I'm not gay.

What lies Behind the Public's Eye

Team A- Late at night

Panting from the intense training they were undergoing, Seung Yoon's team members stopped what they were doing and began to search for a place to rest. 

"Ah! I'm exhausted!" Seung hoon rapidly breathed. His back ached and he was beginning to wonder if he should go and see a doctor about it. 

Team A had been practicing nonstop since YG had come in and told them to step up their game. For the next challenge they had to show off their talents to a large panel of YG artists. They had already begun all preparations, but perfection was still far off.

"Same here." Seung yoon said, already on the bench with a smile and a bit of guilt.  He  couldn't fully immerse himself in practice and rested his elbows on his knees. What time was it anyway? He glanced up at the clock. 

Omo! It's that late already?  

They had already been practicing for over eight hours! Even though he didn't dance as much, he had still worked up a good sweat. He removed his hat, lightly tossing it onto the bench as he pressed his back onto the cold firm wall behind him. A towel was thrown his way and he clumsily tried to catch it. He looked up and gave a quick thanks to Minho who was too tired to even say 'you're welcome'.

Minho took a seat on the armchair, leaning his head back, towel resting on his face. He was grunting in exhaustion and tsked when he felt that his shirt was too wet. Immediately he took it off and set it aside while still panting a bit heavily. 

At the other end of the room walking towards him, Seung Hyun saw Jinwoo, his chest rising and falling as the sweat made him glisten. He quickly sat down on the bench to Seung yoon's left, his delicate hands pushing back his hair and falling to rest on his lap. Jinwoo gave Seung yoon a heartfelt smile as he noticeed the concerned expression on the other's face.  He let himself lean against the wall, the coolness of it seeping through the back of his shirt,  eyes tightly shut. He was unintentionally exposing his neck in a way that made Seung yoon swallow as he turned his head up towards the cieling. Why the hell was he so nervous seeing Jinwoo like this, a total mess, and heavily panting... Seungyoon didn't know. The heat eminating from his body was  suddenly too much. Seung Yoon forced himself to think of something else.

"I feel so sticky." Taehyun's voice began rising. He was murmuring things about it being so late and how he wanted to sleep as he drew up his eyebrows and examined his reflection. He touched his warm face with the back of his hands and saw Minho through the mirror. Minho was blessed, Taehyun thought, a muscular, slightly tanned body with  good definition. He glanced in Taehyun's direction and their eyes met through the mirror. Taehyun quickly looked away. His cheeks were a rosey red and he began to frantically fix his hair that was  all over the place instead of half being on their corresponding sides. Once he decided it looked good enough, he made his way over towards the desk. Minho, who sat in his chair and began complaining as he leaned against it.

"This is too gross."He said to no one in particular, "I need to take a shower." 

They all began to wipe the sweat off of their toned bodies with the towels Minho had given them. Seung Yoon found no reason to do so, seeing that he wasn't as drenched as the rest of them. 

"I think I'm going to be sick!"  Minho laughed at Taehyun's remark. He felt something take over as he saw how cute the other was acting. He pulled him into his lap, locking him in place. The back of Taehyun's head almost hit Mino in the face. Taehyun's arms were immobile at his sides.

"Yah!" He turned his head sideways to look at Minho only to find their faces centimeters away.

"Now, why don't we have some fun instead of whining so much!" Minho teased. Taehyun shyly looked away and Minho smirked. He always seemed to be teasing Taehyun. He looked adorable when he was upset, droopy eyebrows slanted even farther up as they knitted together, his lips pouting, and dark hair split in the middle, and Minho couldn't help himself.

Jinwoo was extremely tired because his breath didn't seem to slow down. He crossed his hands over his chest and massaged his own shoulders. He began letting out shakey breaths that made Seung Yoon's eyes widen. Seriously, he was the oldest out of the five of them, but he was too naive and innocent to even realize what he was doing. SeungYoon caught himself and shamefully shook the thoughts out of his head. He must be really REALLY tired.

