Just another day i guess

Why not just let go?

"Taemin get down here right now!" Key screamed at the top of his lungs.

"What umma?" Taemin replied.

"Why are all these controllers out? The x-box, ps4, and wii controller." Key explained.

"Uh...I was playing with them duh." Taemin replied.

Key was done with Taemin's attitude so he walked back into the kitchen and continued to make dinner.

"Oh my god Key umma is so annoying." Taemin thought to himself. He went back into his room and continued to do his "homework".     

    While Key was making dinner his fiancé, Jonghyun, came into the room from practice. "Hey sweet heart!" Jonghyun yelled and kissed his neck.

"Hey." Key turned around and gave him a peck on the lips. "Go get Minho, Taemin, and Onew from their rooms dinner's almost ready." Key asked.

Jonghyun ran up to Onews room. Onew was asleep to Jonghyun went up to Onews ear and screamed "onew wake up there's a fire!"

"Oh my god go get water," onew yelled and noticed there wasn't a fire. "You're such a ." Onew sighed.

"I know, but this isn't for you." Jonghyun laughed.

Jonghyun ran up to Taemin's room to get him only to find Minho and Taemin making out. On the bed. Half .

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys, but dinners ready." He laughed as he slowly walked out.   

"Ugh...fine." Taemin groaned as he got up.

Everybody was down stairs by now. Onew helping Key set up the table. Minho and Taemin sitting on the couch far away from each other.

    Let's get one thing down. Key, Onew, and Jonghyun don't know Minho and Taemin are dating. Well Jonghyun knows now.

"Alright you guys can come in now." Key announced.

They all gathered around the table, and Jonghyun suddenly said "so does anybody have anything to tell us. Anything in...trest..ing. Or any se...crets." He slowly said the last 2 parts while looking and Minho and Taemin.

"Pabo why are you talking like that?" Key questioned Jonghyun.

"No reason." Jonghyun replied with a smirk.

It's been 10 minutes and there has been awkward silence ever since Jonghyun said something. Minho took his and Taemin's hand and finally announced "Taemin and I were secretly going out."

Key and Onews face looked unsurprised.

"Well we knew this was going to happen." Onew said.

"First JongKey and now 2min. What's next is Onew really going to marry chicken." Key laughed.

Onew started at him and said "Maybe I should marry chicken." He thought thoroughly.


"So you guys are fine with it? I mean we got into a huge argument after Jonghyun and Key." Minho explained.


*flash le back*


"Look we can't let you guys date." The leader screamed at Key.

"Why not? I mean the fans already ship us. What's the difference?" Jonghyun protested.

"You want to know the difference. The difference is that it's for the fans. It's not for us." Onew replied.

"I don't care. If I love Key then I love Key. You don't know what love is. You are such and you know that Onew. You think just because you're the leader that you can control everybody. No you can't because you're just a low life . You just don't  want us to date  each other because your brother got killed because he was gay." Jonghyun screamed.

"You know what maybe you're right. Go date each other. Just don't ever bring up my brother ever again." Onew screamed as he walked out of the dorm slamming the door.

*back to the present*

"What's the point if I get into another argument about being gay couples, than Jonghyun will join in, Key will start crying, Taemin will start screaming, and it's just going to be a 3:1 argument." Onew explained.

"True." Minho whispered.

"Taemin baby do you want banana milk?" Key asked.

"Of course!" Taemin exclaimed.

Taemin ran to the refrigerator only to find no banana milk.

"Umma there's no more." Taemin said with tears in his eyes.

"I'll go buy more right now. Jonghyun do you want to go with me?" Key asked his fiancé.

"Sure." Jonghyun said while getting up.

JongKey walked to the supermarket and started walking back after buying Taemin's milk, and yes they only bought Taemin's milk.

"Jonghyun what's that guy doing." Key whispered Jonghyun as they noticed a small creepy guy following then. Jonghyun turned around and asked the guy "why are you following us." The guy chuckled, ran up and punched Jonghyun on the face. Jonghyun fell on the ground but staggered back up, and punched him back. Although before his fist hit the guys face a knife went through his ribs. The man ran away laughing and screaming "1 down 4 to go!"

"O..o..onew J..j..jonghyun got s.s.stabbed." Key cried as he called Onew on the phone.

"Key where are you?" Onew said worriedly.

"We're just outside the s.s.supermarket." Key sobbed.

"Okay just wait let me get Minho and Taemin." Onew explained. "minho, taemin let's go." Onew said in the background.

"Jonghyun! Key! Where are you?!?!?" Onew yelled.

