Jewels and Tears

What lies Behind the Public's Eye



After coming back from shooting Team B on the beach, the group members wanted to have some unrestrained fun. 

DongHyuk rounded everyone up in one of their two hotel rooms and waited for everyone to settle in. Some remained standing while others sat on the bed, with Hanbin left to sit on the floor. Donghyuk wanted to be the one that came up with the game they were about to play so of course he stood in front of all of them with authority. 

"What did you want to suggest we do?" Hanbin asked. 

"We should do something like hide and seek!" Bobby enthusiastically threw his idea out and some of them nodded their heads thinking it wouldn't be too bad.

"No no no." Donghyuk shook his head "Those are children's games!" everyone looked at him and wondered what he had in mind. 

"What were you thinking then?" Junhoe stood beside Donghyuk and gave him a nudge. Donghyuk only smiled and it paralyzed Junhoe. "Wait. Don't tell me. I'd rather not know."

"Oh don't worry!" Donghyuk continued to stare at him "Those are games people play alone..." Junhoe gulped. "We are going to play..." he turned his attention back to the others and everyone was full of suspense. They waited patiently to hear what he had to say next, leaning a bit forward. " Find the Jewel!" 

The room remained silent.

"What the hell is that?" asked Bobby as he took off his hat to fix his hair.

"I've never heard of this game." Yun Hyeong wore a confused look.

"Thats because I just made it up, duh." He rolled his eyes in disbelief and tsked. 

"Ok. So how do we play?" Hanbin wanted to get the game started already, he was bored.

"Umm.." Donghyuk began to explain that he had hidden 10 "jewels" throughout the beach and the hotel. Whoever found one could ask any one member any question they wanted. ANYTHING. Whoever found the most could ask for one thing. It was team building and fun at the same time. "Since there is six of us, we'll go in pairs. The game starts right away!"

They all decided to go along with it since the questions could be anything. It should be interesting right? They got up and found their partners.
"Jinhwan, do you want to--" Before Bobby could finish his sentence, Hanbin had swept Jinhwan away.


"Why can't we find any stupid jewels?" Sitting down roughly on the beach, Hanibin groaned in frustration at their extremely slow pace to find these "jewels". During the past two hours they had found out that Donghyuk and Junhoe were secretly dating each other. Hanbin didn't want to even imagine what they were doing due to the fact they were alone and everyone else was searching. 
Jinhwan smiled at Hanbin's childish behaivior and sat down next to him. "Who knows. Maybe these "jewels" don't was probably for them to be alone."

Hanbin looked at JinHwan through his perfeiral view. JinHwan was so beautiful. The light breeze of the sea was blowing his hair sideways. Jinhwan raised his hand to move the hair from his eyes. Hanbin's eyes clouded and he leaned in 

"Jinhwan." he whispered softly against the elder's ear "do you have anyone you like?" His voice was a little shakey and he leaned back on his arms against him.

"Me?" said Jinhwan pensively. "Yes." 

Hanbin looked up from the rock he had been staring at and noticed the color of Jinhwans face. He turned to look at Hanbin and was blushing. Hanbin held his breath as he stared into those beautiful brown eyes. His eyes slowly moved from Jinhwan's eyes, to his cheek, to his beauty mark, even lower to his lips. They had a light orange-rosey color, the inner parts being more on the pink side, light indents were on his lips and because of this, you could tell his lips would be soft to the touch. 

"But," Jinhwan continued "They don't know. I don't think they have a clue how I feel about them..." He shifted his gaze back to the ocean and tucked his knees to his chest.

Hanbin wanted to console the older, but he was worried his touch would be unwelcomed. He furrowed his eyebrows and sighed.

"I like someone too." He had found a few more rocks and was throwing them into the water, most of them didn't make it since they were sitting a bit away. "I'm pretty sure they don't know either. Although I've tried to get them to notice me, but they probably think of me as a friend." His voice dropped and he looked at Jinhwan.

"Wh- who d-do you li-like?" Hanbin didn't know why Jinhwan looked so worried. He felt the urge to hug him again and this time, he didn't restrain himself.
Jinhwan was taken by surprise as Hanbin enveloped him in warmth. He took Jinhwan's hand and pulled him towards him, making him land between his legs and into Hanbin's chest. Jinhwan was on his knees and Hanbin leaned into him from his sitting position. He avoided his question." Who do you like."

Hanbin didn't realize how dizzy he was making Jinhwan. Jinhwan could feel the strong arms around him, hear the soft voice, hear his pounding heart, and most of all, feel his warmth. jinHwan had loved Hanbin from the momet they met, the confidence in the boy and the way he strived to always be the best. Jinhwan always watched Hanbin. He would always make sure he wasn't to stressed when he came up with the team's dance routines. He wasn't thinking when he answered.

"You Hanbin." 

The crashing of the waves. Thats all they could hear. Jinhwan wanted to just shoot himself and end it here. Why did he say it? He wasn't supposed to say it. Ever. He felt his face heat up to the piont that he felt out of breath. Here he was in the arms of the man he loved, but he was getting no response.
He doesn't feel the same Jinhwan thought miserably. He felt Hanbins body shaking against him. He wanted to burst into tears I'm so dumb. He furrowed his eyebrows He's laughing at me. I knew he didn't feel the same. I shouln't have told him. Jinhwan shut his eyes tightly and prepared himself to let go of Hanbin. We weren't meant to be..we're both men.His heart had been broken. He didn't want to feel anymore. The man he loved was laughing at his confession. There's no hope. He will tell me we're just friends. His body felt numb I'm so stupid. I'm an idiot, a fool, a-

"Jinhwan-I" He didn't want to hear it. Jinhwan pushed Hanbin away, got up and ran as fast as he could. He didn't want to see Hanbin's face. It would only hurt more. Tears ran down his cheeks as he panted down the paved road to where the hotel was. Why did this have to happen?
"JinHwan!" He could hear Hanbin's voice close behind. He couldn't let him see him like this. He closed his eyes and wished he could get out of it somehow.