 Jinwoo's big and round deer-like eyes were covered by his bangs as he kept massaging himself in a rhymic motion, his lips slightly opened, letting out hot breath. His eyes were still closed. Seung Yoon's vision was beginning to blur. It was too hot in here.

Seung hoon spoke up "Hey Jinwoo," he stood from his resting place and walked towards him, "Are you ok? You look a bit out of it..." He was always looking out for s and Jinwoo looked more fatigued than the rest of them.

"He's right. You should probably get some rest." Minho, who had refused to let go of Taehyun and had been spinning both of them in the twirling chair. abruptly stopped as he said this.The youngest member was still in his lap and would have gone flying across the room if not for the secure hold of Minho's arms. 

"Minho...why did you do that!"   Taehyun frowned from how dizzy he was and how the world refused to stop spinning. "Jinwoo" he slowly said, trying to regain his composture. Minho chuckled a bit at how Taehyun couldn't even speak properly. His laughter  made his body shake against Taehyun and he quicky turned around once again to face their childish leader. 

Taehyun shot daggers at him.  He now knew not to complain in front of Minho. EVER. Unless  you really want to have something to complain about. He turned to Jinwoo once again "Just go get some rest, ok?"

Jinwoo opened his eyes slightly and peered at them with an eexpressionless face, his head bobbing up and down, trying to concentrate on staying awake "O-Ok..."There was no doubt he needed it.  
Seung yoon felt a tug at his heart and got up, extending a hand towards Jinwoo."I'll take you home if you want."

He smiled gently "I don't want you wandering the streets alone at night, especially in this condition." He pointed out the messy hair, the loose clothing. ...Damn this heat. Jinwoo quietly grabbed on Seung Yoon's strong arm and pulled himself up. He didn't like it when he felt like a burden. 

"Sorry" Seung Yoon almost didn't hear it. He didn't like when JInwoo was sad, in fact, he detested it. He took Jinwoo into his arms and buried his face into the older's shoulder, whispering "don't worry" and "its not your fault". He felt the closeness of them through drenched shirts, The slim waist and hard body under his hold. Jinwoo's hands rested on his chest. 

Without thinking twice he pulled Jinwoo closer and tighter around the waist.

Jinwoo's face went into his shoulder, the hot breath giving him chills. His slender hands were tightly holding onto Seungyoons shirt. Jinwoo was turning a scarlett shade of red. 

Seung Yoon's eyes darkened as he felt the eldest against him. There was a moment of bliss before he realized what he was doing. He gently pushed Jinwoo away and pretended not to know anything.

"Theres no need to apologize." Seung yoon said cheerfully." Let's just get you to bed." It was a good thing he had let him go because as he stared into those big brown eyes, his pants had  tightened.

They grabbed their stuff and said their good-byes to Minho, Taehyun, and Seung Hoon. They wanted to get more practice in before going to sleep. Seungyoon was absolutly not willing to leave a defenseless deer alone at home where someone could do something to him, he decided he would stay home and make sure Jinwoo would be all right. 


The next day, Team A went out.

They went to a lady that read tarot cards and she said they hit the jackpot and would become global stars. They bought new cloths and accessories. Seunghoon even bought them all matching underwear, later to actually be discovered as matching briefs.

"Do they look nice?" Jinwoo asked with a playful smile as he held the briefs against him.

Seunghoon laughed at Jinwoo's question " You like tight briefs, don't you?" 

Later at night, Jinwoo took a quick shower. He told the cameras that he would apologize to Seung yoon for falling asleep without him since they shared a room. He still had to think of a way of repaying Seungyoon for his kindness the other day. He left with a cute smile and went straight to bed.

Meanwhile, Seung Yoon quickly worked on finishing up the hats with "win" written in white. 

"Do you think these will come out alright?" Seungyoon asked Minho with a bit of a desperate tone. He didn't want to mess up, so he had to be very careful. 

Minho looked at him on the floor and sat down beside him. "Yeah. You're doing a pretty good job." 

