

Word count; 2133

Kyungsoo lets out a breathless laugh when Jongin tries to balance a tray full of snacks, drinks and glasses on his hand while closing the door. “Quit laughing and get that over here to help me Do Kyungsoo.” He groans, frown on his face as he almost trips over his own backpack. “This is to amusing to watch.” Kyungsoo replies as he takes a cookie from the tray, biting off a piece. “these are great!” He moans as he falls back on his bed. He frowns when Jongin doesn’t reply, his eyes opening as he stares at the younger male. Jongin is in front of his wall, scanning the pictures with his eyes and a chuckle leaving his lips every now and then. “You’re such a girl, Kyungsoo.” He says, smirk playing on his lips. “Am not!” Kyungsoo shoots back, frown deepening. “Yes you are, You bake, You watch chick flicks and your wall is covered in pictures of guys.” Jongin jumps onto the bed next to him, arm wrapping around his shoulders as he stares at the elder. “Shut the up you douche.” Kyungsoo groans, head bonking against the wall next to his bed. “Hey, Hey, I didn’t say that I minded, did I?” Jongin whispers against his cheek. The elder boy opens his eyes and turns his face, their lips brushing against each other before Jongin presses them together, free hand covering Kyungsoo’s cheek as the elder blushes, still not used to the amount of affection.


Kyungsoo breaks the kiss when he hears an ‘Oops.’ Coming from the doorway, his eyes widening as he meets the eyes of his mother, grin on her lips. “MOM!” He screeches, jumping up from his bed as she laughs. “I wanted to ask if you two needed anything, but I see that you’re completely fine.” She backs out of the room, holding the doorknob in her hands as she smiles innocently. “A box of condoms perhaps?” She says, making Kyungsoo scream in fear. “No thank you, Mrs. Do, We’re fine.” Jongin says, casual tone in his phone. “Okay then.” She says, closing the door. “I like her.” Jongin says. “OF COURSE YOU DO.” Kyungsoo screams as he covers his red face. “Calm down, Kyungsoo.” Jongin laughs, his hands on the elder’s hips as he pulls him back onto his bed. “She was only joking.” “Still embarrassed.” The elder mumbles, hands moving away from his face when the door suddenly opens again, Kyungsoo tensing in Jongin’s hold. “Will you stay for dinner Jongin?” “Would love to.” Click. “We have to set up some rules about knocking.” Kyungsoo groans.




When the boys come down stairs, arguing about the game they were playing, the table is set and various steaming dishes cover it, the smell delicious as the two sit down. “You cheated!” Kyungsoo screeches again as Jongin rolls his eyes. “It’s not my fault that you wouldn’t move and I crashed into you, resulting in you driving against the wall.”Jongin says, eyes un-amused as Kyungsoo’s mom sits down in front of them. “Now, now, boys, no arguing during dinner.” She laughs, taking a spoon to place some spaghetti on her plate. “Jongin, Do you mind telling something about yourself?” She asks, the question sparking Kyungsoo’s interest, his hand stilling in mid air when Jongin answers. “I’m not that interesting, Mrs. Do.” “Please, call me Daena, I’ve never been married to Kyungsoo’s father.” She smiles. “My apologies.” Jongin says. “Kyungsoo, this boy is so polite, tell him to loosen up will you?” She laughs, making Jongin laugh as well while Kyungsoo keeps staring at Jongin in disbelieve. How could he not be interesting? Kyungsoo wants to know everything about him; about his family, his history, his memories, his holidays, his relationships, maybe his previous schools or his adventures. “Kyungsoo?” Jongin asks, snapping him from his thoughts. “Sorry.” He mumbles, scooping some spaghetti onto his plate before starting to eat.


The dinner carries on with mindless chatter about school things and Jongin shows interest in his mom’s job, her voice chatting on about her boss and her colleagues, what happened today and about how happy she is to have gotten this opportunity. Kyungsoo only listens as the two of them talk, trying to catch even a glimpse of Jongin’s life in his stories, even though he plays a part in all of them.

