Chapter III

Breaking Her Heart for Breaking Mine

"Mom, look!" Eunhye chirped as soon as her mom opened the door for her. She waved the album she bought recently in front of her face.

"See this?" she asked. Her mom showed her a straight face and sarcastically said, "I can't see. It's too far from my eyes."

Eunhye straightened and cleared , pulling the album away from her mom's face. "Better?" she asked. Her mom nodded. "Anyway, this is oppa's latest album." She squealed in a whisper, trying hard not to turn red. Her mom rolled her eyes before she smiled.

"So that's why you almost forgot your curfew."

"Aww~ Now don't be like that mom. You're here. I know you'll cover for me." Eunhye giggled and pulled her mom to a hug who sighed after pulling away. "My daughter's getting spoiled." She commented in a laugh.

"Not that much." Eunhye answered before she kissed her mom's cheeks and hurried upstairs. At the last three steps, her mom called. She paused and turned to face her. "Eunhye~"

 Her mom looked serious so the smile on Eunhye's face slowly faded away. "Mmm?"

"Byunghun called me today."

Eunhye choked on the air she breathed. Did she hear it correctly? That her Byunghun oppa, her most beloved Byunghun, called her mom? But why? Why call her mom when all he needs to do is call her?

"He's coming over on Sunday night. He wants to talk to you." Her mom continued.

Eunhye swallowed on her saliva. She was so happy that she could jump from the stairs! Byunghun's coming! After almost two years! At last he's coming back. So that's why he texted. Eunhye felt so happy. She ran to her room and immediately rummaged her closet for something presentable to wear for Sunday night.


* * *


"WHAT? YOU DIDN'T TALK TO HER?" Chen almost yelled at the other end of the line. Baekhyun was in his study table, studying for their upcoming exam in History. He was still thinking about his lost opportunity that night at the CD Shop that he couldn't absorb a single letter so he decided to pester Chen about it.

"Dude, how many times was it already?" Chen growled. Baekhyun can already imagine Chen face palm himself. He couldn't blame his friend. He has all the rights to feel stressed about this because this is truly the nth time he pestered him about this topic and Chen must be losing his patience.

"What should I do?" Baekhyun desperately asked for help.

"You already know the answer to that, Baek."

"But I'm scared."

"What do you want to do then? Wait for her to ask for your name first?" Chen asked and Baekhyun scratched his head and sighed. "I don't know."

After fifteen minutes, Baekhyun ended the call. Chen seemed to be out of any more ideas to help his love-struck friend. Who wouldn't? Chen already gave bunch of suggestions to him but Baekhyun is too afraid to take a step. Chen's tired. It's all the same. Nothing will happen unless Baekhyun moves. Suggestions will only come to waste. It's still up to Baekhyun.

"Dear, are you asleep?" Baekhyun heard his mom call at the door. Seeing that she didn't knock, she must be holding a tray in her hands. He answered and ran to the door and opened it immediately. Just as predicted, she was holding a tray of snacks for him.

"Eat up." She smiled. Baekhyun took the tray and kissed his mom's forehead. "Thanks, mom."

"Don't stay up too late, okay?" she reminded. She turned to leave and paused halfway just as Baekhyun was about to close the door to his room. "You should sleep early. Don't stress yourself with studies too much. It's good but it's bad, too."

Baekhyun gave her a reassuring smile and nodded before she went downstairs. When Baekhyun closed the door, he headed to the coffee table beside his bed where he put the tray. He sat at the edge of his bed. There were cookies and a glass of milk on the tray. Smiling, he picked a cookie and took a bite. His mom never failed to show how much she cares. She's always like this. She'll bring snacks to him and sometimes – well, most of the time – she scolds him for being with the books all day.

Baekhyun couldn't do anything about it, though. For others, studying is the most boring thing on Earth. But for him, it's the definition of happiness and passion. Books are his first love. Reading them makes him happy and even though this seemed abnormal to others, he knows it's completely normal. He has Chanyeol and Chen as proofs.

The three of them are always on top of the class and no one could compete with them. In other words, the three of them are nerds. However, unlike other nerds who are bullied, the three of them are highly respected at SM High. No one bullies them except for one group of Kingkas in SM. But they don't bully them all the time because these three are under the protection of Chanyeol and Chen's fanclub.

Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen also have a unique way of playing around. In every exam, they give a big consequence to the one who gets the lowest score among them. The tricky part is, the consequence is only decided after the results are announced. One time, Chanyeol got the lowest in Chemistry. Chen got 100%, Baekhyun got 99% while he got 97%. Chen and Baekhyun ordered him to shave a brow off. Of course, Chanyeol opposed but the two evils tied him up when he was peeing and Baekhyun managed to strip his right brow clean. After that, Chanyeol was teased as "Almost Monalisa" or "One-browed Nerd". But these teasing died down immediately. Of course, Chanyeol's fangirls were furious about people calling him that.

Baekhyun chuckled at the memory. He was drinking his milk when he jumped on his seat. Right! The exam! If he'll get the lowest among them, who knows what'll happen to him!


* * *


Sunday evening came. Eunhye was already dressed in a lavender skirt and a creamy tank top, waiting for Byunghun to come by the living room. Her hair was tied into a ponytail and she curled the end of her strands. She wore the locket necklace that Byunghun gave to her about four years ago. She treasured it well. It was the gift he gave her before Teen Top debuted. It contains a picture of her and a picture of him. It was simply a token of love from him.

