Prompt 5

Sebaek Fic Collection


Protect you until my last breath | Suggested by EXOFAN4EVA | wolf!au 


The silence in the dark of the forest rang loud in the ears of the pale-colored creature. Its mind searches with its golden hues for only one thing as the full moon shone bright above it in the night sky. Its ears picked up the littlest of sounds – crickets, the owl, and something that could possibly be its prey on that fateful night. It was fully aware of everything that moves around it; its senses being sharper than they had been just a few hours ago.

It was time to feed, and it was going to feed well.

Something moved on its right, causing it to snap its head so quickly that whatever had tried to escape him wouldn’t have the time to hide. However, its golden orbs could not find what had caught its attention. Just as it was about to move slowly towards its possible prey, the beseeching howl of another wolf sliced through the silence, its calling pulling the creature towards it. Sehun’s mind snapped from predator to almost human as his ears picked up his alpha’s call. It had only been less than an hour since the pack separated for their hunt, so Sehun was sure that his alpha had not called to signal their return. Besides, he would never have misheard the difference in that dreadful howl than the one his alpha usually used to call for their attention.

It was a call of sorrow, that much Sehun could tell despite being newly transformed, its sound causing an ache to his chest as his heart clenched. He had this instinct that tells him he should be worried, that someone he truly cared about in his pack had been terribly injured. And he only had one person in mind of who that someone could possibly be. His heart rapping at his chest, Sehun abandoned his hunt and leapt away, his four legs helping him go faster as the wind slapped his face. His alpha howled again, desperate to be heard, and he picked up his pace.

The howling continued, bleak and mournful, as Sehun ran with all the speed he could muster towards where his alpha had called him. He barely wondered if he was only feeling the pull because he was Beta, second to his pack leader. He almost wished it was, because he couldn’t bear the thought of losing anyone in his pack. Sehun almost stopped when he felt another presence beside him, matching his speed. He only recognized the other a second later.

From the corner of his eyes, he managed to draw out piercing blue orbs framed with dark grey fur. The wolf was almost bigger than him, a fact that he sometimes despised because of his ego as Beta. That thought aside, Sehun heard the softest of whimpers from the other wolf, Kai, in a way of showing his formal respect towards Sehun despite being older. Sehun notes it with a slight nod, his focus back on the trail ahead, careful not to bump into anything because he needed to get to his alpha. The howling had dreaded longer now, almost angry that his beta has yet to arrive.

Sehun willed his hind legs to leap higher as he jumped over a fallen tree, joined with three other wolves besides Kai. He recognized the almost completely black-furred wolf to be Suho, the pale brown to be Kyungsoo and light grey YiXing. All three greeted him with a similar whimper as the one Kai had greeted him with but he had no time to acknowledge them as he leapt higher and faster through the trees, their alpha’s call now whinier and more desperate. He was closer now, he could tell, and from where he is he could see the raised snout of a yellowish-white wolf.

The massive white wolf’s gaze fell upon Sehun and the rest of the pack members that were slowly coming in. There was anger in those sharp golden hues as they stared down at Sehun, its shoulders broad as it stood above them all. Sehun lets his front legs go down low as he bowed his head in respect to his alpha, followed by the rest of the pack as they whimpered, half of fear and half of apprise. It was rare for the alpha to be angry, and when he is, it was never good.

When Sehun raised his head back up, he saw that the alpha’s expression had turned soft, almost sad, as his nose nudged the unconscious lump of a figure abandoned on the forest ground. Sehun’s eyes raked over the greyish-white fur of the limp creature on the ground, noticing the huge dark red patch on its neck. Both his wolf and human heart seemed to stop working at the same time as he quickly recognized the almost white wolf; Baekhyun. While his brain and heart had stopped, his legs started moving quickly towards Baekhyun. A mournful whimper left his throat as he nudged Baekhyun’s snout with his own, willing for the older to hold on.

He realized then that the older wolf was not completely unconscious; his eyes blinked weakly as he let out pained whimpers. Anger filled Sehun’s heart as he thought of anyone who had possibly almost killed Baekhyun, but he was wise enough at the moment to push the anger aside for just awhile, at the fur just behind Baekhyun’s ear before he lifted the wolf onto his back. Just as he turned to start heading back to their home, a dark brownish-grey wolf stepped forward.

