The paradise garden

The elements of your voice

Amanda woke up early the next morning which was a very grey Friday morning. The clouds were almost black and the sunlight wasn't to be seen, it was such a blues day. The weather was so sad that if she would have been a flower she would directly wither as soon as she touched the oxygen outside her safe spot in the house. The windows were open so she quietly closed them and left her room.

With a long cape to accompany her frozen body, she walked along the street where she soon reached the school. She had planned this for the whole night the day before. She was going to visit the dark part of her school, that part where no one had guts to enter. But atleast Jimin and Valentine seemed comfortable walking around there, and Amanda didn't believe in ghost so the haunted place wouldn't be so "haunted" for her, but if a ghost would appear she would just pass them, they couldn't kill someone right?

Amanda was surprised the big doors to the school were open, the clock was only 6.30AM so why would they open it now when all the classes started at 9AM? Amanda looked around to see if someone was there but she couldn't see anyone. With silent steps she ran around the corner, took left, passed the lockers and stopped right in front of the "line", the line where dark met light, that line you shouldn't pass. But Amanda did so anyways. She was hesitating for a while if she would actually use a flashlight but decided to only rely on her eyes, in case someone would see her and shove her out from there which she really didn't want to.

She was walking along the walls and everytime it turned she followed the corners, it was so dark, she could barely see her own hands in front of her.

But then her savior came, broken windows covered with old planks appeared on the walls. It was lighter in that part of the corridor since there were small gaps between the planks where the light pushed thrue. It made her more insecure since someone could easier discover her, quickly she passed the walls with the windows and reached a darker corridor again. Then all of a sudden she felt a hole in the ground in front of her and she almost fell down but held onto a railing that she discovered on the side of the hole. Maybe it wasn't just a hole? Silently and slowly she stepped down her left foot in the hole and actually felt planks under it, of course, stairs.

Her shaking feet walked down the stairs and surprisingly it was much lighter when she came down. On each of the walls on the sides there were doors. Amanda knew she was in a basement because of the cold air that caressed her cheeks. She began to become more curious and decided to go see what was behind the open door at the end of the corridor. The walls were really ugly, it looked no one had taken care of the basement in hundred years. Here and there she saw holes and spiders. It seemed really old. It was even worse then the rest of the school who was really badly taken care of as well.

The sound of familiar voices reached Amanda's ears which made her even more curious and stopped outside the door that was open, she pushed herself to the wall and silently listened to the voices inside the room.

"Seriously. This is really weird."

"I agree, maybe I should be scared?"

"Nah, she seems pretty innocent, I don't think we have to worry about her.

"I think she seems nice."

Amanda knew who the last voice belonged to. Jung Kook. By only hearing his voice she knew he was smiling. But who were they talking about? The half of her suspiciously thought it was her they talked about but she wasn't sure. She would soon find out.

"We need to do something about it."

"Why? If she is different then it's okay, as long as she wont hurt us.", Jimin mumbled. "Amanda is a nice girl.", he continued and when she heard her name she immedietly became even more curious.

"If she finds out who we really are I will seriously kill her.", someone said with a determined voice, Amanda didn't know who it belonged to.

Amanda slowly leaned over the edge of the wall so she could look in to the room. All the seven boys were gathered.

She also noticed that the boy with orange hair was sitting with his back turned to her. Just like always.

Then the moment of fears arrived. Amanda's phone started to vibrate which caused her to gasp. She heard how the chairs in the room moved and how they had noticed her, they were exclaiming something like "Someone has been listening!" or "Catch that spy!"

Quickly she made her way up the stairs and by following the walls she ran like she had never run before. Her lungs were heavy but her legs forced her to keep running. The guys were after her but it was dark so hopefully they wouldn't see her.

Amanda reached the line where dark met light and her feet crossed it. She ran with all might until she reached the library to hide in and hoped they hadn't seen her.

What she didn't know was that all of the guys were standing on the "line" and watched her running.


Since Amanda was in the library she decided to stay there for a while, the scent of books made her comfortable. But it was a little bit lonely. Amanda sat down for a while in one of the sofas but quickly jumped up on her feet when she realized what she could do. She was going to do some research, hopefully she would find something that would explain the mysterious students in the school. Searching and searching but nothing to be found.

"What if I search in the wrong place? Maybe I just have to search where it's not obvious to be...", Amanda mumbled to herself and started searching in the shelves that had no titles on what it contained. She dragged her fingers along the spines of the books and this time she actually found some interesting treasures. She lifted them down and sat down in the red sofa. The only colorful decoration in the whole school.

Her fingers flipped pages after pages, searching for an answer. Every now and then she moved her hand to her neck, checking if her blue stone necklace was still there, it was as light as a feather and she didn't want to loose it. It meant a lot to her.

