Chapter 3

Almost Heaven

Even when his wife was there holding his hands beside him, Baekhyun couldn't really sleep after all. In fact, he didn't sleep after the dream came across his subconsciousness in the middle of night. He chose to stay awake and watched his wife sleeping; sometimes he pretended to be sleeping when his wife did a move since he was afraid she'd know. Then again, while watching her, his mind wandered to the nightmare he had just a few hours ago. Was it related to her disease?




No, it couldn't be. It's not. It isn't related to her disease. It was just a nightmare.



He had always convinced himself with those words. But a big question mark remained that why would he be having such a nightmare? If that wasn't a coincidence... No. It was really a coincidence, at least that was what he was thinking about.




"You are awake?" A soft, tender weak voice of his wife was heard when he shook his head and searched for her beautiful eyes. Seeing her eyes had been what he was doing every morning, because it gave him some sort of additional strength and support to start his days.



"And so are you," he replied with a lower voice which was sounded more like a soft waking-up mutter. Slowly cuddling closer, he smiled against her lips before stopping the morning sweet kiss and gave her a forehead kiss. "Good morning, love."



She was literally blushing again, he noticed but not to mention it to her. He liked it that way, he liked seeing her blushes after he kissed her lips and called her with sweet nicknames. "Good morning, dearest loving husband. How happy I am to see your face again this morning."



"I'm happy to see your face this morning too, my wife. How are you feeling today?" He backhugged her on the bed as she rubbed his arms gently, a smile appeared on both lips despite different thousand of thoughts came across their minds at the moment.



"Fine, nothing unusual. How about you? Are you feeling better after I held your hands? Did you sleep well?" It's as if she was an expert investigator who kept on asking him questions like he was a suspect—made him practically grew a smile on his lips.



But it was fake, fake fake. He was thinking if he should lie again or not, because it was the umpteenth times he was lying to her about his own feelings and conditions. "I'm fine," he automatically lied again to her and mostly to himself. "I did sleep well, your hands gave me enough comfort to stay calm."


"That's...great." She immediately put on a smile but she was honestly hiding worries that she thought his behavior was kind of different for the past days. However, since she thought he had never put any likings into bringing up things during their moments, she stayed quiet. And so he did. "Yeah, don't worry. All you need to worry about is yourself. Don't get yourself overly tired on doing things."



Signaling with an only nod, she understood that she should reconsider his words as well knowing that she thought she was just overly tired. Once again, she was surprised when he cuddled her closer on the bed. Since their room has no particular windows like people do, both thought that cuddling with an only small light on their nightstand made everything perfect around them. "Hey, guess what," he spoke, getting her attention as she turned to face him and made a questioning face. "I'm planning to go to the amusement park together today, would you like to go?"



"Together, as in... All of us?"


"Yes, all of us. You, me, Baekho, my friends."


She sat up and turned to him who was still lying on the bed, looking at her back, their eyes met with eachothers. Showing affections and feelings they could never talk to eachother about. "Sure, I would like to go. Why not? It'd be fun after all... But, when do we start to prepare ourselves?"



"The earlier the better. I'll be waking up my friends first." He put on a playful smile before they heard their son cracked a loud cry in broken sobs which usually became their morning alarms. Both moved on from the bed but she was, unfortunately, falling down the ground without she couldn't stop it. "Ouch!" Was her only sentence when her weak body hit the ground but she was fortunate that he was still there to help her before he left the room. "You okay?" He asked to make sure.



"Uh, yeah, I am. It's nothing, I'm just too weak in the mornings. It's usual to most people who gets tired often, trust me." She convinced with a bold smile before she tried to get up and walked approaching the crib, stiffly, as if she was still learning how to walk properly. "I'll be fine, go wake your pals up."



He was, at first, unsure if he should just leave her be after falling down again. But today was better that she didn't really had any panic attacks or consciousness, but he couldn't make sure if this was a sign of her healing. "Alright then, I'll be outside. Call me when you need me okay?" He told her carefully before leaving the room when he received a nod followed with a smile from her.



Outside the bedroom, he saw half of his friends were still sleeping peacefully in their sleeping bags. An easy way to wake them up was to upset them with noises and let them feeling cold without their blankets, that's why he sang abstractly and took their blankets away to their surprise. "Wake up, get up!" He sang abstractly in highnotes. Kyungsoo was the first to get up amongst the others—his eyes were still half closed, but he was willing to wake up. Not long after that, the rest eventually gave in and woke up as well. "Seriously, are you trying to kill us with waking up early? I still want to sleep." One of his friends, Chanyeol, protested that he had to wake up early than he had planned.