I’m sorry, it said through their mind connection and Sehun barely recognized the wolf to be Chanyeol. They were looking for me. Baekhyun just got in their way.

Sehun’s jaw snapped as he bared his teeth in a growl, his gaze shooting daggers at the dark wolf as it curled its legs underneath him, a soft whimper leaving its mouth as it bowed his head low. The low growling rumble coming from Sehun’s chest caused the rest of the wolves to move away, giving him space to pass through. He didn’t turn to wait for his alpha’s further instructions; he only let his hind legs fold just slightly before he sprinted forward, disappearing into the night.


Sehun had gone for the only help he could find once he reached the massive mansion where his true creator resides. The size and beauty of it no longer fazed him as he was already used to being there almost every day of his life after he was bitten, which was not very long but still. It was not easy to be directly turned by the Lord of all things supernatural; the reputation he had to keep to not disappoint his creator was hard enough already. When he mentioned creator, he didn’t mean pure, innocent, and invisible to his eyes; he meant this king of the supernatural in the form of a handsome English man in his late twenties, brown hair and pale skin.

He hadn’t hesitated going into the mansion, ignoring the surprised yelp of the Lord’s young daughters and rushed straight to the witch’s room. She was the only one who could help Baekhyun. Kahlan, the witch slash confessor slash healer, hadn’t questioned him as to what happened and went straight to tending Baekhyun’s wound instead. Maybe because he wouldn’t have been able to answer her verbally in his wolf form, not that Kahlan needed answers anyway. He had watched her tend to Baekhyun, the smaller wolf’s body weakly and slowly turning back into his human form. He noticed how Kahlan was barely bothered by the in front of her, and he guessed it was because she must have gone through this countless of times before.

She had asked him to get changed first while she lets Baekhyun rest, saying that the latter only suffered a big, ugly wound on his neck and would heal in a few days. Relieved that Baekhyun was confirmed to be fine, Sehun had ran back to his dorm, where the pack and him lived to get changed and bring some of Baekhyun’s clothes over. The rest of the pack was already home, fresh and ready for bed as they shot never-ending questions at Sehun of how Baekhyun was doing. He had only nodded and assured them that Baekhyun will heal in no time.

Taeyang, his alpha, had been waiting outside their dorm with only his pants on, pale blonde hair set in a spiky mohawk on his head despite having just turned back into his human form, much to Sehun’s knowledge. Sehun had only slightly dipped his head, to which Taeyang dismissed with a wave of his hand – the alpha much prefer casual greeting than formal. The alpha only needed some assurance that Baekhyun is okay before he bid Sehun goodnight and left.

Now, Sehun placed the pile of Baekhyun’s clothes on the bedside table. The older had been moved to the guest room, where at other times, most of the injured clan members would be placed to rest. Sehun couldn’t help but be awed at how special his pack had been treated – the Lord wouldn’t let any other packs or clans be sort of warded in his house. He took a second to be grateful to the man who had given him a place to go home to before he sat on the seat just beside the bed, carefully taking Baekhyun’s small hand in his and placing a kiss on the latter’s.

It hadn’t been an easy phase of his life ever since he was turned. At first he couldn’t accept the change his body was making; he was only lucky that the Lord hadn’t completely abandoned him and stayed to help him through everything instead. When he first woke up from the longest sleep he had with the memory of sharp teeth, white fur and golden eyes, he first saw Luhan, a Chinese male who had been the calmest of them three. Then it was Baekhyun; Baekhyun of the brown hair and pouty lips with a shine in his chocolate gaze. Baekhyun, who showed fear in his eyes but stood up bravely once he regained his strength. Baekhyun, who accepted himself faster than him.

Long story short, Sehun found himself amazed at how Baekhyun never failed to smile even though everyone around him showed only distress and fear. When the Lord named the pack and appointed Taeyang as alpha, Baekhyun was the one willingly taking his place in the pack as Leaper. Luhan was named the Howler and Sehun, the Beta. People say it was because the three were personally chosen by the Lord himself, thus why they were given high rank in the pack. Nevertheless, it was Baekhyun’s personality and ability to make Sehun smile the reason to why he had given his heart to the older so willingly, even though Baekhyun never asked for it.

