minutes you'll exchange an awkward, stony eye contact with Sehun. Hyojin and Luhan quietly assure you that Sehun isn't singling you out to be mean to, he's like that to everyone. Not as if that makes him look any better in your eyes.

"Little sister," Chanyeol drapes his arm around your shoulder, leaning his weight on you. 

"Oof, Chanyeol, get off me. You're too heavy!" You whine at him.

"Oh don't be such a whiner," Chanyeol laughs. "How's your first day going?"

"Boring as hell," you groan. The boys laugh and their laughs sound like some unrealistic melody or something.

"You'll get used to it," speaks up Sehun wryly. 

"I'm sure..." you reply a little tensely. The tension can be felt by everyone. You like this kid less and less and he thinks you're further beneath him with each word. 

"SO um, where'd you come from?" Luhan speaks up, looking worriedly from you to Sehun before fixing his gaze back on you.

"Seoul School of the Arts," you answer, trying to disregaurd Sehun.

"Oh, Jongin was going to go there!" Kyungsoo speaks up happily. 

"Really? For what?" you ask the handsome boy with the very nice jawline who called you hot earlier that morning. 

"Dancing," he answers with a very attractive smirk.

"Oh that's cool," you say honestly. The dance department is hard to get into for that school.

"What did you go there for?" a guy who had introduced himself as Lay asks you, curiously. 

"I sang and played guitar and piano," you reply. 

"Oh, that's awesome! I play guitar and piano too," he clasps his hands together, excited to meet a fellow guitar and piano player. Your annoying but loving older brother intoduces you to the rest of his friends.


There's Lay, the piano and guitar guy. He's pretty quiet, but very attentive when he's interested in what you have to say.

Chen is kind and very caring and seems to love to talk and goof around.

Baekhyun is pretty goofy too and you can tell why he and Chanyeol are best friends. 

Tao almost never speaks but stands in a quiet, stylish silence. He seems to be a little stuck up, but you're not sure. He wears all designer clothing and you later learn his mother owns a designer clothing company.

Luhan is sweet, happy all the time, and totally has it bad for Hyojin. He likes to keep the peace amongst everyone at all times, and his wealth doesn't get to his head. He always listens to Sehun, and you can't begin to fathom why he would do that...

Jongin, or Kai as some people call him sometimes, is the hot one. He's very attractive and he's kind of quiet unless he's interested in things like Lay is, 

Kyungsoo is pretty quiet too but more in a I-have-nothing-to-say sort of way. He's very caring towards his friends as well and he reminds you of a doting mother sometimes.

Suho is like a cute angel who's always happy and willing to help. 

Xiumin is bubbly and happy too and hasn't talked to you very much yet.

Kris is like a prince. He's kind, charismatic, welcoming, and you'll admit it-drop dead gorgeous. You like him being around. 

You really don't like Sehun...There's something about him that makes everyone else feel like he regaurds them as peasants and he's really the only one you find downright disagreeable. You don't think you'll ever manage to be friends with him.


Then there's Chanyeol, that idiot of an older brother you love so much. He still is leaning against you while you talk to your new friends, making you stand at an odd angle.


The day continues to drag on, and finally it's time to go home. 







"See ya, Mina! Bye Chanyeol!" Your new friends wave happily. 

"Bye!" Chanyeol smiles widely and waves wildly. 

"Bye everyone, I'll text you later, Hyojin," you promise cheerfully. She nods and waves, then turns to continue talking to a very interested Luhan.


You and Chanyeol slide into your mom's car, and she intantly pelts you with questions.


"How was your day?!"


"How were your classes!?"


"How were the people?"


"How were the teachers?"


"Did you make a lot of friends!?"

"Goo--oh. Yeah, it's great."


You and Chanyeol have a tense relationship with your mom for the most part, because she has a slight...drinking problem. Okay fine, it isn't that slight. Your dad is busy all of the time so he doesn't really take part in your lives.


"Okay, that's nice," she says. She didn't sound like she thought it was very nice... "I'm going to go out tonight with friends," she tells you.

"Whatever, Mom," you sigh. You and Chanyeol had spent years trying to make her stay home and be a normal, good, loving mom and housewife, but no. She refuses to listen to you two, so you both eventually gave up.

"Don't whatever me, Mina," she snarls. She then feels bad and sighs. "Don't wait up."

"We won't," says Chanyeol stiffly.


The rest of the drive is spent in silence. You and Chanyeol share earphones and listen to some songs that you both like. Your music taste is pretty much the same, and you love that.


You arrive home to your slightly above average house in your slightly above average car in your slightly above average neighbhorhod. There's nothing special about it. You don't own five mansions or something like you're sure someone like that jerk Sehun does. 







You and Chanyeol flop down onto your couch tiredly.


"So what's wrong with that Sehun guy?" you ask, annoyed still about him calling you tolerable. Who does that?

"Don't speak like that," Chanyeol sighs as if the jerk could hear you or something. "He's just not very outgoing."

"I don't like him," you say sourly.

"Yeah, well, you should learn to. He's not someone you want to be on the bad side of."

"Like Kris?" 

Chanyeol exhales loudly.

"No, I don't know anything about their tension so don't ask me. Luhan-hyung's the only one who would know and I don't think you should ask him."


You both pull out your laptops and start to work on some assignments. It's your first day and you already have a relatively large amount of homework. Oh to go to a non-art school. Great.


You do your homework in a happy silence next to your brother when he speaks up again.


"What did you think of them though? Other than Sehun." 

"They were pretty cool," you answer honestly. "I especially like Kris, Luhan, Lay, Suho, and Jongin." Chanyeol chuckles.