"We are over here!" Key cried.

"Oh god. He's bleeding badly. Did you call the ambulance?" Onew asked.

"Yeah they're almost here." Key said a bit calmer.

The ambulance cam 30 seconds later. Key sat next to Jonghyun holding his hand whispering "I love you. You're going to be okay Jjongie. You're going to be okay." Key cried with more tears falling down.


In the other car.


"Why would that guy stab umma's fiancé?" Taemin cried.

"It's ok Taebaby." Minho explained.

"Only umma can call me that."

"I'll remember that." Minho said while kissing his head.

"We need to find that guy that stabbed Jonghyun." Onew interrupted the moment.


*at the hospital*


Key sat down on a chair as the light flashed IN USE. Oh my god. Oh my god. What just happened Key thought. He heard loud foot step echoes. He looked up and found Onew, Minho and Taemin above him.

"Hyung what's going to happen." Key chocked out.

"It's ok. Everything will be alright. Come on go to sleep." Onew whispered as he put Key on Onews shoulder and rubbed circles on his back. Key fell asleep on Onews shoulder crying.

Key woke up 10 minutes later. Next to him was Onew. Key thought to himself why isn't Omen married yet. He's such a good dad why isn't he married. Key looked at Onew's lips and pecked his lips. Key got back from shock and noticed what he just did. He put Onew against the wall and ran to the bathroom. Key looked at himself in the mirror and started crying. "Why did I just do that? I'm so sorry Jonghyun. I'm so sorry. I'm such a horrible boyfriend." Key cried. He fell on the floor sobbing.

Key walked out and he saw Onew pointing at him.

"Mrs. Kim?" The nurse asked.

"Yes that's me." Key answered.

"Mr. Kim would like to see you."


"Jjongie? Are you okay?" Key asked Jonghyun.

"Hey baby!" Jonghyun smiled looking at his fiancé.

"Hey!" Key said bending over kissing Jonghyun.

"I'm fine. When can I get out of here?" \

"2 weeks from now. The doctors want to check up on you and make sure you're okay." \

"Okay. By the way that guy that stabbed me looked really familiar. I just don't remember who." \

"Jonghyun I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

All the sudden the rest of the members barged into the room shouting "Jonghyun are you okay!?!?!?!?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Jonghyun said laughing. "So what was that did you want to tell me?" Jonghyun asked Key.

Key thought "wait Onew doesn't even know I kissed him."

Key ran out of the room worried about shouting it out loud. Onew ran out with him.

"What's wrong with you? I know you're traumatized, but still Jonghyun is sad in how you just left the room." Onew explained.

"I kissed you while you were asleep!" Key confessed.

"What? No you didn't I would've felt it."

"Look I really regret it okay. I really love Jonghyun, but I was so sad that I wanted him to kiss me to let me know that he's okay. You just happened to be beside me instead of him."

“It’s ok. I won’t tell him.”

“You promise Hyung.”

“I promise.”

As they walked back into the room Jonghyun had just fell asleep.

“How is he?” Key had barely choked out.

“He’s fine, but he’s upset on how you just ran off like that.” Minho replied

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t tell me sorry. Tell that to Jonghyun when he wakes up.”

“I will.”

“I don’t know if you can tell, but he really really loves you, and he wants you to respect him.”

“I am.”

“Remember last week. You were Woohyun the whole entire time we had a break, and where was Jonghyun. Oh I don’t know. He was at home preparing to propose to you.”

“We had one day. I wanted to catch up with my friend.”

“So that doesn’t give you a right to hang out with another guy.”

“You can’t tell me what to do. What’s with your attitude? Do you like Jonghyun or something?”

“I can tell you what ever, and I don’t like him. I want him to be with someone who can appreciate him. I’ve known him since we were 5. I’ve seen him get his heartbreak by many people like you, and I don’t want to see him like that ever again. It hurts you know. Well then again what do you know. You’re just a .” Minho screamed.

“...should I just call off the engagement then.” Key whispered.

“Maybe you should.”

“How could you say that Taebaby.” Key said in between tears.

“Jonghyun has done so much you.” Taemin replied.

“I know.”

“Remember that time you were sick? And you passed out in the bathroom. You would think it was Onew because he always back in the dorm first, but it was Jonghyun. You weren’t answering his calls so he decided to go to the dorm. He was the one that drove you to the emergency room. You always thought it was Onew.” Taemin scoffed.

“What? No I swear it was Onew. The jacket was his...”Key explained.

“How can you be so stupid? Jonghyun was wearing Onew’s jacket. Jonghyun rushed out and picked up the wrong jacket. Plus he’s short can’t you tell.” Minho barged in.