To have Baekhyun return his feelings took months of heartbreak and tears, but now that he had him, Sehun couldn’t bear the thought of losing the older boy. Kahlan had said earlier that Baekhyun was bitten by another wolf, and Sehun barely remembered the rival Chanyeol brought upon himself with the wolves of another pack. He would have to talk to Chanyeol pretty soon.

The small hand in his moved slightly, distracting him from his train of thoughts. His eyes searched Baekhyun’s expression as he watched the latter open his eyes weakly, his lips forming into a small smile upon seeing Sehun by his side. Baekhyun moved his head to get a better look at his boyfriend, only to get stung by the sharp pain on his neck. Sehun panicked for a second when Baekhyun winced at the pain, but he soon collected himself and told the older to not move so much. Baekhyun’s hand gingerly touched the bandage on the side of his neck, flinching slightly.

“You got hurt pretty bad, hyung.” Sehun spoke, leaning down to kiss Baekhyun’s forehead.

Baekhyun’s lips parted and a moan escaped them, his voice raspy from lack of use. “They were going to get Chanyeol, Sehun. They look so mean I had to help.”

Sehun clenched his jaw at the mention of Chanyeol’s name and the ‘them’ Baekhyun was referring to. To be really honest, Sehun was only slightly jealous of Chanyeol; Baekhyun had not only been best friends with the taller but lovers too. Sehun understood, though, why Baekhyun had stepped in to help. He would have done so himself. It was kind of a rule in the pack; its teamwork and brotherhood. They are one family and Sehun wouldn’t abandon them.

“We’re going to get them to pay for it, I promise. If the Lord wouldn’t, I will.” Sehun said as he looked into Baekhyun’s eyes, smiling at the older.

“If the Lord wouldn’t, we will. I don’t want you going after them on your own.” Baekhyun’s tone was serious, and because it was rare, Sehun’s smile only widened.

He raked his long fingers through Baekhyun’s hair that had grown so much over the months they were already covering his eyebrows. He loved how soft they felt under his touch and he especially loved the smile on Baekhyun’s face as the latter looked up at him, albeit weakly. He lets his fingers trail down Baekhyun’s cheek, the older closing his eyes against his fingers. The breath that Baekhyun let out was ragged and pain as he winced again and Sehun’s chest hurt just knowing that his other half was in such agony. He kissed Baekhyun’s fingers, slow and ticklish.

Baekhyun’s otherwise pained expression crunched into one of a child being tickled before he lets the back of his hand rest on Sehun’s cheek. “Stay with me?”

Sehun didn’t hesitate getting up from the chair to get onto the other side of the bed, resting against the headboard just low enough for Baekhyun to bury his face against Sehun’s chest. He lets an arm go under Baekhyun’s head and around the older’s shoulder, pulling him close. Sehun savored the warmth that is Baekhyun, noticing the rising heat from the latter’s skin, fully aware that the man he loves is pained from the fate that has fallen unto him. He was determined to go after that pack, no matter how strong and powerful they could be. He was certain the Lord would help him and his pack; a benefit he realized they all have for being the Lord’s favorite.

His fingers continued to thread themselves through Baekhyun’s soft hair, loving the soft sigh that left Baekhyun’s lips as the latter played with Sehun’s free fingers. They held each other in silence for a while, minutes turning into an hour. Just when Sehun thought Baekhyun had fallen asleep, the older lifted his gaze up to look into Sehun’s hazel optics. They looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before Baekhyun broke the silence. “I love you.”

Sehun swore there was a mini somersault within his chest, his ribcage the only thing taming the wild creature he called his heart. It wasn’t the first time Baekhyun had said it; it was probably the thousandth time now, Sehun had lost count. And in all those times, Sehun never forgets to say it back because one, he didn’t want to be too late and two, he really does love the older. His index finger touched Baekhyun’s chin to lift his head just high enough so Sehun’s lips could touch the latter’s. Baekhyun responded immediately, parting his roseate brims to let Sehun’s tongue explore the wet cavern that is his mouth. They were both lost in the moment with the beauty of their kiss.