They ran through the front enterance as peole stared at them. Jinhwan didn't care. He wanted to go home. He wanted to forget about these stupid schoolgirl ideas of love. He didn't want to risk encountering other people. He ran up the stairs and was now fully crying, whimpering like a child and stumbling on the steps. He glanced behind him and Hanbin wore a worried expression as he saw what condition Jinhwan was in.

I don't want him to look at me like that Jinhwan felt sick don't be worried for me!  his face twisted into a pained expression and he continued to run. He slammed open the second floor door and blindly sped through the halls. Hanbin continued to scream his name.

"Wait! JinHwan!"  


Bobby had gotten out of the elevator with Yun Hyeong and was complaining about how difficult it was to find the "jewels" and how he would rather go back to sleep. JinHwan didn't see him and ran into him at full speed. They fell on the floor.Bobby quickly sat up leaning back on one hand, rubbing his head with the other

 "What the heck?" He moaned in pain. Yun Hyeong stared in complete surprise.

 A second later, he immediately stopped. Jinhwan was crying. He listened to Jinhwan's strong sobs. He saw his body shaking violently as streams of tears ran down his face. His eyes were swollen and his face was red. He was out of breathe and he looked miserable. 

"Jinhwan?" Bobby couldn't help but ask.

"JinHwan." Bobby looked up and his eyes met Hanbin's. Hanbin was also panting and he looked destroyed. Bobby didn't know what was going on. It was all happening so fast. 

At the sound of Hanbin's voice, Jinhwan froze. He didn't know what to do. He threw himself on Bobby."PLEASE!" He screamed in between desperate sobs, "Jus-just- ple-please-g-go-away!" Bobby's face hardened at his hyung's words. Something really bad must have happened for Jinhwan to be in this much pain. He wouldn't tolerate it.

"What did you do?" Venom hissed through Bobby's clenched jaw."What the did you do!?"

"Bobby, calm down." Yun Hyeong tried, as people started coming out of their rooms to find out what all the noise was about. He placed a hand on his shoulder only to be violently pushed away. "Bobby!"

With JinHwan now in his arms, Bobby stood up and anger seeped through every pore on his body. He wanted to go up to Hanbin and beat him until he couldn't move for doing this to JInhwan. "Answer me!" He screamed and a woman that was looking out her door stood petrified by his sudden violent outburst. 

Hanbin was hurt and on the verge of tears himself. He scowled "It doesn't concern you."

Bobby handed Jinhwan over to Yun Hyeong and walked up to Hanbin. They stared at each other with anger and Hanbin wanted to push him away. Before he could, Bobby took a swing and hit Hanbin's stomach, making him take a sharp intake of breath as he was knocked into the wall. Bobby drew his hand back for another punch.

"STOP!" Jinhwan ran in front of Bobby and pushed him back. "Please stop." 
Hanbin fell to the floor. Out of nowhere, the elevator door ringed. Donghyuk and JunHoe stepped into a chaotic scene and quickly went to help Hanbin up.

"What the hell happened?" Donghyuk screamed at Bobby, who was still being pushed back by JinHwan.


The group sat in silence as they tried to access the situation. It was past midnight and Bobby kept trying to ask Jinhwan what had happened but he remained silent. He had stopped crying and now sat with a serious face. The evidence of the incident before were still clearly visible in the redness of his eyes.

"Ok. I understand something really bad happened" Donghyuk stated, "but we can't let it affect our work." JunHoe nodded in agreement.

Jinhwan looked at Hanbin across the room who was still wearing the worried expression. "Hanbin. Please forget everything we talked about. It doesn't matter" Hanbin looked at Jinhwan, wanting to interrupt. Jinhwan held up his hand "Just forget about it ok?" he smiled "I'll forget too."

Before anything else could happen, Donghyuk told them all to go to bed. He said he was tired from the game. Whatever game he had been playing. 
Bobby wasn't ready to forgive Hanbin just yet. He stood up and walked up to him as everyone in the room tensed. 

"Tell me what you did?"

"I don't know" Hanbin's answer came out muffled.


"I said i don't know!" He held a certain desperate tone in his voice and he looked at Jinhwan. Running his fingers through his hair, he said he needed fresh air and left.

The cold air hit Hanbin's face, stinging his eyes. 

"What did I do?" he asked himself out loud as he walked on the beach.

I have to make this right.

He knew he had done something to upset Jinhwan but he didn't know what. 
He began to recall the moment they shared on the beach. 

Everything had been going so well. 


A/N: Wow...I know. Its kinda cheesy but still >.< I feel so sad writing this!

OH! And I also obviously do not own the images~

Kinda embarrassed ....but please keep reading!

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T3T The cuteness is overload ~~~~~ Jinhwan is already cute but you make this 100000000000x cuter~~~ ah~~~
fujobaby #2
Chapter 8: neomu johaaaaaa ^^b
sdxbaljwa .. i dont know how to express my feeling but i really really like this story..
author nim when will you update this story?? please update soon. and fighting with your school ^^
yaemeus #3
Chapter 5: It's okay! I know exactly what you mean by school; all my midterms are this week so no worries! Although, a triple update would be awesome... Also, I talk in gifs all the time too! FIGHTING
yaemeus #4
Chapter 4: OMG this is just so cute! As I was reading, I kept squealing and fawning over how cute all the couples were! I love this so much! Can't wait for the next chapter. And I totally understand, my family used to have a family computer that my dad and my brother used ALL the time.
yaemeus #5
I love this story! It's so adorable! Can't wait for the next update!