There was a moment of silence before Mino spoke up again "I've been meaning to ask, but i didn't know how to bring it up..." he glanced at SeungYoon who remained concentrated on his work.

"Yes?" SeungYoon responded a bit distantly. He had to get the letters on the cap perfectly.

Mino eyed him with steady eyes "Well..." he continued caustiously as his gaze shifted to the ground,one finger drawing random shapes on the cool floor, "You know that day you helped Jinwoo come back to our dorm?" There was a something in his voice, something you usually don't find in Mino that made SeungYoon lose his concentration just a bit.

SeungYoon looked up suspiciously and slowly nodded, finally giving his attention to Mino. He set the cap down with the brush still in his hand. "...Mino..." Seungyoon leaned his back on the wall as he drew his legs up, elbows resting on his knees. "What are you going to ask me?"
Mino's expression got serious and he crossed both his arms and legs, becoming smaller against the wall opposite to SeungYoon "Well...you do realize we were all watching you two, right?" SeungYoon scrunched his face in confusion.  "I mean, its a pretty small practice room and you two were just..." 

Seung Yoon eyed-suspiciously him. What is he talking about?

Mino took a deep breath and looked uncomfortable. He straightend his back and his eyes darted from side to side, avoiding SeungYoon's. He wasn't sure how to bring the subject up but he was too curious to let it go. His lips let the words clumsily tumble out of his mouth "Do you...have feelings for Jinwoo?"

Seungyoon jerked his head forward in disbelief at the suddeness of the question, wondering if he had heard correctly, and gaped, wide-eyed, at Mino. The silence that hung in the air  slowly helped him regain his composture.

"What?" The heel of his palms were rubbing his eyes. Is this because...was I being too obvious? I knew I shouldn't have...

Minho looked down "We won't judge you, you know? We were just wondering." He  stared at SeungYoon who was desperately trying to get rid of the light tint of red in his cheeks.  "It looked like you two were...um..." Mino rubbed the back of his neck " close?..."

Close? Did we really seem that way? He nervously began to laugh.

"It made us a little sad that you would keep something like this from us." Mino concluded with a hurt tone he couldn't quite hide. They were all friends and something like this shouldn't be kept secret. 

SeungYoon couldn't believe what he was hearing, " Jinwoo and I ?" he repeated, pointing in the direction of his room and the other pointing at his nose. "Of course not!" His hands fell into his lap,  "tsk. What even made you think that?" He made a disgusted face and continued to stare at Minho.

"I told you. You were in the middle of the practice room and--"

"No." SeungYoon's eyes became colder. "What you saw...what you saw was a team member helping out another." SeungYoon said, a deep undertone to his voice,"Nothing more, nothing less. Jinwoo is a good friend like you and the others, Mino." He held his eyes steady and looked up at the ceiling then back to Mino."And besides" He added, " I'm not gay." 

Mino looked very uncomfortable. Of course, that was all it was right? They were all friends and friends can be close right? After a few seconds, his face brightened up once again and he dramatically sighed in relief, placing a hand on his chest. It was more to relieve the tangible tension in the air than out of actual relief.  "I'm glad to hear it." He nodded his head "If you two had been dating, that would of made work more-- complicated."

He was about to get up and leave SeungYoon to his artistic responsiblities when suddenly Taehyun came out of his room. He streched his arms up as he walked towards them already in his pj's. "What are you two doing?" He looked tired with cute messy hair.

"Nothing much." Minho replied, as he sank back down onto the floor and leaned back on his arms as he stared at Taehyun's ruffled hair. He wore a big boyish grin on his face. 

Seung Yoon noted this and immediately asked, not missing his chance, "What about you?" I suppose he was still a bit bitter about the accusation Mino had made.

"Huh?" Minho looked back at SeungYoon and Taehyun dropped to his knees and sat on his legs next to SeungYoon. He watched the two of them.

"Nothing. Forget it."SeungYoon quickly went back to the job at hand. 

"What were you talking about?" 

