I told you he's MINE!

What lies Behind the Public's Eye




Back to the present in JYP Building

Hanbin didn't get why Jinhwan was so shy all of a sudden. Actually it was probably because earlier that day Bobby had been pouting to Jinhwan about how early they had to get up...

"Jinhwan hyung!!! I'm so tired!" Bobby exclaimed as he clug to Jinhwan's arm, pulling his shirt down just enough to show more of his collar bone and a bit of his shoulder.

"BOBBY!!!" Hanbin ran over towards them from his room and not so gently pushed Bobby off of Jinhwan, only to cling to him himself "He's mine! Bobby, don't touch him!"

"He's not yours Hanbin! He's everyone's umma! Remember what I told you?" 

"Not anymore!" He held up his and Jinhwan's hands as Bobby stared at the rings. "HE'S ALL MINE NOW ERS MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!" All Jinhwan could do was hope he would actually melt into the ground from how hot his face had become.

Yes...that was probably the reason. Hanbin shrugged it off and began to pay attention as the JYP trainees started their rap. As soon as they did, he noticed Jinhwan rocking his head to the beat,  but Hanbin, being the leader and all, had to keep his game face on. 

Why is Jinhwan enjoying this~ Hanbin was internally battling himself I said you were mine so that means you can only enjoy my raps hyung! He wanted to go over to Jinhwan and make the older only look at him through those crescent shaped eyes. Sigh...Well, if Jinhwan likes it, I do too. 

By the end, and after the guy named Jackson dissed Kendrick Lamar, everyone was enjoying themselves.

"Ok now, time for our rap." YG eyed both Team A and Team B members. Hanbin crossed his fingers and hoped he could do the rap with his other two hyungs. To his surprise, his "united rappers" gets picked and he steps out along with Bobby, Minho, and SeungHoon.

Hanbin quickly glances at Jinhwan and gives him a small smirk. Jinhwan's eyes widen and he looks down with a visible tint of that rosy color Hanbin loves to see on him. This is for you, baby.

Their rap flows very well and its easy to continue. Hanbin decides to take a small risk and begins to freestyle, throwing out a small message to his opponents saying "Are you ready? Show me what you got. I'm so hot!" Everyone is impressed and the laughter and dancing begins. Even the JYP members admire their rapping skills. 

Jinhwan smiled as he secretly praised Hanbin. He was so glad his boyfriend could express himself through rap. Boyfriend? That sounds...nice. Jinhwan's smile brighted and he looked up to meet Hanbin's eyes. The younger was glowing and playfully gave the elder a quick wink. His face split into an even wider grin as he felt his heart pumping fast with the atmosphere and the attention he had just gotten from Hanbin.


At the dorms...

"DID YOU SEE ME HYUNG!" Bobby grabbed Jinhwan's hand and smiled cutely towards the eldest.

"Yes, everyone did Bobby. Good job." Jinhwan smiled gently and patted the top of Bobby's head. If Bobby was a dog, Hanbin could have sworn his would have fallen off from how fast he'd be wagging his tail.

"Bobby!" Hanbin takes Jinhwan's hands away from the rapper and holds them to his chest. "I told you already! He's mine!" Bobby gives him a 'o no you didn't, ' look and begins to wrestle with him for Jinhwan's hand.

"He's my hyung too! And he likes me better anyway!"

"NOOOO! He's not your boyfriend, he's mine!"

"Well if thats the problem, " Hanbin stares at him, wide eyed. Bobby lowers himself to the floor and holds out his hand in front of Jinhwan on one knee. "Jinhwan hyung, leave this..." He glides his eyes over Hanbin with a scowl on his face, "well, whatever it is  and become my boyfri-"

"YAH!" Hanbin hurriedly throws his hand over Bobby's mouth, "You can't! Jinhwan would never agree!" Bobby frees himself from Hanbin's grasp and stands up to hug Jinhwan.

"Yes he would, right hyung?" Before Jinhwan could respond, Hanbin pulled on Bobby's ears and dragged him back, forcing him to let go.


"I told you not to touch him!"

"You little piece of !"

Quietly, Jinhwan steps away and looks over worriedly at Donghyuk and Junhoe on the couch.

"Looks who's talking!"

"Umm...WE ARE, GENIUS! I swear you're so stupid." Bobby lets out an exasperated sigh.

"I'm not stupid!!"

"I only tell the truth Hanbin. Do I look like a lier to you?"

"You bet you do. What you said is false!"

"It's true."

"No. it's. not."

"Yes. it. is."

"Why am I even friends with you?"

"Uh, Because I'm a-freaking-mazing!"

"Well, uh I don't know about amazing, but you are a freak!"

"At least I can my hips well! How will you ever pleasure anybody if you can't even do that!?" Hanbin's mouth was agape and Bobby smirked, thinking he had won the battle.

"ARGH! Who cares!"

"Your future partner, Jinhwan." Bobby said nonchalantly, looking at the non-existant dirt on his fingernails.





