The Box and Forever Together: FINAL


Baekhyun grabbed a knife from the kitchen and started to cut ther box open.

"Who the hell is this from..?" Baekhyun opened the flaps of the cardboard box and froze. He felt his body go numb. He felt his head spinning in a speedy cyclone.

And he felt his heart sink.


Digging through the box, he took all of the contents out to examine. He felt his eyes water little by little as the box emptied. He unfolded the thin blue sweater and ran his fingers through the oddly damp fabric, as if it was cried on. He set it aside and held the golden ribbon tightly. 


"Me! Do you like it?"

"Nope. I love it. It's the best birthday present I've ever received. I love you Chanyeol~"


He felt more hot tears stinging his eyes, threatening to fall. He ran his fingers on the cover of the photo album he picked up. He flipped through the pages and saw all of the polariod pictures they took with cute messages on them. Baekhyun rememers clearly where the two matching polaroids came from.


Baekhyun held the polaroid selca in his hand, waiting for it to dry. He flipped it over and took out his black marker and started to write with an idiotic smile on his face.

"나 예뻐? 그럼 날 가져♥ (Am I pretty? Then take me)"

Baekhyun put the polaroid under a magnet on the fridge and laughed cutely to himself. 

The next day Baekhyun woke up, his polaroid was gone. It was replaced by another one. Of Chanyeol. He took it out and read the back.

"나 벌써 가졌엉~ 백현이 참 귀엽네 ㅋㅋ (I already got you[aegyo]~ Baekhyunnie is pretty cute hehe)"

Chanyeol came out from their bedroom with a bright smile.

"Oh the cheesy things we do for each other.." Chanyeol said as he hugged Baekhyun tightly.


Baekhyun smiled at those nice days and mornings he spent with Chanyeol. The days where he was really happy with life. The days he wasn't missing anyone so bad.

He flipped through more photos with more cheesy and dorky messages on the back, always hearts or XOXOs somewhere. Being reminded that he's all alone now aches Baekhyun's heart. Just looking at these just make him realize these happy moments won't be happening anymore. 

He still smiled nevertheless. To him, his greasyness in his paper airplane cards were so cringe worthy that he even laughed a little. Now he wasn't sure if his overflowing tears were out of laughter or deep sorrow. He laughed at himself that he suddenly felt self pity. He wasn't good enough for Chanyeol that he just went off to another man. He's getting these back just to bring back bad memories. He's making himself feel bad just because of one person.


But to Baekhyun...

Chanyeol wasn't just a person.


He was Park Chanyeol. The man Byun Baekhyun will love forever even if they're separated. Baekhyun may have said he wasn't worth anything but that was all a lie. He needs Chanyeol. He needs his adorable happy virus elf back. He won't know what to do without him and he's on the ground, crying his eyes out because he doesn't have the warmth next to him, telling him it's okay. Being alone feels like a hole was punched in Baekhyun's body. The pain was unbearable.

Baekhyun started to sob louder and louder and his heart started to ache more and more as he looked through the box. 

If that wasn't enough, he found a letter at the bottom of the box. He unfolded it and couldn't stop crying just at the first sentence.



"To my beloved Baekkie,

I'm just going to be honest and just say I ing miss you so much. I doubt you would hear me out or say I miss you too but please, keep reading.

Ever since you caught me with Kai, life has changed. Life without you is different. It's not a good change...It's a bad one. A really lonely, depressing, and painful one. I didn't think I would go this far without killing myself or running back to and staying outside your apartment door for the rest of my life.

I bet you're living life just fine from what I read in your book and I'm the one down in the dumps, right? It's kind of funny how heartbroken I am when I was the one to leave you first..

Anyway, my point is that I miss you. I miss you so much that I cry myself to sleep at night (that is if I do sleep). I never realized that without that single human being that was in your life that just left would be so....painful. That's the only word I can use right now to describe what I feel without you. Pain.

The same pain that I gave you like you said in your book..

I'm giving you this box because I figured it wouldn't give you as much as I would feel if I kept it. Knowing I don't have you anymore just makes me feel so worthless..

For my final message, meet me at the train tracks by our old favorite ice cream shop. If you get there and I'm not there...

Then I'm gone. So in that case......I  love you with all my heart Byun Baekhyun.




Baekhyun sobbed so loud that the neighbors would probably complain. But he had no time. He rushed out of the house with the letter crumbled in his pocket. He doesn't care if it's pouring outside, all he needed to do is see Chanyeol before it's too late.

He ran as fast as his legs carried him. He felt intense pain in his legs but all he can think about is Chanyeol.


Chanyeol...Please hang in there a little longer...I'm begging you..


Baekhyun felt his clothes become heavier from the rain, his tears and rain mixing and stinging his eyes, and the letter is probably soaked ripped..

But nothing can get past his need for Chanyeol.


Baekhyun didn't stop running until he saw Chanyeol, which he did.

He saw Chanyeol standing in front of the tracks with his head hanging low. Baekhyun didn't stop running until he was in reach with Chanyeol's hand.

He grabbed it and hugged him tightly as he let all of his tears flow out. 

"Baekhyun..." Chanyeol felt hot tears run down his cheek meeting with the freezing cold rain drenching him.

"Chanyeol, please don't go...Don't leave me without a goodbye at least...I miss you so much Chanyeol.." Baekhyun sobbed. He gripped onto Chanyeol's clothes tighter, making sure Chanyeol won't ever leave him. Chanyeol turned around and kissed him.

He kissed like he never has, but with true love lingering in their lips. The kind of love they both missed from each other. Chanyeol pulled back and tightly held Baekhyun's freezing cold hand. They smiled at each other with both happiness and sadness.


"Baekhyun...How about...If we leave together..That way we can be together...Permanently." Chanyeol said as he saw the signal that a train was coming. He swallowed hard and stared into Baekhyun's tear filled eyes with all seriousness. Baekhyun bit his bottom lip and let out a small cry. 

"...Yeah. Let's go."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol intertwined their fingers and stepped on the railing with one last kiss. They looked ahead and found the train's bright lights coming closer.

"I love you Channie.."

"I love you too Baekkie....


See you there."



White lights and each other were the last things Chanyeol and Baekhyun saw before leaving together. Leaving to some place where they'll never be separated and happy.

Forever together is Baekhyun's favorite phrase. It means that no matter what happens, you'll always be one with the ones you love. Pinkies locked for life. Not even the strongest bullet can break through the power of love.


The screaming people...Saying "Get out of the way".....They didn't hear it.



...They were just too blinded in each others love to know....







AN: I MAY OR MAY NOT MAKE A SIDE STORY OR SOMETHING TO THIS. But this is the ending of Blinded~ Hope you liked the story! ^^

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Beau1996 1391 streak #1
Chapter 5: So I don't really like this ending ...
IsaMili #2
Chapter 5: Wait what happened to Kai? Did he really love Soo or no?
Chapter 4: Awwww sad ending ㅠㅠㅠㅠ please [email protected] chapter
natsoraa #4
Chapter 3: I hope Baekhyun see the box ><
exosupershine #5
Chapter 1: You should make a a second part on chanyeol reaction on the book and make hip miss baekie