Kyu, We Got a Tour To LA

When You Look Me In The Eyes

Kyuhyun POV

Gosh, I love ____, I do but why you make it so complicated I want to be with her, but why?

"Hey, Kyu.... We got the tour city and schedule, you wanna see it?

"Not now, I'm tired"

"What? It's not like you to be so sad" Said Yesung

"I just broke up with ____"

"That's bad... Well, Kyu you gotta hear this... WE ARE GOING TOOOOO.."


"If you don't wanna hear it from me it's okay, I'm sorry"

"Yeah, me too" and then Yesung walks out of Kyuhyun's room

Yesung POV

"Too bad you don't wanna hear it Kyu, We're going to LA next 2 months, well... I'm tired now.... Goodluck Kyu" I said to myself, and then walk to my room. If you listen to me maybe it"s not too late for you, Kyu... It's your choice by the way.. I think

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Nooneknows #1
@kyu_love: Thank you so.. so much! :D
Kyu_Love #2
Damn I just thought to make a Justin Bieber story with Kyuhyun..LOL<br />
and then I read this because of the tag-Joejonas<br />
btw nice :)
AyaMizuhara #3
YAY!!!<br />
Finally an update ^_^<br />
update soon ^_^
Nooneknows #4
@kyung98: I'm working on a chapter right now, and i'll post it this week. :)
AyaMizuhara #5
I miss you update :(<br />
Update soon please :(<br />
Nooneknows #6
@kyung98: thaaaanks... Hehehe, got a test for the next week... Hopefully i can get the best score. After the test i'll update this story.... Thankssssss again
AyaMizuhara #7
it awesome ^_^<br />
update soon~~~ ^_^
Nooneknows #8
@kyung98: your welcome... so what do you think about the chapter? (-,-)v
AyaMizuhara #9
thank you for an update ^_^
Nooneknows #10
@kyung98: There you go, enjoy this new chapter