"Not exactly. But I'm sure that you guys would like to go to amusement park, am I right?" He spoke confidently while slowly walking toward the guest room. He found out that his guessing were rights that his friends who slept there were still curling up inside their blankets, on both the available beds and small mattresses in the guest bedroom. "Yah, wake up everyone!"



"Later, please." Kris mumbled while adjusting his position on the bed and pulled his blanket over his head to cover it. Some others mumbled unclearly as well inside their blankets, which made Baekhyun completely feel irritated with their reluctant acts. "YA! Wake up, we are all going to the amusement park today!"



"To where?" Suho immediately sat up on his bed with his excited expression.



"Amusement park." Baekhyun told him carefully with a forced grin after being irritated. Without thinking further, he had himself walking leaving the room to find that everyone was already tidying their sleeping bags. He flashed an amused grin. "That's my friends, I don't really have to wake you up twice!"



Everyone there was just rolling their eyes before they began to line up for the bathroom use. Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders and walked to his bedroom after hearing his wife calling him and find his wife was about to carry a Baekho to the bathroom inside their bedroom. "Can you carry him while I add some hot water into his tub?" Sunhee asked, handing their son over to the father after he gave her a nod in agreement.



Baekhyun frowned slightly, but then smiled again to his son. "Yah, Baekho. Why are you getting in front of your mother? Are you seducing her?"



He tried to make something funny to fill their days which they will be laughing all day long and hoping their worries would fade away. He heard his son giggled before he responded again. "Do you understand what I just said? You're giggling because it's true? Yah, jinjja?" He spoke pursing his lips. "I know she is pretty but only appa can seduce her, okay?"



"No?" Baekhyun asked again when his son didn't respond to his question, and their moment stopped when his wife came out from the bathroom with a light, tender smile. "Okay, come on, Baekho. It's time for you to take a bath."



Watching his wife walking away with their son to the bathroom, he smiled softly before walking outside the bedroom to see his friends. Once he reached outside, some of his friends which weren't in pajamas anymore were sitting on the couch and carpet watching some morning movies. "Hey, what are we going to have for breakfast this morning?" Kyungsoo came over and patted his shoulder while watching the rest of their friends.



"Just baked breads and cups of tea would be nice." Baekhyun answered, looking at his friend who was very talented in cooking as well, and then followed him behind to the kitchen. And without thinking more, Kyungsoo was already opening the bread bags for their breakfast menu.



"Hyung!" Sehun yelled while approaching the two with his wet hair. Both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo turned to him in response, sending a questioning look.



"What do we eat this morning?"



Kyungsoo showed him the breads and continued baking them while the house owner just nodded. "Breads?" Sehun tilted his head in excitement while stealing one of the breads that left. "Alright then, I'll be waiting!"



Baekhyun widened his eyes when his younger friend ran fast leaving the dining area. "Yah, why are you stealing one of the breads?!"




When they were all arrived to the amusement park, the first thing they did was getting off the car very immediately. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was helping his wife to get off the car and joined the rest of his friends. They saw Chanyeol was carrying their son and the rest of the friends were surrounding them. "Look at them, aren't they cute?" Sunhee smiled watching them while walking closer to them together with her husband beside her.


"We're pretty much cuter." He said confidently with a playful smile before she pushed his shoulders away in response. "Yah, that's true! Isn't it? What I'm saying is true right?"


Sunhee caught her heart beating fast, and there was no doubt that her cheeks were getting red right now. But then she was surprised when she felt a pair of hands cupped her cheeks and she found her husband was already behind her to pinch her cheeks. "I'm covering your cheeks, they are so red!"



"Who made it red?" She pouted again before he went back next to her to caress her hair with his fingertips.



"I did, but that makes you cuter."



Sunhee found everything she needed from a man in Baekhyun. She didn't need to open her eyes for anyone else than him, she didn't even want to. For her, he was her rainbow. Something she thought as a perfection which colored her life. Same goes to him as a husband, to her he's a perfection who colored her life perfectly. Too perfectly.



"Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Byun. This is a public amusement spot!" Chanyeol practically protested and made almost everyone there turned to the loving couple, but only his friends were laughing at their cuteness and jokes.



