
The elements of your voice


As her heart was beating faster it felt like she was flying. What caused this feeling?


Amanda's eyes grew wider as she realized she was in a large room with large windows. The light spread around her where she was sitting in a queen sized bed. How she ended up in a bed after being at the sea was still a mysterious unsolved question. When she looked around in the room she saw some tired plants leaning against the walls, a table with a rose placed on it and there, in the corner on a down at heel chair a guy was sitting. He was sleeping with his face leaning onto one of his hands. His hair was black and messy. Had he been there for a long time?


Amanda slowly left the warm and cosy bed to check how the guy was doing. She squatted down and carefully removed the hand from his face. Without waking up he automatically leaned his backhead against the wall instead. She could clearly see his face. He seemed to be exhausted. Amanda walked over to her bed and brought her quilt to him instead and put it on top of Jimin's sleeping body. Amanda had to solve everything with him later, she had a lot of questions to ask.


All of her researches seemed to be right and Jimin's latest act showed that he wasn't a normal 19 year old guy. He had special talents. Talents that could be considered strong powers. Also Valentine's talk about demons seemed to have something to do with all these supernatural happenings.


Before leaving the dorm she had to make sure she was wearing her lucky bracelet with the aquamarine stone. She would never go anywhere without it, even though it seemed to attract a lot of problems and dramas.


Amanda opened the door and quietly closed it, she didn't want to wake Jimin up, he deserved some sleep since Amanda had to ask him some questions regarding the incident yesterday. Her small steps walked thrue the hallway as she reached the door whom lead her to the beach. She looked around and discovered one more sleeping boy outside the dorm. He was sitting in the sand with his head leaning to one of the few trees. Amanda thought he was familiar and realized he had an open wound on his cheek. She squatted down beside the sleeping body and inspected the wound. Just some cleaning would do. She slowly touched the boy's face with her right hand, she was shaking a little bit. Directly when her finger touch his cheek the guy's eyes opened and Amanda immediately fell backwards due to being scared. His white eyes stared right thrue her soul as she was sitting by him.


What are you doing?”, the guy asked and crossed his arms, he didn't seem to be happy.


Uhmm...well I saw your wound and...and thought I would help you...”, Amanda stuttered while breathing heavily as the guy kept staring at her with his creepy white eyes. He was one of her suspects to be part of the element circle. Could he possibly be the wind?


I can take care of myself. Mind your own business.”, he stood up and was about to leave her when Amanda jumped up on her legs.


Excuse me, but can I atleast ask for your name?”, Amanda stared at his back as he stopped walking.


Hoseok. Jung Hoseok.”


He started to move again and left her behind with a question mark over her head.


The beach was silent. Where were everyone. It was like if everyone were sleeping, first Jimin and then Hoseok. And what about Valentine? Was he okay...?


Amanda walked along the beach barefoot, the sand was warm and the warmth transferred thrue her body, passing the warmth forwards. She didn't like the thoughts of being alone. She needed accompany but everyone seemed so off.


She entered the dorm again since she had nothing better to do. Her feet took her to one of the rooms where more students were sleeping on three sofas. The dorm seemed to have something depressed on its mind. When she entered the kitchen a guy with white her bumped into her. He was tall and since Amanda herself was really short he had to bend her neck backwards to see the face of the long guy. He was shocked and met her eyes. The fact that his eyes were just as cold as ice and almost as white as Hoseok's eyes made Junhong one of her suspects as well. Wait...wasn't it Jun...Jun...Junhong? Was that his name? JungKook talked about him before...Jungkook...where was he...


I...I...I am so sorry miss. It's my fault.”, Junhong said and bowed 90 degrees in front of her.


Woah take it easy, you don't need to be sorry. We just bumped into each other, nothing bad happened.”, Amanda smiled to the boy who seemed really insecure. ”By the way, do you possibly know what have happened to everyone? And where are the rest?”


Junhong took a breath and seemed to be thinking for a while. ”Well, since the incident a large amount of the students were taken here, because of a certain reason they became really exhausted and some students fainted. I don't know why though...I feel very strong and spirited so...”, he replied and said he had to go.