"Its nothing Taehyun" SeungYoon reassured him.

"What were you going to say" Minho asked suspiciously raising his eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips.
SeungYoon put down his project once again. "Do you really want to know?" 

Mino nodded confidently, smugly leaning farther back on his hands.

"...are you sure?" SeungYoon wanted to laugh at Mino's attitude, but restrained himself in order to keep the mood serious. 

"Tsk." Minho sat straight up again and extended his legs in front of him, hands in his lap. "ARE YOU, SEUNGYOON?" 

"Ok."SeungYoon teased, his face appeared too serious."Are you going to tell me whats going on with you two?"
The question hung in the air for a few seconds. Mino smirked.

 SeungYoon had been expecting anger or embarrassment, but Mino simply looked at Seungyoon with calm eyes and went over to Taehyun. He sluggishly draped his arm around Taehyun's shoulders, pulling him close and held Taehyun's head against his chest. Taehyun looked at Mino and wondered what the heck he was doing with a frown his face. 

"How did you know?" 

SeungYoon was taken aback by this comment and he stood up,."What!" pointing at the two that were looking at him as if he were crazy. His hand quickly went to his mouth after he realized there were people trying to sleep, and sat himself down. He leaned forward and whispered " You and Taehyun are dating?" 

At this question, Taehyun's eyes seemed to pop out of his head and he turned a deep tint of red. His face was on fire. Minho kept smiling. He place one hand on Taehyuns's chin, raising  the younger's incredulous face, making the younger look up at him. He leaned in and his lips landed right on Taehyun's.

SeungYoon widened his eyes in surprise at the kiss, Taehyun gripping tightly onto Mino's bicep, trying to recover from the shock. Taehyun was desperately pushing away. What the heck?! Mino ended the kiss and stared directly at the assaulted boy. Mino was now holding Taehyun's face close to his and looked straight into the deep brown eyes.  He puckered his lips and made a kissing sound, adding that extra 'pop' to it. 

Taehyun squirmed out of Mino's hold. Mino just sat there trying to restrain his laughter from his two member's reactions.

SeungYoon could only gape at him "..."

Taehyun got up and with panic took a hold of SeungYoon's shoulders "I don't know what the heck you two were talking about, or what the hell just happened for that matter, but Minho and I are NOT dating!" He desperately looked into the other's eyes. 

Minho couldn't hold his laughter back anymore and began rolling on the floor as Seung Hoon came out from his bedroom as well, a bit curious to see what he was missing out on. 

"Hahahaha! You should've seen your faces!" Minho was holding onto his stomach as tears began to form in the corner of his eyes. SeungYoon felt embarrassed and went back to his work. Taehyun could only look down, then he shot Mino and angry look and turned towards his room. Minho stood up, quickly back-hugging the younger in order to stop his escape.

 "Tae!" Taehyun had small tears forming at the ends of his eyes. "I'm sorry but you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time!" He was struggling so hard to stop his laughter "If it makes you feel any better, I would totally date you if you were a girl." 

"Yah!" Taehyun was so embarrassed. "That was my first--" His voice was almost inaudiable. He was embarrassed, so very embarressed that he thought the tears would begin to flow at any moment. He squeezed his eyes tight and continued "That was my first ki--"

"But, I could always make an exception for you." Mino's lips curved into a smirk, completely missing what the younger was about to say. The crimson in Taehyun's cheeks only darkened, not from embarrassment, but from the way Minho's deep voice seemed to penetrate through him and leave him weak in the knees. 

"What the hell is going on?"SeungHoon spoke up at last. Poor guy. He had no idea.

"Nothing." They said in unison, each with a different emotion behind it. SeungHoon scratched his cheek, wondering what the hell had happened, or what he had also just seen.  His eyes followed Minho and Taehyun as they quickly evaded SeungHoon's piercing eyes and ran to  their rooms.

"Ok..." SeungHoon was incredibly confused "that was wierd..." He turned around and went back to bed.SeungYoon let out a breath.

 "Tell me about it."