After hundred yawns she finally found something to investigate more time in. On page 156 in the book called "The life of a not so normal legend". Reading page after page she almost started to think she read about myths, which it most likely was, but some information applied to the students in her school. Atleast the not so normal ones. She read the myth out loud:

"5000 years before our time there was a lady called Sora, she lived in the part of Asia which is South Korea today. She was as smart as the wind, as beautiful as the water in the lake, as caring as the earth and as powerful as the fire. What no one knew was that she actually possessed powers of a witch, very strong powers. Once she sat down in the grass and thought of how lonely she was. By using the elements she created hundreds of children. Children born out of the water, out of the fire, out of the wind, out of the earth. The children each possessed different powers depending on what element they were born from.

As the time went by the witch became old and her hundred children became adults. She told them to get a partner from their own element and get children so their genes could keep growing. The witch started to behave strange, people said a demon took over her body while others said it was just the effect of her age.

One day the witch told her children that she was going to visit an old friend and be back by midnight. But she never came back. Her children that were all grown up were sad but thought she had died.

The children got children who got children who got children. The genes were brought closer to our time. And as the time went by and as the generations became newer the children became stronger. They developed new powers such as transforming into other species. Then children were born out of the sun, storms, ice. But not only that, children that were crossed with animals and other sorts appeared.

You might think that the world almost only consisted of people connected to magic? But that's not true. During year 1800 huge military forces killed all the people they could find that were connected to magic. Then you might even wonder how the military could take down someone who possessed great powers? They got help, from a witch. They forced her to "turn off" their magic atleast for 72 hours which was the only amount of hours that she had enough power for. During the 72 hours it was a hell for those people that earlier owned strong powers.

Some of these magical creatures survived since the 72 hours wasn't enough to kill all of them. They were not that many left but they were enough to carry on their genes to new generations.

The new generations leads us to where we are today. "

Amanda took a breath, she had almost disappeared right into the story, like she was one of them. But of course she wasn't.

Then she found a new interesting page. "Common signs of someone who possesses powers of the elements", Amanda read out loud.


Eyecolor: Natural colors like brown, green or even yellow (not common.) Personalities: Calm, lovely, friendly, romantic, caring, open, loves the nature and are often animal lovers. Really down to earth personalities.


Eyecolor: Strong colors like red, orange, yellow. The tones might be different from person to person. Personalities: Can become angry easily, agressive at some points, but warm-hearted at the same time, the one they fall in love with they will fight for and could die to save that person, mysterious, strange behaviors


Eyecolor: Dark blue, marine blue, light blue, turquoise. Personalities: Friendly, curious, charismatic, loves to joke around, open, wild and in some cases hyper.


Eyecolor: White, grey, black. Personalities: Mysterious, not very open but can be very friendly, can be either calm or hyper, personalities vary a lot among the wind people."


"Note: This might vary depending on how the person grew up etc. These are just stereotypes."


The more Amanda read the more curious she became but at the same time creeped out. The "stereotypes" matched pretty well with both Jimin and Jung Kook. Then her thoughts were wandering around even more, what about the guy with orange hair? Since he was together with all the other "mysterious" boys he must be something "not so normal" too. Especially since he was always hiding.

While reading in the library someone entered the room without her knowing and then all of a sudden he popped up in front of her nose. His eyes were staring right thrue her soul. The both of them were staring at each other for a while, Amanda's heart was racing. The guy was creepy. It was one of the members of the "weird, mysterious" group of boys. His eyes were shifting in purple, dark blue and glowing white. Such a strange combination of colors. His hair was brown and a little bit messy but in a styled way. His eyes were quite triangular to the shape.

"Excuse me but do you want me something?", Amanda questioned as she started to feel uncomfortable with the guy leaning so close to her. She also noticed his eyes didn't match in with the elements. Then what was he?

Amanda had made the conclusion that Jimin and Jung Kook matched in well with water and earth so what if they actually possessed great powers? That could explain their eyes and strange behavior. But what about Valentine, what was he?

"I know that you were a little sneaky girl this morning, don't try to hide from us. You know you're not aloud to enter the dark area!", the guy started shouting and pulled Amanda out of the sofa, making her stand up in front of him.

"Well I'm so sorry. But it's not my fault that all of students are so weird in this school, I just wanted an answer.", Amanda exclaimed with tears coming out of her eyes. She was scared that this guy would be excactly like Valentine. "Please don't hurt me!"

Just when Amanda was about to sob (which was not really her thing) another guy entered the room, he grabbed the scary guy's jacket and pulled him backwards.

Suga! Stop being so mean, this is not how you take care of problems!”, the guy exclaimed and still held his jackets. The guy who probably was called Suga stared at Amanda who was staring at her savior. It was the guy with orange hair. This time she could finally see more of his face, even though it was only his profile view it was really pretty. His nose was cute. Then Amanda became even more curious on his eyes, since the eyes could reflect the powers of his.

If they had powers of course...

She still wasn't sure.

Suga and the orange haired guy started a conversation fight where they were litterally screaming at each other. Amanda was just standing there, between book shelves and two hot guys fighting. Since they were busy with throwing words at each other, Amanda decided to sneak off while she could.

Instead of going to her class she walked out of the school, on the backside. A dark heavy door lead her to the outside.