"Get a girlfriend, Park Chanyeol!" Baekhyun protested back that his moment with his wife was ruined. That's when their friends laughed so hard. Wrapping his arms around his wife's neck, they started walking together entering the amusement park. Inside, some started to split up and Baekhyun asked Kyungsoo to take care of his son while he was having some moments with his wife. He knew, this made them looked like they weren't good parents to Baekho. But he couldn't help; he wanted to make his wife be happy today.



"Please, do take care of him. Call me if you need anything. He loves seeing colorful things, so bring him to colorful places." Baekhyun told him carefully while adding a few more notes for Kyungsoo and his friends to take.



"Okay. Have fun with your wife." Kyungsoo cracked a smile and started walking away carrying Baekho to another amusement objects in the park together with Jongin, Sehun, Luhan, Kris and Chanyeol. After they walked away, he immediately walked toward his wife who was waiting on a long bench. Without thinking more, he grabbed her hands and pulled her slowly. “Come, follow me.”



“Where are we going?” She asked in curiosity, a small smile appeared on her lips that he was probably giving her another surprise again. But who knows? She followed him behind, didn’t even know where he was taking her. They were walking in rush toward an arcade area, where she found herself standing in front of a shooting arcade games. “Are we seriously doing this?”



Baekhyun nodded lightly and went to the nearest stands to buy coins for the games. Once he walked back towards her, he put one coin into the machine to start the game. “Only one?”



He didn’t respond and grabbed the gun instead, placing it on her hand before he stood right behind her and took her hand and hold it tight. She breathed out, a confident smile graced itself onto her lips as she started to adjust her position. As soon as the game started, both started to look carefully for the enemy to shoot. It was cute to play such game together, indeed.



“Ah, look!” She told him as he controlled her hand to move to the direction of their enemy and shoot them in enthusiasm as the game started to get exciting. They shoot enemies here, they shoot enemies there, laughs filled their moments as what he expected earlier. He had always wanted to do this since long, he wanted to play games where he could hold her soft and tiny hands.



“Aish, more enemies!” Baekhyun complained, a grin unknowingly appeared on his lips, his hands were still holding hers, taking a full control over it to defeat those enemies on the screen. The more enemies came, the more they laughed because sometimes they forgot to press the pedal below them to show their character after it hid. “Let’s get ourselves focused to those enemies.”



“Yeah, I’ll notice you.” She agreed while chuckling joyfully, more like giggling.  And not long after that, she noticed an enemy was close to where their character was hiding. “Ya, there’s one enemy..oh, no, three!”



Baekhyun started to press the pedal with his feet, and then shoot those enemies as quick as he could and it honestly made her impressed that he shoot the enemies like he was really shooting them in this reality. She was speechless for the moment, even if he was starting a conversation with her, she felt like she ran out of words to respond. Fortunately, he knew that she was always the awkward shy person since he met her for the first time.




Kyungsoo was walking around the amusement park to show Baekho a lot of colorful objects and places there. Baekho was obviously amused, especially with the cute and funny faces that Sehun and his friends made to amuse him earlier. Now they were eating cotton candies; unfortunately Baekho was not allowed to eat such food before his age e.




“So what do you think of Sunhee noona?” Jongin asked after taking a soft bite of the cotton candy.



Kyungsoo turned around to see his younger friend and flashly looked over the cotton candy. “Honestly, no idea, she could fall anywhere.”



Jongin noticed his hyung’s eyes were flickering on his cotton candy earlier, and while replying to his statement, he fed him the cotton candy. “Well, yeah. I’m so worried about her. After googling about ataxia, I was surprised.”



“I know right,” Kris joined along, slowly still eating his candy.



Chanyeol spoke along although his mouth was still full of the melting cottion candies. “But I think she’s getting better lately, don’t you notice that?”



“I don’t…” Sehun said.


“I don’t, either.” Luhan nodded in agreement of Sehun’s statement and looked at everyone.



“How about Baekhyun hyung? I’m sure he couldn’t really sleep once something makes him overly stressed.” Jongin shrugged his shoulders, his eyes weren’t moved yet from the cotton candy which he thought was attractive. “I mean, seriously, he’s not gonna let that go.”



“Agreed.” Chanyeol nodded. “I’ve seen a lot of changes. Both physically and mentally.”



“As in?” Kyungsoo was curious.



Chanyeol heaved a huge sigh, “He looked so weak, like real weak. There are eyebags under his eyes. He was hiding something as well, I guess he was hiding his real feelings.”


