Too Stupid...Too Blinded...


Are you ready for the interview? Yes.


My name is Byun Baekhyun.

I'm going to tell you a story about the greatest year my life. Now this story doesn't have a happy ending unfortunately. The middle of the month of November in year 2013 was the day the person I loved broke my heart. He didn't reject me or leave me because of any type of proposal.

Even if it was the worst day of my 20 years of living, I'm glad this happened. He made me wipe the love and lust from my eyes to face reality.

It all started in the last year of high school...


January 6th, 2013


"Hurry up Baekhyun! We're going to be late for class!" Kyungsoo grabbed Baekhyun's hand and ran as fast as he could to their classroom. Exhausted, Baekhyun rubbed his eyes with his free hand and regretted not setting up an alarm. First day of their new and last year of their new high school and they were already late.

Bursting through the door, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun was welcomed with everyone sitting in their seats, staring at them. Including the teacher.

"You two. What are your names and why are you 10 minutes late!?" Her voice boomed throughout the small classroom, scaring the two a little bit. Kyungsoo bowed respectfully and apologized for their tardyness.

"Sorry ma'am! I'm Do Kyungsoo and this is Byun Baekhyun." Kyungsoo paused for a second and nudged Baekhyun harshly on the side.

"Ow! Oh uh we forgot to set up an alarm...Sorry.." Baekhyun rubbed where Kyungsoo had elbowed him and glared at the shorter.

After a few minutes of lecturing and more apologies, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun sat down in the last desk of the fourth row. Before they can even take out a notebook and pencil, Baekhyun feels something hit his head. It was an eraser thrown by the group across from them. His eye twicthed a little. He was in no mood to be messed around with. He started taking notes until he felt more erasers and pieces of crumbled up paper hit him, including Kyungsoo. 

Kyungsoo put a hand on Baekhyun's thigh, telling him this is the time to practice controlling his temper. Baekhyun was a really kind hearted, humorous, softy but lately he has been having a high temper. It got out of control but luckily, Kyungsoo was there to calm him down every time. Baekhyun can feel his ears turn red from annoyance and anger and right when he was about to snap, the bell rings.

"Calm down hyung.."

"Those bastards think it's funny, huh? Well I can assure you that I'm gonna beat the living out of them one day." Baekhyun grumbled as he slung his backpack on his shoulder and stormed out of the classroom. Baekhyun was about to make his way to his next class until he bumped into a tall figure.

"Aish can't you watch where you're goi-" Baekhyun looked up and was greeted by a tall, very tall, student. He had pointy ears that made him look like an elf, black hair that was swept right above his huge puppy eyes, and a baby face that made Baekhyun's heart beat a little faster.

"Oh sorry. I uh, wasn't paying attention..I'm Park Chanyeol, the school's president. And you are? I believe I haven't seen you around here." Chanyeol's voice was deep as hell, which Baekhyun didn't expect at all. Baekhyun was dazed for a few seconds until he snapped out of it and stuttered.

"Oh hi I-I'm Byun Baekhyun. I'm a new student here..Nice to meet you." Baekhyun rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well I guess I'll see you around! If you need anything, just ask me." Chanyeol flashed him a bright smile that made Baekhyun melt on the inside. He has never seen anyone as good looking as him. And throughout the whole day, Chanyeol was all he can think about.

"Baekhyun? Are you okay? You seemed dazed.." Kyungsoo wove a hand in front of Baekhyun's face.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, except for the fact that the school's president is hot." Baekhyun was straightforward with Kyungsoo, knowing something was up no matter how long Baekhyun could hide it.

"First day and you already have a crush? Get to know him before you can declare you like him at least!"

"All I have to know is that his name is Chanyeol and he's hot. But I guess I should bond with him...He seems really nice." Baekhyun bit back a smile just thinking about Chanyeol.


February 2nd, 2013


Baekhyun got to know Chanyeol little by little for the past 3 weeks. He would often get lost and he would go to Chanyeol for help. He wanted to make new friends and his definition of friends his Kyungsoo who he had known for 10 years and Chanyeol. He started to hang out with him more and would always ask Kyungsoo for help if he started to get flustered.

"Do you think I know enough about him now to declare that I like him..?" Baekhyun plopped onto Kyungsoo's bed and sighed.

"Baekhyun, it's only been three weeks. I know you've been hanging out with him like everyday but still. Maybe another week." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes because Baekhyun is moving too fast. Baekhyun jumped a little when he felt his phone ring. It was a message from Chanyeol.


Can you meet me at the library right now? I have something I want to talk about.


Baekhyun tried not to get his hopes up and answered "okay" before leaving Kyungsoo alone, clueless.

He got to the library and looked around for the tall elf. He found him wearing his thick glasses while reading a rather thick book. Baekhyun quietly made his way towards him, being very careful not to interrupt him.


