Read Yourself To Me

She quickly released my hand and leaned back.  

"Wait a minute...  This isn't..."  She frowned.  She shook it off and leaned in.  "You're a nice guy, aren't you?"  

"I suppose so."

"The confused type?"

I'd never thought of it that way, but yes.  I was confused.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Shall I make things less confusing for you?"  She said under her breath.  Uh-oh.  She's rebellious.  She's about to tell me off because she knows about me.  

"Yes..."  I answered, afraid.

"Then, let's go on a date."

All I was sure of at that point in time was that I was more confused.  

She planned everything; as if it were on a whim, I should mention. We'd go out the next night to a restaurant arcade that adjoined with a Noraebang. When I told the guys, they shrugged it off. 

"It's not like it's the first time a girl has asked you out." Sehun rolled his eyes while trying to make his point. 


But it was the first time that it wasn't expected. Heck, she figured out what type of guy I was before I could figure out what type of girl she was. That in itself deserved some praise. 

"Do you think Hana and I can join you?" Kyungsoo mumbled. 

"Hana... Hana... The girl from our last double date?" Joonmyun asked. 

"Yeah, she's been bugging me about a second date," Kyungsoo whined. It wasn't his usual whine, though. I was the only one who had noticed, I guess because we had been best friends for ages. I shrugged it off and figured he was just irritated because Sehun convinced him to make lunch for him. 

"I'll text Eunbi. I'm sure she'll be fine with it." I unlocked my phone and sighed. "Actually, I'm not sure of anything about this girl, so don't hold your breath." I texted Eunbi and tried to sound as casual as possible. "Hey, Eunbi, can my friend Kyungsoo and his date come with us tonight? You know, a double date?" I stared at my phone waiting for a response. She called. "Hello?"

"May I speak with Kyungsoo?" 

"Err, yeah...  I guess so. Kyungsoo... It's for you." Kyungsoo grabbed the phone from my hand while looking at me with his wide eyed, confused expression. 

"Hello?" I watched as Kyungsoo pinched his eyebrows together, laughed, and finally spoke.  "Thank you, Eunbi-ssi. I'll see you tonight, then.  Would you like to speak to Jongin again?" He handed me the phone and I lifted it to my hear. 

"Jongin speaking." 

"Thank you so much for inviting your friend!"

"Um... You're welcome?"

"Ah! It's perfect, I tell you. I already made reservations for four, so we wouldn't be mushed together in a tight space and awkwardly playing footsy together. But company will lighten the mood. You're a genius, Jongin."

"I'm questioning your intelligence level right now," I couldn't help but laugh.  She was silent. "I was kidding..." She began to laugh. 

"And my silence was a witty retort. Get used to it.  Silence is about to strike again in 3, 2..." I kept listening, but my phone beeped. She had ended the call. 

Oh, this girl.  Maybe she was the cutesy type after all; I hoped not, because those types can get annoying.

Kyungsoo and I left wearing plaid shirts. We wanted to look good for our dates, but not too good-- considering we would be playing a bunch of arcade games and going to a Noraebang. We picked up Kyungsoo's date at the campus gift shop and walked to the restaurant. When we turned the corner, there Eunbi was: a new pair of skinny jeans, ripped up most of her legs, a different pair of converse, the same bag, and a simple, purple, V-Neck t-shirt. I was convinced that she only wore that type of shirt because it looked good on her. What didn't look good on her, though, were her body and facial expressions. She was swaying back and forth, playing with her fingers, and looking at the ground. Was she... Nervous? 

Impossible. She planned it, after all. 

"Eunbi!" I shouted. She flickered out of her trance and smiled when she saw me. With a slight skip in her step, she came to meet Kyungsoo and his date. 

"You're Kyungsoo, and you're Hana. Hana... Hana! You're a halfy, aren't you?"

Hana smiled and nodded. "I am! My dad is Australian.  And you?" 

