First meeting

A gangster's Love


You woke up early because it was the first day of school and being a model student you are you didn't want to be late on the first day. So you quickly got out of your bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After that, you stood up in front of you door ready with you uniform on. You smiled and adjusted you hair a last time before turning the doorknob. You quickly went downstairs and saw your brother cooking.

Your brother is called Jin, you love him to death you didn't know what you would do if he wasn't here and you didn't want to think about it either.

He used to be a gangster and his gang was named Bangtan Boys. They were really famous and people were scared of them. You didn't like the fact that your brother was a gangster and many times you told him to stop being one but he would not listen to you and keep saying that it was to protect you and his family

That was what he was doing until one day, the day of you parent's death. He changed a lot since this day because it was his fault, he was responsible for your parents’ death. In fact they died in a car accident because of some gangster who wanted to take revenge on your brother's gang. At first, your brother wanted to find the one who killed his parents and take revenge on them but you convinced him not to because you didn't want to risk losing another person you love.

That's why since this day Jin left his gang and is always by your side. He is a little bit no, he is VERY protective when it comes to you but you love him even if sometimes it bothers you, you just let him be because you know that he is doing that for you. 


Then your brother noticed you.


-"Oh! Soojin-ah what are you doing? Come and eat or else you will be late for school." he said smiling.


-"Ah Nae oppa." you answered smiling back. You and your brother sat on your chair around the table and began eating.


-"So it's your first day of school, isn't it? "He said.


-"Yes " you replied a little bit sad before adding " and oppa you don't have to work today you should rest a bit you didn't even took vacations this year!"


-"Ha ha it's okay I am a grown man, and you should worry about your study if you don't want to become like me." he said hitting your head a little jokingly.


The fact is that you told him many times that you could do a little job to help him but he disagree because he would always say that you should only focus on your study. But because of you, your brother works late and does tiring jobs for you to go to college and it hurts you to see him tired all the time and yet he still find the time to cook your breakfast. You just let him be because the last time you told him to rest and stop doing these tiring jobs it didn't ended up well and you know that it makes him feel better. 


-"And by the way Soojin-ah don't forget to tell me if someone is bothering you I will just cut his head off and-" he said but was cut off by you:


-" Oppa it's okay nobody is bothering me, you don't have to worry okay?"


-"Okay and anyway who would want to bother someone this cute" he replied smiling and poking your cheeks.


-" Yahhh oppa stop it I am not 5 years old, I am 16!!" you said a little upset pulling his hands off.


-“Haha no you are still my little dongsaeg Soojin-ah" he said ruffling you hair and you pouted. He didn't give you the opportunity to reply.


-"Go go go it's time for you to go to school" he said pushing you to the front door.


-" arrasso oppa bye bye." you said waving but the moment you were about to go out your heard your brother.


-"Yahhh you forgot something" he said pointing to his cheek so you quickly gave him a little kiss on his cheek before going out. You heard him said "better” smiling. 


The moment you were out of his sight you sighed because you hated lying to your brother, yes when you said that nobody was bothering you it was a lie. The fact is that you are a nerd and you got a lot bullied by the queenkas and the other student even if you are cute. Because of the queenkas nobody dared to talk to you.  

You just sighed and began walking to your school. * fighting Soojin-ah for your brother stay strong* you thought.

You were in a deep thought and you weren't looking at where you were going and you didn't see a car coming to your way. When you heard the sound of a car you turned your head but it was too late. You closed your eyes and waited for the impact but it never came.

Instead, you felt someone on top of you and you opened your eyes. Then you saw a man, a handsome one and your eyes widened.

You could not clearly see his face because he was wearing a mask and you couldn't help but notice his brown and twinckle eyes * ouahh he has such beautiful eyes * you thought. A few seconds later the man cleared his throat and got up and you did the same and blushed. You opened your mouth to say something:

-​"T-Thank y-" but you couldn't even thanks him for saving you before he cut you.


-" you should be more careful next time." ​With that the man disappeared leaving you shocked * he didn't even let me thanks him or ask for his name* you thought.

After 2 minutes you came back to your senses and looked at your watch. Then your eyes widened, if you didn't hurry you will be late for your first day of school. You shook your head and gave up on the thought to be late and began running.


You didn't know that the mysterious man was watching you before going to his own way. It wasn't normal for kai to pay attention to a woman but he didn't know why but you caught his attention. The moment he saw you and the car he didn't think twice and ran to you and when he opened his eyes he thought he was seeing an angel. It was an unknown feeling for kai because he didn't show any interest in girls but he just tried to erase you from his mind by shaking his head before going his own way.

This is the first chapter ^^sorry for grammar error :( , english is not my first language . comment and subscribe :)))))


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exotic4ever143 #1
Chapter 5: Aww it's so Amazing! *-* I swear I really like it sooo much :3 I think it's cute too ♡ FIGHTING! ツ
chronicles001 #2
Chapter 3: Cant wait for an update!
Could you please make the conversation is one line per sentences or person? That would be much easier to read hehehe.
valeriemillenia #3
Chapter 3: Love it :D can't wait for the next update ^^