Jonghyun again

Why not just let go?

“Jonghyun?” Key asked.

“Yeah babe.” Jonghyun replied kissing Key’s neck.

“I know where Onew is.”

“What!” Jonghyun yelled jumping up.

“Chien sent me the address to his place, but he told me not to tell anyone.”

“Key you should’ve told us anyways.”

“But I didn’t want to get hunted down.”


“He said he was going to hunt me down and kill me if I told anyone.”

“Key you shouldn’t have done that. Show me the address right now!” Jonghyun screamed.

“I deleted it. He was going to move Onew to a different place, and was going to send me a different one.”

“Key you are such a .”

“I know.” Key whispered crying.

    Jonghyun looked at Key just lying on the bed with his arms on top of his eyes, and kissed him on the lips. Jonghyun took Key in his arms and rocked him back and forth.

“I’m sorry Key I didn’t mean to scream at you.” Jonghyun whispered.

“No you’re right I’m a .”

“Key you aren’t a . I was just really mad. We could find Onew. Do you remember the address?”

“Yeah I memorized the address in case.”

“Can you tell your husband?”Jonghyun whispered while holding Keys hand tightly.


“What’s the address then baby?”

“It’s here in Seoul. Do you know the appartment near that manufacture building near the SM building?”


“He’s on the third floor in room 103.”

“Lets go.”

“Jjongie please don’t tell them that I knew all along.” Key pleaded.

“I promise.” Jonghyun said before pecking Keys lips.

    They ran out of the room, and disturbed Taemin and Minho's making out in progress.

“!” Minho yelled noticing Jonghyun and Key standing there.

“Are you guys done?” Jonghyun asked noticing Taemins red face.

“Can you knock next time?” Minho asked.

“You’re in the living room.”

“oh…..Can you sort of give us a sign that you guys were there?”

“Maybe. But it was interesting noticing a couple making out instead of the one making out.

“You’re a douchebag you know that right?” Minho asked.

“Yeah I know.” Jonghyun replied laughing.

“So...why did you interrupt us?”

“We know where Onew is.” Key answered.

“Really Umma.” Taemin said in excitement.

“Yep!” Key answered with a sad expression.

“Umma what’s wrong?”

“I’ve known where Onew was this whole entire time.” Key confessed silently.

“What!” Minho blurted.

“Umma why didn’t you tell us.”

    Minho walked up to Key threatenly. Jonghyun stepped in front of Key before Minho could reach Key.

“Lets go. We don’t need to waste time to argue. Key told me the address, so I’ll be driving.” Jonghyun said.

“Fine.” Minho said glaring at Key.

    Key looked down at the floor avoiding Minhos gaze. Jonghyun noticed Keys expression, took Keys hand, and dragged him out of the room.

“Everybody get into the car!” Jonghyun yelled.

    Everybody got into the car. Jonghyun sat there for 5 minutes before actually turning on the car. When Jonghyun the car he noticed how everybody else was already asleep. “Wow I just noticed how long we haven’t slept. 3 days I think.” Jonghyun said to himself silently. Jonghyun slowly started to feel tired. All the sudden a loud crash could be heard.


As Key looked up he saw Jonghyun’s face with blood. As he looked back he could see Taemin in Minhos arms. Oh my god was all Key could think. 5 minutes later Key finally called the police. “Hello?” Key yelled.

“Yes, sir please state your problem.”

“We are in the middle of the highway and my fiance got into a car crash and there’s four of us in the car.”


“Excuse me!”

“Minho what are we going to do.” Key cried looking at Jonghyun.

“I don’t know.” Minho said trying not to quiver, but it was obvious that you could tell he was quivering.

    In the shadows was a strange figure. As he walked up to the car you could smell the scent of alcohol from him. It was unpleasant.

“Sir, what are you doing?” Minho asked.

“What do you think?”

“    Before Minho replied a club hit the back of his neck, and he out. Along with Taemin and Key.

    The next morning Key, Minho, and Taemin woke up in a cell. Minho woke up first and saw Taemin beside him. Paled face, blood on his shirt, and dry blood on his face.

“Taemin!” Minho yelled.

“What.” Taemin replied grogerdly.

“Oh my god you’re okay.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” As Taemin tried to get up painstruck Taemin’s neck and he fell back.

“God damn why are you guys so loud?” Key asked

“Key where’s Jonghyun?” Minho asked trying to comfort Taemin.

“I don’t know… Jonghyun…..Jonghyun…..where are you?!”

    Key went up the door and started to bang up on it. Someone opened the door and punched Key in the face.

“Shut the up!” he yelled

“Where’s Jonghyun?” Key asked flinching thinking he was going to get hit again.

“You want to know where he is?”


“Alright.” he said with a smirk.

    Key was lead down a long hallway. When he turned the corner he saw Jonghyun there limp.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
*Writers block OMG!!
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Good job authornim, I love it!
Jihyun55 #2
good story!