Discovering something

The elements of your voice

Amanda pulled herself out of the bed, exhausted after yesterday's training at the gym. When looking in the mirror she almost jumped out of her own skin, she looked like a zombie. Like everyday she put on her lucky necklace, a silver chain with a blue stone, her grandmother gave it to her before she died and ever since Amanda has worn it everyday. Her most important accessory.

"How can I look like this...I look horrible...", Amanda mumbled and quickly closed her eyes, she didn't want to see the zombie anymore, it just scared her way too much, even though she knew that she had to meet the zombie again when putting on makeup.

With heavy steps she dragged herself downstairs and met her parents stressed glances.

"You haven't even dressed up?! The airplane leaves in three hours, we need to go to the airport now!", Amanda's mother exclaimed as she saw the zombie. Amanda sighed and gave her mother an angry face before pulling herself upstairs again. Stupid.

Just two days ago Amanda's parents told her that they were going to move, not just around the corner of the street but actually on the other side of the earth. To South Korea. She didn't understand why, why did they have to move to a country where there is a conflict between the two parts of Korea? Her father always replied with something like "that is nothing compared to all the criminality around here. You won't even notice that conflict.". Her father was always right. But one thing made her the most angry. She had to leave her friends.

Amanda sent the last message to he bestfriend before leaving.

- Goodbye Felicia.

That was the only thing she wrote. Leaving her bestfriend with a sad face.

2.5 hours later

Amanda pulled her fingers thrue her hair and sighed.

"Do you always sigh?", her father asked and crossed his arms. Amanda answered with a shrug. She was mad. Mad at her parents for not understanding her feelings, she'd rather wanted to stay alone in her place or live with Felicia. But of course her parents didn't aloud her to.

"Directly when school starts we want you to keep doing a sport or taking some kind of extra lessons.", her mother said. Amanda jawdropped, now what? "Seriously? Why? What if I don't want to..."

Well obviously they didn't care because they didn't reply.

Arriving in South Korea

Amanda was shocked by how clean the streets were when she arrived. The buildings were beautiful and the open shops looked like wonderful shopping objects. Maybe it wasn't going to be that bad after all.

But shopping wasn't all. She wanted her friends. What if her new high school classmates wouldn't accept her and bully her?

Then she remembered. She is not that kind of girl that easily gives up or cries. Back in America she was one member of the "tough" and "bad" group that everyone feared. Though she was the least badass of them all since she didn't smoke, she never bullied anyone and she didn't steal. But she still had her bad attitude and courage.

Where it all started

She took her first steps into her new high school. She was shocked by the appearence on the inside but thought it suited her okay. The school was old, the walls were half broken and the floors were made of tree. Actually the whole school looked like a haunted house, maybe all of the students were ghosts.

The corridor was empty but she thought that the students must have had their lessons. But it was still so quiet. The place was litterally dead.

But then, the school clock rang and from nowhere the students ran out of their classrooms and the whole place was crowded. Amanda was standing in the middle of all the students that were in a hurry for a reason, she almost got ran over but then suddenly someone grabbed her hand and pulled her thrue the crowd. Her feet tried to keep up with the person holding her hand. The back of the person revealed it was a guy and his hands were warm. Amanda noticed his hair was bright orange. She had never seen a guy with that hair color before and it impressed her. Maybe this was a school where you could just be yourself?

The guy stopped where the crowd ended. He still had his back turned to Amanda but he released his grip. Instead of facing her and saying something he started to walk away, he was just going to leave her? Amanda ran after him and grabbed the boy's arm. His reaction was cold, he only shook her off and kept walking. It made Amanda angry as she tried to get his attention. He kept ignoring her.

Lunch time arrived quickly and still she hadn't gotten any friends to share table with. Insecure and shy, Amanda walked with her tray, trying to find a seat. A girl in her class saw her strolling around and called her over to sit with her.

"You don't want to be alone in this school so you can sit with us!", the girl whispered to Amanda and her serious face was telling her something that made her curious.

"What can happen?", Amanda questioned and sat down with her tray at the girl's and her friends' table.

"You might end up being one of their victim.", she answered and slowly pointed at the table where seven boys sat. The guy with orange hair that she met earlier was one of them. Just as she looked their way one of them noticed it and met her eyes, the guy had brown hair and his eyes were creepily staring her out, but they seemed shimmering, even from far away.

