What About You..?


It's been several months since the interview with Baekhyun.

The book is finished and Baekhyun is at the local bookstore for a Q and A session with the readers. He never expected the book to be such a huge success. No matter how thrilled he was when he saw that he helped many people feel better how their relationships, there isn't a day where he felt a small sting in his heart remembering Chanyeol. 

He reminds himself everyday about his last words to Chanyeol.

"He isn't worth a single given anyway..."


Q and A Session day


Baekhyun opens the door into the bookstore, going to the third floor for his schedule. He loved that there were a lot of fans of his story, but what he didn't expect was a hoard of girls and even some guys holding the book, patiently waiting and some even rereading the book. The publisher called him up on the mini stage to start the session and Baekhyun could've sworn he felt like a celebrity when the readers started cheering.

"We will now begin the Q and A session with Byun Baekhyun, main character of his own true story, 'Blinded'."

"Hi, my name is Byun Baekhyun, Nice to meet you all~" Baekhyun smiled brightly and waved to the readers. 

"Let's see, who's question should I answer first..." He looked around the sea of readers with their hands raised high shouting "Pick me! No me! Me!". He later then pointed at a girl wearing a purple cardigan and short hair.

"Okay so in the author's note and in the story, it shows bits and pieces of the interview with the book publisher. What made you want to publish this as a book?"

"Well I want people to be more aware of their relationships with their boyfriends and girlfriends and what not. Like I said, I was too stupid in love to realize the reality. I thought it was best to make it into something that spreads better because really, no one watches the news or reads the newpaper.." Baekhyun chuckled and so did the readers. It felt good that people were actually listening to him. He picked a young man next who seemed really eager to ask his question.

"Do you keep in touch with Kyungsoo?"

"Uh yeah I actually do. But he 's been busy with  a part time job and he plans on finishing his major classes this year and dropping out. He's always been a workaholic so I understand."

The Q and A session went on and Baekhyun laughed because there sure were quite a few fangirls. One even asked why was he so cute and good looking.

"Where do you think Chanyeol is now? Is there anything you would like to say to him?" Baekhyun gulped at the mention of Chanyeol. He has been having mixed feelings about him, but at the end of the day, he forgets about him like he never existed.

"I actually have no clue where he could be. With what he told me about being in a relationship, he probably doesn't have a girlfriend or boyfriend. But I do believe he will play with someone soon. And I would tell him to not even try again. There is a high chance that you will get caught again."  Baekhyun sighed and said nothing for a few moments.

"I'm curious. By any chance...Were any of you dating Chanyeol before you read this by any chance? Be honest." Baekhyun looked around and found one boy shyly raise his hand. 

"What's your name?"

"Sehun. Oh Sehun."

"Have you experienced the same thing I did, Sehun? Did he just throw you away with someone else without giving a single ?" Sehun nodded and kept his head low.

"We had couple rings. When he left me we were on a bubble tea date and he just took it off, threw it on the table, and left me. I can relate to your story so much and I'm glad I read your story." Baekhyun nodded and smiled.

"Look, Chanyeol is really big , okay? So are all the other players in the world. But remember, it's alright, move on, and you're not alone. Being a victim, I'm going to be completely honest with you and say that there were times where I feel affection for him. I still love Chanyeol sometimes but then I remember what Im told him on that day. He wasn't worth a single given because he left us without one anyway." Some people in the crowd gasped at Baekhyun's confession.

"We were all blinded and we were all played with at least once in our life. I just want to thank all of you guys for reading my story. If you haven't, spread the awareness to people you know that are in a relationship. I sound like I'm advertising but I just really want this to get around." Baekhyun took a moment to think about Chanyeol and how much help this story would be to people who haven't read this and are struggling.

"This is the end of the Q and A  session with Byun Baekhyun." the publisher announced. Baekhyun waved to the readers goodbye and stepped out of the bookstore. He was glad to answer the questions asked.

As he walked he stopped in front of the same coffee shop he witnessed Chanyeol cheating on him. He saw Chanyeol and Kai, being all lovey dovey together. Just the thought of it made Baekhyun's eyes water.


I don't need him.

I don't miss him.

But I do know that one day I would say I do miss him.

The fact that I still think I'm in love with him makes me wonder. Do I really want him back?

And then I ask myself...

Does he want me back?

The reader's questions were answered, but not mine. What does Chanyeol do now? What does Kai do now? Have they read my story? We'll never know. Their lives are a mystery to me...

But I know mine isn't.


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Beau1996 1391 streak #1
Chapter 5: So I don't really like this ending ...
IsaMili #2
Chapter 5: Wait what happened to Kai? Did he really love Soo or no?
Chapter 4: Awwww sad ending ㅠㅠㅠㅠ please [email protected] chapter
natsoraa #4
Chapter 3: I hope Baekhyun see the box ><
exosupershine #5
Chapter 1: You should make a a second part on chanyeol reaction on the book and make hip miss baekie