Jongin and Kyungsoo clean the table and do the dishes together after his mom ordered them to do so. Kyungsoo coops up some soap from the sink and smears it on Jongin’s face, making the younger scream as the takes some off his face, running after Kyungsoo, grabbing him around the waist as he smears the soap all over his face, twirling the elder around in his arms to see their matching faces, Jongin leaning in to peck his lips. “Thank you.” He whispers, his hold releasing as he makes his way back to the towel, continuing to dry the plates. Kyungsoo blinks a few words but doesn’t search for a meaning behind the words, his smile sincere as he continues to clean the rest of the dishes.


When they’re done, Kyungsoo’s mom walks into the kitchen with a satisfied smile, her hands immediately busying with a few cups and the water cooker. “Would you boys like some tea?” She asks, Jongin shaking his head as he stands up. “Thank you for the offer, but I have to get home.” He says, eyeing the clock with a frown. “Ah, pity. I understand, It was very nice to have you here Jongin, You’re welcome anytime you like, just don’t wake me up when you decide to drop by during the night.” She jokes. “Thank you for your hospitality.” He says, bowing to her as Kyungsoo walks with him to grab his stuff from his room. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” Jongin says when he steps out on the front porch. “Of course, See you during lunch.”Kyungsoo replies, receiving a peck on his lips, a question burning on his lips. “See you then.” Jongin steps away and starts walking to the side-walk when Kyungsoo calls his name, his lower lip between his teeth. “Be safe okay?” Jongin winks at him and walks off. “That’s sooooo not what you wanted to say.” His mom sing songs behind him. “Why are you acting like a teenage girl?” “Oh Kyung, I’ve been in love more than once, I know that you’re unsure about where you stand with that boy.”


Kyungsoo curls up in bed later that night, his eyes flashing to his desk where a small box is situated, his legs swinging over the side of his bed and feet padding towards the other side of the room as his hands reach for the tiny box. He opens it and a note falls from the lid. ‘We’re all a little sappy when it comes to the person you adore.

  • Jongin’

Kyungsoo smiles as he sees what the box contains, a stack of Polaroid’s in his hand as he views them all. The first one is the picture Jongin took of him during the first school excursion,  his hair messy while he sits on one of the fountains, Baekhyun behind him as he makes a silly face.

The second one is a selca with Jongin and Sehun, Kyungsoo squeezed in the middle as the two boys pull one of their model faces, while Kyungsoo smiles with one eye closed. The third one is a picture that Chanyeol took during their karaoke night, Jongin staring at him with admiration as Kyungsoo sings with his eyes closed. The rest of the pictures are mainly group pictures and a few couple pictures, most of them consisting him and several of his friends, until he gets to the last one.  A picture of him after they went out for a night, asleep in Jongdae’s car with a small smile on his face. He flips the picture over and blushes at the words written onto it. ‘I adore you.’




“I adore you?” Baekhyun asks, a smirk playing on his face as Kyungsoo shows him the Polaroid. “Yeah, apparently.”  He mumbles, thumb playing with the edge of the picture while a blush makes its way to his cheeks. “Did he ask you out yet?” Jongdae asks, his feet wiggling on top of the table. “No, I’m not sure what we have or where we stand.” He confesses, eyes drooping as Baekhyun pats his shoulder. “Don’t worry, from what I see, he likes you a lot so it won’t take long anymore.” The teacher walks in and Baekhyun turns in his seat, the two of them watching as Jongin gets scolded for having his feet on the table.