"Oh Baekhyun! Okay so I have something important to tell you, and hear me out through the whole thing!" Baekhyun nodded as he watched Chanyeol take deep breaths and for the looks of it find confidence.

"Okay so I know I've only known you for like 3 weeks but I'm going to be completely honest with you and say...I like you." Baekhyun's eyes widened and his heart stopped for a second. It's not like it was marriage, but Chanyeol actually likes him back. 

"When I bumped into you that day, I just thought you looked really cute and when I got to know you more, I felt myself growing to love you more and more. So uh...I guess what I'm trying to say is..Will you date me?" Chanyeol internally facepalmed himself and Baekhyun knew it. Without saying another words, Baekhyun nodded and smiled brightly. 

"Can I say something? I felt the exact same as you. Kyungsoo told me I was moving too fast but considering what you said just now, I guess not. So yes. I will date you." 


Today, I'm looking back and thinking, "Wow, Kyungsoo really was right. I was moving too fast." I never gave it second thought. It was an offer that didn't need any thought at that moment. I was so desperate for what I wanted that I didn't think anything of it. Well damn it, was I stupid. We continued to date, even until we ended the senior year. We didn't go to college and bought our own apartment. That was where I experienced some change in Chanyeol...


September 10th, 2013


Baekhyun woke up to the other side of the bed empty. Wondering where Chanyeol could be, he walked into the kitchen to find Chanyeol making breakfast. He rubbed his eyes and groggily said "good morning".

"So you're finally awake. Good morning Baekkie~" Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun over for a good morning kiss before going back to cooking the pancakes.

"You know you don't have to do this every morning, right? I can live without breakfast."

"Well I know that you'll be worried about me even if I leave a note." Confused, Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going out today to find a job. We need money Baek.'' Chanyeol said as he slid a plate of food towards Baekhyun and a glass of orange juice. Baekhyun nodded as he ate.

"I'll probably be out for a while too. And if there's anything you need, call me. I'll be here no matter what!" Chanyeol held out a pinky to show that he'll promise to keep his word. Baekhyun giggled at his boyfriend's cuteness and locked his pinky with Chanyeol's. Baekhyun continued eating  after Chanyeol had left and thought about what he could do today with Chanyeol gone. 

Kyungsoo is busy in college and he never really got close with anyone in high school or kept in touch with any of his old friends. He walked around the apartment countless of times, not knowing what there is to do. He washed up and changed, but what now? He would usually eat when he was bored like a lot of people, but he doesn't want to get fat like he was in grade school. 

He looked at the clock and it was only 2:17 PM. He opened the closet and took out the photo album of all of the memories they had so far. There was Baekhyun's birthday, graduation day, their little vacation to Jeju Island, and when they bought their apartment. Baekhyun laughed to himself because a lot of these pictures were just selcas of them together. He closed the album and took out his phone to ask Chanyeol what he can do because he was really stumped.

Oddly, there was no answer. He sent a text so Chanyeol can get back to it later. He looked around and noticed there was some dust building up in the nooks and crannies of the room. He took out the cleaning supplies and started cleaning out of pure boredom. He dusted the furniture, removed the lint on the bedsheets, made the bed, did the laundry, and even scrubbed the countertops and bathroom. 

This wasted only an hour and a half of his time and that annoyed Baekhyun. He flipped through channels on TV, but nothing was on that inerested him. He surfed the internet on his phone and sang to himself, but nothing kept him occupied for that long. It was 5:00 when Baekhyun woke up from his two hour nap, and wondered how long Chanyeol plans on being out.

He called him several times, wondering if he's okay. But he never answered. Baekhyun started to worry when it reached 7:00. He felt lonely eating all by himself. He decided to sit on the couch and wait for Chanyeol, just in case.


It was like this for about a month. I asked him why he never answered my calls and texts and the excuse was the same every time. "My phone was on silent" or "My phone died" and then he would apologize with a kiss on the cheek. I now realize there was no remorse in his voice whatsoever. I also smelled alcohol on his clothes from time to time. Sure, a man can go out and drink once in a while. But he might as well tell the person he's in a relationship with first. I didn't even remember that he was out because of his need for a job. He never even asked for my help. I put up with this for a month yet it felt like a year. And that's where I decided to do something about it.


November 8th, 2013


"I'll be back Baekkie~" Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun on the top of his head. Before he could grab the keys, Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol's wrist.

"Where are you going? Tell me honestly."

"I'm going to look for a job, why?"

"It's been a month, Chanyeol. A month and you still haven't found a job?"

"It takes a while, you know?"

"Well you could've just asked me for help!" Baekhyun raised his voice which caused Chanyeol to stay silent. Chanyeol was at loss for words. 

"I have to go." Chanyeol said softly after a while.