Amanda decided to head back to her room, maybe Jimin where awake? She opened the door and found Jimin staring out of the window.


Why are you still in here?”, Amanda asked and closed the door after her.


Jimin were lightly frightened and quickly turned around to see Amanda standing behindn him. His hair was still messy.


I was too tired, I have no spirit left as for now. I needed to collect some energy before I could leave.”, he replied and looked out the window again. Amanda didn't know excactly what he was looking at because the only thing she could see outside was the beach, nothing special.


What excactly happened that day when you saved me?”, Amanda questioned, finally she could get an answer. But right when the words left her lips the necklace around her neck started glowing at the same time as a large pain occured in her chest. She fell down on her knees as the pain grew bigger. Jimin immediately caught her in his arms before she hit the floor and tried to get her up on her feet.


Are you okay?!”, Jimin exclaimed with a shaking voice.


Pain...”, she was suffocating.


Jimin noticed her glowing necklace and widened his eyes in shock. He quickly lifted up Amanda in his arms and ran out of the dorm. The sun was going down and colored the sky in deep bloody red. Something was wrong, Jimin wasn't sure why. He kept running for a while with an exhausted, suffocating Amanda in his arms. Finally he arrived at the place. The place where his friends had been all day. An empty house not far from the beach but still unreachable for normal students. Jimin quickly got into the house and met his friends with fear.


What's wrong?!”, Jungkook exclaimed but as he saw Amanda's glowing necklace and heavy breathing he became quiet.


She just talked to me and then suddenly her necklace started to glow and she said she had pain.”, Jimin explained to Jungkook while Taehyung ran around to search for a specific book.


This is strange...”, Jungkook said and sat down beside Amanda and held his on her forehead.


Maybe it's the necklace?”, Hoseok said and helped Taehyung to find the book.


What if...”, Jin mumbled.


Sora.”, Taehyung filled in and threw the book in front of Jungkook and Jimin.


No can't be...”, Jimin whispered and held Amanda's hand. She was getting colder.


Sora might not be dead...what if she possesses Amanda's body?”, Namjoon said and joined them.


Amanda coughed blood and the pain took over her body. She started screaming and pressed Jimin's hand with her closed fist as hard as she could. But Jimin didn't say anything, even though she hurt him, he kept quiet.


Jungkook opened the book Taehyung found and tried to find that certain page. ”When the elements joins forces it can heal.” , he read out loud and looked at Jimin. They read instructions on how the powers could become one.



We have never done it before...especially not you Jungkook.”, Jimin mumbled.


We can't just let her die. We have to try.”, Jungkook said determined.


Suga sat down in between Namjoon and Jin.


Then you won't need us since we're not included within your little force. But we will stay behind your backs and help you if something goes wrong, because we all know Sora is strong.”, Suga said and crossed his arms.


Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok created a circle around the suffocating body. The agony grew stronger so they had to be quick.


I think we all know...that this is nothing compared to what Sora can really do. We have to be prepared for anything.”, Taehyung said and closed his eyes.


When the four of them closed the circuit by connecting their minds a strong wave of electricity went thrue their bodies. Their powers were strong but they weren't sure on how to control it. The wavelength of their powers increased. A strong wind, a large wave, a floral breeze and the warmth from an open fire reached Amanda and touched her soul.



Jungkook, the youngest and most inexperienced of them all struggled to keep his powers at one place.


Keep calm Jungkook.”, Jin shouted and with a worried look he witnessed something he had never seen before.


The four of the elements left the ground and started floating in the air. They were all surrounded by their respective element. Jimin, with his sea of waves created a melody never being heard before and they one by one went into Amanda's shaking body, they took away the pain. Taehyung, with his flaming fire burned the thing that possessed her body. Hoseok, with the strong winds he made her body light, the winds pushed away the thing Taehyung had burnt. The last one, Jungkook, let his flowers, leaves and love poor thrue her body to make her calm and breath properly again.


The strong electricity disappeared and they stopped floating above the ground. They where all okay, except one. Jungkook fainted.


Ah seriously...I told him to keep calm.”, Jin muttered and lifted Jungkook up in his arms.