Hanbin sighs at their overdramatic conversation. "Ok ok..." He will never give Bobby any kind of bear. "Truce?" Bobby looks at his outstreched hand suspiciously.

"Ok." Bobby takes his hand and they hug it out. Donghyuk rolls his eyes for the billionth time in the past 10 minutes. 

"I Love you Hanbin!" Bobby began to fake sob.

"I love you too man!" They roughly slap each others back and wince each time their hands come down.

"Great. Now we are all one big- happy carebear family." Donghyuk flips to the next page in his magazine and Junhoe laughs at the others' sillyness.

Hanbin pulls away from Bobby and looks over at Jinhwan, who, long ago, had gone and begun his own normal conversation with YunHeong, completely forgetting about the other two. He begins to pout, "Jin~  Don't ignore your cutest donsaeng!" 

Bobby crosses his arms and shoots Hanbin an annoyed glare."Oh, so now your going to forget about me?"

Hanbin stares back at him with a bored, disapproving look.

"It's not me" Hanbin says, mocking hurt as holds his chest," it's you. It's ALL you." 

Bobby holds his hand to his chest with a horrified expression."Well! Whatever! I always knew I was to good for you anyway." He turns away with a huff and marches back to his room. "I'm so over you and whatever this is, Hanbin!"

There is a loud slamming of the door and no one even bothers to care. Hanbin walks over to Jinhwan and gives him half a smile. Immediately, the other's eyes brighten and Hanbin gives him a light peck on the cheek.

YunHeong wacthes in awe as Hanbin leans in and begins to tell Jinhwan sweet words that make both him and Jinhwan blush to the tip of their ears. YunHeong clears his throat, but the two love-birds are in their own world. 

Donghyuk watches them from the living room and groans. "Will you two PLEASE STOP!" 

Jinhwan and Hanbin both look at their teammate with embarrassed expressions and begin to look around the room at everything except each other. 

"Your lovey-dovey stuff is killing me!" Donghyuk stands up and looks at Junhoe accusingly "Why don't you ever act like that? Why can't you be more romantic with me!" Junhoe stares at him wide-eyed and both realize what was just said.

"I mean..." Donghyuk nervously began.

Hanbin smirks "Don't worry you guys. We already know you two are dating." He watched as the two fidgeted before Donghyuk's face showed a very confused expression.

"...How? We never said anything...How did you know Junhoe and I are datin-"

"WHAT THE HELLL!!!!!" Bobby came running in with eyes as wide as the rims of his glasses (If thats even possible) "YOU TWO ARE DATING!??????"

Hanbin rolled his eyes and, very painfully in Jinhwan's eyes, facepalmed. "And here you were, calling me stupid, you hypocrite."

Bobby turned to meet his attackers eyes. "You are stupid."

Jinhwan spoke up before Hanbin could say something in return. "You're both kinda dumb, now can we stop this? Please?" Bobby and Hanbin stared at their hyung in shock, mouths practically touching the floor. "Junhoe and Donghyuk...you were kinda obvious..." 

"WHAT HAS HANBIN DONE TO YOU?" Donghyuk stared at Jinhwan as if he had grown an extra 13 heads. "You are hanging out with him too much! I will not allow this!" 

"Baby...Let go of Jinhwan. Take a look at Hanbin. He looked like he was ready to attack you the moment you touched him." Donghyuk looked at Hanbin, who, in his eyes, looked like a wild dog with rabies as he was being held back by Bobby. Junhoe...always the rational one.

"Fine." Junhoe noticed the small hurt tone in Donghyuk's voice and grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards him.

"I'm sorry." He held Donghyuk against his chest, as the others blushed at the scene of the close contact. "I just really don't want to see you ripped to shreds. Just so you know Hanbin, touch my baby and I will feed you to angry and very ugly wolves." Hanbin gulped and hid behind Jinhwan. Donghyuk took a deep breath and Junhoe cupped his face with one hand, as the other held him against him. " The reason I'm not all 'lovey-dovey' with you in public is because I like to keep those special moments to ourselves. Also, there's the fact you get so embarrassed whenever I say anything romantic to you." Donghyuk's eyes began to turn glossy and Junhoe couldn't believe how breath-takingly beautiful he was.

"I know." Dongyuk said in a shakey voice. Junhoe could feel his breath and suddenly he was blind to eveyone but him. He leaned in and pressed their lips together, feeling the moist warmth of their tongues as they connected between parted lips. Donghyuk's knees buckled and Junhoe held onto him tighter. Their kiss was becoming much to passionate for the forgotten crowd of four and all they could do was redden at the sight of such intimacy. 

"AISH! Will you please get a room!" Bobby was rolling his eyes and trying his best to look angry, but there was a clear contrast between the color of anger and the color of embarrassment. He was soooo embarrassed. "You guys are going to traumatize poor YunHeong!"

"I'm not even looking..."

"But, still, they should-"

"I really don't care. It doesn't bother me."

"Then why are you blushing?"

"I'm not."

"Yes...umm actually, a little too much. Are you sick?"




