Chapter IV

Breaking Her Heart for Breaking Mine

"So… no consequence for now?" Chanyeol whispered to Chen. They were both planning on what consequence to give Baekhyun for getting the lowest but seeing that the latter was in a daze all day because of what happened, they kind of hesitated.

"Uhhm, yes?" Chen answered but it was more of an asking back. Like he wasn't sure if they should really cancel the consequence or give one to Baek no matter what the reason was. But that day, they both decided to let Baekhyun be and just leave it all for tomorrow. After all, they're not in a rush.

When Baekhyun arrived home, he went straight to bed and slept. His mom came knocking at his door around eight in the evening, asking if he was still ill. Of course, Baekhyun knew he was completely fine now – physically. But emotionally, no. He still couldn't accept the fact that he slept during exam and that he got 93. He told her nothing about it. Also, she asked if he had dinner and he automatically lied, saying he had steak with his friends before coming home. With that, his mom kissed him goodnight and left him to his own. 

This isn't fair. That's what played in his mind all day long. He did his best. He studied hard. But if it wasn't for the cold, he would have scored higher than that. Baekhyun wasn't upset that he lost to his friends. It was his pride. Over as it may seem but he never got lower than 95% in his entire student life. It felt like he became dumb overnight. Honestly, why is he so unlucky these past few days? First, he became a coward again at the CD Shop for not approaching the girl he likes and now, he became dumb for the first time for getting 93.

"Well, the truth hurts, Baek." He muttered. Finally, he was able to think straight again. Baekhyun began to enlighten himself with silence, and with one last heavy sigh, he closed his eyes and accepted reality.


* * *


Eunhye came to school with her brows creased together for the second day. She was all grumpy yesterday like she was on her period. Normally, she participates in class but that time, she didn't raise her hand even once. Her classmates didn't seem to notice though because she's usually quiet but not to this extent that she won't interact with others.

For the first two classes of the day, her eyes were fixed on the field outside. Eunhye was seated by the window so whenever she feels down, all she has to do is look outside for a while. The third period was Math and she was still in the same position: chin resting on her hand and head tilted to the windows. She sighed out loud – a heavy one. Why is Byunghun so hateful? Why did he make a promise that he won't be able to fulfill? Eunhye still felt the pain of what he did to her. He let her think he'd come when the truth is he was busy. She waited for nothing. Precious time was wasted for nothing.


She isn't angry anymore that he didn't come. But if only he had told her the truth, she would have understood and let him do the things he must do. She could wait for another time or she would have gone to him if he was too busy. But Byunghun wouldn't permit, she knows. She may be his girlfriend but he decides about everything.


It's alright to Eunhye. She trusts him and his decisions. But now, she misses him so much that she wants to defy him for once. She really wanted to see him.


Maybe he wouldn't be so angry if she tells him she really misses him so much. If she's already in front of him, maybe he won't get mad and he'll just throw his arms around her.

Eunhye suddenly blushed at the thought and she smiled. She was still looking out the window and she didn't notice that everyone's gazes were fixed on her. They started to giggle at her weirdness and a tap snapped her out of her daydream.

"Hmm?" She hummed in question. It was her closest friend, Shinbi, who was seated to her left. Shinbi rolled her eyes to the left and pouted her lips to the same direction. Eunhye looked at where she's pointing and realized that everyone was looking at her, including Mrs. Lee. Her eyes rounded.

"One moment, you were sighing and then later, you were smiling. Has it something to do with a man, hmm?" Mrs. Lee asked teasingly and the entire room followed her lead. Eunhye couldn't help but blush because they hit the bull's eye. She couldn't answer and Shinbi smiled to herself, seeing how her friend was like that.

"U-uhmm.. I-I was-"

"Excuse me, Mrs. Lee. Could I borrow Eunhye for a moment please?"

Eunhye heaved a sigh in relief. She was saved. Her heart was practically racing a mile per hour and she didn't know what to do when the whole class felt like interrogating her. She looked at the door. There stood Coach Kim. She felt her heart calm down and the feeling of nervousness was replaced by curiousness. If it was Coach Kim who's looking for her, it must be something to do with volleyball.


* * *


"Come on, Chen! I know you want to see him like that, too."

