Movies and pictures


Word count: 2818

I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammer errors, English is not my first laguage, unfortunatly. 

The next day, Kyungsoo wakes up late, his mom is standing next to him and shakes him awake. “Kyungsoo, honey, you’re going to be late. Get dressed quickly, you can eat breakfast in the car.” Kyungsoo takes a quick shower and grabs his back while rushing down stairs. “Hurry!” His mom yells in a playful voice, starting the engine of the car while Kyungsoo locks up.


He breaths out when he shuts the car door behind him and rests his head against the head rest. “Here honey.” His mom gives him a paper back and he smells it, his lips when he opens it. “God, you’re the best mom in the entire world.” He whispers while he takes a bite from his fresh baked croissant. His mom drops him off at school and he gives her a quick peck on the cheek before she drives off.


He enters the gates and walks up the steps toward his locker, quickly dropping his books into it and heading for the gym where he runs into Jongdae. “Seems like we will have P.E Together Kyungsoo!” He exclaims and Kyungsoo laughs before he enters the dressing room.


Jongdae told him that their P.E Teacher was a monster and that Kyungsoo had to prepare himself mentally for his class every day because it was really tiring. He wasn’t exaggerating, it was pure hell. Kyungsoo had never been the sporty type, but this guy brings sport to a whole new level. If he has to run one more lap, he will throw up and die on the spot.


He slams his head against the table as soon as Jongdae and him reach the cafeteria, and groans. “You okay, Kyungsoo?” Luhan asks him, brows pulled up in surprise. “We just had P.E, Mr. Lee is our teacher.” Jongdae answers for him, stuffing his mouth with food in the process. “Poor boy.” Minseok mumbles before giving him an encouraging pat on the back.


That’s how the week goes by, Kyungsoo goes to his classes, talks to the others a lot and spends the rest of his afternoons updating his notebooks, homework and helping his mom around the house.

“Kyungsoo, We’re going to watch a movie at Sehun’s Saturday night, Want to come?” Chanyeol asks him when he closes his locker, the elder boy previously engrossed in kissing his boyfriend. “Sure, what time and place?” He asks. “We’ll pick you up around 9.” Chanyeol says and he bids them goodbye.

Today is Friday and Kyungsoo promised his mom that he would search around for a part time job to lift some of the burdens on his mom’s shoulders. She declined at first, but after Kyungsoo told her that he wants to so that he can support himself with extra clothes, fun things and stuff teenagers do, she agreed silently and hugged him tight.


Kyungsoo is offered a part time job for the Wednesday and Friday night in a small coffee shop downtown. It’s not far from his house and he could walk there if he wanted to. He will start the following week.


Saturday morning and Kyungsoo’s house if filled with the smell of fresh baked cookies, so he drags himself out of bed and down the steps of the staircase, into the living room, crossing it to find his mom in the kitchen, humming along to her favorite song. “What are you doing?” Kyungsoo speaks up and his mom drops the container which she was holding. “Kyungsoo! You scared me.” She places a hand on her chest and in a deep breath. “Sorry.” Kyungsoo mumbles.


He ends up helping his mom baking cookies, cupcakes and macaroons all day long, only stopping to eat their Chinese takeout. He totally forgot about time until the doorbell rings, his mom goes to open the door and he only stops decorating the cupcakes when he hears Baekhyun’s voice. “.” He hisses. “Kyungsoo, you didn’t tell me that you were going to go out tonight.” His mom comes into the kitchen, Baekhyun following her on her heels and he laughs when he sees the state Kyungsoo is in, covered in flour, marzipan, glitters and dough. “You look like a mess.” Baekhyun says snorting when Kyungsoo flings some dough at his face. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you.” Kyungsoo turns to his mom and gives her an apologetic look. “its okay honey, go fresh yourself up and go with your friend here.” She says, shooing him out of the kitchen. When he’s upstairs, he faintly hears Chanyeol calling Baekhyun inside and when he gets downstairs he finds the trio in the kitchen. “Ah, you’re ready!” Baekhyun says, taking a bite from a cookie. “Dude, Can we take these with us, these are delicious.” Chanyeol says and Kyungsoo looks at his mom. “Sure, take my son and my cookies.” She says in a dramatic voice. “Mom…” Kyungsoo laughs and gets a bag from one of the cabinets. “You can take them with you. I could never eat these all by myself.” She says as she helps Kyungsoo with packing the cookies. “Have some cupcakes to.” She shoves a container with cupcakes in Baekhyun’s hand and the two boys bow to her, thanking her before they get outside and get into Chanyeol’s car.


 “Thanks for picking me up, I would have forgotten all about tonight if it wasn’t for you guys.” Kyungsoo says from the back seat. “No problem, we’ll be there in a few minutes.”