They looked at eachother, exchanging their glares to eachother;. Some widened his eyes, because they realized it was true for some reason after the last time they scanned him. Ofcourse, as friends who had been together with him for a long time, they were worried with his family in the future. Suddenly, they heard Baekho was crying. “Shush, hey, we’re sorry for stopping. Let’s walk around again with uncle, arra, Baekho?”



As soon as they started walking again, he stopped his cry and enjoyed being carried by his uncle and explored around the park with his uncles whom he started to love.




On the other side, after playing the shooting arcade games, Baekhyun took his wife to play the bump cars nearby. They agreed to ride those cars one by one, so that they could bump into eachother’s cars. Slowly, she went into her car and he went into his own before they started to control them.



“Ya, I will seriously bump you!” He warned her in joke, joyful laughs escaped both’s lips.



“Try me!”



With enthusiasm, he started to control his car and on attempt to bump hers when she was avoiding his car attacks until she had a plan and tricks on how to bump his car. “Don’t avoid me, juseyo~” Baekhyun sang with a playful evil grin.



“You’re just like an antagonist in movies.” She laughed in response, still avoiding him while thinking of a way to claim victory on bumping his car a few times.



“A what?”



Sunhee just laughed and didn’t respond when she felt the car was bumped by her husband. “This is not fair, I’m not even focused yet!”



“Who cares?” Baekhyun stuck his tongue out and bumped her for some more.



“Andwaeeee.” She squealed out between laughs and turned her car around to bump his car back in return. “Don’t cheaaaat!”



Baekhyun laughed almost hysterically and lose his control of the car, because his arms were holding his stomach while laughing. Ofcourse, his wife was irritated and immediately bumped him more than he did to her car. “I won!”



“No. I won,” he was still in attempt to make her irritated, because she would be pouting all day when she was irritated and he knew that, he’d even love her pouts.



“Whatever. I’m going to the toilet,” she pouted as she went off the car to the nearest toilet before noticing that he was following behind. “Yah, Baekhyun-ah, don’t follow me.”



“I’m just going to wait outside.” He showed her a very charming, breathtaking smile.



“O-okay..” She blinked her eyes before she walked inside the empty toilet.




A few minutes later, she hadn’t come out yet. Baekhyun was still walking around waiting for her to come back from the toilet but at the same time, he wanted to storm into the bathroom to check if she’s alright in the toilet. But he couldn’t just do that.



“It’s been 20 minutes…” He muttered to himself before he walked toward her toilet’s door and knocked on it. “Sunhee?”

Okay, I'm giving some fluffs into the chapter, so that there was nothing to being stress about u_u
I hope you guys liked the story so far, though. Please leave me
contructive comments to help me improve my writing! :)
And sorry that this chapter is short and less detailed, I'll try to make the next chapter a little bit more detailed though. Thank you everyone <3

PS, Thank you for 123 subscribes, 28 upvotes and 58 comments before I've even posted this third chapter! ^^

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+ guess what, i'm going to post chapter four today.


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Chapter 5: This story is interesting and I really like it! too bad i didn't found this earlier!
Encera92 #2
Wow! You finally update the story!! I really missed this's one of the earliest stories i'd subscribed since i first entered aff early last year.. You don't know how delightful i am to see your update today..
MochiToBe #3
Chapter 5: finally your back, I really missed you! ;.; I hope you still remember me xD
and thank you for the update it's really good and sad :( Fighting~
angergirl #4
Chapter 4: OMO OMO OMO I am crying after read this story :(
EunByung27 #5
Chapter 1: I was sad when I found out that she keeps falling whenever she does something. I hope they would already found out about her sickness so it can be cured or if ever that it doesn't... Oh... I just hope she doesn't have the sickness that I have in mind. I was happy for Baek and Sunhee having a good life together but why does she have to be sick all of a sudden?
EunByung27 #6
I like how the plot goes. I'm really willing to read this until the very end and find out if ever that, that word "Forever" will longed as they both have wanted.
it's a love-hate story, really. i cried while reading this story, good job authornim :')
ficsystem #8
Chapter 4: great job author nim... you get my emotion involved...
jesstephi #9
Chapter 4: Awwwww finally some fluffffffff ;♥;

BUT WHAT IS AN ENDING HABSHHSHAHHS i love-hate you!! I hope shes okay but ugh I have a bad feeling about it :(