"But it's… Well it's…" Chen was thinking thoroughly about Chanyeol's suggestion with Baekhyun's consequence and he couldn't find the right word to describe his friend's idea. It was simply…

"Hilarious." Chanyeol added for him before he laughed hard, clutching on his stomach for so much fun he felt. A group of girls passed by and they literally sighed dreamily at the sight of Chanyeol's goofy smile. Chen almost laughed to himself. How could these girls have liked his friend? Clumsy, goofy, nerdy, untidy… Chanyeol could be considered dislikable in so many ways yet they still like him.

"Baek knows already. Hahaha! I can't wait to see his shiny scalp! Come on, Chen! Let's get it on!"

Chen paused from walking. He looked up at Chanyeol with a tilted brow. Baekhyun knows? He turned his attention in front of him. There, Baekhyun was walking a few steps ahead of them with a thick calculus book in his hands. He's been studying different math-related books the whole day after their teacher called him to his office.

The three of them were heading to the gym to look for their PE teacher and Chen frowned questioningly. If Baekhyun did know about their plan, why is he calm? He should have hidden himself from them and he would have worn a helmet around. People would have started mistaking him as a Crayon Pop avid fan.

"I don't believe you." He told Chanyeol nonchalantly before he started walking again. The latter's eyes rounded in disbelief. "Yah! I'm telling the truth!" Chanyeol's deep voice reverberated around the spacious gym causing a few students – mostly girls – to look their way.

"Keep your voice low, Yeol." Scolded Chen. Chanyeol scratched his head. "My voice's already low."

"I mean, don't be too loud. You're attracting too much attention."

"Oh. Okay."

"Hi, Chen!" A few girls by the bleachers called. Chen turned to them and gave them his best smile before he waved. "Hello."

The girls squealed. Chanyeol laughed as they both walked again. Baekhyun was getting farther ahead but Chen didn't bother. As long as he's in sight, it's alright.

"Getting more famous, aren't we?" Chanyeol after a few seconds of laughing. "But from what I know you haven't joined any contest again since last four months."

"Well, you haven't rapped for a long time now, too."

"You're both quite famous for nerds…"

Chen and Chanyeol both turned their heads from where that rude comment came from. Their eyes landed on the bleachers where seven men were gathered and they were all posing like kings. The youngest of them, who was sitting on the first step, had his legs crossed. In the second, to the left of the youngest, a dark-skinned, badass looking blonde stood with his hands in his pocket. Others were sitting with their elbows on their knees but what stood up was the tallest of them – a bit taller than Chanyeol – who was lying on his back. He his side and plopped down on his elbow to look them in the eye.

"…don't you agree?" he continued. Chen smirked, completely disagreeing.

"Nerds are hot… Pointy chins are not."

Chanyeol literally laughed his head out with Chen's reply. But the super tall, pointy-chin kingka was pissed and he stood up from his spot to advance on them.


Baekhyun was too busy distracting himself with calculus to notice that his friends were in trouble. Earlier today, Chanyeol told him about his consequence, which is to cut all his hair. It made him panic. He did thought of wearing helmet to prevent Chanyeol and Chen on doing anything to his hair but it won't do any good. He'll only become the laughing stock of the school. No way would he want that to happen.

However, on this day too, their Math teacher told him that he'd be competing in the upcoming Math Quiz Bee for the schools in Seoul. He'd be carrying the name of SM High on his shoulders and he won't allow himself to regret even this. He has to uphold his school's dignity by winning. That's why he'd been sticking his face on books again.

While studying – and walking - Baekhyun came across an unfamiliar word. He looked for context clues but he still didn't understand. Turning, he asked, "Chanyeol, Chen, what's the meaning of- Ohh? Where are they?"

Baekhyun twisted his head around but his friends are nowhere to be found. A few meters away, he saw a bunch of boys fighting each other but he doubts Chen and Chanyeol were there. He knows his friends. They're not in for fights and besides, he couldn't see clear from afar even with his glasses on. Where could they be?


Baekhyun stopped from looking around. That voice. It surely belonged to Chanyeol. But what's he doing? Baekhyun turned his head again. He gripped on his glasses and tried to glance around for his best friend. He couldn't see him. All the other students in the gym paused from what they were doing and fixed their attentions on the scene in front of them.


