I think he is not a stranger

A gangster's Love



You finally arrived to your school. Like always, you just tried to be discrete. You were about to open your locker when suddenly you felt something cold in your back.

You turned around and saw the queenkas, Hyuna and her little clique they have thrown you water balls and now you were soaked. * why doesn't it shock me?* you thought. You were used to this kind of treatment.


-"Oh! mianhae nerd I didn't saw you!" Hyuna said sarcastically and laughing with her friends.


-"But why are you still coming here, you didn't have any friend " said one of hyuna friend.


-"Pff she didn't even know what friend is so let's go, I wasted too many time for a nuisance" added Hyuna laughing.


Now you were left alone soaked head to toes with some student’s laughing at you but you didn't care. You just went to the bath room and tried to do something for your uniform then you remember that you always left another uniform for these kind of problems.

You quickly went to your locker and picked your stuff but then you heard a noise. You listened more carefully and it seemed that the noise came from a room you carefully went peeking in the room and you saw a boy sleeping on top of many tables.

You could not see his face because his has his cap. You didn't know if you should waking him up because he would probably avoided you and hate you like all the students in this high school so you just let him sleep. Something caught your attention he was not wearing the school uniform and he was very tall. *If I was beautiful and had many friends would I be dating this kind of guy* you thought but then you hit you head.


-"No, no ,no stop thinking about guy since when did I was concerned about me dating someone when no one likes me " you said laughing sadly. You were interrupted on your thought when the bell rang.

-"Oh no I should hurry" you said before going to your class. 

Your teacher wasn't here yet so you decided to sit in the 3 row next to the window. You were watching outside when you heard the voice that you hated the most and turned your head.


-"Oh look who are here!" Hyuna said out loud and laughing. You just sighed and turned you head to look outside *what a luck, I am in the same class as 4 minutes, I think it will be a very tiring year* you thought.


-"YAH I am speaking to you nerd are you deaf or what How you dare ign-" Hyuna was cut by the teacher who entered the class room.

-" Okay everyone please be quiet and regain your place" Everyone did as told.


-“I have a something to tell you guy, today there will be new students." The teacher could not finish his sentence that everyone was asking him questions, the girls were mostly saying:

-"So cool I hope there are handsome.” Whereas the boy were jealous:

-“Pff I bet they are ugly.” You didn't say anything because for you new students means more people who would hate you so you just stay still trying to listen to the teacher when you heard Hyuna and her friend.


-“Pfff I am sure there are bunch of ugly nerd, why I am wasting my time for these ugly students to come". * I hate that, they are judging without seeing them or knowing them. They are doing exactly the same thing they had done to me. Judging without knowing..* You thought and let out a sigh. After a few minutes the teacher said:


-"It seems like they are a little bit late." he said embarrassed.

And indeed they were very late they didn't show up all the day but you didn't mind and you just went to your house. When you arrived to your house you changed your cloth and did your homework. You looked at your watch it was 8pm and your brother wasn't at home yet so you presumed that he would come back late so you went in the kitchen. You saw a note on the fridge. 


-"Hello dongsaeg-ah how you first day went? I will come home tomorrow early in the morning so don't wait for me to eat and I know there isn't anything in the fridge so I give you some money to buy something and don't buy something cheap like ramen it's not good for your health arrasso? :)"


With that you let out a sigh and you took the money and picked up your coat. You quickly went to the store and buy some ramen you know that Jin told you not to eat ramen but it's cheaper so you just bought one.

After paying you left the store it was cold and it was windy so you tightened your grip on your coat. You looked at the sky * oh it's really dark I should hurry* you thought and began walking faster. You were walking when you heard a groan of paint and you stopped * I must be dreaming* You thought but then you heard another groan of paint * I am not dreaming*.


-"Is there someone here?" you said a little bit afraid and you heard a loud noise coming from a dark alley. You took your courage in two hand and decided to see what it was. When you went a little closer to the noise you saw someone beaten up.  You didn't realized but you were already running toward the man.


-"Are you okay ?" you said bending down next to the man you could not see his face because his back was facing you. Then the man tried to get up but failed but you quickly hold his waist.


-“Oh I will help you.” You managed to help him get up but you could not clearly see his face because it was very dark but you could say that he was young. And you heard him said weakly:


-"It’s okay you can release me now."

-"No I don't think, you are still weak I will help you." You replied but he said a little bit louder.

-"I said it's oka-" and then he fell on top of you. 

-“argh" you said hurt but then you felt something heavy on top of you and you opened your eyes and you widened. The man was a little bit dizzy and shaken and could not budge because of the lack of energy. Now you could clearly see his face it was so close to you that you could feel his breath on your nose. You could not help but noticed how beautiful face was but after a few second after realizing that you were staring too long at the man on top of you, you tried to get up. After a few minutes you put the man arm on your shoulder.

-"I think you have to go to the hospital” you said taking you phone but a hand stopped you from doing so.

-“not the hospital I can’t” You heard him replied weakly. You searched for his phone to call his parents, a friend or something but you didn’t find one. So you had no other choice but to take him to his house because you couldn’t leave him like that, you had to help him.

-“Where do you live?” You asked but you got no respond and he had his eyes closed. You try to shake him but he wasn’t responding and was still trying to get up. You had to do something so you sigh and you just brought him to your house.

You finally arrived to your house and you laid him on the couch where he fell asleep in a second. You were out of breath and you sat next to his head on the couch to rest a little bit. Then you looked at him, he had bruises all over his face and he frowned while sleeping. And you just chuckled, you could not help but staring at his face he was so handsome *Why did he get in a fight to have all these bruises* But then you looked at his eyelash and you remember seeing it before and said


-"Did I know him? I am sure I saw him somewhere before..."


hi ~~ sorry for the grammar error hehe and thank you for all the one who subscribed keke :)

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exotic4ever143 #1
Chapter 5: Aww it's so Amazing! *-* I swear I really like it sooo much :3 I think it's cute too ♡ FIGHTING! ツ
chronicles001 #2
Chapter 3: Cant wait for an update!
Could you please make the conversation is one line per sentences or person? That would be much easier to read hehehe.
valeriemillenia #3
Chapter 3: Love it :D can't wait for the next update ^^