It's Definitely Jeff's Curse!

What lies Behind the Public's Eye


Hanbin was always the early bird, but today, he wanted nothing more than to stay in bed beside the warmth that was Jinhwan. 

He had woken up at least an hour before, butterflies invading his stomach when he realized he had slept next to his cute boyfriend, their arms still around each other.

I'm sorry Jinhwan! I hope you don't think I'm a creep for watching you sleep. Hanbin looked down at Jinhwan resting against his chest ...well actually, this is just a tad bit creepy, but I do it out of love, Jin! 

Just as he was thinking this, Jinhwan began to shift and wake, scrunching up his nose as he tried to open his eyes to the morning light. Hanbin, being the prankster he was, immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. He could feel Jinhwan's eyes watching him. Warm fingers connected with his skin as they glided down his jaw. Jinhwan dropped his hand. 

Thank you Hanbin. He didn't know why he was thinking this. Actually, he did. He was thankful that Hanbin existed, that he was by his side and most of all, thankful he loved him. Every single second they shared together was a precious moment for Jinhwan, and he would never trade it for anything. Why would he want to trade Hanbin's smile, Hanbin's warmth, Hanbin's hands--never. He thought if one day he were to lose Hanbin, he would be selfish and probably lock him up somewhere.Sorry Hanbin. I'll never let you go, so you're stuck with me. 

The bed creaked as he carefully unwrapped himself from Hanbin's arms and slowly made his way off the bed. He thought it would be nice to make Hanbin (and his team members) some breakfast. He bent over to kiss Hanbin's forehead, brushing the bangs to the side tenderly, and slowly backed away.

Hanbin opened his eyes enough to see Jinhwan step out of the room. Did he just...? The heat rose to his face, leaving him so flustered that he pulled the covers over his head. He shut his eyes tight and and held his chest, as he curled into a ball. The blood coursing through his veins rushed through his body and his heart seemed to beat so fast, as if he had just finished a marathon race and won. IT HURTS! Why do I like you so much Jinhwan? He smiled to himself and closed his eyes thinking about how much he truly loved his hyung. 

After a few moments, the door to the room opened. OMO! He's coming!  He waited on his side inside the covers as he heard the steps approaching. Once he thought they were beside the bed he began to shift and "wake", stretching out his arms and poking his head out, trying to be as cute as possible.

"Hyung~" He whined as he rubbed his eyes with both hands, "Why did you leave m--" 

A hand suddenly connected with his thigh, giving it a hard slap, "GET YOU'RE LAZY OUT OF BED!"   
Hanbin let out a silent cry and bolted upright, knocking heads with his attacker.

"Sshi-!" He hissed at the pain and his hand shot to his forehead, furiously trying to rub it away. He looked up, connecting eyes with his attacker. His face turned to disappointment when he saw Bobby, standing beside the bed, whining just as much. 

"BOBBY? What the heck man? How dare you play my heart like that? I thought you were Jinhwan!" Hanbin began to sob and practically throw a tantrum as he threw himself back on the bed, flipping onto his stomach. He cursed his luck for having to be "woken up" by someone other than Jinhwan. 

"WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!" Hanbin pounded his fists on the pillow repeatedly and then screamed into it, "GOD, IF THIS IS ABOUT JEFF, IN MY DEFENSE, HE WAS GONNA DIE ANYWAY!"

"What?" Bobby narrowed his eyes at Hanbin, who was now dramatacizing about how his life had gone from a dream to a nightmare.

"I'M SO SORRY JEFF! DON'T TRY TO RUIN MY LIFE WITH YOUR ANGEL/FISH POWERS!" Hanbin was rolling around on the bed and Bobby stared, appalled at how ridiculous their leader was being , "I'LL NEVER FORGET TO FEED ANOTHER FISH AGAIN, I PROMISE!" 

Bobby rolled his eyes, "HEY! You, yes you, the one that is being incredibly demented right now, you were supposed to wake us up remember? We have a meeting with YG in less than two hours!" 

"What?" Hanbin instantly became serious. He swung his legs over the bed and stood up beside Bobby, brushing off non-existent dust, as if nothing had ever happened. "That was today?"

"Yes!" Bobby wore an annoyed look. Is he bipolar or something?  

Jinhwan walked in and Hanbin's face lighted up "Hyung!" He literally flew to were Jinhwan was standing and embraced him, "Hyung! I'm so happy to see you!" Jinhwan laughed and patted the younger's back.

"Come into the kitchen, I made breakfast." Jinhwan smiled and held onto a very happy Hanbin's hand. "Let's go."

"OK Hyung~~"

Yep...definitely bipolar.


That day, Team B had found out their next challenge was actually to go head to head with their sunbaes in Team A. To be honest, they were all very nervous, yet excited at the same time. All because this time, they would actually get to preform on a stage...that and the fact both 2NE1 and Big Bang members were to judge them. It couldn't get more nerve wracking than that.

G-D was assigned to be their coach for this battle and with the rivalry of the past, Hanbin knew they just had to win this.


A/N: Hey guys!

So...does adding chapters about Team A count towards my promised double/triple update????? I hope it does...otherwise, I HAVE FAILED YOU! lllOTL 

There would be no point in living on! AND, on top of my failure as a person, this chapter is so short! I'M SO SORRY! I should just start making my will right about now...

BUT I need to live so I can finish this right? 

Chapters 2 and 3 are about Team A! The next update should be more about BJin/HanJin relationship! (I don't know if they have an official OTP name for them...but i like Hanjin!)

Things might start to get serious...maybe...

Don't forget to comment! 



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T3T The cuteness is overload ~~~~~ Jinhwan is already cute but you make this 100000000000x cuter~~~ ah~~~
fujobaby #2
Chapter 8: neomu johaaaaaa ^^b
sdxbaljwa .. i dont know how to express my feeling but i really really like this story..
author nim when will you update this story?? please update soon. and fighting with your school ^^
yaemeus #3
Chapter 5: It's okay! I know exactly what you mean by school; all my midterms are this week so no worries! Although, a triple update would be awesome... Also, I talk in gifs all the time too! FIGHTING
yaemeus #4
Chapter 4: OMG this is just so cute! As I was reading, I kept squealing and fawning over how cute all the couples were! I love this so much! Can't wait for the next chapter. And I totally understand, my family used to have a family computer that my dad and my brother used ALL the time.
yaemeus #5
I love this story! It's so adorable! Can't wait for the next update!