Another man shouted. This time, it wasn't Chanyeol. But the description was surely pertaining to him. With slowly widening eyes, Baekhyun realized that his best friend might be really in a fight right now. He stared back at the group of men he saw earlier. Pushing on his glasses, Baekhyun squinted to see clearer and there, he saw Chanyeol almost wrestling another tall guy.

He ran closer to them and stopped halfway. He's only a small guy. How could he save his friend? Even Chen who's the bravest among the three of them won't be able to stop these giants. His heart raced wildly inside. What should he do? And speaking of Chen, he couldn't see him. In the far end corner, he saw two boys blocking someone's way. It was Chen. Crap! This isn't good.

Panicking, Baekhyun decided to call for help but when he looked back, Chanyeol was already rolling on the floor with the spiky-chinned kingka. He searched his head for a name. Then, he remembered. The only kingka who was blessed with too much height and chin that he knew was named by his fans Kris. Baekhyun frowned. Even his name sounded spiky.

"This is getting out of hand!" Baekhyun heard their overall leader, who was shorter than him, shout. He must have wanted to stop the fight but, he too, was helpless.

"Tao! Wushu their butts!" he commanded. The panda looking guy gave him a pout. "I don't want to hurt myself, hyung."

"Then do something to stop them."

"Make Kai do it. He's the strongest in feet-wrestling anyway."

"What? Feet-wrestling's different than the actual bone-breaking wrestling, Tao." The dark-skinned blonde, complained. He was one of two guys who blocked Chen earlier. They already came back to their hyungs. Chen saw Baekhyun watching helplessly at the side then he ran and approached him.

"What are we going to do?" Baekhyun asked worriedly. Chen saw that the youngest of the kingkas, Sehun, tried to unravel Chanyeol and Kris from one another but he was no match from the giants. Just by looking, Kris definitely lacked strength but Chanyeol was too afraid of the latter's chin and Kris used it to his advantage, purposely stabbing it on Chanyeol's shoulders to plant more fear on the latter.

"If only Chanyeol had weapon, too." Chen ticked his tongue. But he wasn't worried anymore. Kris and Chanyeol's fight looked more like a childish game between boys. People began to see it as a comedy show. But Baekhyun was still worried. All Chanyeol did was to avoid Kris' chin. Then he thought of something brilliant.

"YEOL, SLAP HIM WITH YOUR EARS!" shouted Baekhyun. Chen cracked beside him. It was really funny! Chanyeol and Kris stopped for a while when they heard Baekhyun and Kris' eyes rounded. No! His enemy had weapon, too. Chanyeol started to have hopes of winning. Just when he was about to obey Baekhyun's suggestion, a ball flew to his direction and hit him on his head. His head accidentally bumped onto Kris' and they both fell down and lost consciousness. Chen and Baekhyun immediately ran to help Chanyeol.

"Ohh~ Knocked-out." Chen commented. Baekhyun tried shaking Chanyeol up and to his relief, his best friend's eyes opened.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."

Someone apologized. It was a girl's voice. She ran to where the boys are. It was her ball that hit Chanyeol so she went to get it back and say sorry. "I'm really very sorry."

Baekhyun was busy checking if Chanyeol was completely fine. He didn't bother to look up at the girl who was talking to Chanyeol. "Here, let me help you up." She offered her hand to Chanyeol and the latter shook his head. "No, it's alright. I can handle myself, thanks." He said.

Kris who was beside Chanyeol, groaned. Why is she only offering help to that nerd? He's better looking than that goofy nerd. No, scratch that. There's no need to compare. Chanyeol's just a rock while he, on the other hand, is a diamond.

"Okay." She smiled sweetly. Baekhyun couldn't help but notice a bit of familiarity in her voice so he tilted his head her way to take a look. His eyes widened in surprise. Baekhyun almost choked on his saliva and the whole place seemed to black out. The only person he sees is the girl: the girl who hit Chanyeol with the ball; the girl he had his eyes on for a long time now. It was her. It was his CD Shop girl. 




* * *


I don't know why I made this silly fight between Chanyeol and Kris but I enjoyed it.. XD

Thank you all so much for your love and support.. Please continue on doing so and stay tuned ^^




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Miemela #1
Chapter 1: Sooo funneh!!
Chapter 4: Omagosh omagosh. kyaaa!!!
Chapter 4: it's interesting, i like your story :)
Chapter 1: Update soon~ great story!
update soon ^^