This little kiddo needs to practice more, he is way too interested in just inspecting flowers. He should use his powers more or else he will die using them next time.”, Suga said and sighed. They helped to put a warm blanket on him and place him in one of the sofas, some rest would do. Namjoon and Hoseok carefully placed Amanda in the other sofa beside Jungkook.

”Are you sure it worked?”, Namjoon asked and placed his hand on Amanda's forehead.


Yes. She is calmer and breaths normally now. She will wake up when her body is recovered from the huge pressure.”, Taehyung said and looked at the sleeping girl. ”But we really need to do something about Jungkook. Since we all have noticed Sora might come back and more evilness will come to us, we must be prepared to fight but right now Jungkook can't even fight a worm. He sure is strong but he can't control himself and that will make him lose against his enemy. We can't let him die because of that.”.


Jimin looked at Taehyung. ”You're right. But what should we do? Since we don't know how to use Earth we can't really help him with that.”, Jimin said.


I think we have to force him to practice and maybe find other people whom possesses Earth to inspire him.”, Taehyung replied and closed the book they used earlier. It was a really old book, it came in handy at some times because it helped them with the spells and how to control the powers, maybe Jungkook should have read it a few years ago like everyone else and practice according to the tip on page 456, but like everyone else said he was really busy being outdoors taking care of his flowers. ”The principal said that new students will come to our school next week, if we're lucky someone of them might be connected to earth.”, Taehyung continued with a big smile on his face, a dorky smile that didn't suit his fire orange colored hair and fierce eyes.


Has he even tried to create an earth quake?”, Suga asked.


No...”, Jimin replied and realized Jungkook had the ability to do a lot more then he had shown before.


He is probably afraid he will hurt his flowers.”, Suga chuckled and realized what he just said was probably true. ”This kiddo sure is too cute.”




2 Hours later.


Amanda stretched her arms and sat up. Her chest was still a little bit sore after all the pain but she felt better. She looked around and found Jungkook sleeping in the sofa next to her.


Why do I always end up in a sofa or a bed...”, Amanda mumbled as she tried to find more interesting things in the house. It was sunny outside the windows. Where could everyone else be? They just left Jungkook and Amanda alone? She had a lot of questions to ask them and she needed an answer quickly, yesterday's incident was a proof that they somehow was connected to strong powers, hopefully they would answer honestly and tell her more.

Someone opened the door and found Amanda standing with the old book in her hands.

"Don't touch that.", Taehyung exclaimed and pulled it out of her hands.

"Why not?", Amanda questioned.

"It's a very old book so we need to be very careful with it. The content is very important and shall not be touched by someone like you."

"Someone like me? Am I an alien or what? Stop behaving like I don't know already.", Amanda said determined and crossed her arms.

"Know what?", Taehyung sighed.

"You and your friends are not normal. You possess great powers that normal humans don't have. I have done a lot of research about this and the incident yesterday is a proof you are one of the elements!", Amanda exclaimed and wondered why he was so annoying, of course he knew she had seen everything, witnessed every little part.

Taehyung faced the ground while walking past Amanda to sit down on the couch. "Sit down.", he ordered Amanda and patted the seat behind him. Amanda did like she was told. "I don't know how much you know but what you're true."

"How comes everyone of you always denies it when I ask?", Amanda looked at Taehyung.

"If the principal gets to know some of the normal students discovers our powers we will either have to change to another school or he has to kill us.", he replied and screw his body in nervosity.


To Be Continued


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Kiso_xx #1
Please update soooonnn~~ <33
littlevamp22 #2
Chapter 5: Pls update faster!!!!!:)
Obsessedwkpop #3
Update update update !!!!!!!! :))))) plzzzzz Xxx
Obsessedwkpop #4
Please please please please update !!!!!!
Obsessedwkpop #5
elizalee_ #6
Chapter 4: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️omg update❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Obsessedwkpop #7
Chapter 4: Yayyyyyyyyyy thnxxxx <3333 love the chapter !!! Can't wait for the next one !!!
Chapter 4: Oww~ Kim Sanggyun><