"You don't have to! Can't you stay home for a day at least!? You come home late every day with the same excuse, do you know how worried and annoyed I get!? I sit here alone everyday not knowing where you are for hours and hours. What if something happened to you!? I just..." Baekhyun felt something pricking his eyes and let out all of his frustrations that he held in for the last month. He felt his tears roll down his face and he began to sob softly while tightening his grip on Chanyeol's wrist.

Chanyeol let out a sigh and pulled Baekhyun in for a hug.

"I'm sorry...I know I shouldn't be out for that long and I know I should've answered your calls. And I know I should've asked you first about the job thing. I'm so sorry Baek....I'll stay home today." Chanyeol pulled away and pecked Baekhyun on the lips while wiping his tears away.


And that's where his lies to me got even worse.


Chanyeol stayed home with Baekhyun for a week, but he ignored Baekhyun at times. He was on his phone all day until Baekhyun got near him. After a week, it was the same thing before Baekhyun talked to him about it. Out all day and now even all night. There were times Baekhyun cried himself to sleep because of all the fears and possibilities of what might happen to Chanyeol.


November 17th, 2013


Baekhyun noticed that the fridge was empty one rainy morning and decided to go out and buy some groceries and maybe spend some time to himself out instead of cooped up in the apartment.

He spent some time at the mall without even buying anything. He just strolled around, repeatingly trying on different sweaters for the upcoming cold weather. He later then went grocery shopping. He picked out all of the things he needed and opened his umbrella before stepping into the pouring rain, getting little droplets of it on his thin hoodie. He stopped by at a cafe for some coffee and went out to go home.

He stopped walking and so did his heart.

He couldn't even think straight.

It was Chanyeol kissing someone. And it wasn't Baekhyun.

It was Chanyeol, another guy, on the sidewalk about 5 feet away from Baekhyun making out. Baekhyun felt tears mixing with the rain and his fingers went numb which caused him to drop the groceries and umbrella. There was a piece of his heart that was ripped out by Chanyeol.

Wondering where the thud came from, Chanyeol and the guy broke the kiss and found Baekhyun standing in pouring rain, heartbroken and crying. Chanyeol's eyes widened and pushed the other away and ran over to Baekhyun, attempting to explain.

"Baekhyun! I-I can explain!"

"Chanyeol, who's this?"

"Uh, he's no one Kai, he's just a friend." And another piece.

"Baekhyun, look Kai is just someone I have been meeting lately and it doesn't mean anything!"

"Lately? We've been dating for 5 months now!" And another piece.

"Baekhyun, please forgive me! I wasn't thinking when I met Kai, okay?" 

That means he didn't even remember I was his boyfriend... Baekhyun thought. And another piece.

"So does that mean you were cheating on me?" Kai asked.

"No, I was cheating on him! Wait, no!" And another..

"Ugh, you !" Kai slapped Chanyeol harshly before walking away from him angrily. Baekhyun surprisingly stood there through this whole thing, letting Chanyeol rip every single piece of his heart out without a care about how much pain Baekhyun feels. He didn't even realize hie was soaking wet and still under the pouring rain.

"You know what....I knew being in a relationship wasn't a good idea...Why did I even fall in love with you in the first place, Baekhyun?" Chanyeol laughed at himself for being so stupid, and that was the final blow for  Baekhyun. The last, tiny piece of his heart just barely hanging there ripped out.

"You know...Now that this all happened...I think that too. Park Chanyeol, consider yourself lucky that I don't love you. You're not worth a single given anyway..."


And with that last statement being said, I never saw Chanyeol's face ever again, and never wish to see it again.


How long has it been since you've seen him?


About 4 months.


Are you sure you want us to publish this story into a book? This seems really personal.


I'm sure. I'm aiming for it to reach the people who Chanyeol continues to play around with and to the other players out there. Maybe it'll teach them a lesson and maybe it'll tell the people who have had relationship prblems it's alright, move on, and they're not alone.


What do you think made you like that when your relationship with Chanyeol came to an end?


I don't think anything influenced me into letting this happen. I mean I trusted him only to be thrown away like trash. I was just so stupid.

Maybe I was too stupid in love to realize there were possibilities he would cheat on me no matter how many times he said "I love you". He blinded me with his so called love just to play with me.





AN: 2951 words of HARD WORK GUYS. Hope you enjoyed that! ! I feel proud of this...It took me a long time, but I feel successful with this one:3

Okay so I want to know: Should I...

  • Make a new chapter but ChanKai's side?
  • End it as it is?

Please comment and let me know!!

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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 5: So I don't really like this ending ...
IsaMili #2
Chapter 5: Wait what happened to Kai? Did he really love Soo or no?
Chapter 4: Awwww sad ending ㅠㅠㅠㅠ please [email protected] chapter
natsoraa #4
Chapter 3: I hope Baekhyun see the box ><
exosupershine #5
Chapter 1: You should make a a second part on chanyeol reaction on the book and make hip miss baekie