"Yeah, well they like you too." You smile at this information. It's nice to be liked your first day. You think first impressions are so important.


Besides, just one day went by and from the two times you heard Sehun speak, you already can tell he has an ego the size of his wallet. It's just obvious!


"How long have Luhan and Hyojin liked each other?" you ask, amused. You have been texting small talk to both of them the past hour or so. Luhan had given you his number towards the end of the day and told you to text him. He's excited to have a new friend, especially one that's close to Hyojin. You can tell he isn't using you though, so you're happy to make a friend too. He's a genuine, nice person.


Chanyeol scoffs.

"Since day one, I swear. Luhan persued her so hard at first but eventually he had to back off because of money problems." 

"He cares about that?" you ask, surprised.

"Nah, his family and friends do though and he's big on honoring their wishes, even if it hurts his own heart."

"But they still like each other," you giggle.

"A lot. It's kind of funny, but tragic at the same time. I think eventually he'll just go for it though, disregarding social norms," Chanyeol guesses.

"That'll be nice," you nod.


You both type away on your computers, working on your assignments. You speak to each other every so often, but focus on your work.


"Jongin says hi," Chanyeol informs you.

"Cool, tell him I say hi back," you tell him excitedly. Jongin is very handsome and remembers to greet you while talking to your brother?


"They're like all telling me to tell you they say hi," Chanyeol grumbles. "I'll just give them all your number."

Your phone begins to flood with messages from your new friends for the next few minutes.

"They're so welcoming," you smile.

"Yeah," Chanyeol agrees. "When one of us makes a new friend, the rest of us are usually really happy to welcome them. Except a few of them don't talk much, but yeah... Sehun never really shows much interest in people though. I'm surprised he accepted me."

"Everyone accepts you, oppa," you tell him a little enviously. "I don't understand how you could make friends so fast."

"Me neither," he agrees.


A few hours later, you decide you should start working on making dinner. With a usually absent father and mother you and Chanyeol helped raise each other for the most part. He helps you bustle around the kitchen.


"No one at school knows about Mom though," Chanyeol says looking down, embarassed.

"They don't need to," you say quickly and reassuringly. Chanyeol looks relieved.

"Okay we can just not mention that," he says quickly.


When dinner is ready, you both sit down in a comfortable silence, eating the chicken dish you prepared.


"So," Chanyeol starts to talk, mouth full of chicken. "You already like Kris, huh?" 

"What?" you say, choking on your water.

"Awww little sister has a crush," he teases you.

"What do you mean?! I've only talked to him once," you defend yourself from your tall twerp of a brother. 

"I saw the way you looked at him. You looked almost as happy to talk to him as you looked disgusted by Sehun, and that's saying something," Chanyeol erupts with laughter at your horrified face.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Plus, you jump every time he messages you," Chanyeol smirks, gesturing towards your phone. You'll admit it, your heart skips a beat whenever his name pops up on your screen. He's just so attractive and sweet.

You've been making small, casual conversation since Chanyeol gave him your number and you're excited to get to know him and to speak with him more.

It goes along the lines of "how are you?" "how do you like school," "what class are you in?" "what was your old school like?" etc.


"Ugh, shut up," you grumble, glaring at your chicken like it's a wrongdoing criminal. 



"Just be careful not to judge people too fast," Chanyeol shrugs.


Some people are easy to judge. Like that Sehun kid you find so apalling you can't push him out of your mind.

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Chapter 10: Aww so sweet and meaningful. I think i'm more falling for Sehun. He is just so sweet and shy. Glad that both of them realized what good and matters for them ^^
nowaywth #2
Chapter 10: I truly enjoyed it
Silencedshadow #3
Chapter 10: :D hello there!
So I'm a huge Jane Austen fan and Pride and Prejudice is one of my all time favorite books, and I saw the movie yesterday on tv, again and it started a hunger in me for more pride and prejudice. :)) guess what I did? I looked for anything similar here on aff to satiate my hunger, and I found your story. I was actually thinking that a remake would be wonderful with Exo as the lead, and I soon came to the conclusion that Sehun would be the best one as Darcy and Luhan as Bingley. :)) and you did just that.
I must say you did justice to the book, and you managed to place it in a modern high school world quite well.
I loved it! My only complain is that it was too short.
I loved how you adapted some of the conversations, and the wording was beautifully made and very Jane Austen like. :))
I really really enjoyed it, so thank you for taking the time and writing it. :)
Chapter 1: Ohhhhh, so Luhan is Charles Bingley. Hyojin is Jane Bennet. Mina is Elizabeth Bennet. Kris is George Wickham. Sehun is Will Darcy. Can't wait for Mr. Collins and Charlotte to make their appearances x) LOL I'm a Jane Austen geek.
Chapter 10: My tears almost fell down when I read it.. From my point of view, your story was totally nice and perfect.. Your wording was extremely beautiful.. It was worthwhile to read yours ,author-nim :)
Chapter 10: nice and beautiful story :D
Chapter 10: Such a beautiful story <3
Chapter 10: omfg thats so sweeeeetttt..... i wish though you had extended the part where mina realises she actually kinda likes him...i.e. made it a bit more gradual and obvious cuz for a moment there i was scared she was going to say yet to him out of pity but pheugh she didn't <3

I LOVE your characters personas since they are so intricately developed and none of them are the perfect people: they all have flaws even if it seems like they're perfect.

Thanks SO MUCH for an amazing fic! Gonna go upvote :)
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 10: Wow loved the story but why not a lil longer? ? But thank you anyway..enjoyed the story.
Riesta #10
Chapter 10: Oh my God, your story is strongly beautiful. I treasure it so much, hwaiting author-nim!!