When they arrive, Kyungsoo finds that he thinks Sehun’s house is small and cozy, Luhan lets them in and they walk into the living room where the rest of the boys are all perched up in front of the TV, blankets, pillows and food everywhere. “Guys, we have a master cook in our midst.” Chanyeol says as he holds up the container of cupcakes and the bag of cookies. “Kyungsoo makes the best cookies and he was so engrossed in backing that he forgot that he had friends.” Baekhyun finishes. Kyungsoo just lowers his head in embarrassment.


He sits down on the floor and makes himself comfortable, focusing on the TV in the middle of the living room until he feels the presence of another body next to him, he looks up and notices Jongin sitting next to him. “Hi.” The younger says. “Hi.” He answers and he smiles before turning his attention back to the TV. The movie is some kind of action movie with a lot of shooting, explosions and . Kris picked it, since it was his turn or something like that.


“Who made these?” Jongin suddenly asks in the middle of the movie, holding up one of the cupcakes. Kyungsoo raises his hand, eyes never leaving the screen as someone gets shot through his eye. “They’re delicious.” Jongin mumbles as he takes another bite.

As the movie goes on, Kyungsoo feels an arm slide around him and he follows it to see that its owner is none other than the man sitting next to him; the younger doesn’t take his eyes off the screen when Kyungsoo looks up at him so he just leaves it as a friendly gesture and continues watching the movie.


When it ends, everyone groans and stretches their soar limbs. Jongin keeps his arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulder and Kyungsoo doesn’t mind it one bit. “Soo, Should Chanyeol and I take you home?” Baekhyun asks when they get ready to leave. “Where does he live?” Luhan asks, walking past them with a few bowls in his hands. “Down town.” Baekhyun answers, zipping his jacket up. “Can’t Jongin take him home? He lives there as well and you live two streets up ahead.” Jongdae says, leaning against Yixing for support, being the only one who fell asleep during the movie.


“I’ll take him home.” Jongin says, taking his cap off to fix his hair. “Thank you, but I am perfectly capable  of-“ “No arguments, Jongin is walking you home.” Luhan says and Kyungsoo immediately shuts up. That is how he ends up walking home with Jongin, awkward silence stretching between them. “What do you think of everyone?” Jongin asks all of a sudden. “Everyone’s nice, they accepted me really fast and I feel at home.” He says, smiling when Jongin stares at him. “Did you know that all of them are dating each other?” Jongin says and Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow. “Kris and Tao, Sehun and Luhan, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, Jongdae and Yixing and Joonmyeon and Minseok.” Kyungsoo blinks a couple of times and shrugs. “So?” He asks. “They’re going to try and set us up one day.” Jongin death pans and Kyungsoo widens his eyes. “Don’t worry, it won’t happen.” Ouch that hurt.


When they arrive at Kyungsoo’s house, the elder thanks Jongin for walking him home before closing the door and fishing his phone out of his pocket, noticing a message from Baekhyun.


From: Baekhyun

To: Kyungsoo


How was walking home with JJong~~ ^^)


Kyungsoo groans because Jongin was right, he furrows his brows and texts the elder back.


From: Kyungsoo

To: Baekhyun


I know what you’re trying to do, He told me that it’s not going to happen and I feel the same way. Don’t try to set me up. (`ー´)


Kyungsoo locks his phone and walks into the living room, finding his mom in front of the TV, fast asleep. He covers her with a blanket and gets ready for bed himself, finding sleep in a matter of seconds and ignoring the buzzing sound coming from his phone.


The next morning, he wakes up to the smell of pancakes and he feels his stomach grumble in delight. “Kyungsoo! Wake up, I made breakfast!” His mom yells and he gets down in his pajama, checking his phone for messages.


(2) Messages;


From: Baekhyun

To: Kyungsoo


I’m sorry, I figured you two would make a good couple, but I understand that you don’t want to get pushed into anything and wow, he really said that? Rude, you’re cute (〜^∇^) 〜




From: Unknown

To: Kyungsoo


Sorry about what I said, it was kind of rude of me to tell you that, I hope that you don’t take it too personally.



Kyungsoo smiles and just texts Jongin back, telling him that it’s okay and that he will see him at school tomorrow.

He eats breakfast with his mom and stays in his pajamas for the rest of the day, watching his favorite series with his mom and finishing his homework for the next day. Him and Jongin text all day, he gets to know the younger a little better and finds that he can be funny when he wants to, but that’s about it. His notebook is still empty, only one word written on the first page where everyone’s personalities and special traits are written.


