Oh my god so much drama

Why not just let go?

"I'm going to sleep." Key suddenly said.

"Key can we talk." Jonghyun asked.

"I'm tired."

    Jonghyun turned Key around and gave him a passionate kiss. Key tried to push Jonghyun away, but Jonghyun only put more force. Key finally pushed him awaysa no ran into his room.

"Key can we talk about this?" Jonghyun asked.


"No." Key answered.

"No? Why not? I love you Key c'mon. Please." Jonghyun said holding back tears.

*in 2mins room*


"Yeah, Tae."

"What will happen to umma and Jjongie?"

"I don't know? Maybe they'll get back together. Or maybe they'll break up. What do you want to happen Tae?"

"I want Key to get back with Jjongie."

"Will wish for it and and it might happen."

"Minnie have I ever told you I love you?"

"Yes, but I love hearing you say it every time." Minho whispered kissing Taemin on the lips.

    As Taemin kissed him back Minhos lips trailed down Taemin's neck.

"Minho..." Taemin moaned as Minho on Taemin's skin.

"Yes." Minho hummed while pecking kisses on Taemin's collarbones.

"Can you hurry up?"


"Because I'm hard already."


    Minho looked down and Taemin's pants and started laughing.  


All the sudden they heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen.

" what just happened?" Minho asked.

    Minho and Taemin ran out of the room and found Onew in between Jonghyun and Key.

"Key! Out that down." Onew shouted

"Why?" Key replied with tears trailing down his face.  

"Key please put that down!" Jonghyun said with his voice wavering.


"Key what's wrong?" Minho asked.

"Umma? What are you doing?" Taemin whimpered.

"I'm so sorry Taebaby."

    Jonghyun pulled the knife away from Key while he was distracted. Key ran up to Jonghyun trying to take the knife.

"Key if you take one more step. I will stab myself." Jonghyun said.

    Out of shock Key fainted right there. Jonghyun finally had calmed down, went to the drawer and out the knife back in.

"Jjongie what happened to Umma?" Taemin asked.

"Nothing Tae." Jonghyun replied tiredly.

"Jonghyun! What happened?" Minho yelled.  

"I'm taking Key back into his room with no sharp objects." Onew interrupted.

"Ok thanks hyung." Jonghyun replied with a slight smile.

“So what happened?" Minho said.

"I broke it off with Key. He got really frustrated, got up quickly, and tried to kill himself." Jonghyun replied.

"You're really broke it off!" Taemin yelled. "Umma!" Running to the room.

"Jonghyun why did break it off with Key?" Minho asked.

"I don't know..I was so caught up in the moment, and I don't know." Jonghyun replied.

"You know Key sensitive."

"I know that."

"Do you even like Key?"

"Of course I do! Why do you think I proposed to him? I love him so much."

"You're going to need to talk to him."

"I know."

    Jonghyun knocked on the door and found Taemin sleeping next to Key.

"Tae?" Jonghyun asked shaking Taemin up slowly.

"Yeah Jjongie?"

"Can I talk to Key?....Alone."


"Umma Jjongje wants to talk to you." Taemin whispered to Key.

"I don't want to talk to him." Key replied.

"Umma please. I want you guys to get back together."

"Fine. Just for you Taebaby."

    Taemin walked out the room.



"I'm so sorry for doing that."

"I know and I respect your decision to break up with me."

"Look I was just caught up in the moment, so will you put this ring back on?"

"I don't know."

"Please." Jonghyun begged while trailing kisses on Keys neck.

"Uh...." Key barely moaned out.

"C'mon." Jonghyun muttered in Keys next while taking off his shirt.

"Jonghyun. I don't think..."

"Are you sure?" Jonghyun had nicked on Key on the left side.

    Key quickly took off his pants and Jonghyuns pants. Key bent down and took oh Jonghyuns boxers, and start to . "Uh...key." Jonghyun moaned biting his lips.

"Umma!" Taemin screaming after seeing what was happening. Key quickly put his pants on while Jonghyun hid himself under the sheets.

"Taebaby....you didn't see anything." Key replied.

"Uh....okay." Taemin whispered and ran away.

"Oh my god I can't believe innocent Taemin saw." Key sighed.

"It's ok. So will you marry me....again?" Jonghyun asked.

"Of course." Key replied kissing Jonghyun in the lips.




"Minho I just saw Jonghyun and Key having ." Taemin said while running in the room.

"Well that's how all their arguments end. I'm not surprised." Minho replied.

"You've seen them have ."