A totally new side of the school showed up. When she opened the door a strong sunlight met her eyes and the scent of blooming flowers were flowing in the air. In front of her was a huge garden filled with flowers of all kinds, beautiful water fountains covered in silver with golden details. A path made of small stones appeared in front of her and she could either go to the left, to the right or just straight ahead. Amanda took her first steps on the path, just like when a baby take its first steps without its mother's help. Amanda stuck her nose into some of the flowers and caressed the petals. She giggled when she realized what she was doing, her behavior was so childish. But she didn't care, she had never had this feeling before, the feeling you get when spring is coming, the feeling you get when you're in love.

Even the sound of twittering birds reached her ears. It was like a paradise. A beautiful place where you could have had a tea party with your friends when you were kids.

Then Amanda saw a crouching body near the red roses. It was a guy. He touched a wilted rose, it was almost black to the color. But then she could see how the rose changed color from black to red and how the petals looked as young as a five year old girl. How was that even possible? The boy just touched the flower and it turned beautiful again? The chock made Amanda gasp. The boy quickly turned around and stood up. His familiar green eyes met Amanda's. Today his eyes were just as green as the newly grown grass in the garden. He was just as chocked as her and he didn't even say a word. Amanda took the first step.

Uhmm...This garden is absolutely wonderful! Do you take care of it?”, Amanda asked and smiled slowly.

The boy nodded.

How do you have time to take care of this place?”

My friends help me sometimes...”, he mumbled and faced the ground. ”By the didn't see anything right?! I didn't do anything...I...I...”, the boy stuttered and became even more nervous. He started to walk away, still with his face down to the ground.

But I want to know more about this garden!”, Amanda exclaimed and hoped that the guy would tell his name. Even though she had met him several times and he was even one of the popular guys, Amanda still didn't know his name.

The guy sat down on a bench made of white stone and made a gesture to Amanda to sit down next to him.

I use to visit this garden whenever I'm sad or have to think for a while...I have a lot of worries and things on my mind so all the flowers help me to cheer up.”, he said. ”I remember when I first arrived at this school a year ago, I hated the school so much because it was so ugly...then me and my friends found this place during a break. It wasn't as beautiful then, as it is now. Together we took care of this garden...we had lots of fun..”, he continued with a relieved sigh.

Amanda listened with curiousity and the harmony of his voice matched so well with the fantastic environment.

It sounds like you have really wonderful friendships!”, Amanda couldn't stop smiling.

He nodded again.

Your name is Amanda right?”

Yeah...What's yours?”

Jung Kook.”, he answered shortly but his voice sounded much more confident, calm and happier. ”You're a very special girl.”, he said and finally smiled. His innocent, shy yet confident smile suited his green eyes so well. Jung Kook picked a flower from the bushes behind them and gave it to Amanda. It was a pink lily. Absolutely stunning. Jung Kook's adorable smile faded out as he stood up.

I have to go. Please feel like home here...”, he said and opened the dark door to the ugly world again.

Then Amanda remembered she had classes to go to.


The lily she still held in her hand was almost glowing, like shimmering magic. Amanda carefully carried the flower with her home that day. The flower was the only object in that town that was all colorful and shining. The weather was still grey.

Then she saw him. Another boy who had seemed to be friends with Jimin, Jung Kook, Suga and the orange haired guy. Amanda who still was curious on this element myth decided to follow the guy where he was going. The earlier incident with Jung Kook and his magical fingers totally gave her a little proof that something was going on with them.

The boy walked with long, quick steps and Amanda had to silently run to keep up with him. He lead her to a narrow path between two houses, up on a hill, down the hill. He stoppped in front of a dark tree door of a very old house that was companied by many other old houses. The boy knocked on the door and took a deep breath. An old man opened the door, took the boy in a grip by his collar and hit him several times in the face.

Why are you late again?!”, the man shouted the boy right in the face.

Well...I was in school...”, the boy answered calmly even though blood was pouring out of his nose.

The man muttered and released the grip of the boy who fell on the ground. Instead of letting him in he slammed the door in front of him.

Amanda who didn't want to be rude immedietly ran over to the boy. He was surprised and his glares admitted that he definietly didn't want her to be there. His eyes were the most scaring detail on his bloody face. They were light grey, almost white. Amanda couldn't let go of his eyes and noticed how he started crying. Amanda patted his back, used her shirt-arm to wipe away most of the blood and helped him up on his feet.

Are you okay?”, Amanda questioned and handed over his bag.

You shouldn't be here.”, he said and snatched his bag. ”I'm shouldn't have seen that.”, he said his last words before he dragged himself away from the place.


To be continued

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Kiso_xx #1
Please update soooonnn~~ <33
littlevamp22 #2
Chapter 5: Pls update faster!!!!!:)
Obsessedwkpop #3
Update update update !!!!!!!! :))))) plzzzzz Xxx
Obsessedwkpop #4
Please please please please update !!!!!!
Obsessedwkpop #5
elizalee_ #6
Chapter 4: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️omg update❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Obsessedwkpop #7
Chapter 4: Yayyyyyyyyyy thnxxxx <3333 love the chapter !!! Can't wait for the next one !!!
Chapter 4: Oww~ Kim Sanggyun><