Sehun’s hand cupped at Baekhyun’s cheek, unheedingly letting his hand trail down the side of Baekhyun’s neck. They only parted because Baekhyun winced at the throb in his neck at Sehun’s touch, causing the younger to panic as he continuously apologized for his carelessness. Baekhyun only smiled in a way of dismissing it before he leaned up again to plaster his lips on Sehun’s once again. His kiss was more urgent now and there was just something in the air, or in his heart, that made Sehun all too aware of the pull he was feeling. He suddenly wanted more, needed more of Baekhyun. He wouldn’t call it being aroused, exactly, – he knows how arousal feels like, okay – it was more like a calling. An internal pull that was pushing him closer to Baekhyun.

His lips not only captured Baekhyun’s but also Baekhyun’s milky skin. He kissed Baekhyun’s cheek down to his jawline and further down onto the paleness of Baekhyun’s neck. He barely noticed pulling the bandage off of Baekhyun’s skin, his eyes glazing over the wound caused by the wolves. Without thinking twice, Sehun dipped his head and let his tongue swipe the blood that was beginning to trickle down Baekhyun’s neck, causing the older to elicit a moan. It felt almost ually good, and Sehun pushed aside all the weird thoughts of how this only happens if he’s the undead creature called a vampire. His head was filled with Baekhyun and only Baekhyun.

The moans leaving Baekhyun’s parted lips sounded like music to Sehun’s ears as the heat in the air rose and he could almost feel the full moon rising up in the night sky. There were electronic zaps where their skin touch and he knew Baekhyun could feel it too. The next things that happened were of his body’s doing along with heart; his brain had no part in it. It was like he knew exactly what to do as he bit down onto his wrist, hard enough to draw blood before pressing the cut onto Baekhyun’s mouth, willing the older to drink. And Baekhyun does it willingly.

His teeth bit down onto Baekhyun’s wrist as the latter drank from his. There was a hiss and a wince colored Baekhyun’s face at the slight pain, which Sehun quickly erased by drinking slowly from the older’s warm veins. Just as he felt something from his core reach out to connect with Baekhyun, somewhere outside in the deep forest, a long, joyous howl sliced through the night, followed by almost a dozen others. His alpha had sensed the connection, and so does he as they both kissed and listen to the continuous howling of their pack members. It was like sanity finally settled over his conscience and he understood what was it that just happened.

He had finally marked Baekhyun as his and vice versa.

And as the howling continued, he knew that it was a call, a telling, that he’d found his true mate.


A/N: SO HERE IS THE WOLF AU. It's my first time writing wolf!au so I apologized if it . I plan to write a full-length fic of this. Should I, though? I've had the idea for quite some time but I didn't know if I should put it in words. There'll definitely be more explaining about the Lord and the enemy Chanyeol created. And of course lots of Sebaek! I'll see you next chap. Comments are always greatly appreciated. I love you all. Thank you.

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Sorry to all but SBFC needed some rest for awhile. Dont worry because I'm working on other works and other works mean more Sebaek right?! yay


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Cassie92 #1
Chapter 5: This's breaking my heart into pieces
Cassie92 #2
Chapter 4: This is soooo damn cute
Chapter 7: huwaah.. it's amazing!!
i also love this chapter!! XD <3<3<3
ugh.. sebaek cuteness is sooo hard to resist in this story! ^^
Love this eonnie!! SO MUCH!! <3<3
Chapter 4: aaah~~ I really love this chapter so much!! XD <3<3<3
it's really really really adorable, and somehow, addicting (?) hahahaha XD
i love all of ur stories, start from sebaek until kaibaek!
because, damn, ur writing is sooooo cool, and sebaekai is just too cute~~!
love this eonnie~~ <3<3 :D
Chapter 2: Ahhhh.... it would be good if u make a squale.... hihihihihi
Chapter 9: Dear nerd friend, where the hell are you ?! I need a SeBaek fic rn, becuz my kokoro is in pain ;__; show up, or I'll cut your s u.u
No, seriously, I miss you and your good oneshots