
909 [Zero] - [HIATUS]




“Wait. What was that again?”

“I’ve said this more than 5 times, Su. We’re going home.” Jaejoong sighed. You poke your cheeks.

“Why so sudden?” you asked stupidly.

“Because you’ve stayed here for more than a week. And so, the doctor said that your condition’s better and so you can just rest at home and so…”

“I know, I know. But… home? Where it is?”

“It’s just two blocks away from here. You lived with us, Su. Five of us.”

“Five?! God. I’m going to stay with people I don’t know. Since when we’re living together?”

“It should be ‘I’m going to stay with people I don’t remember’.” Jae rolled his eyes. “And we’ve been living together since I-don’t-even-remember-when-did-my-life-starts.”

“God, be serious, Hyung.”

“Hey, I miss that ‘hyung’ thingy from you, su.” He smiled and walked towards you. “No matter what happened, you’re still our Junsu.” He poked your face and hugs you.


You stayed for a while before your hands move automatically to Jaejoong’s back; hugging him as tight as you can. Your fear slowly disappeared. They’re not strangers, they’re your family; you have to think of that.

But still, you’re here, in front of your ‘home’ with awkward feelings. Is this your home? The minimalist style with black, red, gray, and white colors also a big garden. It’s just… perfect; even though you prefer something more than usual for your ‘new’ home.


“Surprised?” Jaejoong smiled.

“Yeah, but… can I ask you something, hyung?”


“Why do I have to use wheel chair like this? Why can’t I move my feet?”

“That’s a good question. Later when we’re inside, ask Yunho.”


You stayed. Jaejoong helped you to go inside the peaceful yet strange home. Yunho’s nowhere in sight. Jaejoong winked his eyes and let you rest for a while in your ‘new’ room. It’s tidy. There are two beds, two study tables, wardrobes, and a door to a bathroom. The floor’s covered by fluffy carpet. You rolled your wheels to the bed who had a tag, “Su” written on it. You helped yourself to lie down. Your eyes stared at the white clean ceiling above you.

The bed next to yours tagged as ‘Min’. So, you have a roommate. Where’s he? Where’s everyone? Where’s Yunho?




“I’m home.” A voice heard from the front door.

“Ah, welcome home Changmin, where’s Yoochun?” Jaejoong’s voice welcomed.

“He’s still at the office. Some problems but I’m too tired to work on it. I heard that Su’s home?”

“It’s okay. You can take a shower first while I prepare dinner. If you don’t mind, please wake Junsu up. He must be starving. Be nice to him!”

“Okay, mum.”

“Stop calling me that!”

“Okay hyung.”




“Su… Su… wake up.” Hands shook your body slowly. A scent of cinnamon and masculine perfume caught your attention. “Su… wake up.” The hands shook you again. You opened your eyes slowly.

“…uh?” You focused your sight. It’s hard to see what thing’s in front of you now because you just got one eyes free to see.

“Ah, finally you’re awake. Let’s go outside. Jae hyung has served dinner for all of us.”


The man stood up and he’s as tall as a giant. Could it be that he’s ‘Min’? His face’s handsome and seems a little bit cold—yet friendly—or something like that. A small towel rest peacefully on his shoulder; he took a shower before waking you up.


“Who are you?” You asked.

“Ah, yeah. I forgot. My name’s Changmin. Hope you can remember me soon.” He said shortly with a slightly smile on his face. He helped you to your wheelchair and walked outside.

“How old are you, Changmin?” You say your words carefully.

“20. Going to be 21 soon.” He answered shortly.


“Next month.”



He stopped and you realize you’re in the dining room now. A white marble table, with white chairs, and black plain carpet matched the big simple round hanging lamp right above the table.

A smell of shrimp, meat and fresh salad taking all your sense. You’re hungry; very hungry.

Changmin helped you to sit on the chair and sit next to you. Jaejoong’s still working with the plates. He cooked all of this? You questioned yourself. Yunho came and sit on Junsu’s right but then Jaejoong walked to him.


“Get out from there, Yunnie. I have the rights to sit beside Junsu.” Jaejoong said with hands on his hips.

“Eh? Why? But I want to sit beside him.” Yunho pouted. Changmin whistled.

“Okay, you don’t want to eat—“

“Sure! I’ll move.” Yunho gave up. He moved to the other chair.

“Yoochun’s not home yet?” Changmin asked. Another name heard.

“He’s on the way here.”

“I’m home.” A deep voice heard from the entrance,

“And he’s here.” Jaejoong winked.


A man walked to the dining table while taking of his suit. Sitting next to Yunho and Changmin with wide smile on his face.


“Welcome home, Junsu.” He smiled lovingly.

“Ah… yeah. Yoochun, right?”

“Yep. I’m glad you know my name.”

“What makes you home this late, chun?” Jaejoong—with his motherly side—asked.

“A car accident. Here’s the picture.”


Yoochun took a photo from his pocket and the others look at it one by one. When the photo’s in your hands, you shook your head to make sure that your eyes aren’t wrong. The place is exactly the same as the place you saw in your dream. A car accident—


“Su, what’s wrong?”

“I… I just… I think I’ve seen this place in my dream—a car accident—yes.” You stopped, headache attacked you. Scenes rolling inside your head.

“Su? Don’t think too much, okay? Let’s eat now. Or do you want to lie down?” Yunho asked.

“I want to lie down.” You touched your head. Eyes closed, bend down. You’re not hungry anymore.


Yunho helped you to lie down on your bed. You’re sweating and all you want to do is sleep and forget every single thing that rolled in your head.

-To be continued-




Daeng! I'm so sorry for late updates DX

I couldn't find a way to post my stories... hiks.. my lovely PC's broken T___T

anyway, I hope you"ll enjoy the chapters. don't forget to subscribe and comment <3

I'll be very happy if you do read my stories! I love you readers~~

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yeay! An update! -happy- ... Finally! The 'dolphin' met the 'monkey'!! Hahaha! Update more,chingu..!
UpdateAsap! Xd)<br />
.oh my!!!! Junsu is a.........FORTUNE TELLER? (!!!) >w<... Hahahaha! (LOL),just kidding... I still can't believe that junsu has such a power to see what will happen in the future!! Aigooo... Actually I hate the cliffhanger.. T.T.<br />
. Update soon!!
yunjae23 #4
Update soon
yunjae23 #5
poor junsu i hope he remember his memories <br />
update pls
aigoooo.... Poor junsu... T.T .. And,, how about his bandaged eye?? It will heal soon,right?? Update more,!
yunjae23 #7
Update soon
nickydecosta #8
plz update soon...
rene_aoi #9
wah it sounds good~~<br />
update :3