“Get out! I don’t want to see you guys faces! Get out!” Key demanded with tears running down his face.

Minho and Taemin walked out sadly hand in hand. Key looked at Jonghyun’s face bent down and kissed him on the lips. Key’s lips trailed down Jonghyun’s neck, and he started to on his neck. Jonghyun silently moaned each time Key stucked on his lips. Key then stopped and thought how much pain he had cause Jonghyun. Key looked at his left hand and saw the ring that resembled their love. He took off the ring crying and laid it silently inside the draw right beside Jonghyun. Key kissed Jonghyun’s lips one more time as Key left tears on Jonghyuns face. Key reached the door and whispered from the door. “I love you Jjongie. Please don’t get mad at me. I’ll find the killer for you. I promise.” Key smiled with tears on his face.

    The 2 weeks later in SHINee’s dorm Key, Minho, Taemin, and Onew laid on the couch sleeping just coming from practice..

“Umma!” Taemin yelled still tired.

“What?” Key answered

“I’m hungry.”

“Alright I’ll go make food.”

Key got up, went to the fridge, brought out some ingredients, and started making breakfast.

“What is this?” Minho said questioning their breakfast.

“What do you think it is? It’s kimchi and rice.” Key answered sounding depressed.

“Anyways are you going to go with us to visit Jonghyun?” Taemin asked.

“Not today Taebaby.” Key whispered kissing Taemin on the head.

“But umma you haven’t visited him since I don’t know when he got admitted into the hospital.”

“Don’t worry I’ll be here when he arrives home. Okay. :) I’ll be here cooking dinner like always.”


Onew, Taemin, and Minho went out the door to visit Jonghyun. Key went to his room grabbed the extra gun, and headed for the door.

“I promised you Jonghyun.” Key whispered. He looked at his left hand knowing the ring wasn't there anymore.


“Hyung we’re back!” Taemin yelled.

“Hey Taebaby.” Jonghyun said smiling.

“I’m only letting you call em that because you’re in the hospital.”

“I know.”

“Alright you can leave now.” Onewe said walking in with a smile.


“Make sure to look through all the drawers before you leave.”

“I know. I know.” As Jonghyun opened the drawer he found the ring. The right that Jonghyun proposed with.

“What’s this doing here?” Jonghyun asked with tears welling in his eyes.

All the members turned around and noticed the ring.

“That .” Minho scoffed.

“Umma. Why did umma leave that?”

“It must of been that time he last visited me. Wait when was the last time he visited me?” Jonghyun questioned.

“He never visited you.” Minho said sadly.

“How can that be?” Jonghyun got up as quick as he could and ran towards the door only to find himself collapsing midway. Onew caught right on time.

“Jonghyun you can’t..”Onew tried to explain.

“My Key is out there!”Jonghyun yelled

“Hyung...calm down Hyung.” Tamin whimpered.

“My fiance…”


“Is he still even engaged to me? Does he even love me anymore? Why did he do this? He’s going to die! Why is he such a ? Why can’t he listen to instructions?” As Jonghyun said each sentence he got louder and louder as tears started to fall. Exhaustion took over Jonghyun and he fainted.


Key was all alone in the alley yelling out for the killer.

“Where are you, you piece of ?” Key yelled.

“Why are you yelling?” The creeper yelled.

“What’s your name?”

“My name? So you don’t remember me at all?”

“I don’t think I do. Why?”

“You piece of .”

“Who are you then?”

As the creeper came out Key punched on the face Minho came up from behind and punched the creeper before he hit Key.

"Really Chien. You're really going to destroy us?"

"See Minho remembers me. He such a nice boy." Chien said while laughing.

"Stay away from us." Minho threatened.

"What happened to Jjongie?" Chien laughed.

“Are you really interested in what happened to him?”

“Not really. Unless he’s dead.”

“Well he isn’t.”

“Aww...that .”

“Hyung let’s go.”Key whimpered.

“Why were you here in the first place?” Minho asked

“I wanted to get whoever stabbed Jonghyun, but it turns out to be Chien. Don’t you remember what he did to Taemin?”

“Yeah I remember. I should’ve just killed Chien right there.”

“Hyung please lets just go.”

“Fine.” Minho answered while glaring at Chien.

Chien only laughed. Minho grabbed Keys hand and dragged him back home.

“Key!” Jonghyun shouted as Key walked through the door.

Key almost forgot that he had broken off the engagement with Jonghyun.

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Good job authornim, I love it!
Jihyun55 #2
good story!