"Duh every single time I walk in their room they're having ."


“Yeah. You sort of get used to it.”

“Taebaby! Are you ok?” Key said running into the room with Jonghyun right behind him.(with his pants on.)

“Yeah.” Taemin said with his face flushed with embarrassment.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to see that.”

“It’s ok.” Taemin said while looking up at Jongkey half-. Taemin dug his face into Minho’s shoulder.

“We should’ve locked the door.” Jonghyun whispered.

“You guys can go finish. I’ll take care of Tae.” Minho laughed.

“It’s not funny.” Taemin pouted.

“Sorry Taebaby.” Key said while walking out the door.

“Do you want to fix whatever is in your pants?” Minho said while looking at Taemin’s . Taemin looked up and smirked.

*omg where’s Onew?*


Onew was sitting at the nearby supermarket eating chicken. (of course) Fans were around him taking pictures and screaming their heads off.

“OH MY GOD ONEW CAN I SHAKE YOUR HAND?” one of the fans screamed.

Onew put his hood on and walked towards their Hyung’s (Super Juniors house.) As he reached their dorm he was jumped by Donghae and Eunhyuk.

“Onew!! What are you you doing here?” Eunhyuk shouted.

“I’m doing good hyung. How are you and Donghae or should I say how’s Eunhae doing.” Onew replied.


“Not funny ok.”

“I’m guessing 2min has finally started?”


“Wow things are going so fast. What’s going to happen next Baekyeol, Taoris, Xiuhan? Wait didn’t Taoris already happen? Oh well I don’t know.”

“Eunhyuk you talk too much.” Donghae finally said.

“That’s not nice.” Eunhyuk pouted.

“I know, but I love your talkative side.” Donghae kissed Eunhyuk.

“Oh my god I’m surrounded by couples.” Onew shouted.

“Calm down.” Eunhyuk said.

“Anyways I just wanted a break from Key. He has been having so many mental breakdowns, and I feel so bad. I don’t know what to do.”

“It’s ok we’ll help.” Eunhyuk said while looking at Donghae.

“Yeah...it’s ok Onew.” Donghae said unsure.

“Oh god I just remembered we have practice tomorrow! Bye thanks Hyung.” Onew said hurriedly.

    Onew ran out the door and halfway to the dorm he met Chien.

“Can you please move?” Onew asked.

“No.” Chien replied and knocked Onew out with a club.

*next morning in SHINee’s dorm*

“Umma! Appa’s gone!” Taemin yelled.

*SHINee’s appa is Onew btw.*

“What?! Maybe he’s at the Hyung’s house.” Key replied.

“Donghae Hyung!” Taemin called.

“Yeah.” Donghae replied tiredly.

“Is Onew over there?”


“But he said he was over there.”

“Onew said he had to go back because of the tight schedule that SHINee had today.”

“Hyung he isn’t here.”

“What have you checked out EXO dongsaeng?”

“No. I’ll call them thanks Hyung anyways.”

“Bye Taebae. Hope you find him.”    

    Taemin then called Kai. (of course it’s Kai)


“What’s wrong Tae?!” Kai replied quickly.

“Is Onew there?”

“No…? Why??”

“He’s gone.”


“UMMA!” Kai could hear through the phone.

“What? Did you find him?” Key asked.

“No..I asked Donghae Hyung and Kai, but they both said they haven’t seen them.” Taemin replied.

“Give me the phone.”

“Hello.” Key asked.

“Hi Key Hyung.”

“Hi Kai. Can I talk to Suho if he’s there.”

“Uh….Umma!” Kai called

“Yeah.” Suho said in the background.

“Key Hyung or Umma wants to talk to you.”


“Hello?” Suho said.

“Onew’s missing.”Key said quickly.

“What? How can you lose ac chicken lover?” Suho asked.

“This is no time for jokes Suho.”

“Ok Ok, but have you checked the supermarkets, mall, and chicken stores?”

“Duh…..Why do you think we’re calling you?”

“Did you call Suju Hyung’s?”


“Well we can try helping, but we are practices for our comeback.”

“Thanks Suho.”

“No problem.”

*where Onew is*

“Where the hell am I? Is there chicken here?” Onew asked.

“Looks like someones awake.”Chien said while taking off the blindfold.



“Are you the one that stabbed Jonghyun?” Onew said with a serious face.

“No…”Chien said sarcastically.

    Onew got up without the use of his hands and round kicked Chiens face.

“Onew you shouldn’t have done that.”