Lunch comes around 2 hours later, the cafeteria almost empty as the sun shines outside, the rays hitting their skin and warming it comfortably. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun walk to the picnic table in the grass field next to the soccer field, their friends playing around. Luhan and Minseok playing a trick game with a football next to the table, Jongin and Sehun sitting on the table with their feet onto the benches and the other guys laughing about a joke Chanyeol just made.  “Hey yo.” Baekhyun calls, dropping his bag on the ground. “Hey, Baek, our homeroom teacher just told us that the year trip is official.” Luhan calls as he catches the ball in his hands, tugging it under his arm as the two of them make their way towards the table. “Yeah! We’re going ABROAD.” Tao screams, throwing his hands up in the air as he almost falls off the bench. “We won’t have homeroom until tomorrow.” Baekhyun says as he sips from his drink, straw tucked between his lips. “What year trip?” Kyungsoo asks, sitting down next to Jongin’s legs. “ Oh Right, Kyungsoo is still kind of new here.” Chanyeol says, eyes widening in realization.  “Kind of.” Kyungsoo chuckles. “The year trip is the trip for Juniors and seniors, they always go abroad and you never know where you’re going until you get your tickets.” Kris explains, Kyungsoo’s smile widening as he hears the word ‘Abroad.’ “Have you ever been out of the country, Kyungsoo?” Baekhyun asks as he leans against Chanyeol’s side. “No, never” He confesses, smile still visible on his face. “planes are great, they smell weird and the food is gross, but the view is amazing.” Jongin mumbles as he chews on his sandwich. “I can’t wait! When is it?” Kyungsoo asks, eyes searching for an answer. “They’re not sure yet, They just know that it will happen.” Jongdae says.


The subject changes and Kyungsoo listens to Chanyeol as he starts telling another story of his grandfather, everyone engrossed with the story until Luhan suddenly kicks the ball into his face. “Sorry!” He calls from the spot he’s standing. “Yah, Sehun, Keep your boyfriend under control.” Baekhyun yells, glare on his face. “I’m okay.” Chanyeol says as he rubs his forehead, throwing the ball back.


 Jongin slides down from the table and sits next to Kyungsoo, his arm resting over the elder’s lap as he smiles. “You’re really excited for this trip, aren’t you?” He asks, voice low to keep the conversation private. “yes, I’ve never been abroad, of course this gets me excited!” He whispers back, scooting closer to the younger as Jongin hums a reply. Kyungsoo turns his head away when something brush past him, noticing Sehun sitting on the other side of him. “We should all go out Friday night.” “Where do you want to go this time.” Joonmyeon asks, his voice sounding for the first time this break. “there’s a new club down town, it’s said to be one of the hottest spots.” Sehun says, smirk on his face. “You’re not even old enough to drink.” Luhan says, patting his head before sitting next to him. “Jongin and I have fake ID’s, we can get in easily, plus, I think we’re all up for a party.” Sehun continues once again. “Sure, we can try.” Kris says, leaning his head onto the table as Sehun cheers. “Finally some action.” He cheers, making Luhan raise his eyebrows at him. “I mean- yeah, okay, cool.”


Kyungsoo laughs as he turns his head, facing Jongin who leans in to tenderly kiss his lips, blush spreading across his face as he hears Jongdae whistle. “Are you two official yet?” Minseok asks, pointing his finger at the couple. “no-“”yes-“ Kyungsoo raises his eyebrows at Jongin when he says ‘Yes’, Jongin eyeing him with the same amount of confusion. “I see you both don’t really know where you stand.” Yixing says as he twirls his can in his hand. “We’re official.” Jongin confirms, gaze never leaving Kyungsoo’s, smile forming on his lips. 



I'm the crappiest person on earth for not updating. 

Sorry!!! I was so busy with school and work and driving lessons that I really didn't have the time and energy to write a new chapter!

I hope that you guys liked this small chapter and that you're not to angry at me T_T

Also, My birthday is on next saturday so I probably won't update for the coming week.

The next update will also be for 'Hold you close'

Please anticipate it!





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Chapter 4: I love this <3
Chapter 4: i love this story.. update soon..
Chapter 4: I love this story!!! I can't wait for the next chapter !!
This fanfic is so good omg. Keep up the good work ^_^