SeunYoon turned the handle of the shower and stepped out of his cloths. A memory of the night his sweat had mixed with Jinwoo's entered his head. Lustful thoughts had fogged his mind. He couldn't have felt that way, shouldn't. After all, he told Minho he wasn't gay. Standing under the cold pounding of the water, he tried to clear his thoughts.

What the hell is wrong with me?

SeungYoon turned off the water and let it drip from his hair as he looked down.

 Why would...?  He remembered the way his body had convulsed as he saw Jinwoos dancing and how his mind fluttered to forbidden places when he heard him pant and moan from exhaustion. He frowned. The shower hadn't exactly cleared his thoughts as he had been hoping.

Minho thought we were dating... To Minho, SeungYoon's desires had been crystal clear, even if he had denied it, Minho knew. He was sure of it. 

He stepped out and looked at his reflection. He was beginning to get more and more frustrated and splashed cold water on his face from the sink.  For heaven's sake! He fisted his hair and grunted. He remained with his hands in his hair as he stared down at the sink. SeungYoon wasn't innocent. He had known women early on. There was absolutely no reason a man should excite him.

That must be why... He thought, alomost convinced Thats probably why I see Jinwoo that way...we hadn't had any free time and he is the most girlish looking one of us so... He frowned, not quite satisfied with his answer. His explanation was to far-fetched and one might even say, too desperate. 

I need to get a girlfriend...He thought a bit more.  I'm not gay.

Finally getting dressed, he came to the conclusion he didn't see Jinwoo in any other way other than a friend. He was just for a woman. After all, he was a very healthy and capable twenty year old man. 
 He was hoping to see Jinwoo still awake after he took his shower, but wasn't surprised to see he was asleep. Well it was better this way, otherwise he would have heard what he and Minho had been talking about. He turned towards the corner of the room.

"Aish! KIM JINWOO!" He shook his finger at the camera "You went to sleep without me!" He always felt it was an invasion of privacy, but what could he do "Now i must rest for the competition too." he suddenly wanted to act cute towards the audience and began to chant "Fighting!" at a low volume, careful not to wake his roommate up. He looked back at Jinwoo as he whispered to himself "He'll get his punishment later." With a final shot of a sleepy smile that went from ear to ear, turned the lights off and went to bed.

I see Jinwoo as only a friend. he thought, as he drifted into sleep. 

 The next morning, SeungYoon sat on the edge of his bed with nothing but shorts on, facing Jinwoo. He couldn't help but stare at his sleeping face, the blankets tucked under his chin, the steady breath flowing out from his lips. He began to turn a bit pink and was glad the room was so dark. Aish, this kid. he thought, which was weird since Jinwoo was three years older. 

They had to get ready for the competition, but he didn't want to wake him up. He could just stare at that sleeping face, and nothing else would matter.


A/N: So...I know this isn't Jinhwan and Hanbin, but I couldn't leave out TEAM A! 

The stories aren't too closely related (besides the fact both are taking place during the same time and in the same "universe")

I hope you guys can enjoy their story as well! I'm not going to go crazy with the Gifs this time...You understand though..right?






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T3T The cuteness is overload ~~~~~ Jinhwan is already cute but you make this 100000000000x cuter~~~ ah~~~
fujobaby #2
Chapter 8: neomu johaaaaaa ^^b
sdxbaljwa .. i dont know how to express my feeling but i really really like this story..
author nim when will you update this story?? please update soon. and fighting with your school ^^
yaemeus #3
Chapter 5: It's okay! I know exactly what you mean by school; all my midterms are this week so no worries! Although, a triple update would be awesome... Also, I talk in gifs all the time too! FIGHTING
yaemeus #4
Chapter 4: OMG this is just so cute! As I was reading, I kept squealing and fawning over how cute all the couples were! I love this so much! Can't wait for the next chapter. And I totally understand, my family used to have a family computer that my dad and my brother used ALL the time.
yaemeus #5
I love this story! It's so adorable! Can't wait for the next update!