Eunbi flashed  a grin I hadn't seen yet. "Sure am! My dad's American." 

That explained a lot. I almost envied Hana for asking her first...  Eunbi had almost blonde hair, and I thought it was too good to be true. Her roots, after all, showed no signs of dark hair. 

We walked in and Eunbi told the waiter our party name. We were led to the back in a cozy area away from the games.  Kyungsoo kept talking to me about stuff I didn't even think he cared about. Eunbi and Hana seemed to be having a conversation with their eyes. 

Women and their telepathic skills with each other. 

Immediately after we placed our food orders, Eunbi pulled on my shirt sleeve. 

"Jongin, let's go play some games," she begged. I refused her with my eyes and I felt her fingernails dig into my biceps. 

"Alright, alright, fine." When we got out of hearing range of Kyungsoo, I scolded her. "That wasn't cute at all back there." 

"I know; you're refusal to get up was disappointing," she shot back. She put some tokens in a ski ball machine and handed me a couple balls as they rolled out. I looked at her and began to ask her what her plans were with me, but she cut me off.  "Jongin, I'm not an idiot. I know you and your friends go around dating bunches of girls. But Kyungsoo is on a date with the same girl again. How many times has that happened?"

I stopped to count in my head. It hadn't happened. 

"So you're saying that Kyungsoo has a thing for Hana," I concluded.  She smiled and shoved my shoulder. 

"Look at them now and see for yourself." 

I turned around and saw Kyungsoo genuinely laughing with Hana. Nothing too serious, but definitely something. Then it hit me. 

It was official. Eunbi figured people out faster than I did. And I was starting to like it; it made me feel less lonely. 

"While you make a very convincing point, what will it mean if I take you out on another date?" I said with a husky voice. I saw her face flush, but she threw her last ball to create a distraction. 

"While you pose an interesting question, you've failed to realize that this is me, taking you out on a date.  Can you go ahead and finish up the game?" She smirked while pointing at the ski balls in my hands. I obliged. 

I obliged. 

I obliged. 

I couldn't take it anymore. Was she the controlling type? The cutesy type? The sarcastic type? The innocent type? 

"What type of girl are you?" I blurted as she shot a virtual buck. 

"I'm the type of person to do whatever they want, whenever they want and however they want. Without hurting others or myself, of course." She put the gun back on its stand and grinned. "I think the food is at the table now." 

A girl who does whatever she wants, with a guy who does whatever he wants, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone? I was infatuated. 

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Chapter 6: ksdfkjsefoisneofiandasd omg I'm so happy that I found this story <33333
sootaehyo #2
Chapter 6: I have so many things to say about this story but where do I start from? Okay lets start from how this story made me cry tears of happiness, tears of sadness and tears of anger. Happiness when Jongin and Eunbi are being sweet with each other. Anger when those jealous girls are bullying Eunbi. Sadness when Jongin found out Eunbi's mother is suffering from cancer. All in all, i think this story sort of taught me how to cherish things at the moment and not think about what would happen in the future. Wonderful story :)
Chapter 6: Hello.. It's so fluffy...thank you for sharing this story.. and i'm sorry i just gave short comment in the last chapter because i couldn't wait to read all..so here i am.
tbvh i like short chaptered story heehehe and eventhough the pace lil bit in rush i don't mind. :)
charmerkai88 #4
Chapter 6: Omg! This story is so lovely. Though its quite short.. its full of love & fluff haha. Its fast paced but whatever it didn't lessen its beauty..
Chapter 6: this is sooooooo sweet ㅠㅠ
so beautiful and touched, i cant believe not many would read this to themselves :')

you author, deserve more subscribers and upvotes! and kai, u sweet potato, wat have u done to me??
darinka12 #7
Chapter 6: I love it I'm crying
exoticoo #8
Chapter 6: This is too sweet! I tear up in the end!
melichoy #9
Chapter 6: This story is just love :)
Chapter 6: sheds tear