    Chien ran up to Onew and punched him in the gut. Onew fell to the ground and Chien kicked Onew in the guts a few times until Onew coughed up blood.

“And that’s why you don’t mess with me you !” Chien spat in Onews face.

“Why are you doing this?” Onew said still coughing up blood.

“You guys got me kicked out of SM.” Chien said bluntly.


*flashing back to the cute trainee days*

“Minnie?” Taemin asked.

“Yeah Tae?” Minho answered.

“When will we debut?”

“When SM gets enough money for us to debut.”

“Why is it taking so long?”

“I don’t know. Go ask Onew.”


“Yeah Taemin?” Onew replied.

“When are we debuting?”

“I really don’t know. I keep asking them, but they said all their money are being stolen by someone.”


    The night of May 20, 2005. SHINee is practicing late at night.

“Jjongie did you hear that?” Key asked.

“Hear what?”Jonghyun replied.

“That sound up in the directors room.”


“Well I’m going up there to see what’s going on.”

“Wati I’ll go with you.”

“Okay thanks.” Key said blushing.

    As they walked up the directors they saw Onew coming back for the Vocal Practice room.

“Onew. I think there’s something up stairs in the Directors room.” Key explained.

“Lets go take a look.” Onew replied.

    They walked up the room, opened the door, and obviously saw Chien stealing SHINee’s debut money. Chien laughed and jumped out of the window.

“holy shiet did he just….” Onew asked.

“No….”Jonghyun said sarcastically. As they stared down at Chien all bloody, conscious, and not moving on the car they finally remembered Chien had the money.

“Someone call the police, someone go get the money and hold him down, and I’ll go get the director.”Onew yelled.

“So commanding.” Key whispered under his breath calling the police while walking down stairs with Jonghyun.

“Dude you should see him yelling at Taemin to get up from the floor sleeping.” Jonghyun replied running down stairs laughing.

“I’ve seen him. He isn’t even the leader.”

“I know right. I don’t even think we have a leader yet.”

    Jonghyun and Key stood outside waiting for the police to come.

“Are you cold?” Jonghyun asked Key. Key was wearing shorts and a no sleeve shirt from practice and it was 40 degrees outside.

“No.” Key answered while sneezing.

“Are you sure?” Jonghyun took off his jacket and gave it to Key.

“Thanks.” Key said while taking the jacket embarrassed


“Um….How many girlfriends have you had?” Key asked.

“A couple. But they weren’t girls. I’m gay.”Jonghyun replied withe the last part in a whisper.

“Really!” Key said a bit too excitedly.


“Oh the police is here.”Key said as quick as he could trying not to make it awkward.

    As the police interviewed Key and Jonghyun Onew came back with the Director.

“Chien?” The director questioned.

“What?” Chien answered after becoming unconscious.

“We are going to have to kick you out of EXO.”

*Ok it’s not what you guys think.

Although Chien sounds like Chen.

It’s not and I repeat not the actual

Chen from EXO, and coincidently

the Director will replace Chien with

Chen!XD yeah not funny….


“What you can’t do that EXO already has enough money to debut.”

“We will give the money to SHINee and we’ll find a replacement.”

“You can’t do that.”

“Yes I can. No stealing was part of your contract.”

“Fine, but remember this day okay.” Chien said while being dragged away.

“Thanks guys. We were wondering where it all went, and by the way you guys will be debuting 8 days from now. On May 28.” The director said.

“Finally.” Onew said.

“And Onew I’m making you leader.”


*back to the present*

“Really you’re mad because you stole the money.” Onew said to Chien.

“Yeah.” Chien.

“It was your fault.”

“No because EXO was supposed to debut before SHINee.”


“I’ve trained at SM since I was 9. I was 19 by the time we were able to debut, but the director decided to have SHINee debut.”

“Look I’m sorry, but look at EXO now.”

“I should be on stage! I should be making the fans scream!” Chien got madder and stomped on Onews leg.

“!” Onew yelled.

“Your members are never going to find you.”

“They will, just wait.”

    Back in the dorm.

“First Jjongie and now appa.” Taemin cried.

“Taemin, It’s going to be ok.” Jonghyun said.

“Who’s going to be next?”


“Just wait Minnie’s next.”

“Are you jinxing it?” Minho said out of the blue.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt."

"I know Tae."

“Promise me you won’t go out alone at night.”

“I promise.”

“Ok.” Taemin said smiling while hugging Minho.


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Good job authornim, I love it!
Jihyun55 #2
good story!