"What's wrong with them?", Amanda knew the answer was going to be something like they were the bad guys but she was used to it so the boys only caught her attention.

"Well actually three of them are really nice and popular among the girls, but the others are really creepy, just watch out."

When lunch finished Amanda joined her new found friend who said her name was Hyerin. She showed Amanda around the school, what parts of the school where you weren't aloud to be and places where creepy things could happen. Actually Hyerin didn't show her any positive places at all, except her main classroom, if that was counted as something positive.

By curiousity Amanda kept her eyes open in case the guy with the orange hair would be in the same class as her. But he wasn't. If skipping the class wasn't his specialty of course, then that could be a reason. As a guy with black styled hair entered the room the girls immedietly had their attention on him instead of themselves, they kept cheering him on and screaming on him to be their "oppa". He must be popular. Hyerin who sat in front of Amanda turned back and rolled her eyes.
"That is one of the guys who is really popular, you know, the ones I talked about in the canteen.", Hyerin mumbled.

"Wow he must be really popular..."

"Then you really must see the girls' reaction when meeting the youngest of them...he is the most popular one...they almost fangirl over's totally crazy.", Hyerin told her.

"Wow really?!", Amanda was impressed again.

The moment she feared came, her new teacher told her to stand up in front of the class and introduce herself. Her gaze wandered around the classroom, getting to know the looks of her classmates. The popular guy was looking at her with a smile which made her blush, he was actually very handsome. And then there was this other guy creepily staring at her with his harsh face, he was the guy that stared at her in the canteen. What was his problem? Her glances went back to the smiling guy and she immedietly regretted it. He met her eyes and she realized something was wrong.

He was asian, but his eyes were blue like the summer sky.

Quickly she stopped looking at him and tried to find a good point to stare at back in the classroom, yes that little dot behind a red chair, perfect. Now just don't move

When class ended Amanda almost ran out of the classroom, but why was she scared of his eyes? Probably he was just half korean and happened to get blue eyes, it could happen.

She saw the guy with the orange hair again, still she could only see the frame of his back.

It was crowded in the corridor again and this time the orange haired guy was nowhere to be found so he couldn't save her. But then, someone pinched her shoulder and Amanda turned around. A guy with neon pink hair smiled brightly towards her and pointed towards the other direction of the hallway.

"You can go there instead, no one else goes there so it will be easier for you to pass!", the guy was illegally handsome, and now what? Amanda had never been attracted by asians but she suddenly changed her mind. But one thing confused her, the guy had red eyes.

Could she trust him? He was kind of creepy and once again, those eyes...He could couldn't have been born with that right?

Then a guy taller then her (and definitetly taller then the pink haired guy) grabbed her arm and led her away from the other guy. What's with all grabbing? Did they enjoy pulling around with her? The guy stopped and looked right into her eyes. By now she should have been scared. But his green eyes were calm and gave her a relaxed feeling, his scent was fresh just like flowers.

"Stay away from Valentine. You can't trust him.", he said with a calm voice, his lips were serious.

"Why?", Amanda asked and crossed her arms.

"Don't ask."

Valentine? Was that the guy's name?




Real name: No one knows, everyone calls him L.Joe or Valentine

A romantic guy that loves to be friendly with the girls and make them blush which he is good at. His pink hair and red eyes reflects his lovely powers and he is the strongest during Valentine's Day, it is kind of like his birthday. Has one older sister. Even though it is the girls' mission to make chocolate for the guys, Valentine loves to give chocolate and flowers to the girls. Lately he has been acting weird.


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Kiso_xx #1
Please update soooonnn~~ <33
littlevamp22 #2
Chapter 5: Pls update faster!!!!!:)
Obsessedwkpop #3
Update update update !!!!!!!! :))))) plzzzzz Xxx
Obsessedwkpop #4
Please please please please update !!!!!!
Obsessedwkpop #5
elizalee_ #6
Chapter 4: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️omg update❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Obsessedwkpop #7
Chapter 4: Yayyyyyyyyyy thnxxxx <3333 love the chapter !!! Can't wait for the next one !!!
Chapter 4: Oww~ Kim Sanggyun><