YunHeong stood up from his seat and headed straight for his room. "I just think it's really cute." The door closed behind him and Bobby looked around the room to find himself surrounded by two couples.

"I'm just...gonna leave...umm..." He followed Yunheong's example and locked himself in his room. 

"Junhoe~" Donghyuk was beginning to moan into the kisses. "Please~ mmh~" He began to grind against his lover and things began to get...heated. "mmh~"

Hanbin and Jinhwan were frozen with their eyes wide open. "Cover your ears Jin!" Hanbin quickly put his hands over his hyung's ears and closed his eyes as he scooted into the closest room.

He put his hand over his heart "Well...that was kinda scary."

Hanbin turned to look at Jinhwan, only to meet eyes with his world. Jinhwan's cheeks were bright and warm. Before he realized it, his lips ghosted over Jinhwan's. He leaned in and softly placed a light kiss on his lips. Jinhwan closed his eyes and put his arms around Hanbin's neck, making him grunt from the heat he was beginning to feel. His nose brushed Jinhwans neck and made the older shudder, only leading him to desire more from his hyung.

"Umm..." Jinhwan gently pulled away and looked at the floor.

"What's wrong Jin?"

"...Why are you calling me that?" Hanbin stared at his small figure and began to rub the back of his neck nervously.

"It's your nickname. Does it bother you? I can stop calling you that if you want. I mean, I love your name so its not a problem or anything cause, you know, your name is beauti-"Jinhwan wrapped his arms around Hanbin's waist and shook his head.

"No." He said, barely above a whisper, "I like it." He looked up at Hanbin and both smiled into each other's eyes. 

"We, um, should probably get some sleep." Hanbin stared at the two beds and headed to the one on the right.

"You can have the one on the left Jin." As he turned around, Jinhwan caught his wrist and held him back.

"C-can I...sleep w-with you?" Hanbin eyes grew wide and was a bit taken aback by how direct Jinhwan had become. 

"But, I told you I can wait. I don't want you to feel pressured-" Jinhwan violently shook his head.

"I meant like, cuddle..." The blush spread to both their faces and he was glad it wasn't so well lit inside the room.

"Oh. Yeah. Of course. Just put your PJ's on so you can sleep comfortably."

After they were done changing, both layed in bed, a bit awkwardly, and it creaked while they shifted. Hanbin carefully put his arm over Jinhwan.  God, please don't let me try anything funny with Jinhwan. 

"Hanbin?" He turned his head down to look at Jinhwan.

"Y-yes?" He looked so beautiful to him. The dark eyelashes casting soft shadows on his eyes from the moonlight that managed to come throught the blinds, the small curved rosy lips, and the dazzling eyes that squeezed his heart every time he looked at them. And that one mole resting on his cheek next to those crescent eyes! Hanbin's heart was racing and his palms were sweaty. How could one person do this to him? 

Jinhwan hesitated to respond as he noticed Hanbin's stare. "Is it ok if...if we get a little...a little closer?" The last part came out a bit rushed and Hanbin couldn't help but laugh at how cute his hyung was.

"Jinhwan~  I'm glad you told me because I wouldn't have been able to sleep with you that far away anyway." He held in his giggle and pulled his most special person closer. Both of their heads rested on his arm and they held each other tight under thin blankets. He was the luckiest person on Earth. 

"I love you Jin." Jinhwan smiled through his crescent eyes. Lightly, he pulled Hanbin's face down and kissed his forehead. Hanbin nuzzled his face into the older's neck and then into his chest and Jinhwan held him as he brushed his fingers through Hanbin's hair.

Jinhwan closed his eyes and let the warmth of the younger's body envelop him as he began to drift away.

"I love you too Hanbin."



A/N: Ok! So I decided I'm not stopping at the chapter three! Yay! (I think) This chapter, I had my sister go over the "funny parts". How'd we do? Anyway, I have to do my homework!!!!


I would much rather spend time doing this T-T Life is cruel!

 I can only use the computer sometimes because it's my dad's and he doesn't let me borrow it a lot


Anyway...Thanks for taking my short rant!

Hope it's not too long before I update again...




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T3T The cuteness is overload ~~~~~ Jinhwan is already cute but you make this 100000000000x cuter~~~ ah~~~
fujobaby #2
Chapter 8: neomu johaaaaaa ^^b
sdxbaljwa .. i dont know how to express my feeling but i really really like this story..
author nim when will you update this story?? please update soon. and fighting with your school ^^
yaemeus #3
Chapter 5: It's okay! I know exactly what you mean by school; all my midterms are this week so no worries! Although, a triple update would be awesome... Also, I talk in gifs all the time too! FIGHTING
yaemeus #4
Chapter 4: OMG this is just so cute! As I was reading, I kept squealing and fawning over how cute all the couples were! I love this so much! Can't wait for the next chapter. And I totally understand, my family used to have a family computer that my dad and my brother used ALL the time.
yaemeus #5
I love this story! It's so adorable! Can't wait for the next update!