It was already nine in the evening and the doorbell was still silent. Eunhye frowned a bit but she didn't lose hope. Byunghun keeps his words. Ding dong~

She stood at the sound of the doorbell. She fixed herself frantically and ran to the door only to be greeted by her shocked father. "Dad!" she blurted.

"What are you wearing?" Her dad asked in a dominating voice. He was always like that. It wasn't new to her. She smiled and hugged him instead. "I'm waiting for Byunghun." Before her father could react, she added, "Why dad, it's nine. What kept you so long?"

Her dad cleared his throat. "Just met some thug down the street. Is Byunghun coming?"

"He said so." Eunhye answered happily. Her dad sighed but nodded. He knows Byunghun and he trusts him more than any other guy out there and he knows him for years now.

"Alright. But you know the rules."

"I know, I know." Eunhye almost laughed. Her dad is so strict when it comes to dating or what. Lucky for her he approved of him. But they're not going out tonight. Byunghun's just coming over to see her.

Her father kissed her forehead before he headed to the kitchen where her mom was waiting for him then Eunhye went back to waiting for Byunghun.

After about forty minutes, Eunhye began to feel drowsy. She transferred from the sofa, to the floor, then back to the sofa as she waits. She would turn the TV on and switch it to different channels every single minute. When she gets tired, she'll turn it off and after a while she'll turn it back on. She also made all the possible positions on the sofa. She sat, she lied down, dangled a foot over the edge, etcetera.

After an hour, her parents decided to go to their room to sleep.

"Eunhye, push him out of the house when midnight comes. Understand?" her father reminded. She nodded and waved them to their room. Then, she went back to waiting for Byunghun until it was midnight. He never came. Giving up, Eunhye pulled the band from her hair and let it loose. She kicked off her high heels and walked lifelessly to her room. She was disappointed.

In her room, she slumped down on the bed and curled to her side. She didn't want to cry but her eyes felt watery all of a sudden when she took hold of her locket to take it off. Bad guy. A tear fell down from her left eye. She never felt this sad before.

Lee Byunghun. This name is quite famous nowadays. But he's more known for his stage name, L.Joe. She knows he's busy but never did he once do this. This is the first. When he says he'll come, he'll definitely come. But recently, she feels he's been avoiding her. He's been too busy. Not a single minute was left for her. She misses him to death.  She once suggested that she'll visit him instead if he has no time but Byunghun got angry and told her never to come. He'll do the visiting. Not her. But what's so wrong of wanting to see him even for a few seconds? As his girlfriend, she definitely has the right.


Oppa<3 [12:37AM]: Are you still up? I'm sorry I wasn't able to come. Something came up.


Eunhye burst out in even more tears after receiving his text. She didn't bother to answer. It'll only hurt her more. So, that night, she decided to succumb to her sadness and just cry herself to sleep.


* * *


Baekhyun went to school yawning every single minute. He didn't sleep at all last night, preparing for the exam in History. Friday night, nothing came to his head; on the whole day of Saturday, he helped his mom do the household chores so he did all the studying at night 'til the break of dawn. He won't let his friends bully him. He won't be defeated! But he caught a cold for not sleeping early so this morning, his mom gave him a non-drowse cold medicine. A few hours of sticking his eyes on the book, Baekhyun is sure to get 100% and this cold will not be a hindrance. He's a superman!

 The exam started. Chen and Chanyeol were constantly exchanging looks. The latter would stuck his tongue out and Chen would reply by mouthing that he will definitely get the highest of them three because History is one of his specialties.

It was only fifty items. At the first half, Baekhyun was sure of all his answers but when he was in item number 27, his head began to feel heavy. Same goes with his eyes. Then, he realized. Oh my God! Mom must have given me the wrong medicine!

Baekhyun fought the urge of giving in. He must not close his eyes and sleep. He must not. He must not…

"Mr. Byun! Mr. Byun!"

Baekhyun jolted up. He didn't know why he was called. "Were you sleeping? Are you done?" his teacher asked. Realizing he slept, Baekhyun gasped and hurriedly studied his paper. 16 items left blank. He glanced at his watch and saw that there's only ten minutes left.

Chanyeol and Chen didn't know what to do. They had no idea that Baekhyun actually fell asleep in the middle of taking the exam. They felt bad for him.

Baekhyun's heart was racing a mile per hour. He frowned. This is crazy! No matter how good a student is, if the given time is too short, it won't do. He'll end up getting a low score from too much pressure. Two minutes left and he still has to answer five items. The teacher kept reminding of the time and Baekhyun was already soaked in cold sweat from panicking deep inside.

"Okay! Pencils up!" The teacher shouted. All of the students raised their hands up except for Baekhyun who was still shading letter b for number 50. The teacher repeated. "Byun Baekhyun, put your pencil up!"

Heaving a sigh, Baekhyun held his pencil up. Luckily, he managed to shade it properly. "Don't worry. You'll still get a high score." His teacher said and all other students agreed. But Baekhyun's worried. This is not about passing. This is about surpassing Chanyeol and Chen to save his from their crazy consequences of getting low score.

Afternoon came and results were out: Chen – 99%, Chanyeol – 99%, Baekhyun – 93%
Now, Baekhyun is doomed.

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Miemela #1
Chapter 1: Sooo funneh!!
Chapter 4: Omagosh omagosh. kyaaa!!!
Chapter 4: it's interesting, i like your story :)
Chapter 1: Update soon~ great story!
update soon ^^