Monday comes to fast and Kyungsoo slowly walks to class on his own, like every morning, knowing that Baekhyun will stick to Chanyeol’s side until the first bell rings, rushing to class as fast as possible to not be extremely late. The elder leaves him alone when lunch comes, Kyungsoo walking to his locker on his own, Jongin surprising him when he slams his locker shut. “God, you scared me!” Kyungsoo exclaims and the younger just laughs. “Come on, I’m hungry and you’re slow.” Jongin mumbles, dragging Kyungsoo towards the cafeteria.


At the end of the day, Kyungsoo asks Jongin if he wants to play video games at his place but the younger declines his offer, telling him that he has to go home right after school, not mentioning the reason. Kyungsoo shrugs and Jongin tells him that he will come over another time, when he’s free, so they make a deal for next Saturday.


When Kyungsoo gets to his locker at the end of the day, he finds a small envelop with his name written onto it. He opens it and finds a couple of Polaroid pictures inside which were taken Saturday night. He smiles and tugs them away into his bag, making sure to attach them to the wall inside of room to make his room feel a little more like his room.


Kyungsoo walks back home with a light heart, smiling all the way back until he’s pulled into an alley and pushed against a wall, a punch into his stomach making him double over in pain. The people that pulled him in there keep at it, punching him in the stomach, kicking him in every place they can reach until one of them pulls his head back by his hair, punching his face a few times before dropping him onto the ground, leaving him there. He hears the familiar laughs of the people whom he used to know so well, he never expected them to come and find him. He groans in pain as he stands up and makes his way home, tears threatening to fall as he opens the front door. His mom walks around the corner with a bright smile on her face which fades quickly as she sees the state that her son is in.


“Honey! What happened? Are you okay?” She rushes over to his side when he slides down to the ground, back supported by the front door. “They found me, I won’t ever be save.” He groans, flinching when his mom checks his bruises for any serious injuries. “They didn’t break ay bones nor did they hit any vital spots.” He sighs in relieve and helps Kyungsoo towards the kitchen table. “I want you to text someone to walk to school with tomorrow, I rather not have you alone on the streets anymore.” Kyungsoo just nods and waits for his mom to finish treating his black eye and split lip. “Go take a shower honey, I will make you something to eat okay?”


When Kyungsoo gets upstairs, he gets his phone from his bag and places the envelope with pictures onto his desk, telling himself that those are his second priority. He opens his contact list and searches for a familiar name.


To: Jongin

From: Kyungsoo


Hey, Do you mind walking to school with me tomorrow?


He waits a few minutes before hitting the shower, letting the water hit his hair, soaking himself in the warm water before closing the drain of the bath tub and filling it with hot water. When it’s full, he squirts some of his favorite soap into the water, making sure it gets bubbly and smells fresh. He lowers himself into the water until it reaches his nose, closing his eyes as he lets the warm water swallow him.


He takes half an hour to finish his bath, skin wrinkled from staying in the water for so long, but he doesn’t care. He dries his hair with a towel while walking into his room, picking up his phone to check if he has any messages.


(2) Messages.

From: Jongin.

To: Kyungsoo


Sure, I’ll be there at 08:15, Make sure you’re ready.


Kyungsoo smiles and examines himself in the mirror, his hair is a mess, lips chapped with a small cut on his lower one, eye slightly red and sure to be black tomorrow. He sighs and walks downstairs where he’s met with the fresh aromas of his mother’s cooking. “I made your favorite.” She says, voice soft and eyes concerned, but a smile always present on her lips. “You should learn how to stop babying me, mom.” Kyungsoo says, but she knows that he doesn’t mean it when he kisses her cheek. His mom is a small lady and he’s slightly taller than her, She raised Kyungsoo on her own since his dad left them on a young age, leaving her to do everything by herself as he moved out of the country. She always raised him to be polite and told him to use his brain instead of his fists and when he told her that he was gay, she just hugged him and told him that she would support him in everything he does as long as it’s not against the law.


His mom sat across the table from him and they started dinner in silence. After dinner, he helps her with the dishes and the drop on the couch together, Kyungsoo asking her how her day at work was and listening to her complain about her colleagues, cracking a smile every once in a while. The two of them watch TV together and his mom eventually falls asleep. The rain pours down with thick drops and the thunder rumbles across the sky. Kyungsoo throws a piece of popcorn into the air, catching it in his mouth and almost chocking when the door bell rings.  He gets up from the couch and opens the door without a second thought. Widening his eyes when he sees the person on his door step.


“Can I come in?”





Here I am again, Did you like the chapter? I hope you did.

I actually am really proud of this fanfic and I really enjoy writing it! 

I hope to see you guys again soon!

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Chapter 4: I love this <3
Chapter 4: i love this story.. update soon..
Chapter 4: I love this story!!! I can't wait for the next chapter !!
This fanfic is so good omg. Keep up the good work ^_^